Slutty girl keeps trying to corrupt a pure boy

>slutty girl keeps trying to corrupt a pure boy
Why is this allowed?

Attached: 6C98F0CD-6337-4256-8760-C39B05199F92.png (500x3488, 3.29M)

Because slut x nerd is the best pairing

Because that is your sexual fantasy.

I can't believe Freckle is dead.

Unfortunately for you, I actually read the comic.

Fuck you

It's lackadaisy cats you newfag Jim crow. We decided a while ago it doesn't count the same way Blacksad doesn't.

Though it's all opinions anyway.

Do not open unless you want to experience pain.

Attached: Tracy Butler does not know what "furry" means.jpg (690x1200, 331K)

shit taste

What's the source on this?


Tracy Butler has a DA profile, don't you know.

I'm not saying furfaggotry isn't abominable, just that this isn't true furry shit. She even does them as humans sometimes.

Attached: 1287349398.jpg (1300x1295, 1.82M)

>when you realize she started drawing every character of hers as human ONLY after she discovered the perverts, as a defense mechanism (I am NOT like them!!!)
>before that, she did not even want to draw humans all that much

Attached: cat was made sad.jpg (494x494, 47K)

why not just make it humans all the time, it bothers me that it is drawn as cats for no reason

Cats have a better range for emotions and give a more unique variety

Attached: Serafine.jpg (626x850, 643K)

Anyone read that porn comic Dandy Demons? It's pretty much the same story. Innocent demon guy, who happens to be the perfect sex demon due to parantage, meets slurry demon girl and she trues to corrupt him. But he's too much of a sweet guy. However he does fuck her brains out. But it's also sweet. The art is a bit odd but I fapped to it.

It's the perfect set up for chad to come in and give nerd the confidence to btfo her himself. Friendship is where it's at.

Cats are fun to draw I imagine.

Why are Disney's ducks and mouses anthros and not normal humans? It gives a bit of relief to the serious sepia atmosphere, the comic would be darker if it was humans.

Because Tracy has been obsessed with drawing cartoon cat people since school, as she herself mentioned at one point. She likes to, she wants to. Why not ask this on Reddit instead, it bothers me you came to 4channel for some reason.

God who gives a shit.

Furry is no longer the final boss of the internet and every single artist out there has drawn some of it by now. The community is the only thing everyone should actively avoid, not literally every animal character ever. This is stupid.

It's up to the individual how to react to that image. You chose your way, and it is fine.

I feel like i must criticize her too, she could approach the subject far more maturely than go "I don't know what you're talking about"

She had a full time job in the gayming industry at the time, and REALLY needed it. You can be brave all you want, until your money supply is on the line.


Ivy the “slutty” Cat Girl in this comic is the character Tracy actually based on her self.

The only way to know that is to be Tracy's ex-boyfriend. You got something to confess?

Cats got her a shitload of more attention than humans.

i fucking knew its was gonna be ivy. there was a girl like her in highschool its fun but at the time i couldn´t tell if she was just mocking me.

Nope >_>

damn. but its reassuring. she was doing fanart and now has her own comic. we are all gonna make it bros

>for no reason
what is character design?

>slutty girl
>pure boy
Ivy is only into this one guy. Who is a psychopath.

She's gone through multiple boyfriends. Calvin's just the most recent one. She doesn't seem to believe that he could have really gunned down those pig farmers