Would you?

Attached: 01F402B6-07D1-419A-A14E-B267D3418096.png (540x304, 68K)

Other urls found in this thread:


If by that you mean love and protect her, then yes I would

>worst girl
Fuck no, but I would her mom though

Attached: 6EC0C536-B5C8-4671-8934-6E24081AD64C.jpg (470x595, 81K)

and that's why you're my nigga

Kinda meant fuck, but You could include that

Isn't she 12 years oid? No.


Attached: no connie that's gay.png (800x800, 188K)

If I was an ordinary kid and the same age as her, no. She seems hard to impress.

Attached: Connie is a goddamn sexual tyrannosaur.png (866x1753, 660K)

I'd train her in the ancient art of STR

Sexually Transmitted Religion?

you just KNOW

Attached: cat lover.png (405x513, 106K)

I was going to say big weapons but dickin' for christ also sounds good.

Yes, I would train her into a worthy weapon of the God Emperor of Mankind.

Does she poo in a loo?

Old Connie, yes

nuConnie, no

Get her pregnant? Sure

ayyy thats a really cute take on the Con

Not for lewd. She's prime daughteru material, though. I want to take care of her. I want to give her cute little dresses to wear. I want to give her a spanking when she misbehaves.

Attached: 54840389.png (546x664, 141K)

>not for lewd
>want to spank her
You're sending mixed messages, user.

That pic would be better if it was Peedee and not just a random self incert.

>"Jeff, you better slam Steven in his boy pussy or I'm breaking both of them this time."

>Not for lewd.
>goes into an incest fantasy you've clearly had for a while now

Indeed. At least I'm honest about my filthy lusts, rather than draping it in some saccharine shell and claiming innocence.

Attached: Connie 30.jpg (849x1443, 60K)

Damn, she’s a good girl to lewd

I like you user

Marco would

Attached: Marconnie Spin.gif (720x1280, 824K)

only if she gets some enhancements

Attached: image0-12.jpg (600x686, 72K)


Attached: F5E8F57D-0DAA-47F4-9BF6-33FF6D09DF56.jpg (1280x872, 119K)

Is that a JoJo reference?

I mean, I've had a minor fetish for chicks with indian descent since early high school so yeah.

Don’t think so

I'd rather go for her mother.

Attached: Dr. Maheswaren Undies.jpg (1635x2156, 698K)

don't fetishize races user!

Attached: connie and her boyfriend.png (803x475, 122K)

Why not both


Attached: Connie's Mommy.jpg (767x1032, 348K)

Patrician way

Attached: 1512249626473.jpg (800x909, 71K)

>ywn have a brown mommyfu and brown daughterfu threesome with Connie and Priyanka
It hurts. Badly

No, just simple well deserved bullying

Attached: Marconnie (3).png (1280x1371, 408K)

Attached: mah-nigga.jpg (560x437, 29K)

that's the kid she flipped

I'd honestly be okay with if a girl wanted me to plow/get plowed by a dude while she watches and masturbates. It's secretly a dream of mine.

No problem.
I could currently have gay sex in front of a woman or me being the spectator of lesbian sex.

Attached: pain.jpg (1024x1023, 69K)

how are you so blessed, user?

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

Most likely, you will comment on it in an ironic way, but I will take the bait.
People who prefer lesbians rather than gays are hypocritical because it's only seeing half of the same apple.
Also, my conception of love is very specific, so it's not limited to a single genre.
The important thing is always that shit does not have AIDS and that relationships are not transient as they are with most LGTBs.

Even Chowder’s cucking Steven, who’s next, Ben 10?

Sweet lord, I need more along these lines or sauce!

Attached: donladboner.jpg (800x450, 61K)

If I recall correctly, there was an image of Jotaro spitting on Ryuko Matoi that had basically the same composition.

We both know he's faithful to Gwen.

Ben is a morally upstanding, monogamous and faithful cousinfucker.

>The Virgin Starlight vs the Chad Marconnie

It's okay, I'm allowed to confess things on Yea Forums.

Truly a man of regal tastes

Can I get you a glass a milk to go along with those cookies?

Attached: chris-hansen.png (434x610, 234K)

No, you're the problem here.
Take your seat, twin brother

Attached: 1546888392159.jpg (576x720, 39K)

stop bouncing checks you criminal

Depends on which artist is storyboarding her.

Hell no, she is the worst character, and she is ugly as fuck.

Attached: 1546832398585.jpg (251x265, 15K)

He has a better romantic story than Steven

Because I'm a big autist, I drew Connie as a Mordian Iron Guardswoman.

Attached: ConnieMIG.jpg (343x788, 28K)

Worst shit show pretending that it's better than other shit show.

Looks good

yes i would. with her feet. multiple times.

Thank you. I have other ideas along these lines, but pretty much all are xenoheresy for including Gems.

Attached: Pearl's Worrying Thirst.png (500x500, 225K)

>14 replies in 4 hours
What the fuck is wrong with you people she's like 13


Sir, this is a screencap of a thread that once emerged here, and is hardly unique.

Attached: Depravity.png (990x1013, 351K)

i see boco's always been gay

I’d pick Connie and her mom for that thread

Not a chance lel

Too old.

Attached: Pedobear_(1).jpg (400x648, 29K)

Xenoheresy is always fun bro

i can see the penis you know

Ah, I have found my fellows.

Attached: Marconnie Curry Cucked Steven.png (1111x1111, 320K)

Only if Steven watches as I put my all natural human batter into her womb while she's ovulating right now

Yes Misha we know you would. Post the lewds.


I love you bro

Attached: 1512294484970.jpg (768x658, 115K)

Pretty sure she's prepubescent. No ovulations there.

>Oppai Connie
I see you're a man of fine taste too;


nope, only her secret twin-sister

That's like eating deep dish pizza and a Lunchable at the same time.

Attached: dr. maheswaran - LHK.png (546x761, 75K)

>You will never be a chocolate loli

Neither of them are real pizza but still tasty

Attached: ohz4ce1wfkn01[1].png (1024x2545, 3.17M)

girls can start their periods that early, but only if they're fat

Those two really do deserve better

Yeah, there's also a Catachan Jasper I did. Again, xeno heresy, but if Gems can be swayed to serve humans with a hot dicking and a talking to, who's to say they won't wind up like the Jokaero?

Right back at ya random person on an image board.

Attached: Marconnie Kiss by GenricNoun.png (1000x1179, 221K)

You know Star's one true love is Finn.

Lies! Her only love is the rush of satisfaction she gets from cheating on anyone who dares to love her.

She loves getting cheated on as much, or someone is cheating on someone else with her. Really as long as someone is being unfaithful it makes her cum.

Star is basically a NTRpire

Attached: D1lWTNnWsAITvTN.jpg (638x825, 48K)

No one deserves that kind of cuckfiend in their life.

Attached: Connie 22.jpg (643x1144, 189K)

Oppai Connie is clearly the superior Connie.

Attached: 1jekda.jpg (625x482, 68K)

Fence with her? Yes!

Attached: porigoshi_connie_holopearl_training.gif (350x197, 2.24M)

You might as well hook up the two most cucked modern cartoon characters of all time, because god dammit, everyone deserves love.

and to not be a virgin

Attached: star_butterfly_x_finn_by_marcospower1996-dat9t0y.png (1280x1441, 409K)

Who does that leave Steven with?

ALMOST everyone deserves love.

Can she handle a big dick? 10 inches here.

Nope. Mom yeah.

Actually, this could work.

He'll probably end up getting raped by all the gems he lives with when they go into estrus.

did someone say PIZZA?

Attached: 5 dollars get outta here.png (1280x960, 1006K)

Travel back in time and shoot the execs who forced her into the show and in doing so maybe create a timeline where SU isn't mediocre pandering garbage?

Yes, yes I would user

Not at $5 a fucking slice. For that, I could get a slice, breadsticks or salad, and a drink. Then again, they could be subtly protesting the pride parade by fleecing the gays.

I always figured if Connie ever dumped him, he’d go to Rose’s room to act out his Oedipus Complex and bang a cloud Fose, or is that just jacking off?

I wonder if lesbians ever hold rainbow parties. That would be fun to watch.

Gays have more money and it's always smart to try and cash in on local events.

That that fat bitch fixed her computer or whatever yet?

>That fucking thread

Attached: excuse me.jpg (1000x1024, 231K)

Attached: bi5muth.png (578x599, 355K)

At 5 dollars a slice it better come with a free lesbian floorshow.

Want her to blow me so yeah I would

Oh I’m aware, just want Star to sexually bully Steven

Attached: 23eea3be1a36ab4bf6fe4ab23d9894f4.jpg (828x690, 48K)

sauce me

I want to hear Connie's screams of terror and confusion as I force my erect penis into her

Lol, i don't know why i remember this.

Attached: GG Korra.jpg (552x1224, 384K)

if this picture got one thing right about Pride, it's the random upselling of random, unrelated pride merch

Attached: gay oreo.jpg (570x699, 47K)

How much are bigot slices?

I'd prefer the sexy one living in Steven's subconscious.

Attached: 1444677159252.gif (400x374, 943K)

Precisely this but with Connie!

well, if you donate money to a conservative Christian org you may end up having gays do "kiss-ins" in your establishment like what happened to Chickfila.

Jesus that's a lot of cream.

>I imagined this with Connie's voice

I hate how Steven is bigger but he is easily dominated by Connie. Hopefully, Steven never visits Neverland.

Attached: neverlandranch.jpg (620x413, 44K)

Well she's his own manifestation holding himself down So I guess she has same the proportional strength as him or maybe even more since he seems to be feeding her a lot of power.

That or Steven likes femdom

He's working through a lot of things here.

Attached: 1450139087119.gif (660x400, 677K)

>You will never get dominated by a sexy Indian girl that's actually just a manifestation of your imagination created by your mother's room
Why live?

>"bite the pillow, Steven"

>Steven gets a magical realm where his conscious AND subconscious desires are manifested into vivid manifestations that are not only physical but can act out simple commands.
>I had to spend puberty waiting 6 hours to download badly drawn hentai that was only subtitled in Spanish.
It's not fucking fair. If I was Steven I'd be in rose's room like...every day.

Steven isn't allowed to express sexual desire because this is 2019

>Have a Garnet Lapdance
>Have a Pearl blowjob
>Get a Mommydom Rose
Kid’s just unimaginative and has no sex drive

No, it's a fucking child you sick bastard.

>Where do you think you are

Can't be pedophilia if she's not real.

Its just a cute selfie of connie and her boyfriend

It's a drawing, user. Drawings aren't real no matter how much we want them to be

Attached: fictional.gif (400x271, 2.34M)

Attached: 19D52181-689D-4E0A-A522-00F2CC4F6F40.png (200x140, 19K)

Fine maybe he doesn't wanna do anything with the gems since they're his family. But don't you sit there and tell me He hasn't considered something with one of the Pizzas. Or Sadie. Or hell just someone he saw on fucking TV. HE COULD FUCK ARIANA GRANDE EVERY NIGHT IF HE WANTED TO.

Attached: 8C704CA9-48B8-440A-BDA3-4FF50D86FB01.png (546x700, 317K)

Or live out a fantasy and fuck Sailor Moon and/or Azula

Sailor moon is like...14 too so it'd be age appropriate and everything!

yes. I would her mom too.

Attached: SUhotPriyanka Maheswaran.jpg (1280x1474, 220K)

Just have him steal a pair of Priyanka’s panties and jerk off in them, that alone would make him a better character

Again user, this is 2019. Showing sexual attraction to women is sexist


What about her is attractive? It's just a child with an ugly nose and weirdly big head.

Attached: angerkot.jpg (526x567, 74K)

I rather Steven.

Attached: 1552208032982.png (640x480, 384K)

I bust fat nuts in my brown Paki wife. Dont need to fantasize about Connie ;)

is steven going to die like morph?

I just found this on DevianArt

Attached: nm_74__steven_universe_by_jane1.jpg (1024x1152, 212K)


Attached: 106442CD-A4D2-4B7F-B9AF-CAD18E3F165C.png (405x567, 116K)

Why haven't his 3 mothers told him about not walking around naked before?

Unironically the best consistent animation in the shows history was a scene where a naked boy chases after a possesed fry mascot and a guest animator for 5 seconds.

I'm sure most of the staff likes Shota.

I feel like a lot of Yea Forums industry staff are into that sort of stuff but keep it to themselves.

Dang it, no one set me up for a "I am a child, what's your excuse?"

Fine I'll do it.

Why do you want to fuck a child?

Thanks for letting me know about this artist. Big brown breasts are the best.

Do you know if this artist has a twitter/pixiv/whatever? I only ever find his stuff on DCinside.

>not wanting fresh cheese to go with your fine wine

Based and currypilled. Connie gets a sibling, Priyanka gets a grandchild, everybody wins.

Cringe and fagpilled

Attached: 1552175776.jpg (1416x1609, 104K)

cringe and redpilled

Attached: 53723CBC-E12E-4CA1-92DF-60F1E8963703.jpg (706x999, 55K)

You think they know?

I dunno Pearl seems to.


2 mothers and a big sister**

this show attracts a bunch of maps who want to add the P to lgbtq... Last thing the community needs is that goddamn P. consenting ADULTS leave kids alone. First three seasons didn't even hint at at pedo. This fucking fandom, goddamn them all.

Is this canon?

i should find this disgusting but ive unloaded on this picset twice already

>Cringe and fagpilled

If you want a mary sue that's fine but let's not pretend that she isn't ugly as fuck

Attached: 1530440508210.png (405x567, 95K)

Just saying Rebecca needs to start treating Steven like a teenage boy, have him stare at Connie’s Mom’s ass or tits and deal with a boner already

>ugly as fuck

I don't think she's that bad.

Attached: 73225664_p0.png (2504x4336, 1.73M)

Attached: 1551219501655.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

Damn she’s cute

hell yes. her and her mother at the same time

Attached: 1550364479421~2.png (358x368, 184K)

i dont mind pedo shit.
believe i dont, i would slice star in half if i could.
connie is trash though, for a brief moment during the "meeting my parents" days she was kinda fun but is just a huge bitch and just the love interest now.

she was supposed to be the ugly nerd girl, and i liked her more that way. Now she is chibi.
And at the same time stevonie has a beard manface now when her original concept was to be an exotic girl beyond regular people. In short fuck this show really.

Attached: 1547423059628.jpg (192x192, 8K)