ITT: comics that really speak to you

ITT: comics that really speak to you

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ITT: we wait for OP to post stonetoss

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I’m out of shape but even I know that’s bullshit, you can get in good shape with only spending 2 hrs in a gym every other day. I’m just lazy but that whale’s a dick.

My cousin is an astrophysicist PHD student and he’s ripped.

Getting ripped isn’t some gigantic sink of time, it’s like 5 hours out of your entire week.

If you can’t afford to devote 5 hours to physical health, you’re probably a loser

Christ, what a self righteous prick.

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It looks like Huey's gun is mounted on Dewey's and it's fucking retarded.

20 bucks says he spends at least an hour a day on social media

For stonetoss, that's pretty clever.

Don't we all?

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crummy movable type? they should have been inventing 140 characters!

People who never do sport often think working out means spending your whole day in the gym working like an animal. Meanwhile 1 hour is enough and the most important part relies on your diet.

This shit enrages me. I work from home and I hate working out so I do a very short 6 minute workout in the morning, take a shower, and then another 6 minute or so workout at night before a rinse before bed. Do squats, lift some weights, do some pushups. Don't eat total shit.

That's fucking it. You won't be goddamn arnold, but you also won't become a saggy ball of atrophied muscles and fat. Literally just workout so your heart rate gets up. That's all your body requires to think "hey, I may need to use these muscles at some point in the future"

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Okay, that was a pretty good punchline.

Hehe, punchline.

better version

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We live in the age of audio books. Go to the gym while listening to something.

Yeah you can do just about everything on the list save for drawing while also working out.

I mean I do spend 2+ hours at the gym most days

But that's far from the primary reason I have no regular social contact

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well, they got the child soldiers part right

The logic of this comic falls apart when you go to a city like Pompeii and see essentially ancient tweets graffitied onto old Roman walls. People have always wanted to express their bullshit thoughts to the public. Twitter just makes it way easier to do so.

This guy is full of shit.

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