Tuca & Bertie, from BoJack Horseman art director Lisa Hanawalt, releasing first season on Netflix on May 3
also there's bird tits, however that works
Tuca & Bertie, from BoJack Horseman art director Lisa Hanawalt, releasing first season on Netflix on May 3
also there's bird tits, however that works
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>no tails/flight feathers
Why? They look weird
It's the same in BoJack no?
I think this is confirmed to NOT take place in the same universe (which seems like a sorely missed opportunity, honestly) but I'd be shocked if there wasn't some kind of nod to a running joke or a character appearing in the background
please tell me this is someones creepy deviant art drawing
With how bad the first half of BH Season 1 was compared to the rest, I don't think I can make any judgment based on this trailer alone. It's barely a trailer to begin with.
except no amount of writing can save a show thats too ugly to look at
I will predict it will follow that same dramedy beats as BoJack but about poor depressed millennial problems instead of famous depressed washed-out celebrity problems, and with more emphasis on sex jokes. Could be good, could be stale, i dunno
You guys like the dumbest shit fucking npcs man
>think this is confirmed to NOT take place in the same universe (which seems like a sorely missed opportunity, honestly)
But the BoJack "universe" is just contemporary America with some animal gags. I imagine they didn't want to be pinned down to that. Also it might make them look like a spin-off or hanger-on to BoJack instead of its own thing.
I want lewds of the sexy plant girl with tanlines yesterday
@106429268 (You)
>Also it might make them look like a spin-off or hanger-on to BoJack instead of its own thing.
It already will look like that to anyone who scrolls by it on Netflix, I honestly think that if it were actually officially a spin-off it would make it seem less pathetic, but I guess that's just my outlook on the matter. It is from the same production company and has Bob-Waksberg as a producer so no one with knowledge can legitimately claim it's a "knock-off" but I can imagine a lot of casuals being confused when it turns out to be unrelated after at first appearing to be so in some way
It's gonna be great, everyone's gonna be all WHERE'S BOJACK WHERE'S BOJACK BOJEEHEEHEEHEE just like how single-celled viewers keep waiting for Walter White to show up in Better Call Saul like he's some kind of mythic Greek hero and not just a shitty fucking human being.
What did he mean by this?
bump for bird ass
>bird tiddies
>bird ass
>middle aged bird women on the prowl for sex
Yeah I'm a birdwatcher now. Hopefully it'll be funny or decent drama underneath the T&A.
I like Lisa Hanawalt's art and many of the more surreal aspects of Bojack Horseman. Hopefully it delivers to be something interesting. It already looks more weird than Bojack.
I assume no tailfeathers because they're a hassle to draw every time. Though I could also see it as a reason why they can't fly as they their former buttfeathers.
The no tail feathers thing is just cause no tails in general is part of Lisa Hanawalts style, I can't remember why she had decided on making that part of her style i just remember reading about how she was tempted to break the rule when making the lemur characters in Bojack
Judging off the clips, its not funny.
Its noticeably unfunny.
Bird people can fly in Bojack
that's kind of racist
looks ok
i like that bit at the end where the other bird is about to flash her tits but changes her mind
>voice acting just doing their normal voice
That really bugs me.
Will probably watch for more bird ass
and Tara strong with her thousand same voice characters never bugged you?
>I think this is confirmed to NOT take place in the same universe
I just got about 40% less likely to watch it, now.
I think the characters' dialogue was written for those voices, they certainly would have asked for something different if that's what they wanted. I definitely don't have a problem with that approach in BoJack with many of the more "serious" characters (BoJack himself just sounds like Will Arnett, and I can't imagine it being anyone else), I'd say it only gets to be annoying when they have major roles in multiple shows and never try anything different
>Raven: You do my voice? You don't sound like me
>Tara: I'm versatile
This is what Tara actually believes
She didn’t change her mind. She flashed her bellybutton and was wildly excited by it.
Wait, do birdpeople have bellybuttons?
>I'm a birdwatcher now
Fuck, if this show gets to be a big thing, that’s what the fandom’s gonna call itself, isn’t it?
I have a hate/love relationship with belinging to fandoms that give themselves dumb names.
I wish Jacques had his own videos.
If they have mammaries, anything's possible
Snakes have tits too
>Snakes have tits too
ah fuck! that's my fetish
Speaking of Bojack, did you know Raphael Bob-Waksberg is making a new show for Amazon?
Is there a name for people who are sexually attracted to anthropomorphic birds?
This. BH looked liked it was going to be the worst shit ever and it turned out to be one of the best animated shows of the decade.
To soon to say at this point.
It has the same exact art style as Bojack.
Furries will take you.
He does it for free
What was it?
>Lisa Hanawalt
I'm a fan so I'm most likely gonna check it out.
I would have loved to see a more loose and wild animation style for her weirder stuff like Tuca but it's fine.
It does seem like it's going to have more special animation/off-model moments than BoJack (i.e. any at all) while retaining the puppet Flash look for the majority
>voice acting just doing their normal voice
Only doesn't work if
1. They suck at embodying the characters
2. they're voices don't sound nice
if they're boring and they can't read for shit, then it's just bad
>that ugly ass monotone greenhills background
it may be the same style but its definetly not the same people making it. I know its the same creators and i kknow bojack aint a looker either but the characters and backgrounds arent ugly outside of the animation.
This one tho, its like bojack made on 1/3 of the budjet
They shoulda thought about that before they made it about anthropomorphic animals in the same animation style
>inb4 that’s the intro
An user asked what you call people who want to fuck birds.
people with taste
Some of those special footage shots look nice and loose. I think they got the fuckin Fester Fish guy to do it since he's already on Bojack too.
>Keep on Truckin'
>mammalian breasts on non-mammals
No thanks
That's definitely a possibility. Based Aaron Long is already confirmed to be directing on Tuca & Bertie.
I wish he could be allowed more influence on the art style and visuals of a show. To me, BoJack's stiff look has never been its strong suit, and I feel like it really limits what Aaron can do:
I bet your gay and suck mad dick
Bill Nye Saves the World: The Animated Series
I also don't like breasts on non-mammals, it's too bad you couldn't join us user.
Fully erect.
i'm excited for the next CGI netflix exclusive animal show
Is your exposure to modern entertainment so limited that you go to /pol/'s favorite show to shit on despite having absolutely no resemblance to it and not something like Broad City?
No, it's so limited that Netflix is the only thing you one-sided dweebs focus on for new adult-oriented content, and Bill Nye is the pinnacle of their lineup.
Broad City is a Comedy Central show, not a Netflix show. As you can see I have an awareness of multiple channels of entertainment. Why are you projecting your obsession with Netflix on to me?
Looks cute, looking forward to it.
This feels more like a lolrandumb Bojack that’s focused on characters other than Bojack.
At this point Bojack is the weakest part of his own show. He might have been interesting at first, but he's long lost any audience goodwill. I agree though the lolrandumb is a huge red flag for my enjoyment of the new show.
wait a damn minute that looks familiar...
Looks like a 90s background.
Aw man I haven't thought about Fester Fish in ages. Glad to hear he made a go of it in the industry. Fester Fish was great.
heh, as long as we have lewds it's ok for me... also bird tits
Heh. Snaketits.
I'd Tuca her Bertie, if you know what I'm sayin'.
this almost makes me think of Talia from Girlstuff/Boystuff.
Genuinely unfunny but waifufags and furfags will keep it alive for years.
Doubt it.
even worse, a drug trip
>Society is finally accepting funny animals and funny animals with slightly more serious tone
>I can now safely draw my animal stories without being called a furry
Haha no.
You ARE a furry.
In English, doc.
>show looks exactly like other show
why is this allowed
>waifufags and furfags
With that art style? And I can’t recall any BoJack fan who jerked it to an avian character.
>With that art style
Hey I liked the chickens.
>And I can’t recall any BoJack fan who jerked it to an avian character.
Who indeed.
>And I can’t recall any BoJack fan who jerked it to an avian character.
Where do you think we are?
OH, FUCK. I stand corrected! Wanda is Best Girl
>No amount of writing can save an ugly show
Home Movies exists user.
oh no
>that fever-dream animation
>doesn't like breasts on non-mammal women
We need more Wanda art
They need tail feathers.
Klasky Csupo says otherwise.
How do people listen to black women talk & not want to kill themselves
Their lack of bird feet bothers me even more.
I’m too enchanted by the flawless smooth brown skin to care
‘Cause they funny as hell
This. It's like when you go to the zoo and see chimps yelling and screaming at each other mindlessly. Same thing in pseudo human form that is the black female.
Bird tits secrete a white liquid, but it's not milk, it's bird shit
seems like feminist garbage, probably.
Little known fact, that's not actually shit, it's cumfarts after they've been anally creampied by males.
>’I’m racist.’
the chad stride
>however that works
That works very well, thank you.
It's actually uric acid. Animals that lay eggs on land get rid of their nitrogenous waste in the form of uric acid paste, which is non-toxic enough to build up in eggs without killing the embryo. Other air-breathing animals like mammals use urea in a water solution (urine), while water-breathing animals dump ammonia into the bloodstream and out the gills. Ammonia is most toxic but least metabolically expensive to make, so it's favored when there's enough water to get rid of it, while uric acid is most expensive, so it's used only by animals that need it.
What do bird braps smell like?
Birds don't brap
They don't have tits either