Remember, abandoning your home and your friends is totally fine and should be encouraged...

Remember, abandoning your home and your friends is totally fine and should be encouraged. If your friend is worried about you or wants you to return home, they are a bad person. You should be able to throw away your life and break the rules whenever you want just because you happened to see the right thing at the right time.

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Such a shit sequel

The finale was nightmare fuel, what the fuck.

She went turbo. She broke the one rule of the first movie that it pushed so fucking hard, and Ralph was the immature one for wanting to stop her.

Also she STILL has a glitch despite Sugar Rush getting "fixed" but that was also at the end of 1 so they ignored that before the movie even fucking ended.

>Sugar Rush steering wheel started at $200
>Ralph got it bumped up to $27,001
>He actually paid it
The seller probably shit their pants.

>the 3rd film is the Sugar Rush arcade beijg dismantled and sold for parts at similarly high prices. This fails, because Ralph fucked up in the 2nd film.

she just went to the internet, where things change, dont conform with normality, and other shit like photoshop, romhacks and constant online-dependent game updates. something cabinet games dont have

Yes, it’s called growing up and moving out of your parents home to be your own person, you should try it sometime.

Remember that accepting that your own path to greatness requires a leap of faith will get your dick sucked through a dimensional rip by a cute blonde girl AND an Academy Award!

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Well Vanellipe is voiced by a Jew. Gal Gadot, thecone who brainwashed and turned her against Ralph is a Jew.

It's okay when girl does it.

Also the studio is housed by Jews. And the company is owned by Jews. And the President is in cohoots with Jews. And the UN? You can't spell UNATC(()) without (()).

I don't think it's exactly that. You're watched over by your parents up until you're mature enough to move out of their influence and become your own person, sure. But a friendship has different power dynamics; it's about sharing a more equal standing. And I see the interactions of Ralph and Vanellope as a friendship rather than a father-daughter- type of relationship.

The movie still did have a point in that if you and your friend are moving towards different paths, there's not much you can do about it. Seeking different careers in different universities, or moving abroad for a job, or finding a girlfriend, or raising a family. There are times when life happens, and friends can't spend as much time together as they might want to.

The sequel's message was hurt by going against stuff that had been established in the first movie, though. If there's nothing wrong with a game character going against their programming and leaving their game after all, that means Ralph's grievances in the first movie were perfectly valid, and he should be allowed to fulfill his dreams too. Like for example by creating a new gamemode in Fix-it-Felix, where Ralph gets to be the hero and the playable character.

kids stories always had hypocrisy built into them

>ugly duckling/the beast/frog prince
>they become beautiful in the end anyway

So if Mario suddenly left the Mario Kart arcade machine one day and showed up in Fruit Ninja, that's totally okay?

Ralph was such a clingy loser in this movie.

I don't want to get my dick sucked by an Academy Award, though. That'd be gay.

90% of the women who saw BATB would fuck Beast over Prince.

Big Dumb Oaf and Small Energetic Female Duo is such original concept.

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Overprotective dad

Good taste

9% would rather Fuck Belle.

Did anyone else pick up a weird semi-romantic vibe between Vanellope and Ralph?

>They become long distance friends

Say goodbye to that friendship.

If you are woman

you can interpret it any way you want, it can be a message about Cuckold, ending relationships, being gay, whatever you want

What was so spooky about it?

This typical Yea Forums reaction has to be a overabundance of red-pills thing. Me and my entire family (4 other people) adored the movie. I'm not about to try to convince any of you to like something you clearly hate. Just gotta say I don't get it. Do family always live together or friends nearby? Are family/friends incapable of having a long distance relationship? Is Vanellope awful because she got bored of a completely predictable life and want something more? And despite clearly expressing how much she loves Ralph AND even needing his approval before leaving for the other game, she's "abandoning" him because she's not with him 24/7 anymore?

The whole abandonment argument is so dumb. Clearly they are both okay and in some aspects closer than ever at the end. I wholeheartedly concede it's a bit of a plot-hole her disappearance doesn't affect Sugar Race or how the other game can even "hack" her in. That's not what you guys keep whining about though.

"Game-jumping" is something everyone's doing now, and it pretty harmless. "Going Turbo" is the worst case scenario of that due to taking liberties like screwing with the code/causing bugs. The internet's a different beast. I swear you "King Candy did nuffin wrong" people know full well there's a difference but play ignorant for the sake of outrage.

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>prolly didn't bother regular kids

>my matured eyes can make out the details of each individual Ralph as they converge and coalesce

Fucking CHRIST

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>her disappearance doesn't affect Sugar Race
Sugar Rush, and that's not a plot hole. In WiR she's out of the game too, and she even points out that there's like 15 other racers. Fix-It Felix would be a busted game without Ralph. Turbo Time(?) would be a busted game without Turbo. Sugar Rush has been and will be alright without Vanellope. As for "oh we added your code, nbd" that's a bit of bullshit but like, so are half the internet gags, I can swallow that.
The real issue I have is that was done when she chose to stay, and at no point sooner was Ralph's concern over her safety ever acknowledged as reasonable.

I don't hate this movie because of Yea Forums's stupid moral BS, I just think it's an unnecessary follow up. Sorta like how most people love Toy Story 3 but I found it redundant.

I liked the movie at all times except the ending.
What friend just steps over the other friend? Where's the compromise? She saw a much cooler friend and stayed with her without even thinking how's Ralph is gonna be (she was his only bffsie). In the end he comes home with less than when he started his adventure. Ralph is not okay, he just sucks it up and gives up. What can he do anyway?

The girl didn't even lift a finger to earn money for her game, all the work was done by Ralph mostly.

I'm mostly pissed that she swapped an old trustworthy friend for a new shiny more popular one without any real hesitation. Aside from basically doing turbo from Sugar Rush (which was highly frowned upon when any other charas did that, but when a lil girl does that it's an ok I guess)

without risk there is no reward, without pain no growth, without death, no new life. she just wanted a challenge that she didn't find in her comfort zone. move out of ur basement, its not that bad.

I abhor shit like that, maybe it's some subset of trypophobia or whatever but even shit like ant piles are unsettling to me.