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The worst song in Disney history.
but it's kino
how would it been if the sequel had been animated as a movie sequel with the animation form the first film
So does becoming a genie mean you have to make weird references that are anachronistic in every way?
It's weird to think that at one point cel animation was the cheap alternative, and only the highest budgeted films could afford digital animation.
I remember we read War of the Worlds for English in middle school and our teacher wanted to show us Marvin the Martian as he was an alien in popular culture or whatever. Except she didn't actually show us a Marvin cartoon, she showed us a shitty AMV of this song over random Marvin the Martian clips. I've never seen a class that awkward ever again, you could hear a fucking pin drop.
What country was this?
Oh. For some reason I read "for English" as "in English", like you were learning English as a second language. In which case your story would be more understandable
Our teacher was just old and didn't know technology or whatever. She kept on downloading episodes of some show she wanted us to watch and kept clogging up her computer with viruses. My friends and I had to help her get rid of them numerous times.
oh god i'm so sorry
>Hated Aladdin 2
>Wore out the tape of Aladdin 3
Was it Williams, actually better, or just being a child?
King of Thieves is far and away superior to Return of Jafar
The worst part was that we just watched the entire thing in a dead silent classroom. I just sat there gawking at the fact a fucking Looney Tunes AMV was now a part of my education.
Well I guess you could say your education was only second rate.
Seeing how one is an actual theatrical film and the other was a cheaply put together pilot for a tv series then no, you were correct.
>people don't like this song or how Jafar acts
One of the only Disney villains who actually succeeds in his goals and enjoys the spoils of his victory.
At the end of Aladdin he's making puns because he's an all powerful sorcerer who's taken control of an entire city and is going to plow the princess. Here he's quite possibly the most powerful being in existence and he's having the time of his life.
Most disappointing part of the Lion King is how Scar becomes a lazy boring loser after he becomes king. All the charisma is out the window
>Watching the Aladdin that didn't have Robin Williams in it
>Most disappointing part of the Lion King is how Scar becomes a lazy boring loser after he becomes king. All the charisma is out the window
That's pretty realistic though. The kinds of people who are good at pioneering something new tend to be awful at maintenance. Two different skill sets.
e.g. Ulysses S. Grant was great at winning the Civil War but had no idea what to do when they made him President later on.
>Most disappointing part of the Lion King is how Scar becomes a lazy boring loser after he becomes king. All the charisma is out the window
That was the point. Scar had no business being king. He wanted the title and the respect, but none of the duty or responsibilities that came with it.
>Jafar shows up in Hercules TAS
>his interactions with Hades
Return of Jafar is mediocre but the Aladdin TAS made it worth it
>not liking Dan Castellaneta
I liked Aladdin 2 and Aladdin 3. They both aren't as good as the first, but they're probably the best Disney sequels besides Rescuers Down Under. Little Mermaid 2 is fucking atrocious.
i thought uncle said magic defeats magic
Those two lines fucking kill me every time. How did they get away with it? Was the songwriter having a stroke for a few seconds while writing that part?
genie is an all powerful magical being, time means nothing to him
jafar is an all powerful sorcerer. he probably peered into the future and went insane
No, Jafar is literally a Genie now
sure, becoming a genie was the means to becoming all powerful. he was already pretty powerful, but now hes got that unlimited MP
jafar is shown as just some evil weirdo for james woods to bounce off of. his only character trait is "loves doing evil laughs"
That and he enjoys humiliating those he conquered by showing them what they really are. He made the Sultan into a literal puppet and Jasmin in a concubine when he took over Agrabah.
What better way to show that Genie is nothing compared to him than to do it through a Genie style song.
He's just homer.
Alladin 3 is the best of the trilogy or at least tied with the original.
Oh good. I was afraid I just had shit taste.
This is maybe my favorite story I’ve ever read on Yea Forums. It makes so little sense.
You know, I really liked this animation studio's work. It was obviously cheaper but it was really charming.
Ok I've shared your pain. Now suck my dick-
I think it's more of a situational thing here. Jafar is specifically mocking Genie's style as he outclasses him here
My fucking sides
Jesus fucking Christ, this has to be real because it's so horrible. How old was she?
how is it the worst? the first movie set a precedent for genies to be silly. so this is the result of jafar being a powerful genie, since he was already a magic user.
You should message the creator.
>tfw old communications professor started playing videogamedunkey videos during a discussion of online communities because he heard of Second Life from someone
Oh God it's so poorly done. How were you not laughing your ass off?
I unironically liked Return of Jafar.
It’s a good song, though. A bit upbeat, but it’s good.
Almost all of his videos make my face hurt laughing. I don't know how he does it. He's the only Youtube person I watch.
Imagine being this wrong
Weird, I remember this song being much better than this.
Jafar was always a ham anyways.
>I’m just getting warmed up!
>Things are unraveling fast now!
The lyrics in OP.
1. The whole mischaracterization.
2. The animation.
3. The audacity to try to recapture the spirit of You Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me and twist it into a villain song.
4. Fuck all of you.
You mean Disney Japan, right? They animated this musical number.
Weird, I could have sworn Robin Williams was in the sequel, but thats clearly Dan Castlenealaslaeas homer simpson voice that they used for the Aladdin series.
Williams was in the 3rd installment.
What mischaracterization?
>middle school when this was uploaded
underage get out
Name a better laugh in Yea Forums media, anons. The first 8 seconds of this are pure gold.
There is a worse song in this very movie and it's the one where Iago sings about love.
Twisting "You Ain't Never Had a Friend Like Me" into a villain song was an awesome idea though. It didn't turn out as well as it could have but the idea was good.
No not Lago. It's a capital I not a lower case L. Iago is Jafar's pet bird.
I never seen it written
I always assumed it was written like Yago or Jago