Marvel has too many blue skinned characters

Marvel has too many blue skinned characters

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Aliens are people too, man. Don't be racist.

in my opinion they have too many white skinned characters.

Can't have any Asian people who actually get to play Asian characters

>Some niggers with color swapped skin
>Some get to have random wrinkles here and there too

Why are all aliens humanoid?

Attached: eh2.png (900x665, 137K)

Because God created them in his own image.

Because filmmakers don't want to deal with non-humanoid aliens for anything more than window dressing. Look at Star Wars. Besides Jabba, anything that isn't humanoid is a pointless and often goofy background decoration.

Well there is Rocket and Groot . Oh and that kiwi Rick faggot

Because aliens are made by humans and are going to have some relatable body and aesthetic for people. Also were talking about Marvel here, in a Disney made adaptation.

This. Getting real tired of it. Too much pandering

that aren't on my dick

If space is full of qt's like Minn-Erva, then I want to join Space Force and do my part to colonize space.

ancient humanoid progenitors of all sentient species that seeded the universe with panspermic seeds.


alien snakes kidnapped humans from earth thousands of years ago as slaves, and all species are descendants of those

Attached: fredo.jpg (210x240, 17K)

So blue :o

Attached: bludik.jpg (225x225, 6K)

That doesn't look even remotely alien. This looks alien.

I'm fine with Kree being blue. I actually think Korath should have been blue as well since he is in the comics. It would have helped people realise he was the same race as Ronan in GOTG. If they introduce any more blue skinned races it may get a bit much but they should keep doing it with Kree.

Attached: IMG_2562.jpg (2000x2929, 750K)

Normalizing blue skin

Attached: 1549558396066.jpg (1000x500, 77K)

Do Beast and Nightcrawler actually have blue skin or is just their fur blue? What color are they underneath?

bluer lover, go back to bluexico!

Mah Erpman!

Beast, just blue fur
Nightcrawler, blue everywhere

Attached: Normal Hank.jpg (715x616, 138K)

Everyone is copying Star Trek

She didn't do it for me in Crazy Rich Asians, but she filled out a bit, and dang she looked pretty in CM.

Minn-Erva was hot in CM

Her and Talos were my favorite parts of the entire movie

>alien snakes kidnapped humans from earth thousands of years ago as slaves, and all species are descendants of those
You and I are friends now.

Go back to /spacepol/

Beast and Nightcrawler should orgy her, Nebula and all other blue cuties

Because you ignore the talking tree and talking pile of rocks and the shapeshifting wrinklechins and whatever that demon thing from Ragnarok was?





umm sweetie, nonblack persons are minority finally

i liek to move it movie it
i liek to move it movie it
im blu da ba du da ba da
i liek to blu it blu it
da ba du da ba ba

blue girls best girls though

I'll believe it when we are allowed to shoot them in public and get away with it

Sapience requires an optimal form. Tentacles can't build tools, for example.