I'll start. This was actually pretty fun. Weakest part was the CGI, but I got over it pretty quickly.
ITT: Cartoons Yea Forums was wrong about
There are so many shit cartoons Yea Forums got/gets a boner over that this thread is going to be full in an hour.
Everyone here worships this show but I think it fucking sucks.
>Everyone here worships this show
They do? If you were talking about The Batman or Brave and the Bold, I'd get it.
I always hear how it's underrated and how CN fucked it over. That's all people say on here. That and that shitty GL show.
>Everyone here worships this show
Everybody was shitting on it when it first came out.
I wouldn't amount that to worship. I remember a lot of people years ago being disgusted at how CN treated it even though they didn't like it.
Yea Forums hates The Batman and likes Beware, though not as much as TAS - and especially BATB, for some bizarre reason. (Beyond is a wildcard.)
>That and that shitty GL show.
that robo romance was nauseating
and yeha batman show sucked ass. stopped watching it after shiva showed up
>Everybody was shitting on it when it first came out.
It was because it was yet another batman show
Beginning was boring but it started to get better when they introduced Deathstroke and Two Face
Magpie is the only good thing about this show.
Prove me wrong.
Samurai Jack season 5
8/10 is technically worse than 10/10 but the opinion that gets the most tractioin here is that first three episodes were 10/10 kino and the rest were trash, which is incorrect. Also episode 3 is overhyped fight me
The correct opinion is that the first 3 episodes were 7/10 and the rest 3/10 on average.
(With the original show 9/10 of course, many 10s but then there's the occasional Farting Dragon.)
>stopped watching it after shiva showed up
That explains a lot. The show took for-fucking-ever to get going, but was genuinely good once it got out of the setup phase. It just made the terrible mistake of assuming people would watch it just because it was Batman, so it could take its time setting everything up.
Isnt this the one where they randomly decided to make Alfred a fucking aussie cunt?
Beyond I'd the only true end to batman that everyone could get behind. It ties up all of Batman's loose ends while still holding his integrity. Terry is his own Man and a close friend to Bruce. Beyond the genetic JLU bullshit it's solid. Terry did what they WANTED Robin to do. Nightwing is nothing without his adopted father vs Terry is a solo nigga.
Who the hell hates Batman Beyond on Yea Forums? Hell, even The Batman has a pretty big following here.
Yeah, when the worst crime is it's not as good as the incredible as fuck prior seasons, it's not that bad.
The only problem was the pacing. Episode 1 to 3 take their time but everything after was too rushed. It needed more episodes.
>when the worst crime is it's not as good as the incredible as fuck prior seasons, it's not that bad.
But that's not true here
>Weakest part was the CGI
Most of Yea Forums was still bitter around this time with Disney and other studios closing their 2D studios and anons overcompensated by complaining about anything that was 3D.
I'm not saying the 3D wasn't a problem (Gotham was essentially a ghost town and everything looked like plastic) but the prejudice definitely added to the shitposting about it when it was airing and elevated the hate to a level I do not think it would have reached if other 2D action shows were still around.
>The Batman has a pretty big following here.
More like it has a pretty big hatedom here.
Beyond is take it or leave it, not so much hate
The problem was that they wanted to have their cake and eat it too by telling one extended narrative using the same pacing from the original seasons.
>muh pacing meme
Nice try Genndy
>shitty GL show
>Batman show based around a continuous story arc utilizing obscure villains and showcasing different sides of Batman
>instead the obscure bad guys were just generically written versions of the famous villains dressed up as other characters
>Bruce was an utterly unlikeable asshole
>it had the single worst version of Harvey Dent ever written
>show consisted of mostly weak individual episodes with somewhat interesting overarching storylines
>the best episodes were the last ones which set-up potentially interesting developments that went absolutely fucking nowhere because the show was wiped off the network
It had plenty of cool things of course, like Katana and Magpie and Killer Croc, and some of the more Sherlockian scenes with Batman, but man, it's hard to even rate Beware next to the other Batman shows because it feels more like a failed test run than an actual series.
It's a fascinatingly misbegotten chapter of Batman history.
WITCHfag, pls.
Killer Croc. Also, Pyg+Toad and Anarky were good as characters by themselves, but were shit adaptations of the characters they originated from.
I dunno. I liked that they didn't rush in Katana and establish her as an ally right away. It did what the 2017 Spider-Man tried and failed miserably to do.
What a shit cover/promotional pic. You could show Bruce studying something interesting like newspaper articles pictures in the middle of a crime of the villains in question, but no, they opted for renders standing still
>Pyg+Toad and Anarky were good as characters by themselves, but were shit adaptations of the characters they originated from
I don't have strong feelings for the characters on the show, and I'll grant you Anarky since they just made him Heath Ledger's Joker cosplaying as Moon Knight, but what would they even adapt about Professor Pyg in the first place?
I mean even barring how Pyg is too fucked up for a cartoon, there is nothing to build a character out of him. He's nothing but a weird and gross patchwork of literary references and serial killer cliches.
Beware Pyg is an improvement because at least he has some character.
Pretty much my point. I like Pyg, but he's better in small doses. I liked the weird dynamic Pyg and Toad had in Beware and it lent them to be better recurring foes.
Anarky came off as Heath Ledger-ish the first time, but they toned it down after that. He was far more enjoyable when he was just a smug douche inserting himself into other villains' plots instead of throwing a tantrum over Batman not taking him seriously. I wish they used Joker like that, actually. A real wildcard.
>He was far more enjoyable when he was just a smug douche inserting himself into other villains' plots instead of throwing a tantrum over Batman not taking him seriously
I never really had strong opinions on Anarky so I didn't mind that he was out of character, and I also prefer Joker that way, when he's more of a spanner in everyone's works