>C'mon Babs, we're teenagers... it's just fun
C'mon Babs, we're teenagers... it's just fun
It's enough.
I wish this shit was in /trash/.
>just you... and me... and this delicious stick...
>Say yes please cutie... only yes!
Yeah c'mon babs fuck her, what are ou gay?
Why do all girls cartoons have to be about high school students
>"I fucking love this new hidden camera".
get the fuck back to gotham mothman
absolute mothmadman
It's Killer Moth, and he's a sexual tyrannosaurus
>you will never experiment with your lesbian friend.
>ywn touch Zee naked
I've never seen this show, but God the characters are hot... Is the show good?
So far is good, only the pilot and 4 shorts were relased, second episode will be tomorrow.
easily the best show in the last 10 years
I wouldn't got that far. It's cute, and it has enough to entertain both kids and adults watching with them. I will say that Babs is the most annoying character on the show, and I'm admittedly disappointed Bumblebee and Green Lantern's characters are reversed.
>Lauren's talent is wasted on capeshit
I went into it expecting nothing more than okay but was pleasantly surprised to find a good show.
I cannot get over how cute Babs looks with bouncy German pigtails.
I'll definitely check it out, it's the best looking CN show to come out in forever
I'll give it bonus points for voice acting, specifically Supergirl. Frankly I'm just lurking the threads for cute fan art
The main thing to see going forward is how the show holds up to the 11 minute format.
>I wouldn't got that far. It's cute, and it has enough to entertain both kids and adults watching with them
the exactly first impressions with the horse show, now look at the biggest fandom in the west
>easily the best show in the last 10 years
It's going to be two part episode. I think they done it for the commercials like they did with the first episode.
it's enjoyable so far
Oh god they're all lusting over Barry Allen
Is female-on-female sexual assault a common thing?
>It's going to be two part episode.
Do you mean like a two part episode as in an episode with a cliffhanger that's resolved the following week, because it's only scheduled for fifteen minutes tomorrow.
This is seriously the best version of Babs ever.
>because it's only scheduled for fifteen minutes tomorrow.
Son of a bitch
I read on an interview that's supposed to be two part episode (overall 22 minutes).
I would have been pretty shocked if a WB show developed before the big WB/Turner restructuring would be the first new 22 minute show made for CN since I don't even know when. Ninjago is still airing but that was made back when 22 minute shows were not uncommon. Was Beware the Batman the last one that wasn't a Canadian show that CN just also happened to get?
Why do I still post here?
> asked my sister that went to a an all girls catholic school if the meme that all of them have kissed other girls was true
>told me that it was the most natural thing there and even some of her friends went even more "far" than just kisses.
all the things I couldn't do for not being a cute girl...
ment for you
>brand new show
>gets 15 minutes a week
Unless they completely changed how they were airring the show by doing a bomb during the first week there's not much more they could do beyond rerunning the hour long premiere once or twice. The premiere was the second highest rated CN show of that week after a new WBB, so it's not like the show is unheard of.
Where's the porn?
Did you fucking hear me?
Where's the fucking porn?!
babs is for kara!
The Tumblr porn ban came at a really awful time.
It has production value and Lauren Faust. Time will tell if we end up with another meme cascade, but it's looking like a solid show so far.
How did we forget about SuperBat shipping? It's a classic.
>Kara having increasingly confusing and intruding thoughts regarding Barbra as time goes on.
>Kara steals one of Babs's bat-hoodies and doesn't know why.
I hope she deeply inhales that hoodie's scent.
>told me that it was the most natural thing there and even some of her friends went even more "far" than just kisses.
I wish I could've done this in high school. Like fool around with friends and test the limits of what we're willing to do.
I'm a little jealous of all the girls in high school and college who got to do that. I wish I got to have that sort of experience growing up.
/u/fags are killing all the hype for this show
where is everyone going for their lewds now?
how the hell do you not expect /u/fags in a show like this?
I expected them but I didn't think they would be more annoying than waifufags
Are you a femanon? anyways I don't think is too late, most girls nowdays are very open minded and seem to be into those sort of things.
take a look at this
is this show any good? all this show threads are people talking about wanting to fuck the characters
>"worg a sinep"
>"Now just relax and let it in"
Massive doubt. I'm guessing it's more along the lines of pic related.
>most girls nowdays are very open minded and seem to be into those sort of things
i wonder why
Photoshop of mobile sucks ass
Zee wants Babs' virginity so fucking bad
Why the hell is this episode so lewd. It's like they did it on purpose.
>Zee eventually goes too far and uses a spell to make babs a cock hungry demon
>"What are you waiting for just shove it in allready"
Because thanks to the horsefuckers they know their real audience
Gifting a whellchair to Babs for future use!
>real clothes
>Dated a girl who went to an all-girls Catholic school in early 2000's.
>One of her best friends is a super dyke lesbian that is married to another girl that graduated two-years later.
>Rumors were always present about older girl having lesbian orgies and "corrupting" younger classmates
>Girlfriend drunkenly confirmed that "yes, she tried being with her friend once and wasn't into it. Friend would seduce classmates all the time. Worked as a teacher's aid for a few years being being fired for lewd behavior not fitting for the school."
>Friend and her now wife were caught in the school showers one day by a teacher.
>sunibee's still alive??
I think it might be because lesbianism is kinda ok for most people due to how sexualized it is compared to other sexual orientations, seems both males ans females consider it hot they don't make a big deal out of it. Also there are many only girls schools so it's easier to practice with a friend of yours if you are horny during that period.
Yeah shit is crazy in those schools, my parents always joked about my sister becoming a nun since she was in that school for her whole life and I just couldn't help laughing.
Same user as before. I hung out a lot with the lesbian couple as my girlfriend always wanted them to hangout with us for some reason. One of them loved vidya and had an insane game collection.
I broke up with my girlfriend back in 2017 as we wanted different things in life. I used to talk with the lesbian couple until they moved from where we live (east coast) to the midwest for a new job opportunity in 2018. One of the oddest things was how the couple was still super religious and couldn't attend any of their old churches due to being gay.
who the fuck knew tracing was so hard.
Is there an user who thinks they can actually make this good? I don't really know how to draw
Lesbians are fucking great. I’ve had sex with some good friends of mine who are lesbians and I think it was probably the most relaxing and most comfortable I have ever felt doing anything sexual. It was fantastic. I was just in their bedroom with all these posters up for comics and shit, on their cozy-ass bed or carpeted floor where I could see more of their cool trinkets on their desk, and it was just so cozy. The sex was incredible, too. They really know how to have fun and just enjoy the moment. Seeing two girls who really love each other kiss, then crinkle their nose as they giggle in a way you’ve never heard them do before is surreal, and even more so when being a part of it. It really kind of fucked with me, though. I’ve always wanted to be a hot woman, but have still liked girls. I dunno. It just makes me kinda sad that I’m not a lesbian, I guess. I would fucking love to be a hot-ass girl, to embrace my own sexuality and everything. Sometimes I feel weird being a dude, but at least I don’t get periods. Periods would suck.
Is this weird? I dunno why I'm posting this here; this thread just made me think of all of this for some reason.
I tried to watch the show, but I only found shorts on YouTube. Is this an actual show?
It is. The shorts came first and the pilot episode aired on CN. You can either support it through the CN app/VOD or you can download it in the main DCSHG thread in the catalog.
Thanks bro. Are the shorts just a thing that inspired the show and aren’t part of it proper?
Was this today? Anyone got a link? Damn dvr didn't record it for some reason.
Zee really gives off a strong aura of being willing to fuck anything that moves. Men, women, dogs, chairs, demons from the 12th dimension, I feel like she'd be down for it all. Am I misjudging her? I feel like I'm not.
>want to watch tons of shows
>never see them when they air
>decent shows die
Flawed system
Is that guy going to be alright?
Yeah, Zee is /ourgirl/
i don't know if it's assault but i do see women being lesbian tier touchy with each other a lot.
not really, but domestic abuse among lesbians and bi women is pretty high compared to straights and gay men.
Well I can somewhat appreciate doing both of her costumes, I'm just partial to the classic magicians outfit
>all the things I couldn't do for not being a cute girl...
Was that lesbian attractive?
See, to me Zee gives off the aura of knowing you want to fuck her and knowing that the most she'll ever give you is a footjob or letting you hump her leg while she reads. She's sexually confident to the max and knows you're not worthy of the things she'd do to you.
She's Rarity + Trixie in one body. Of course she'd fuck anything including herself.
>Shazam appears
>it's the /ss/ episode
When will we be getting the Sunset or Starlight of the show?
I don't know if it was the bronies, the /u/fags or just regular ol' Yea Forums pervs, but this fandom got real grimy real quick
You know what this show needs? A Fury/Granny episode
Is Gal Gadot the reason Wonder Woman has an accent on this show?
>multiple teenage girls
>it's Lauren Faust so she's not afraid of curvy bodies
This was honestly pretty inevitable. I'm just going to roll with it. I mean, I'd certainly fuck any of them if given the opportunity, I won't pretend I wouldn't. But we can still try to keep high standards.
Gay people tend to get away with sexual harassment
Well to be fair, it's not exactly crazy to give Diana of Themyscira tanned skin and a foreign accent given where she hails from.
Considering this show is a remake of Super Best Friends Forever, fandom's been like that for years.
I lurk.
>Super Best Friends Forever
speaking of which, which is the better Supergirl?
This show's Wonder Woman is pretty much that show's Wonder Girl, and the Batgirls are identical. But the Supergirls are pretty different. Chubby cowgirl Supergirl has her charms, but so does muscular punk rock Supergirl. I honestly can't decide.
Well Diana being foreign hasn't really been emphasized in any previous shows, I can't help but think the movie had a hand in how she's portrayed here.
It's possible, but is it honestly a bad thing? Hell DCAU Lex Luthor was a tad Mediterranean. It's not exactly blackwashing, and kind of makes sense given where she's supposed to be from
Yeah I cant draw hands or arms. If anyone wants to edit this or some shit be my guest.
Speaking of Lex, I just love the idea to recast him as this Jeff Bezos/Mark Zuckerberg type of evil tech billionaire. Batman vs Superman was trying to do this, but it didn't do it as well as the pilot of DCSHG does. It's such a perfect thing to do to Lex in this day and age.
Best show in 10 years?
I'm not saying it's a bad thing, I'm just pointing out that the influence of the DCEU interpretations is growing.
>investigate 3/11
It also works cause you have Lena Luthor to use with. She gets to do the more upfront evil deeds while Lex plays innocent and schemes when nobody's looking.
I don't believe you had sex with a lesbian friend couple. Enjoy your hand.
I'm not promising anything, but anyone got a drawing prompt?
What did you have in mind?
as it should be.
Lewd is always a plus
What's with Batgirl and rape?
Great blog, I'm sure will love it
It's coming to the point where even if Babs consents she's not really consenting. Zee is being way too pushy. I wonder how many girls Zee has done this too. She's a fucking predator.
A few ideas
>Suggestive Babs unzipping her hoodie, implying nothing is underneath
>Zatanna zapping a bunny costume onto Kara
>Diana being tricked into taking lewd selfies
>Kara accidentally ripping through her outfit when flexing.
>Diana doing things in exchange for more ice cream
>Jess's ring running out of power and realizing there's no outfit underneath the decaying Lantern uniform
That's all I got
Diana tying up Bumblebee Shibari style, with Bee looking intensely satisfied.
Where are the rest of them?
Um, Zee.... That robot... What exactly did you just turn it into?
They are probably part of canon, just came beforehand.
>easily the best show in the last 10 years
I understand your dick hard, user, but please calm down.
>plastic cape
>terrible headsculpt
Mattel done it again!
>you can take off her clothes
The thousands of hotglue vids are coming
Will they scare off the target audience like bronies did
Comic book companies are already experienced with a creepy adult audience and they know how to hide it much better. They will never let the SHG crew acknowledge the fandom and foster it like the MLP crew did. It would be tantamount to encouraging underage pornography at this point.
Femanon here, I agree with that statement without any connection to the regular waifu baiting and /u/fag shipping.
When was the last time we had a cartoon with good animation, good character design, lighthearted atmosphere and great fighting sequences?
>your first DC:SHG never came to success but at least it's a great idea
>hire the creator of the biggest fandom in the world
>1 week = 200k views of real people (not YTkids children)
>the fandom grows like foam
>Faust did it again
They gave Faust total creative freedom because they knew what she would do, hot and cute schoolgirls, many lewds, r34, great merchandise sales, good script and of course CREATE A HUGE FANDOM, and surprise! it's working
Well i just hope the show lasts more than one season. It's probably the best thing on CN right now
Same. I do hope Lauren ends up getting two or three seasons out of this show. While I don't necessarily agree on her political viewpoints I do think she is a very talented artist and I hope she ends up going far in the industry.
I can't help but feel that Wonder Woman in this show should have been Dona and not Diana
>sunibee's in on this
now we're talking
>great merchandise sales
>Mattel cheapening the toys again
Every single fucking time
Same, I want to support it through buying merch..but, see above.
>While I don't necessarily agree on her political viewpoints I do think she is a very talented artist and I hope she ends up going far in the industry.
She isn't radical leftist and she doesn't use her cartoon to push her agenda on the expense of good writing, it's sad how the standards got so low this considered exceptional and admirable.
>Yea Forums likes this but hates mlp when it's the same thing
So what are the odds that Zatana gave hand jobs behind the showers at magic camp?
slim to none. she's got standards.
many, my fucking god I just want to fuck her for 72 hours
Link to episode?
Is a YT short
>clip show from shorts
What next, 2-minute previews for 5-minute shorts followed by a 2-minute clip show from a single short?
So... is the new episode out yet
>Autistic fangirl
>Fluttershy but not cute
>Chloe Price with super strength
>Wonder Woman going full retard
>Worst Pony in human form
>The holier than thou cunt
I'm not sure if I'm onboard.
>hater with random nonsense words
fuck off
>random nonsense words
Anyway, Babs is good, so is Wonder Woman and Supergirl. Bumble Bee is... tolerable. I can already tell i'm gonna hate Zatanna and Green Lantern unless they can calm their shit down in later episodes.
Babs and Kara make me simultaneously aroused and depressed
I'm too dumb to convert this (and don't know the exact timezone), can someone give me an eta?
#AdventuresInBunnySitting clip.
I recently checked that the episode is only available On Demand and not on the app. I'm unable to rip it because I'm miles away from home and Xfinity sucks ass, so the only solutions are if someone else rips it from their provider or off TV when it airs at 4:30 EST.
THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THAT SCHEDULE. I seriously hope that's just for a few states in American and not an entire country or the entire planet.
Also I completely forgot the new Megaman cartoon appeared.
>Supergirl giving the shocker
holy shit
reminder lesbianism was tolerated even in nazi germany and saphism has been common in the western world for hundreds of years
>that Zatanna hip wiggle
>supergirl punching diana in the face
And people thought there would be no contact violence
Wait I got that backwards
I'm algernon over here
>good script
We know you're excited about the flood of porn, but don't get too caught up about it.
>toes are the point of focus?
Is she trying too hard bros?
Sometimes magic shows don't pay the bills. Whenever there's a dry spell, Zatanna knows she can make some money selling pictures of her finely pedicured feet to perverts on the internet.
Bee is shy horse but better
I seriously hope this time she at least has the ovaries to use her new-found popularity at its peak to gain money to crowdfund her next cartoon. Would really suck for yet another 2010s-tier zoomer to take over and turn it into Stoner Regular Time Show//a parody of its former self.
>I do think she is a very talented artist and I hope she ends up going far in the industry.
Well she used to work for Hollywood's big animation productions before she stooped low enough to end up working for her friend/coworker/husband at Cartoonnetwork of all places.
I still don't like Lauren/Craig's cartoonists relationship. There might as well not be a industry-related relationship, they suck at helping each other out in a meaningful way despite their many attempts at including each other in their works.
Nobody greenlights a show nowadays without atleast 2 seasons willing to happen,. It's 3 seasons or mroe that you should be worried about.
Probably because its aimed at elementary and middle schoolers
>Probably because its aimed at elementary and middle schoolers
>fluttershy but not cute
you know is bad when you consider a horse cuter than a girl
How did you manage to survive with the taste that shit to your adulthood?
>this is your brain on TTG
Why doesn't Zatanna just cram her arm up Barbara's anus like an expensive hand puppet?
she did it too, that's why they are like that
she did, now they are uncomfortable about it
Magically reprogram her to like it?
We need nude edits.
oh my yes
tfw you will never walk into kara room to see this
Fixed SuHeGiBro, Kara is a god's gift
Take off the shirt!
We need a nude edit of this soon.
Where do you think you are buddy? I promise you there’s a subreddit that’ll be better than this horrid wet asshole of the internet
good shit user
i remembered when i pretended to be a lesbian online
Okay stupid duck, tell me another good show that was released in the last 10 years
Would have worked the same if he had used photo of an hot man.
In that episode, Batgirl is riding SuperGirl's ass.
They just use the network as a way to advertise for the app. They air the most popular shows all day while airing everything else as little as possible so they can say they technically aired it on television once.
Just reminds me of how Teen Titans (2003) had that early 2000's censorship where you never see a punch land thanks to the screen flashing or going dark at the time of impact. 16 years later we have a show for young girls where one of the main characters just wails on the other's face.
Or how you couldn't say "die" or "murder" and now Big City Greens has Tilly (a little girl) using both words within 20 seconds of each other and then threatening to murder her grandma
What's the setting? Have they been segregated into some kind of school just for supers? Is that legal?
Reminder that this show is one of the first TV-PG shows to air on CN since Long Live The Royals back in 2016.
Secret identities, batgirl made keikaku to bring them together.
They go to Metropolis High. There are plenty of background and incidental characters that don't seem to be super humans at all. If there's any reason that so many heroes have gathered at this high school beyond random chance we don't know it.
are they releasing full episodes yet or are they still only doing shorts?
we got an hour of full episodes now user
I read this with her voice.
Eps 1-6 are out. 1-4 have 1080p non shit rips, 5-6 were ripped from someone on a toaster via direct tv's web app.
Lesbians have the highest rate of domestic abuse.
that has more to do with them being women than being homosexual tho
Probably, but the suicide rate is 100% because of the homosexuality and/or transgenderism.