Political Cartoon Thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

peanuts-search.com/?q=lucy political

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is this pro trump or anti trump?
also, same question on pic related

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stupid american fucks. its said an elephant not an ox.

it's a bull

I believe its intended to be anti-trump, whereas the one you posted wants to be pro-trump.
Though, I've found that a telltale sign that a piece of political satire is well made is when either side of the political divide can look at it and interpret it as supporting their own views.

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I can never make up my mind on Horsey. He has plenty of pretty good cartoons, but he also goes all in on the 'slap labels on everything you can' school of political cartooning.

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trump bull in china shop is obviously anti-trump, foreign policy isn't portrayed negatively in any way and trump is shown as a smug and prospectively ruinous intrusion

the new face targets trump support not trump but it could go both ways, because the meathead aggressor and the stern masculine supporter could both be drawn from the image



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why'd you post the edit?

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>Pokémon creatures

>russian style
b-b-but I thought Drumpf was a russkie stoogie...

This is going to be good.

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Asay is amazing

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I was always too much of a brainlet to ever get these.

I like the edit that swaps "pokemon creatures" and "water", mainly because of the The shirt being labeled "I love water."

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I don't get it

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This makes sense until you see all the other comics from half-breeds about how neither race accepts them. All races believe in racial purity whether they admit it or not. If you're half and half, you're not both, you're neither.


Sounds like the easier solution is to curb racism than to curb races, no?

Nah. To curb races you just have to not fuck the wrong color person. To curb racism you have to change someone's mind and that's fucking impossible.

Solution is simple; just let the west breed themselves into goblins and have Chinese GMO ubermensch rule over them.

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woah ... so powerful.. deep.... woah ..

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>he needs a special day to fly his flag

Fucking commie traitor - real Americans fly their flag 24/7 and twice on Independence day.

counter argument: Curbing racism is merely "just don't hate certain people" which is very easy to achieve for non psychopaths, and "not fucking people" can be difficulty as many are very attractive and friendly.

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My personal favorite.

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>a woman against planned parenthood
What a dumb bitch. I bet she doesn’t even know they don’t primarily perform abortions. Some clinics don’t even perform abortions, anyways.

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In my country it's illegal for citizens to fly the flag when it's not the national holidays. It's also illegal not to fly it then.

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Damn, where you live?

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You know we tend to see a lot of American cartoons here, I wonder how political cartoons looks in other parts of the world.
So let all the halfs form their own racial group

Based Theodore.

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Tbf they'ren't wrong about Russia being blight upon humanity.


Russians are a horrible people

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Anyone have the comic this came from?

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>Apple pie


Racism takes more forms than hate. It doesn't take much to just not hate someone. But it takes a lot more to say "you're one of us".

America, and the entire world, would've been better off if Roosevelt got a third term

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Because they masturbate so much?

All I know is how bizarrely terrible their traffic behavior is and of how angry they are about gays.

This comic kicks ass

How illegal? Like a fine or jail time?


Is this real? Garrison is based.

Canada is awesome

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>"Dad, Grandpa forgot to take his pills again"

You're all being misled

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The oldest known feature length animated film falls into this category.

>LMW article on the movie.

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I wish more political cartoons had this level of quality nowadays.

I have no idea, cause the law is not really enforced. Sometimes it happens with retarded legislation.


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1. What the hell is malk?
2. Just what is the canada dance?

I legit can't tell if this is pro or anti because there's just enough difference in the boy's expressions and I can't tell what mood he has.

why aren't the straight couple feeding their blond kid?

I still don't understand what exactly a libertarian is, where do they fall on the political spectrum?

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This cartoon would be better if he took out all the words except "china shop".

They are they foil to Authoritarianism. There are left and right libertarians while there are left and right authoritarians.

Wait, how does the pedo figure into all this?

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>what's wrong with the world when a priest can't invite unaccompanied kids to a pizza party any more?
Asay is either the slyest subversive of all or too pure for this world.

This is delicious.

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is this an edit??


Libertarian is a middle of the road philosophy that believes the best form of government is the one with the smallest possible government. Due to this belief, they tend to share space with objectivists who are usually more extremist and aggressive in their views. Though libertarians are actually centrist, they tend to vote republican since socialism is effectively the exact opposite of what they believe, and the democrats have shifted from being left wing to being nearly completely socialist.

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Asay has a ton of those. We know from context what his views are, but outside of that he's just... confusing.

>the democrats have shifted from being left wing to being nearly completely socialist.
americans actually believe this
you guys have never tasted a single molecule of socialism in your government ever

So Asay's argument against abortion is that people are really just wanking over it but don't want to admit it?

/pol/tards are so cute.

A bull in a china shop is a general English expression, with the oldest known usage coming from a British novel, you stupid fucking ESL poster


It's "Bull in a China shop" not ox.
And no one ever said "Elephant in a China shop" you stupid street-shitting Pajeet.

This isn't a belief, this is what the polls show.

In USA politics, they are the small government types, that also believe in small government when it comes to social issues and foreign policy. So, low taxes, low regulations, low prohibitions (pro-drugs, pro-homo, pro-trans, pro-sex, pro-gambling, etc), and low government spending.

They tend to be hawkish on budget and dovish on foreign policy.

In practice, they are mostly Republicans, with some "soft" Democrats thrown-in. The Libertarian Party itself is a joke. Democrats are fine with the pro-big-gov label and are going even farther on that path, and Republicans are now protectionistic, nativistic and still somewhat moralistic (evangelists have a lot of political power since the Reagan years).

>Dobbie for president!

He wants to baptize the kids with semen.

>elite practices eugenics in its own ranks
If by "eugenics" they mean "incest", then I guess?

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I'm reporting this thread for treason.

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Hearing about my cousin who owns an apartment in Frisco and how much it costs is insane.


Wow. It's from the late 1800s. I thought it was from the past decade.

I use this one a lot.

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>baffled chistendom by continuing to live

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>how they feel
>Taft isn't visibly very hungry
I feel that this fellow is off the mark

Can someone explain this one to me?

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Commiefornia never changes.

the bus represents communism

Yeah, fuck furries.

A job well done, my lad!

I was doubtful until the MS Paint doodle on the bottom convinced me of your rightness.

This is an aesthetic.

That didnt age very good.Where are the murderers livestreaming themselves while spouting shitty memes ? Yea Forums,website of peace

So is this one of those turn of the century lesbian bars I've heard about?

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peanuts-search.com/?q=lucy political

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That guy looks like he can't wipe his own ass.

>“In the Year 2001,”
Last time this was posted there was a round of "God I wish that were me" replies.

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There are some very nice ladies in that bar

Might need to be updated,there are new terrorists in town.They believe strange things and worship strange idols,they are also unmoved by facts,extremely mysogynists and hate jews.They speak their own language and shout slogans while killing people. Oh,and channers kill muslims in mosque

Whoever wants to be that guy is a faggot.
Whoever wants to fuck that gal is a patrician.


>Where are the murderers livestreaming themselves
In New Zealand :^)


That's not how you draw hanged people.

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For context this is supposed to be anti gay marriage.

>A furry is being hanged
Is this a coincidence?

The gay dudes seem happier, and the kids look better fed.

Oh boy, snap.

Absolutely timeless.

Wait a second, there's something wrong here... this turn of the century lesbian bar has no fire escapes! Enjoy your death trap, ladies!

Not wrong, desu

Wait, is the wall designed to keep Americans in, or did Trump just throw the woman over to the US side?

He's chasing the American dream. The bus (industry) takes him to the office (economy) and promises sexy ad (sexual/romantic fulfillment). By his design, he's obviously Chinese, and his lack of swearing implies that he's first generation.
The rest writes itself.

I wanna fuck the economy.

Those clinics are fucking referral clinics. They’re contracted out.

Getting entangled in a costly war in the middle east and failing miserably? That's Bush, you dingus.

The guy who drew the cartoon is jewish, dumbass.

according to the definition of genocide it is not neccesary to kill anyone to perform a genocide, also all those other races already outnumber whites and have no necesity to "spread" youu absolute moron

>where do they fall on the political spectrum?
Pretty much any spot down here.
>inb4 left/right aren't REEL libertarians!! The term itself has a complicated history at least here in america. It originally was used as a synonym for anarchist and was very popular among anti states strands of communism and syndicalism. The modern american understanding of libertarianism can trace itself back to a "revival" of sorts which began in the 1920s with former goergists like Albert Nock, individualists like HL Menkin, and austrian school economists like Murry Rothbard. While Ayn Rand and objectivism are heavily associated with libertarianism today, at the time objectivists actually hated the new libertarians, believing them to be too anarchistic as probably the biggest difference between the two were their views on the state's necessity. (That being objectivism = state is needed, libertarianism = state is obsolete) Over time, however, the two groups would gradually settle their differences and the mainstream "libertarian party" would push away the more explicitly anti state elements of the movement into their own fringe groups like anarcho capitalism and left wing market anarchism. As the party has come to represent "libertarianism" in the public consciousness, it has consequently deluted into being virtually indistinguishable from neo liberalism (imo) on the surface and that seems to attract a lot of the types that you see being mocked in that comic.
As you can imagine, there is a humongous angry rift between the american libertarian movement and classic collectivist anarchist libertarians or libertarians socialists as they call themselves now.
Hopefully this summery of the history of the term itself has given you some insight? Libertarianism is honestly very hard thing to define without being vague or reductionist as any non ideologue will recognize that it doesn't really adhere to a left right dichotomy.

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>Muh /pol/ boogeyman

Did you even fucking read it?

Is the tea party still a thing?

>that giant ass green text
Fuck. Guess I forgot to hit enter after that line.

>calling someone else a moron while using spoiler for absolytely no reason


How precious.

Then slap my ass and call me a gay patrician

I think there are still teaparty congressmen still in office. Though given that we under republican leadership, the debt is something that currently swept under the rug. At least until democrats take power again.

you're framing it as the former only requiring an individual to change, and the latter requiring society to change, but society has to change in order for people to not fuck other races, just as it does for racism to be curbed, so what the fuck are you even saying

I don't think appealing to the dictionary will help your case

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-16 the definition of genocide at DuckDuckGo.png (628x837, 79K)

Bush sure did

Attached: Bush 2004 Campaign Ad - Kerry, Yakuza, and Anime.jpg (600x450, 44K)

I think the Tea Party has rebranded at this point.


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forget freedom of choice,
>stem cell research harms life
what the fuck?

It's fetish art baby

bittersweetcandybowl ending spoilers

Woah, landlords have always been kikes?

yeah, no murders there
extermination can be performed by making them unable to reproduce for example
now youknow, you dont have an excuse to be stupid

>Elon musk good!
>Social safety net bad!

Fetal stem cells were a big talking point for a while.

>making them unable to reproduce
You mean sterilization?

Against everything that government does, except protecting against violence and property crime by criminals or invaders. And even then they're not thrilled about the way government is funded as taxation is seen as akin to theft. Most want a small nightwatchman state that doesn't prohibit any non-violent behavior.

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Sounds complicated

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What's wrong with sending a spy to life in prison?

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>In b4 a cartoon with Pepe with bloodstained hands

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That Victorian barmaid is exactly my fetish.

>the domain actually exists

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Looks like Putin

they mutated into their true form of an apocalyptic chaos traitor cult

I'm going to be honest here I looked at the image and thought that exact thing before reading the body of the post. And I'm going to leave this link here for like-minded patricians: ao3.org/works/2779652

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This strip is getting posted a lot but I have yet to see someone claim 'not all muslims'. It's either: "These guys aren't muslims, they're heretics that have misread our pamphlets" or "Ya know, it might not be perfect, but they've got the right idea in principle"

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thank you grandma-- very cool!

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>Making them unable to reproduce
Which isn't happening to white people anywhere

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This one is great. Not that I particularly like either one, but the point is sharp.

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>Hurrah, the high taxes are gone!
>Now, where did all this debt we owe to China come from?

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>he wants high taxes

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>he wouldn't listen to cyber-jones' preaching

why do people make a big deal about the 13% but actively ignore the surrounding facts that; blacks are actively targeted more intentionally or unintentionally. Receive harsher sentences when compared to other races. Police using the " I smelled weed/ sprinkle some crack on him" to justify violence or arrests. Mutts get lumped into being categorized as "black" when committing crimes... ect. ect.

This is my kind of thread.

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(Eurobeat intensifies...)

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Wait, hold on for a second.

Why is the gangsta dressed as Marty McFly from Back to the Future?

yes, the original is holocaust denial

Actively targeted (More likely to be guilty)
Harsher sentences (Blacks more more likely to be repeat offenders and "unfair" sentences pointed out are often their latest of several arrests.

Because you cannot express those ideas in a four panel political cartoon. That's why. Literally every single time some stormfig derails a thread and I link to any literature on the topic they spin around and screech about marxism or propaganda and ignore it outright because READING BAD.

>he wants his country's economy to semi-regularly collapse

Trickle-down economy is a scam

This kid?

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accurate if the knight is replaced with a crazy New Zealander with a gun

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Yeah. Did life jackets make a fashion comeback or something?

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that pelosi is accurate

Nice try, IRS.

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>New Zealander

Tarrant was an Australian though.

>Actively targeted (More likely to be guilty)
>oh wait he's innocent, i'm gonna arrest him anyways because I "smelled" weed, or claim this toy gun in my glove compartment was his.

>Harsher sentences (Blacks more more likely to be repeat offenders and "unfair" sentences pointed out are often their latest of several arrests.
"Violence in an offender’s criminal history does not appear to contribute to the sentence imposed"

ugly ass artstyle

>ID please
>No, not THAT kind of ID, only these kinds of ID, even though those other ones confirm who you are
>Oh also expired IDs are invalid too because once they expire they clearly do not confirm your identity anymore lol


>hippie is a Romanian nationalist for some reason

>clearly, it is the Jews who want to tax the rich and coprorations


>differs state to state
>each state that requires it has multiple different IDs you can use
Cry some more. Illegals shouldn't be voting.

Of course an expired ID is invalid. After a few years it might not be a true or accurate likeness of you or your situation, like if you gain/lose a lot of weight or simply age. Personal details like address can change easily during this period.

Stop making your enemies look badass

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what a retarded analogy

>multiple different IDs
Yet not various common ones that just so happen to be targeting low income people

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I said "repeat offenses", not "past violence".
lol Idiot.

that was obviously supposed to be pro-trump

Never use skeletons to represent your opponent, it just makes them look cool.

It's funny because the people who sacked Rome were white Germans

I feel like the exact same comic could have also been made with Trump.

>The people who are disproportionately wealthy are the Jews!
>The people who want to tax the disproportionately wealthy are also the Jews!

Cost of voter IDs in any state is dirt cheap and free in some, especially if you're low income or homeless.

Democrats just want illegals voting.

Jewish 8D chess at its finest.

It's hardly comparable.
America has been fucking itself in the ass from the get go, by allowing it's citizens to stockpile guns for 300 years. It's literally impossible to get the guns out of private peoples hands at this point, which is why you'll NEVER see American gun related statistics as pleasant as those we have here in the civilized part of the world.

>implying Trump is bringing in illegals to vote

Attached: KqkHyAm.jpg (800x846, 252K)

Instead he should say, "don't worry they came here legally".

You mean parts of the world with less diversity?

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But if the goal is to rig elections why not cut out the middle man and just rig the results? Why do you need to have a person to cast a ballot when you can just tamper the machines or destroy the ballots? It worked for Georgia.

>statistics as pleasant as those we have here in the civilized part of the world.

It just adds little bit of extra character to US of A. In Yurop you either get truck of peace'd or have acid thrown on your face, in USA you get shot.

same difference retard.

The barrier is enough to discourage a number of voters. Meanwhile where is your proof that illegals are falsely voting in mass?

Wait there are states where you actually have to pay money for a voters ID? Fuck the cost, the idea that you would have to pay anything at all to participate in the most essential duty a citizen has is fucking bullshit.

>back to not caring
About her own non-racism?
>Trump called Nazis very fine people
Never happened.
>mimicking them
Not mimicking them when SJWs pull bullshit out of thin air and you're pointing out something actually "problematic" in the actual, correct sense of the word.
>saying bigoting things
Pointing out that a US Congresswoman adhering to Sharia law as unconstitutional isn't "bigoted".

Who makes this shit?

integrating another population into your own isn't easy but it is also beneficial in the long run.

Thus some how manages to make more sense than your average Garrison, lol

Now this is some top-quality cringe.

The comic also ignores the massive corruption issues that Poland has, come to think of it a lot of anti immigrant countries has massive corruption issues.

Nate Beeler is honestly a mixed bag, but his Trump cartoons are usually on point.

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Errr...no it isn't.
If Tyrone breaks into houses, sells drugs, doesn't pay his child support, disturbs the peace, sets a fire, steals a car, destroys property, etc, etc, etc...then gets pulled in for his latest offense, all that non-violent past behavior gets taken into account.

When will Trump finally invest in the N A N O M A C H I N E S market?

While you're just disgusting.

You can’t vote if you’re not a fucking citizen, you brainlet.

Errr....no it isn't.

Because you can't summarize those ideas in a single sentence, which is what the stormfags need. Every ideal needs to be converted into an easily digestible sentence that can be pasted over an image marco. It's all about dumbing down politics in order to appeal to the lowest common denominator. This is the reason the right has a better meme game, because their ideas don't extend past "white people are the best", and none of them require any further critical thinking on the subjects. The thinking is done for you.

This is also the reason that the alt-right goes after kids, because young people are easily influenced.

>The barrier is enough to discourage a number of voters

reminds me how a city in my state, which had a population of nearly 400,000. Has only recently created a system of public transportation. And its just an offshoot uber.

>beneficial in the long run

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So... you've never seen any mainstream news channel? Or radio show? Or anything?

So, this is what this guy's been up to since Miiverse died...

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>from the character designer of Disney’s Hercules

Yeah, that's the law, but illegals get around that due to lax or non-existent voter ID laws.

Hence the need for them. Are you awake?

The absolute irony of this post.

I hate it when cartoons label people.

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And it should when it comes to sentencing, when arguing guilt as previous criminal behaviour is a sign that he is somewhat likely to offend, etc.

Man, I wish.

Yes. We have to show IDs when we vote here in Germany. I do not see why Americans are upset.

No one doesn't have some form of identification.

>Letting its citizens.

The right to bare arms was considered just and proper across the world until the 1960s through 80s where it radically changed. Thank fuck the US had the second amendment which prevents them from copying us and rewriting history as to make it seem like we never had it.

Right, but none of that would be part of the "past violence" is the same as "past offenses" idiocy from earlier in the convo.

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The whole EU is insanely corrupt. Poland's corruption stemmed mostly from its friendly pro-EU prior governments.

Why bothering with law then, people can just break them.

No, they don’t. Do you even understand how the voting process works, or would you rather parrot baseless conspiracy theories?

Attached: bretthellyeah.gif (320x240, 991K)

It is pretty amusing how a thing that is common in most of the civilized world suddenly becomes fascistic voter suppression in yankland.

I feel like this is parody and sarcasm, because nobody can be this stupid.

No one should have to pay any form of money for the right to vote. We already have a very low percentage of our population voting anyway, the last thing we need are more barriers for entry. There is no sufficient evidence that illegals are even really voting in any of our elections, much less in a high enough number to disrupt them to one side or the other.

If the Dems were allowing illegals to vote to rig the elections, why wouldn't they just rig the results? They could easily just destroy ballots or tamper with the machines, this illegals voting business just seems like a huge complicated and less effective work around. It also comes off seeming like the Repubs just want the least amount of people voting possible, wonder why that is?

>gmo rulers
>not AI rulers

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You mean how Californians don't need proof of citizenship to get a driver's license and in turn can use that license when voting?

Yes, I do.


Do you have any actual studies done on this subject that support your claim that illegals are voting in mass numbers in order to interfere with our elections?

And how they dare they make me drive to the polling station to vote?!?
Gas costs money!
What a barrier, AMIRITE?!

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Voting day should be a national holiday in order to encourage everyone to go and vote. There should be as little barriers to voting as possible, not more. Especially in a country where less than 50% of people actually vote.


I'm sorry, Chile. I would help you, but those two keep yelling "gibs me dat".
You know how it is.

I'd rather die on my feet than to live my life on my knees gringo.

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Actually if you don't have the ability to drive you'll most likely have a voting location that's within walking distance assuming you're not in a red state.

Skinwalker milk and maple sap

>seeing if someone touches their own non-hazardous properly is an IQ test.
Whew lad. Leftist comics...

feet inches deep in mud over knees on pavement?
your call

Because Germany has the social systems in place to allow voter ID to exist without it being a tool to largely oppress certain valid voter groups

Choose a year between 1981 and 2000 (first one, first serve)

>comic was made by a libertarian
God, rightists are stupid

>why wouldn't they just rig the results
How are you this stupid? That would be way more difficult than telling people to vote. Especially if you need to do it in a way that doesn't leave any evidence of fraud behind.

Also, way to miss the point on the cartoon.


the absolute irony of this post.

>using irony wrong
Is this 2013?

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>can’t even disprove his point

>implying leftists would denounce the comic
>implying this comic reflects libertarian specific beliefs

That Trump is worried that some dumb fucks ruined his phone by hooking a car battery to it?

I mean, it’s something that both liberals (you’re using leftist, wrong you idiot) and libertarians can both agree on. I’m friends with a libertarian who even voted Jill Stein.

>when you’re still missing the point of the cartoon

You know making white babies isn't a crime anywhere. You can't blame the state for your inceldom.

Attached: 09 Nov 1986.jpg (791x608, 128K)

Whoops, I had a typo with my commas lol.

Attached: 20 Jan 1986.jpg (814x627, 127K)

No, only a leftist gets triggered over Trump's tweeting.

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I remember when the artist tried to sue reddit over this edit.
Good times

No, I’ve seen even my conservative friends cringe at his tweets. Also, learn to use leftist correctly.

Attached: 11 Apr 1986.jpg (806x657, 138K)

Nigger tier intellect

I honestly can’t blame the cartoonist, to be honest. I wouldn’t want my name being tainted by that bile

Attached: 05 May 1986.png (804x651, 162K)

Yeah, the "point" is obvious, but the implication of the scenario is stupid.

Attached: 26 Nov 1986.jpg (799x594, 113K)

You’re new to political cartoons, then.

I don't get it

Hello Pajeet, please submit for further English lessons, your current reading comprehension is shit.
I wasn't arguing wether or not anything happened, I was telling user why it's not that simple. And you can bet your shitstained hiney that everything will be scrutinized several times by all sides when the stakes are a set in the white house.

Attached: 17 Sep 1986.jpg (818x600, 142K)

Corazan Aquino needed a label

Attached: 30 May 1986.jpg (640x524, 42K)

>resorting to ad him attacks
>trying to act like a centrist

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Attached: 04 Aug 1986.jpg (622x479, 80K)

>has nothing to add so prentends that using spoiler tags for no reason is a sign of stupidity(?)
Uh alright bud

Attached: 10 Apr 1986.jpg (795x612, 167K)

*ad hom

Fucking typos, lol

Or you just don't see any violent crime happening besides gypsies getting into drunken fights

t. someone who actually lives in Europe

>crying ad hominem on a website where faggot and nigger has been an ingrained part of the vocabulary since day 1
Unironically go back to whatever shithole you came from.

Attached: 12 Jun 1986.jpg (647x518, 103K)

He's not that bad he just LIKES BEER AND BOOFING WITH SQUEE

Attached: 20 Mar 1986.jpg (797x615, 107K)

I might post more (if this thread continues)

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>crying “muh Yea Forums!!1!” as an excuse not to call you out in your bullshit
>trying to gatekeep this hard
You know that this place isn’t a cool kids club anymore, right?

The absolute irony of presenting a logical viewpoint? If you want to make fun of him, at least point out why he's wrong otherwise you're more of a brainwashed dumbass then he'd ever be.
I think you're shortselling stormfags as being complete paste eaters, the meme game they use to normalize their thoughts is real but many of them also have other reasons for their ideology. There's quite a few that come from poor white sectors who see government handouts and scholarships to other races while they're left to rot, building a sense of resentment and offense at these people "ruining America".
I would say that they use memes because in many cases they feel that their conclusions are self-evident (even if they may not be), so instead of arguing with a lefty they're more making fun of the lefty.

Attached: anglo_domination.png (980x832, 145K)

And people say that white people have no culture...

Mail in ballots exist, there's a lot of tools in place to let people vote. The decision to not vote is mostly due to laziness. Restricting it further is only going to ruin voter turnouts more.

That comic needs less text labels but Trump's expression is FUCKING PERFECT

>implying gatekeeping is a bad thing
Gatekeeping is why Yea Forums used to be good. Newfags that couldn't be assed to lurk and retards demanding to be spoonfed things they could've found out themselves faster, were collectively told to fuck off, which upped the quality of the board as a whole.
If it keeps just one of you cancerous (Youwhoring election babbies away, then it's well worth the effort.

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By bile you mean the edit, reddit or racist implications?

Attached: bitch 2.png (303x247, 26K)

>using memes from more than a decade ago
>still desperately clinging to gatekeeping

All three.


If she didn't want to be associated with racist implications, she shouldn't have put them in her comic to begin with.

How is this post ironic?

Blood for the Bloodgod!
I hope Khorne is happy with stem cells.

No, people should learn not to be assholes. Is is that hard?

What were the racist implications in the original comic? I've never seen it.

Also if I made a comic I definitely wouldn't want people making a racist edit of it and spreading it with my name still on it.

Attached: fursecution2.png (268x398, 63K)

It would only be ironic if his post tried to mislead you or misinform you by summarizing ideas incorrectly like the people he's originally referring to.

I read that as /pol/tard

Better than Fallout 76

She's a victim of her own dumb actions

Racist might be the wrong word since it was about "not all men", so sexist would have been a better choice. Not that Muslims are a race, but that's besides the point.
And if she thinks it's okay to talk like that about a group as broad as ALL MEN, then she has no place getting upset when someone does the same about a smaller group.

I don't agree with the edit, because I don't agree with the message of the original either. Both of them where made by cunts, but the edit might at least have been made to prove a point, and not because the person actually believe that horseshit, even though I doubt it.

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If you need to label a politician in your comic, that means you suck at drawing caricatures.

Of course if american energy industries weren't doing their best to make sure you didn't hear about waste-free, meltdown-free, Thorium salt reactors this wouldn't be an issue.

>implying most people recognize supreme court judges from their face

the argument was wathever it was necesary to kill anyone to cause a genocide
and i proved you wrong

how about abortion?

And proved that white genocide doesn't exist, literally by your own definition. White people aren't being killed, nor are they being denied the ability to have children.

Who is forcing anyone to have an abortion?

>And proved that white genocide doesn't exist
something nobody asked you to do and wast part of the conversation
>Who is forcing anyone to have an abortion?
economic opression, wage depression, jobs going overseas, too many people trying to enter the work force.
They arent forcing people to do it, just removing the option to have children alltogether

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>black people
>literally everyone

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Speaking of Horsey

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>iron guard shirt

>there are people in this thread right now who see nothing wrong with the second image

I wonder how many studies it'll take before violent video games are no longer associated with violence.

>Political cartoons thread
>No Winsor McCay
What's the fucking point then?

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Why do you assume that poor people can’t afford ids? There like ten dollars in most states

Nothing will stop it as long as it gets views and clicks.

I still remember a few psychologists chiming in back in the 90's to say that violent videogames was less likely to lead to actual violence than aggressive play like cops n robbers or cowboys and indians, or playing aggressive sports like football or soccer. They actually said violent videogames had an overall calming effect on children after the game was over, since it provided the mental stimulation of intense activity without the usual intense physical component. They backed it up with stats and a few studies as well.

Libertarians are on the autism spectrum not the political one

The elder kid has a more defensive stance and he tries to stay as away as possible from his adoptive father without him observing it. He also hasa more "forced" expression.

Are you dumb? We just had a shooting directly related to violent video games. Studies prove nothing in the real world.

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Funnier because Western education also taught that those white Germans were the glorious Aryan race and doing that made the world a better place.

1800s and early 1900s higher education was fucking weird.

I'm shocked and amazed I haven't seen a "news" outlet report this seriously.

I give it a week.

Most Christian Zionist no longer care about converting Jews; many of them believe Jews are still the chosen people and can go to heaven without Jesus (pic related).

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It won't be until actual boomers die off.

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