"Sacred Texts"

March 14, 2019
I wish he would name his filenames the same as the titles he gives them, because I can never find the comic when I go to post it.

Attached: fiction-section-comic1.png (940x299, 408K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why is he putting Faust in the fiction section? It is fiction, is it not?

>"Faust" is spelled with a c

Attached: what.png (211x206, 14K)


Attached: 1551942834352.png (1000x1000, 198K)

>it's edgelord when people shit on the bible
>it's maga to shit on the quaran
>it's normal to shit on the holocaust
oof on all fronts

>antifa edits

Attached: leftist edits.png (960x929, 625K)


Attached: communism-working-class-comic.png (1500x500, 76K)

>left hand
His reaction is justified.

>articulated thought out argument

Attached: christmas-race-statistics-comic.png (1000x500, 53K)

Attached: crime-think-comic.png (610x610, 357K)

>Stonetoss trying to talk about statistics

>alt-right schmorky
thats an oof and a yikes from me senpai

Attached: DRCS1s4V4AE2b0g.jpg (625x605, 95K)

Attached: Its+not+about+the+breed.png (1200x1745, 585K)


Attached: 1513117019845.png (1000x1000, 299K)

Attached: immigration-vs-wages-comic.png (940x300, 50K)

Redundant, the Old Testament is the Jewish sacred text and already includes a story about Jewish oppression being ended by a red-blooded, gun-toting American.

Attached: 1541230195736.jpg (570x320, 38K)


Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm what words end in caust...

I think he got dumped recently. He had a few comics of the same thing back to back.

Attached: pick-up-line-comic-1.png (938x300, 302K)

The least they could do is not embody the fucking meme.

Attached: 58e.460048.jpg (480x272, 25K)

Attached: comics.jpg (1000x500, 88K)

How do those things even collide here?
A higher minimum wage would prevent wage dumping.

Please don't breed.

Attached: california-immigration-comic1.png (1000x1000, 106K)

"I'll say Islam is fake, that'll trigger those fedora-tipping atheists like (checks notes) Richard Dawkins?"

hire cheaper foreign labor, that won't bitch about minimum wage


>the left-wing comic is devoid of all humor and may as well just be encyclopedia brittanica in speech bubbles, and is therefore not funny
>the right-wing comic makes no attempt at a serious argument and hones in on surrealist humor, and is therefore funny
Huh. It's accurate.

Attached: cool wikipedia fact.png (1000x1000, 317K)

Attached: D1Lbr6FU4AEzhIk.jpg (975x1008, 71K)

Yeah, it's weak as fuck.
Also nobody's world view depends on the holocaust.
I never saw anyone trying to deny all the Russians the Nazis murdered. The number of which is bit higher than 6mil.


Attached: can-i-go-to-the-restroom-comic.png (625x605, 50K)

>used popular memes
>not wordy
Don't know what point you've attempted to make here, sweetie. All I see are memes done right.

To be fair, /pol/ has the easier job, all that have to do is LOL FUCK NIGGERS, MUH STATISTICS, LEFTIST REAL EVIL, HOLOCAUST NOT POSSIBLE and their audience seal claps along like it's the funniest shit ever produced even though it's same exact shit since '08 when Stormfront first visited. You don't need to have an argument when you don't think you need one. If lefties just went MY POINT YOU WRONG all it reproduces is equally unfunny shit.

Attached: 53080012_2205536122826293_8942830798919172096_n.jpg (750x477, 36K)

They're trying to be funny, not make a point.


Attached: white-people-disappearing-comic.png (625x605, 42K)

Attached: clown-world-comic1.png (1500x500, 82K)

>Extensive = articulated


Attached: anti-semitic-leftist-comic1.png (1000x500, 54K)

It's not that hard.

Attached: good memes 101.jpg (526x576, 21K)

>atheists like Islam
I don't know if this is Stonetoss shitting out another one in a long line of poorly thought out shitty comics or if this is him further revealing how much of an idiot he is.

Attached: bell-curve-comic1.png (1500x500, 81K)

>I made my argument with something cute. Who’s winning now, nazis? uwu
Don’t you have a transsexual foot fetish discord to circlejerk in?

>Also nobody's world view depends on the holocaust.

Literally every campaign or movement against 'hate', 'authoritarism', 'intolerance' or any buzzword bad thing uses the holocaust as some sort of foundation myth. It's very much elevated as the peak of human cruelty due to both Eurocentrism and political agendas in the west wanting to frame a narrative regarding their own political spheres.

>I never saw anyone trying to deny all the Russians the Nazis murdered. The number of which is bit higher than 6mil.

Because nonody really care about Russians. Or Chinese. Nobody would care about the holocaust if it hadn't happened in Europe.

>atheists like Islam
Atheism+, yes, like all other liberal feminist morons.
Oldschool atheists like Richard Dawkins realizes that it's so worse that it's not even comparable.

Attached: price-gouging-comic1.png (1500x500, 84K)

We finally moved past of resetera, good job. I'm proud of you guys.

There's a stereotype of smug liberal elites being islam apologists.
However, the fedora is more typically associated with sam harris and the like.
You could say he's conflating two different types of atheist, or putting them all in the same broad category.
However, the fedora was only ever a mall ninja and autistic loser thing. It being associated with atheist was never because of anything having to do with them in the first place, just their detractors trying to call them names associating them with the spergs.
If the fedora was put on one group for no reason, you can put it on the other with just as little motivation.

Your average atheist isn't as consistent as Dawkins, they will mock Christianity because they live in it but don't dare to say anything on Islam or Judaism because of possible racism even if they disagree with it.
It ain't that deep.

>but those aren't real atheists
I agree but then the argument gets too long.

Attached: color-spectrum-comic.png (625x910, 73K)

Eschew Obfucation
He who speaks best speaks clearly. Brevity is the soul of wit. Verbosity is vanity. Etc, etc.

>However, the fedora was only ever a mall ninja and autistic loser thing. It being associated with atheist was never because of anything having to do with them in the first place, just their detractors trying to call them names associating them with the spergs.

Did you just bever see the pics of atheists in fedoras going "IN THIS MOMENT I AM EUPHORIC NOT BECAUSE OF SOME PHONY GOD"? Fedoras began being mocked BECAUSE of Atheists.

most accurate meme of the day

The best one, really. Cali needs to sink.

Attached: trans-military-ban-comic.png (625x605, 81K)

Christians also will just lie there and take the abuse and criticism, apologize for having posibly done bad things in the past and generally do nothing to maintain the validity of their ideological views so long as they continue feeling the high of self flagelation. Other religions tend to have pride.

>Other religions tend to have pride.

Attached: honored-1.png (1000x1413, 539K)

Attached: billionaires-comic-1.png (625x605, 62K)

Attached: bitcoin-rollercoaster-comic1.png (1000x1000, 106K)

>reality is not nuanced
>sophistry is more important than accuracy

>inb4 political comics have enjoyment anywhere in their mission statement

I laughed

Attached: haircut-immigration-comic.png (940x300, 67K)

Attached: vegans-and-cyclists-comic.png (1000x1000, 106K)

The best one he's made

Attached: reparations-comic1.png (1500x500, 64K)


Attached: second-amendment-comic1.png (625x605, 48K)

>the left can't meme
I never understand why these 4 little words drive them up the wall so much

All political memes are just awful propaganda, prove me wrong

Attached: guns-kill-people-comic.png (940x300, 40K)

All centrists are leftists in hiding, prove me wrong

I did that once. I put a book called "the american negro" in the zoology section.

Attached: crime statistics.png (1200x383, 178K)

>the left gets assblasted when you point out inconvenient truths
Gee who fuckin knew

Attached: women lol.png (1000x1000, 86K)

This one's on autosage hmmmmmm
Move over to this one, bros

Oh, fine.

>lose control of the thread
>delete it
What did Yea Forumsmblr mean by this?

Just go to the LOL thread.

This one is better

Why not both?

Attached: 1547748795273.jpg (960x408, 40K)

He's mediocre but some of his comics are pretty good. I don't understand why they make some people sperg out so much.

Attached: 1551472129816.jpg (1024x341, 87K)