ITT "Bad" animated films you like

ITT "Bad" animated films you like.

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Little mermaid

Batman: Mask of the Phantasm

These are low-budget ripoff movies for sure, and it's probably an insult to animation to refer to them as "animated films", but some of their jokes caught me by surprise and got a laugh out of me.

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Sasuga Party

The plot is underdeveloped, the jukebox musical is more miss than hit but damn do I love this movie.

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Where The Dead Go To Die

Same bro...

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I love Sausage Party too.

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Sausage party was weird man. It seemed to have a cliche plot but then the ending man.

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I like Home on the range because it's not the typical Disney movie and it was charming in its own way. Also the humor was cringy sometimes but some of the jokes are genius.
>Talking to the bulls
>"Let me guess, you are a Taurus"

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I just love character designs.

I wish it would stop popping up when I search for my state song

Wait we don't like this now? It was un-ironically hilarious. Just a fun dumb movie.

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The story wasn't very good, but it was visual candy and I loved it so much as a child.

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I liked a lot of the character designs and some of the voice actors worked really well (Charro, Gilbert Godfried, etc.). It's one of Bluth's better movies before they started doing shit like a Troll in Central Park.

this was considered bad?

I don't think the majority of this board ever liked this movie, they usually whine about the atheist sausage or that the poor canadian animators didn't get paid enough (even though this happens a lot in the animation industry, but as if anyone on this board would ever do a little research)

Granted it's been forever since I've actually seen it.

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"Like" is too strong a word, I just think it's a mediocre movie that got a bad rap due to timing.

Anyway, I nominate Space Jam.

Same. It looks like an Arthur Rackham painting. Probably one of the best films for fairy designs I’ve seen, and a rare example of CGI that that is made to not look like shit.

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i liked watching delgo and foodfight with you Yea Forums
it was fun

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I had that on VHS

I remember this movie being in the news because it was the first german animated movie to have CGI in it, damn I'm old

I remember liking these.
Still watch 'We're Back!' every few years or so.
It's got great animation and likeable characters.

But these 2 are great?

It's just so charming and comfy

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no one thinks these movies are bad, this thread is retarded

I was a small child, what do you expect? The songs were catchy & Tweety’s love interest was very helpful for the story

There was a subplot with counterfeit passports made out of cheese. Which I still unconsciously think of when I hold my passport

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This was a "bad" animated film? I thought it was fantastic and felt it held up when I watched it last year for the first time since I was a kid. Probably my favorite movie when I was a kid.

This movie is unironically great

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I honestly felt like this could´ve have been a great take on Shakespeare if they had sticked to the beauty and the beast themes and dropped the Dreamworks obsession with pop culture

no one thinks this is bad what are you talking about

Heavy Traffic

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>The English release cuts out the part where the sexy cat seduces a human man

Stick with the superior German original, user.

It's a good blazing movie

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Every Ice Age sequel

I hate that I have nostalgia for it, but Ruber is unironically amazing. I'll never forgive it for killing Iron Giant though.

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For me, it's Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland. A mishmash of poor storytelling, but juxtaposed in with beautiful Tokyo Movie Shinja animation.

I must be broken, because when I watched Foodfight! for the first time I thought it wasn't so bad. I mean, it's shit but I managed to get some enjoyment out of it.

Owen Wilson's voice and the gratuitous shots of the big rooster's ass are what really separate this movie from the garbage.

You're a woman aren't you?

Legit this and the show are one of the best things Nickelodeon have ever put out.

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My only real issues were making Ratchet a super nice guy from the start, Drek not voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson and Qwark's team (outside Rosario Dawson's character.) But I enjoyed it otherwise.

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Your mom

It's youtube parody "but what if mario was high on mushrooms and said mama-fucker" tier humor.

I remember people hating the show but not the movie.

critics were wrong about this movie

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does this count?

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Fuck the actual movie, I just watch this.

This wasn't a bad movie, it was just a great Captain Qwark Movie Guest Starring His Little Buddies Ratchet and Clank.

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Dear God I had completely forgotten about this film until you brought it up...

It's a Star Wars rip off That's better than Star Wars

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I like how it looks. 2D animation with occasional 3D is the peak style as far as I'm concerned.


Hoodwinked is comfortably jank.

The goat's song is a banger.

Does it involve you?

I liked Hoodwinked. If you listen to the commentary, they even admit that the animation was terrible,but there was a lot of great jokes in there.

Are you high? Nobody hated that movie!
Now if you'd said Little Mermaid 2, this would be a completely different conversation

Better than Space Jam.

Is this a dr pig reference?

Thumbelina has a really good bit near the end, when she escapes the wedding into the surface and Jacquimo is trying to get her to sing. Well, that bit and the reprise Thumbelina sings to the mole. The movie is a mind boggling string of hits and misses.



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Unironically cute and charming.

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All the Bionicle movies including The Legend Reborn. Fuck you it's not that bad

Hoodwinked is a movie that still holds up due to the writing being top-notch.

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Sam Elliott singing "Wont Back Down". As a cow. a male cow. and he fucking dies. FOR KIDS.

i still look back and have to think, "what even the fuck"

This came so close to being good. It was trying to be an animated Moulin Rouge

Was the librarian a pedophile?

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I miss Ruber posting.

And so do I!

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Better than the original honestly

This is fact.

That song still pops into my head occasionally. Primo shit.

I sure as hell won't blame the singer, because yodelling is way too fucking hard to do in one take, but the damn editor did a shitty job splicing the yodelling together.

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This isn't bad as much as it is painfully average.

Remember when that cat wanted to fuck Fievel's 13 year old sister.

It might as well count
Just enjoy the wacky ass nightmare worlds and it has like 5 good jokes
That's my fave Bakshi

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Also this was shockingly prescient with having an incel/nice guy as the villain

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I don't really have an excuse. I just like it. More the musician plot than the kung fu plot.

What are you on? This movie was decently well received and is usually brought up as one of the better films in the Dreamworks library.

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If I Didn't Have You is a good song too

Looking forward to the sequel too.

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oh yeah i really enjoyed that one too

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I remember when we used to do this...

Remember when an animator drew a cock next to her open mouth?

Someone needs to release a fan edit with all the deleted scenes spliced in. That shit was necessary to understanding what the fuck was going on.

The ironic part is how the sequel got a higher animation budget but the writing was terrible and tanked the whole series.

I've got so many good memories associated with this movie. Plus, coming back to it as an adult I was shook when I realized the antagonist was John Cleese.

hell yea

>I missed the delivery.
>That's okay, making the baby is the fun part.

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Not really Yea Forums, but I remember loving this movie along with Sky High

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Barnyard is one of Kevin James' best movies t b h

I've seen a handful of screenshots from these movies and I have to agree.

jesus could they really not have just been bulls

I don't see the true issue with the movie. Even the segments that mimic the mobile games had actual build-up and so they weren't out of place. It's not only faithful to a franchise with little story but also entertaining.

what the fuck is this movie doing here

By no means great, but has a bit of clever suburban commentary here and there

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The story is a complete fucking mess and the animation is ropey, but it's so crazy and off-the-rails that I just love it.

Also, it has a killer soundtrack.

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hoodwinked is a genuinely good movie, it's a shame the sequel killed it forever


Better than the first one. In no way bad.

Hoodwinked's problem isn't the animation; it's the absolutely fugly, hideous character designs.

For a Disney STV movie the writing was excellent, genuinely good.

"For the love of Pete, don't start with the Yoda quotes.."

I've been trying to find a rip of this movie for a while. I guess not enough people care about it. :(

I fucking loved the score to this movie.

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you are
>A S C E N D E D< if you like this Robots

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4% on Rotten Tomatoes

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Weren't these animated by the same guys who did Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi?

These are both good films.

There was an old movie about Christopher Columbus finding the new world and the antagonist was a swarm of flies or locusts or something, and the main character was a bookworm. I watched and enjoyed both that and pic related as a kid. I feel that Princess and the Goblin holds up better though.

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AND IT INVOLVES me liking this movie after it came out, long before the forced meme!

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Fuck what people said about Little Nemo, I enjoyed it.

I have the movie on VHS, but I don't know what I can do for you.

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This would have been one of my favorites if it had more action scenes like in the games.

You must fucking suck at it because there's several well seeded HD rips on the public trackers.

That CGI Smurfette movie where she tries to find this hidden village of other Smurfette.

My nigga, I have a soft spot for this movie.

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>Fuck what people said about Little Nemo
Who's shitting on Little Nemo? I only ever see people post about the clown (boy).


I doubt many people think it's bad, most people just skipped it because of poor marketing. Minus the cliche plot this movie was pretty good.

This right here is my fucking jam. The fact that the dub I grew up with, wasn't atrocious like I hear the english version is, might have helped me like it more.

I think I should clarify that I meant the sound mixing of he dub I grew up with wasn't atrocious.
From what I've seen the english version just plays sounds a completely random volumes, with no real rhyme or reason to them.

Mavis’ 10/10 design is the only good thing to come of this franchise.