Could per-Abomination Blonsky defeat Captain America in fight?

Could per-Abomination Blonsky defeat Captain America in fight?

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probably not because doesn't have the Super Serum iirc, but he'd put up a good fight more than Batroc

Fuck no

Didn't he receive a modified SSS similar to how Bucky was? I could had swore he did.

Blonsky seemed like a cool dude and as much a victim as Banner. Don't get why we're supposed to consider him the bad guy.

He did

The SSS that Ross gave him basically turned him crazy. So in a way, every terrible thing that Abomination did is on Ross.

I really want to see him back if they ever decide to make Thunderbolts. Take him, Zemo, Ghost, add a few new characters(Juggernaut hopefully).

How would the two compare to an Extremis soldier?

Attached: IM3_ConceptArt_ExtremisArm_JoshNizzi.gif (680x1085, 1.2M)

Without the shield? Yes, he could. Steve isn't that good of a fighter, he relies mostly on his superstrenght, MCU cap is superhuman, not peak human, and but he is still in the 3 ton range, Blonsky was based enought to put a decent fight against hulk

No, but it would be fucking awesome.

Pre-Abomination Blonsky was still blatantly superhuman thanks to that first treatment.

>U.S. military officials
>ever being held accountable for their shit
I know you weren't arguing otherwise, but still.

That said I still don't think he has enough of an edge to put down Cap. Maybe against Steve in the early stages of his WWII campaigns. But current 'I have seen some serious shit' Steve. Nope.

The whole point of the movie is that they want Hulk's blood to try to get closer to perfecting their bootleg Erskine juice.

If it was as effective as the real thing in the first place they wouldn't have bothered.

No. But Blonsky would slap around pre serum Rodgers like a bitch so naturally

>The SSS that Ross gave him basically turned him crazy.
Even fake serum affects the mind the same way. You don't turn into a violent psycho unless those urges were already there. Blonsky is closer to Schmidt than Rogers.

I remember an user saying that he thought the Stark formula from Winter Soldier was probably perfect, because the formula by design makes you "more you", by bringing out your core traits. Maybe most of the formula attempts have been good, they've just been injected into unworthy people.

Considering they are walking bombs, one could probably kill or mame Cap with a well planned suicide bomb attempt

So wait a minute. If they could never truly recreate the Super Solider Serum, then what was Bucky? Because Blonsky obviously had a cocktail that had dire side effects. They never mass produced Bucky's formula because the subjects were too hard to control, correct? Because The Winter Soldier program required constant maintenance and conditioning.

>Ross has a perfect serum but he thinks there must be something wrong with it because his subjects never turn out as good as Rogers
I can buy that.

no, ross flatout states that blonksy's serum is a bastardized version

he'd do better than batroc as the first reply said, but cap would own his ass

bucky's formula was a bastardized version of what erskine gave to the skrull and/or possibly fucked around with by zola

Right but it was clearly an improved variant of Blonsky's with zero physical mutations. It seems the reason why HYDRA didn't just mass produce super soldiers because of the unpredictable psychological effects the drug had. Even ignoring Bucky's brainwashing treatments, he was never really right in the head after getting the shot.

It's more like Ross wanted to see if the formula would even work at all. He had an emergency and needed an edge *now*. So grab someone who's a top performer and see how that turns out.

Blonsky wasn't screened for psychological issues or traumas. And after the first dose and subsequent confrontation with the Hulk he wasn't closely watched to see if any after-effects showed up. Ross was flying by the seat of his pants.

They had the potential, especially when you consider the healing factor. Blonsky went from basically being in a body cast to fully recovered in a night. With the proper procedures the US could have been churning out super-soldiers.

But Ross is an idiot.

A perfected Extremis is easily better than the SSS.

Blonsky's a veteran, he knows his shit, what makes people think he would lose? If we're talking about Avenger's Captain he has it.

Blonsky seemed just as strong and fast as Steve though. Probably even a better healer than Steve given how fast he recovered from being crippled by Hulk.

Plus, Cap was on the army for like three weeks or so before he froze. There's a reason why Bucky was close to kil him in both their fights.

>Bucky was close to kil him in both their fights.
Only because Steve was attempting to restrain Bucky without severely harming him while Bucky was going for the kill.

The hell was Blonsky's plan at the end?
>Oh yeah m8 imma bloody CQC the shite outa this massive unit 3 times me size!

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He wasn't in the right state of mind after being injected with an bastardized SSS.

>Noone got killed during all of this mess

You are the fucking reason capeshit never has any consequences. In comics and in movies.

Are you retarded? Of course people got killed in that fucked operation. Was the cutaways with random soldiers getting SMASHED not clue enough

Does it matter at all that Blonsky just got a shot in the spine and not the chamber treatment that Rogers got? It's been a thing in the comics where folks have gotten the serum but not the vitarays or somehow otherwise received an incomplete treatment so they ended up fucked up instead of like Rogers.

in the comics it's a combination of the serum AND the vita rays, and the formula died with erskine

blonksy got a half-assed dose and no rays either. same for bucky. although bucky's dose was probably closer to the original source/could have been the original source