How did this turn out so gosh darn awesome?

How did this turn out so gosh darn awesome?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Great directors
>Best writer
>Great cast
>Best lead

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My reality gem defeats your bait gem. Move back 6 paces.

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I too enjoyed the movie, my heart isn't shriveled and dead.

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Erase all the other tier name and just put everything in God Tier and you have an accurate description of the MCU.

Your repetitive SMM sux and you should be paid less.

This except Captain Marvel in Goddess tier above.

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Simmer down, enel.

I thought it was a fun movie. Plot was dull and I could smell the twist from a mile away. But the characters were charming and it never beat you over the head with GURL POWER. It was nice but sad to see Pre-Punished Fury. I'm really interested to see how much her personality has changed in 25 years.

And you niggers lied to me! She was smiling and cracking jokes the whole movie!

none of them are god tier

I found it kind of underwhelming. Carol doesn't really struggle with anything, and the action wasn't that great

Attached: Captain Marvel Carol Danvers by Dima.jpg (720x1270, 214K)

>Carol doesn't really struggle with anything
Sounds pretty faithful to comic book Carol.

Does she really have a helmet that makes her hair stick out like a mohawk?

Is this movie worth seeing? In general I tend to like marvel movies but the trailers haven't done much to make me understand what I'd be in for.

Yes. Thankfully, by the end of the movie she gets rid of it.

In the movie? Yes. In the comics? Briefly and thankfully abandoned.

It's passable, like extremely "oh okay, that happened". Out of all the origin/introduction Marvel movies the MCU has cranked out, hers is the least impressive. Though on the other hand it's not terrible enough to even get upset about either. I wouldn't rush out to see it, but I'd see it just to get the context of who this Carol is, and how she fits in the MCU puzzle towards Endgame.

It's strange that trolls are trying to make it out to be the next The Last Jedi in how it's supposedly "the worst thing ever." Yes TLJ was actually bad but picking on Captain Marvel just makes it clear that it was never actually about the quality of the movie. It was about the skin color and/or gender of the actors.

>Do you like cosmic stuff?
>Do you like Nick Fury?
>Do you like the Marvel movies that don't go as hard for the comedy angle?
If your answer is yes to all three, I'd say go see it. It's an alright middle-of-the-road cape movie with a messily contructed script and sort of underwritten protagonist, that you'll enjoy depending on how much you like assholish heroes, but engaging supporting cast and a take on the cosmic side of the MCU that is closer, tonally, to Captain America, rather than GotG or Ragnarok. If none of this sounds like your kind of thing, just wait for the VoD release.

No she struggled with... um...

Fuck... not patriarchy, the Kree were pretty egalitarian if you weren't a Skrull, and anything on Earth was just hollow macho shit

Memory? I guess that was her arc? Kinda lame.

Didn't hate it, just kinda dull. Wish it had come out 5 years ago

most of the supporting actors gave a good performance and kept the movie from being bad
biggest drawbacks are Miss Potato Head's incompetence and Bening's inability to give a fuck about her role

How come they did a Captain Marvel solo movie first when they've had Black Widow waiting to have her own solo movie for like ten years?

Maybe NuCarol. Ms. Marvel Carol was actually human with struggles

because Kevin Faggy is a waifufag

While Captain Marvel isn't dogshit, it's not really worth praising either. Even a bad movie can have some entertainment value behind it. Captain Marvel on the other hand is really forgettable, so hopefully the Russos do something decent with her in Endgame

I kinda like that the professional critics are finally wising up and were harsher on the movie than they usually are with the MCU stuff, but at the same time, I think it's a bit unfair that CM got hit with this when it's not much worse than Black Panther and certainly a more interesting film than something like Ant-Man and the Wasp.

It's like a perfect storm of shit blowing everything out of proportions from all angles with this one.

They're actually about as hard on it as they were Infinity War. Critics are starting to have this weird thing where they hate that they have to keep up with every MCU movie even though it's only like two or three in an entire year. To the extent that they made a big stink about the SHIELD name being "retconned" while forgetting that Fury referred to it as SHIELD back in Iron Man.

I like Talos

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Oh, so THIS is why they wanted to make a joke about The Mask.

It has a blonde woman getting her face blasted with an explosive load load from a large cylindrical object and is then taken away by another people to get her blood diluted. It's pretty obvious.

Talos was pretty cool

We should all praise Talos

Talos be praised

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This image is fucking funny.

I love Carol!

Alright, here it is.

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>Ant Man movies and Ultron

Captain Marvel theme:

I just saw it
it wasnt that good.

Your face wasn't that good.

Why do people dislike Ant-Man movies? Is it because they aren't too tied to the main plot?

Anyone else planning to get this?

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Already ordered it!

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All this anime style art made me wish Marvel had anime, and then I thought "Hey, wait a minute..." and now I'm wondering why that whole "Marvel Anime" initiative only really happened BEFORE the MCU caught on. You'd think the MCU's immense popularity would result in even more anime getting made but for some reason it only happened when Marvel wasn't really that big and so barely anyone watched it because it only appealed to the slim cross section of comic book nerds who are also into anime.

Just saw it today - it's fine?

Like it's a nice solid 5 out of 10. Larson is just kind of there and her character isn't really consistent; I get the vibe they really wanted to do a Captain Marvel movie because of the strong female character angle without really thinking about the title character as an actual character - which is why I think people are having trouble divorcing the sociocultural/political angle from the film, because the film doesn't want you to. It's about amnesiac Captain Marvel recovering her memories of standing up to male oppression, and how this informs her current self's endeavor to blow up space ships or something(?).

It's weird because with superheroes you usually get either A) a character standing up to adversity and becoming a hero through will, or B) a character granted fabulous powers by fate who has to learn how to use them in a proper manner. A stories are all about the underdog struggle, and B stories are about what are essentially demigods struggling to do what is right. So Captain Marvel is a B character (granted powers by chance) framed as if she's in an A character plot line - which feels disingenuous because it's really hard to believe her struggle since she's so insanely OP.

There's also just a lot of stuff in the movie. I really feel like the directors knew the character just wasn't doing it and decided to take the shortcut of cramming as much stuff in there to distract the audience from realizing this fact, rather than reworking the character. So it's a long gauntlet of stuff and stuff and stuff, none of it reflecting on the title character and all just sort of happening.

So I don't know, not sure if I'd recommend it. I feel like there's a solid chance she'll end up being more interesting in Endgame anyway since the Russo bros. seem to have a track record of making shitty characters better (Doctor Strange, Scarlet Witch, etc.).


What the fuck do you mean by THAT?

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Carolthreads 24/7 for now I guess
Went back saw it a 2nd time, was even better

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Do people really like Infinity War that much?

I thought it was a pretty joyless slog.

The Carol stinger was good.

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Nice try with he bait good sir, but the idea of the fandango premier for Shazam next Saturday has me too hyped to care

I booed the screen when it happened.

A decent chunk of it was basically a third Guardians of the Galaxy movie. It was worth it to me for that.

I'm actually worried about Endgame since most of the Guardians are dead.

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>Stop trying to force a woman to needing a man.

>Has a female friend.


I really despise you trolls.

>Liking a movie is trolling
What a sad life you must lead

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I still don't know anyone that has seen it lol

>making a billion easily
So she's going to get the Metroid movie with JVR off the ground right?

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Good assessment, pretty much the conclusion I came to. I like how you framed the A/B stuff and how Carol doesn't really fit into either. I think that's a good way to sum it up.

Because you paid people to come to Yea Forums and Yea Forums and repost the thread every fucking day, mouseshill.

Just like her comics!

You're in for a really boring sci-fi A plot and a really boring fish out of water B plot. None of which tie together and the struggle at the end has some of the worst CG of an MCU movie. It was clear they cut corners on this to get it out before Endgame and spent the rest on marketing.
You're welcome.

Yeah I was pleasantly surprised by how important the GOTG were in Infinity War and am likewise worried about Endgame. I really don't give a shit about any of the original Avengers aside from Cap and Thor

It’s was great right up until ‘No Doubt’ started playing. Also wish they let Carol go full superman mode against Ronan’s Fleet.

>Strange only in Okay
>Winter Soldier not in Okay
>First avengers in Okay
>Ant-Man in Bad

Manipulation of rating sites and buying out your own movie in theaters.

>All this anime style art made me wish Marvel had anime, and then I thought "Hey, wait a minute..." and now I'm wondering why that whole "Marvel Anime" initiative only really happened BEFORE the MCU caught on. You'd think the MCU's immense popularity would result in even more anime getting made but for some reason it only happened when Marvel wasn't really that big and so barely anyone watched it because it only appealed to the slim cross section of comic book nerds who are also into anime.
Don't know, because everything anime in it is pretty damn good.

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I personally wanted to throw up when Come As You Are started playing. I fucking hate Kurt Cobain and actually thought for a minute that I might actually get through the movie without having to hear Nirvana, that maybe just maybe they realized that would be too cliche. That said it kind of made up for it by playing 10 seconds of Crazy on You and putting Carol in both Heart and NiN tshirts.

Still didn't really like the movie though.

Why did he have more presence with less than 1 minute of screen time than Jude Law? They should have made him the main villain.

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You will all answer for your crimes.

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>No results found
Oh wow, okay. Thread is doing pretty good so far, then.

>Nirvana plays in the movie.
>Hole plays in the credits.

Did Courtney Love make a donation to Marvel?

>hate a movie
>You're all just trolls
>get called a troll for spamming "i love movie, so good"
>How is having an opinion on a movie trolling?

I thought he was really fucking weak in this. Like they sucked all of the gusto out of him til he sounded like an ordinary guy bored with his job. And the gusto was pretty much all he had going for him in the first place in GOTG. He didn't even seem to have a real hateboner for the Skrulls or anything, like he seriously was just doing his job.

Jude Law was fine but I still have no idea who Yon-Rogg is as a character. He certainly wasn't the straight up bastard he was in the comics, and while I've seen people postulating that he actually cares for Carol in a twisted way, that he's just a Kree patriot and war hero, that he's a schemer with designs of greater power, the movie doesn't offer any meat to really support any of it. I mean Ronan might have been two dimensional in GOTG but at least it was clear that he fucking hated everything about Xandar.

How about the part where Carol kept calling Rambeau her friend, having no romantic inclinations at all, and then abandoning her for 20 years without ever sending word? If that's a relationship where she's supposed to be responsible for raising a child, then this movie is both gay and racist for what it does to that poor woman.

Everything's great when you have no sense of taste!

It was meh but not bad actually feels like watching a phase one movies there something about feels a little lackbuster

Guardians 2 is better than Guardians 1.
Homecoming completely misses the point of Spider-Man.
Civil War was fucking awful.

>Black Panther in the same category as fucking Doctor Strange and Cap 1
Fuck off, both those movies are two of marvel's best output. They don't belong anywhere near the bland shitfest that was BP.

Coincidentally, she'd be perfect as Samus, I can't really see any arguments against the casting.

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how much money does beig a shill on Yea Forums do you get?

>Thor Ragnarok
>Anything other than absolute shit tier

neck yourself.

>Maria: Monica! What are you doing?
>Carol: Is she a good pilot because she takes after us?

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If it was an other M movie and she gave her CM performance for it, sure.

>other M

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>No goodbye scene between Carol and her adopted family.

You had one job Mr Scriptwriter.

Really sums up feminism in a way.

She didn't have any character in any of her other games aside from text, so it can be interpreted any way they decide to do it.

She was alright but the movie had the Marvel symptom of unfunny "funny moments" predictable scenes and pop culture references

Also the Skrull shit sucked beginning to end.

But she was alright.

Did you like all those floundering Captain Marvel series by Kelly? Well its all that stupid shit and a frankenstein of the three or four reboots they gave her over the years, including a child helping her who she is in no way related to.

Fuck someone.

Attached: incel.jpg (855x631, 62K)

Fuck off shill you had the same thread in Thursday
also pasta here
>That garbage
>Secondary characters are more prominent than Fungus Larson even the cat has more charisma
>Plot holes everywhere
>Mary Sue
>CGI was horrible except for Fury and the Cat
>Ruined Fury, Skrulls, Mar-vell, and the whole Avengers origin and made their actions meaningless.
>Inmigrant propaganda
>White man bad / inept
>Whole point of the movie is "never be under control or use your head and be an emotional retard"
>First half is sleep fest.
>Fights editing is all over the place.
>"I don't have to prove you anything :)"
>"You know why they call it a cockpit?"
I could go on fuck that garbage.

Attached: yikes.gif (554x400, 120K)

>Disney confirmed using paid shills and spreading them everywhere
>every thread praising the film on Yea Forums now irrelevant because they could be paid shills

Like clockwork.

wish you guys would quit with the fungus shit, I don't care if someone had a disease for a week and it grosses me out everytime which just makes me hate you with all my being instead of larson

should you be bragging that the other side is being paid and you're not?

>Captain America
>Okay Tier
Fake and gay tier list.

I know, Carol is awful.



And yet you're the one who is seeking out the threads to bitch about a movie you don't like. You could just... not post. But you prefer to troll.

You realize that historically it's men who see two women together and decide that they must be lesbians. This is such an old trope that you seriously have to be playing dumb right now.

You'll also notice that nobody has conspiratorially claimed that the ticket sales have been faked so there's no need to call anyone an incel. Yet.

The sense I got was less that he cared about Carol, and more that he saw Carol as his project, as his responsibility to make into the best Kree warrior she could be, within the limits that they wanted to impose on her. It explains his behavior at the end, where he wanted her to prove herself to him, even though she was already past caring about that.

It has Marvel's name on it twice, how could it have failed?

The poster was probably trying to imply that Brie Larson is a wooden actor comparable to Samus in Other M but it didn't work because Brie Larson is actually a great actor and so it just came off as a confusing request for an Other M movie. Most actors are just on autopilot in the MCU.

She didn't really have an arc. For a plot about her recovering her lost memories and "learning who she is" she sure didn't have any character growth.

SLJ was completely wasted in this movie. Yes, I really needed to know how he got his eye ripped out when cuddling with an alien cat. Thank you. This is just the kind of backstory the "one eye open" scene from The Winter Soldier needed.

Attached: iron-man-2-movie-image-samuel-l-jackson-01.jpg (4212x2808, 697K)

>in the comics it was scratched out by Wolverine, who is kind of like a cat
>in the movie it was scratched out by an actual cat

Nobody else thinks this is great?

>Carol doesn't really struggle with anything
Only boys struggle kid.

Attached: Captain Marvel.png (1904x622, 245K)

Never admit that someone has succeeded in annoying you. They do not feel guilt or remorse about anything. This will not cause them to let up. They will simply double down.

The only winning move is to say something that will annoy them even more, so that they have gained no pleasure from their actions. Many a day of good trolling has been ruined by the supposed "trollee" saying something that really cuts to the bone.

First poster is completely right that Alien and Terminator would be shat on for daring to have female protagonists if they were released today.

...You know, just like Dark Fate is actually being shat on right now for that very reason?

>Guardians 2 is better than Guardians 1.

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Yesterday I was in cinema and IMO it was really good movie maybe not something special like Infinity Wars was but still a good movie. Can't wait for End Game.

>Ragnarok this high
Severely overrated memefest, only good for one watch. It's actually a cross between okay and bad tier.
>anything but shit tier
>great, seriously, what are you doing? I'm sorry that you lost your daddy, but up until that one scene this movie wasn't very good at all. It was just trying to repeat success of of the first one and failed miserably.

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Get the fuck out of here nu-Ghostbusters 2. Sam Jackson was the only good thing about you and I'm sorry he had to be in it.

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>people are surprised that a character named Captain MARVEL is the lead and strongest character in the MARVEL universe and has an important part in the story

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They also had it on a just post WWII bunker in Winter Soldier. SHIELD has been Retconned for a long ass time.

I think it was solid but unspectacular. Jude Law was the weak point of it for me. They really needed to work harder to set him up as either a foe or as a red herring about Mar Vel. He was neither set up well enough as an ally, nor as an opponent.

Brie a cute and perfect!

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O Captain, my Captain!

Need her wearing this outfit but squatting, it would be good.

Unlike your brain and taste.

Oh god, I so hope Thanos kills that fucking cat. Just stomps it into paste.


"This is my friend Valkyrie.

She is a spree killer and enslaves people to sell them to someone who sends them into an arena to be killed for his amusement. Been doing it for decades. She's the tyrant's favorite."

Seriously, fuck Valkyrie, I hope she died when the Black Order took Thor's ship, or was dusted.

As good a review as I have read anywhere.

This movie is going to provide us with amusement for years to come.

ill bite, which part did you consider awesome and how did the cast and directors play into it.

Because Carol is the best!

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She was confirmed by the Russos to have lived. She's probably going to be in Endgame along with a bunch of other characters who didn't show up in Infinity War.

He was so wasted.

They cut a scene with him and Yon-Rogg and it would have been fucking perfect to have some exposure on her.

Yon-Rogg believes in Carol. She is his special project. She has his blood in him for chrissakes. He wants nothing more for her than to become a Kree warrior in good standing, which is the highest anyone can aspire to in his opinion.
Ronan finds the idea loathsome beyond reason. He even looks down on non-blue Kree, which comes across none-too-subtly.

You could even call it a call-out on the Bechdel effect because they are talking about her!

What a waste.

Does Samus canonically have a flat ass?

I am asking, I don't know.

$2,25 a post with a ten-word minimum.

I would have forgiven much if they had had the balls to make them gay on the downlow.

ugly feet, waste of dubs

It would have made for a more compelling story since Clinton was President at the time so you could bring up DADT.

We're surprised that the feature that introduced her is so disappointing.

It SHOULD by all rights be the best one so far, because it is the product of ten years of experience.

And it's not very good, and its main star fucks the role, and it sacrifices drama for the opportunity to say 'Girls rule, boys drool.

Yes, I am still angry. And likely to remain that way for the foreseeable future.


Cringe and butthurtpilled

>this is the common interpretation of the Thor/Carol stinger's subtext
>meanwhile I'm just left wanting to see their hot steamy earth-shattering sex over Thanos' corpse
Is this how Stucky fujos feel like?

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Go away mouse shill.

if i have to explain why thats magnitudes of steps down theres no hope for you.

This is some good bait

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>Implying Carol is capable of having sex

Yeah how dare a woman be taller than 6 feet, oh no, they're going to step on all the white manlets.

>Thor 1 in anything above shit tier
The false prophet

What is Queen Beatrix doing there?

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She certainly struggled with acting

But she is

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So I guess T6 is going to be the next cultural battleground just like CM where Geeks and Gamers does literally a million videos about it and it makes money anyway and people get furious because it wasn't supposed to make money, there was supposed to be a movement rejecting films with female protagonists for some reason, a vocal minority thought they were the majority when the reality is people don't care and will just go see the movies they want to see.

But why would they want to see them?

The movies are not very good since they prefer pushing an agenda over telling a good story.

Not that the Terminator franchise has had a good story in 25 years.

Probably because of the Terminator name?

Even Genisys made money.

Test, test.

>abloo bloo bloo
you first

What a pointless post for you to get triggered over.

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Blade anime was a mistake.

What is this supposed to be?

I would argue the TV series was the best we had for a while.

Every box office website was expecting a 700-750M worldwide and it overperformed to 760 million. Amazing. Disney did it again.

Komi-san as Cap M.

Oh, I haven't heard of this so that explains why I didn't recognize it. Thanks, I'll check it out.

She didn't actually become Binary in the end, right?

No, she remains non-binary.

I would say the film is so average that it's actually annoying. A bad film can have some entertainment value, or in some cases the really weak portions of an okay film can be fun at. This film however is so bland that it just feels like a waste of time

As long as it has good music there's some value in it.

Both the first thors shouldnt even be on this list they are so fucking garbage. Thor got the worst intro what the fuck even were those first two. Ragnarok was the first thor movie marvel made.

Ironically, my mother liked the first two Thors but didn't care much for Ragnarok.

>that moment you here Nirvana Came as You Are that you cringed so hard you felt your soul crush
It was as bad as I thought it be. Disney has no sense of self-awareness.

Attached: end_of_chuck.gif (500x375, 360K)

That was great and one of the best scenes in the entire MCU.

>unironically liking Captain Marvel AND Nirvana

Attached: Mark_Gruenwald_(early_1990s).png (220x279, 116K)

gimme drunk, strong as hell, self confidence issues, and angry carol

>wtf this popular thing is... liked!??!

There's plenty of evidence that Yon-Rogg cares about Vers.

- Defends her to other members of Starforce ("She's stronger than you think!") when they question her, or point out she is compromised.
- Encourages her, is protective of her (also overprotective)
- Relieved to hear she has survived
- They joke around and flirt at the beginning sequence of the film
- Obviously Carol trusts him a lot - coming to him after her nightmares
- Yon-Rogg sees red when killing the science guy in the shack; also a scene that establishes that he seems to have a sense of ownership over Carol due to him having saved her life with the blood transfusion and given her all the Kree's superior physical abilities.

There's a lot to that relationship, however twisted.

When did you realize that every Nirvana song is absolute cringe when used in movies

We going to keep this up until the Tuesday thread Carol Yea Forumsrps?

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I want it to turn out Mar-Vell and Yon-Rogg were a couple and they had a daughter, Una, who grew estranged from her parents and Carol is a substitute to him.

Is she going to call someone on the phone?
What is the significance of that gesture?

Yeah, does that handgesture have some hidden significance I'm not aware of? Why do I keep seeing it?

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hang loose, it's a thing in the Air Force (and for surfers)

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Thanks... huh.

Is there really a thread every Tuesday? I'm new to Captain Marvel.

Yep, and since it's release week it'll start with the preview

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I think it's strange that people think Tony Stark is out. He hasn't even fought The Mandarin yet. Plenty more story to tell.

Hear me out guys. Hear me out.

Marvel told a better Superman story then DC did.

Aside from being of human origin, movie Carol is basically Kal-El aka Clark Kent. But Carol is not man of murder because she saved more lives then lost, unlike Snyderman in Man of Steel.

I have to know, does the movie use any NIN songs?

If so, which?

>I have to know, does the movie use any NIN songs?
There's this though

Attached: HNNNNNNNNNNNNGGG.jpg (900x900, 91K)

Why would they sell merchandise if they can't even be bothered to license a single NIN song in the film?

ok can someone just make porn of capitan marvel already????
just use deepfakes or just post rule 34 image, is the only way to nuke shit threads like this and their unfunny shill.


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That Just a Girl fight scene was some Venom-tier camp. Not that I'm complaining, Marvel movies in general could use more cheese.

Overall, I hate to admit it, but it was cool to see nostalgia pandering that is relevant to my own personal experience for once. I wouldn't mind them throwing in a Smashing Pumpkins song too, but the Mellon Collie posters were a nice enough nod.

I didn't like the first two Thor movies and I found the humor in Ragnarok cringey (which has been an increasing trend in Marvel movies after Civil War, in my opinion). Still, I found it more enjoyable than the previous two entries.

Anybody been? I saw Pinar went and cried when she heard her music.

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I loved the Just a Girl fight scene but I admit the song choice felt a little on the nose.
I'm also struggling to think of what other song they could've used though. Ironic came out that same year. I guess with all the Happy Days memorabilia in that ship they could've had Carol fight to the theme song but...

Just a Girl wouldn't make any sense for a guy, and would always be on the nose for a woman. But it's a great song for a fight scene so I'm glad they just said fuck it and went for it.

Funnily enough, I thought that this movie repeated some of MoS' mistakes, with the similarly disjointed, flashback-heavy structure and rushed/underdeveloped foundation for the protagonist in the first act, so the third act developments and dramatic moments then struggle to cash in on an emotional investment it hasn't really fostered. What helps Carol pull through, is that she has a personality and the movie is clearer in communicating its ideas to the audience, whereas MoS just got muddled.

Just a Girl would make perfect sense for a guy if that guy was Deadpool.

>ant-man bad
Check out this pleb

fucking girly humor

this. I couldnt relate to her because all her problems were her dealing with a specific type a person a white Male. All this was was jacking off her ego.
Thats all it was, white kid telling her to slow down because she was gonna crash and she did, OH NO THAT WHITE BOY IS SUCJ A JERK! Guess what ladies, that isnt just told to you, it was told to all of us. Like most of this shit Carol remember that made her "stronger" was shit compaired to what all of the other heroes in the MCU went through. I couldnt stop rolling my eyes.

ah is that why girls complain over the simpler things?

Calm down.

>look at artist's twitter
>"don't repost my art without my permission"


Hello shill

No she wouldn't

Take it easy, cell.

>and, yes, Man of Steel
Why does she say it like that?

Could someone post the funny Larson/Trump face comic?

Great taste

>I can't really see any arguments against the casting
you can see it in your pic

It didn't. Get laid shill

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Imagine being this wrong

Simmer down, kids. It's just a movie.

You need to simmer down. Incel

Whoa. There's no need to use such foul and disgusting language. As king of this board I command you to leave immediately.

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>You-- You--- YOU--!
Funnily enough this is exactly what men have been saying to me the last few days every time I remind them of their defeat.

I wonder if the meltdowns will be smaller or bigger when Captain Marvel 3, Ultimates 2 & A-Force hit 2 billion each

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>Marvel told a better Superman story then DC did.


While a Mandarin treatment is possible, I don't think they'll risk losing the Chinese market.

And you try to come up with a Mandarin treatment that doesn't risk the Chinese government going "Thanks but we'll think we'll skip this one".

>ok can someone just make porn of capitan marvel already????


I mean, she's about as sexy as Doctor Manhattan.

>Checks Paheal
>There's a lot of Doctor Manhattan stuff


>Checks Paheal again

Pinar is a woman?
...Of course she is, duhh.

The score is okay, pretty normal Marvel stuff.

>It's just a movie.

And what are we doing, breaking her windows? Setting her house on fire?

No, we're just complaining online.

Yes, we are angry. And we are disappointed. This movie was not very good, and it could have been fucking awesome with very minor changes, most of which involve the star emoting properly.

I approve of this panel. Her reaction is appropriate and fitting. Plus she is smiling.

Carol likes to fight. She is, after all, part Kree, and for a Kree, battle is sensuous pleasure.

I don't know, how big are the meltdowns in your imagination usually?

I wonder if this one is going to hit one billion. Marvel frontloaded like crazy. The after-weekend numbers should be very telling.

Tits or gtfo

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Neat is Nice!

See you on Tuesday.

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