I almost wanna buy a guide dog after watching this. Ain't even blind


I almost wanna buy a guide dog after watching this. Ain't even blind.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-14-14-53-40.png (2880x1440, 1.35M)

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> Dat ass and hips.
God bless the animator.

>making that trainer curvy as fuck
>now I'm too busy looking at her to figure out where to give my charity money
What were they thinking?

Attached: vlcsnap-345156.png (400x300, 141K)

Cute doggo :,)

Mother of Dog

Attached: Pip1.webm (1920x1080, 194K)

guide dogs are just dogs that you train to be guides, you can get any dog to do it, you don't have to buy a new dog.

I'd be her dog

Attached: pip.webm (1920x1080, 1005K)

that just makes it harder for people that do need guide dogs, you monster.

Cute as fuck.

>Roll over

Attached: 0000.webm (638x1080, 245K)

You know, I wonder if big hips and thigh designs are a way for character designers and animators to draw curvey women without getting negative attention today. I mean, if you draw big tits on a character people bitch about it being sexist despite big tits just existing. But give a girl hips and thighs and it's a-ok because "real curves" and " real women bodies" BS. I'm not complaining, but just making an observation.

Attached: 1551399316769.png (779x541, 386K)

yes mommy

You ain't just whsitlin dixie.


She still has big tits so maybe you're just fixated on thighs.

>She still has big tits
lol no

Alright let me rephrase that.
For people who know what women actually look like, those tits would be considered large given her proportions.

You don’t need a full fledged guide dog. But if you really want, plenty of dogs submitted for guide dog training do genuinely fail because they’re just plain not cut out for it. They still need homes, though, and a lot of them are genuinely lovely animals, so you could try seeing if you can adopt one of those.

Alternatively, you could adopt a dog, guide dog reject or not, and try training it yourself to assist you with tasks you’d find genuinely useful. Even if you’re able bodied, there’s lots of helpful things a normal dog can be trained to do. Or, you could hire a specialist to help you train your dog.

Are you a flat-chested girl or just an incel?

but can she take the knot?

Attached: Flying Dutchman knots.mp4_20190314_162150.350.png (640x480, 311K)


Attached: Capture1.png (1397x499, 411K)

Hoping and praying a based drawfag draws her.

Oh, are we sharing blind kino now?


Are you retarded or just blind?


Honestly, she has average to bigger than average tits. It really just depends on where you are in the world or even America if they are considered big or not. But because of her hips being noticibly wider than her chest, the hips are def the draw.
But if she's wearing a good bra, you wouldn't be able to tell anyway.

t. 36DDD

She looks pretty small to me, user-kun.

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-14-16h31m19s144.gif (558x870, 48K)

Do yourself a favor and go outside for once in your miserable life.

>buy a guide dog
About $50k base plus about $1200 per year over its lifetime of service, which is usually 8-10 years. Has to be treated in a specific manner to retain its training.

>mfw i got that
should i start setting me on fire?

Attached: 1543864871594.jpg (337x372, 17K)

Why would a grown man steal a kid's bag? What could possibly be valuable in there?

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

-Albert Einstein

I don't get it, how is the dog suppose to notify it's owner of a bump, isn't that what the stick is for?


Attached: Pip _ A Short Animated Film 3-25 screenshot.png (1920x1080, 1.79M)

Seems kinda awkward to carry a stick and walk a dog at the same time.

dat booty tho

Attached: oh lawdy.webm (1920x1080, 2.11M)

Drawfag here, what character should I draw her training like a dog?

Those are a B cup maybe C at best. They are average.

My dog recently died and now every emotionally uplifting dog video makes me want to cry.

Guide dog owners don't get to see animations like this often.

Princess Marco.

You son of a bitch.


Attached: 3464756867.gif (220x212, 2.57M)

What'll you do if I don't?

Attached: 00ec3de4a9e3c3933389ba37eb16af62.png (695x878, 637K)

>ass and hips are so massive they don't fit in between the poles

Attached: PIP.webm (1920x1080, 1.25M)

You're not wrong, but you're still an asshat.

We need a picture of the puppy sniffing her ass as she's on her hands and knees.

Almost 12 hours and still no art of the dog fucking her, you are losing your touch Yea Forums

Jeez she falls a lot. I get that she's blindfolded but it's not like you need to see the floor to know where to put your foot next.
You'd figure someone that clumsy would invest in knee-pads by now. Or at least wear longer pants.

>What were they thinking?
I imagine that they were thinking
>Older women needs love as well

Imagine being gay enough to care about a stinky girl when there are dogs, DOGS, to be discussed. You people are such fags.

I don't take the knot


Attached: 12456789.jpg (480x360, 18K)

That's why she's administering the test. It's the advanced course for the dogs so they're prepared to navigate the THICCest of the THICC humans.

You fuck depression?

>she trips, falls, and catches her shirt or pants on something, ripping them
>makes the dog lick peanut butter off her naked body
>judge guy stares at her ass as she trips and falls, thinking, "I love this job," or something similar
Just posting a few ideas for lewds before I go to bed.

Attached: b4f.jpg (569x428, 25K)

she loves the pain

No, I mean these.

Attached: R-5175204-1469504534-5808.jpeg.jpg (300x300, 11K)

What do you guys think she does on her off-time?

Attached: Good Doggie.jpg (900x1125, 138K)


Way to reinforce those stereotypes by having the dog be white.

Attached: black dogs can't be guides.jpg (562x726, 115K)

>when you're so fucking inbred you think dogs have racially linked skin tones

What the fuck? I thought multiple breeds could be assistance dogs.

Instructor fucking the blind girl when?

What is it with people and butting in on other people's business? If there were any legitimate issue, the bus driver would have dealt with it.

what do I look like, go on

I hope she responded appropriately.

Dayum, not even black DOGS can get a break in this world?

Do people cross the street when they see a black dog coming?

Well there is that whole "black cat crossing your path is bad luck" thing