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So if he moves the lantern back, what the fuck happens to the no ring timeline

He could see the entire time line when he had not taken part in it. In changing Alan's fate he became part of the time line and can now only view his place in it. So he wonders if his actions, which will now lead to him encountering Superman, will be dying or destroying everything. Those are the only two possibilities, in his mind, as to why he can no longer see the entire timeline.

Why did he move the lantern? Is he just being an ass or?...

Pure poetry. I want Johns to write V for Vendetta 2 or Promethea.

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I'd like to see his take on The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. Instead of pretentious literary and historical references he'll use like old Maxim magazines and cereal commercials or whatever.

franks art looks so fucking rushed. The line work isn't even cleaned up.

or maybe someone is fucking with his powers....again

Why doesn't blue boy remove his own omniscience to give himself free will?

This event was supposed to bring Adam back but instead all it did so far is taking Guy away.

Because he doesn't have the will to do so.

I don't get why he is so hyped as an artist all his work is pretty a stage at best.

I mean better than 90% of current marvel artists, but still pretty average.

There's a lady blue demon?

Wait, Dr. Manhattan was in other comics? I thought he was just in Watchmen.

This is unironically how a being of science would perceive magic.

inconsistent: dr man lived virtually in a completely determined line of existence - he was at every point in his lifetime at once, with nothing being able to be changed, just like vonnegut's billy pilgrim

yes, the bullshit with ozymandias "clouding" his mind was inconsistent also, but now manhattan can do counterfactual manipulations while tracking all changes forward and back?

i bet we get a villain speech explanation for that ...


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he wanted a world without the jsa

when was the last time the JL mobilized like this? The Battle of Metropolis during Infinite Crisis?

>dr. manhattan can change the timeline
way to miss the fucking point you idiots

The Legion was inspired by Superman not the JSA for one thing

Also Lois is from pre nu52 why doesn’t she remember anything

You say this like it wouldn't be entertaining as hell

I think this is Doomsday Clock, an ongoing series. Dr. Manhattan is involved in this. He debuted in Watchmen, yes.

Post the next page

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more like doomsday cock

>Dick still just out there flapping in the wind.

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Not "V for Vendetta VS Promethea: infinite gentlemen"
Idiotic, Johns is an absolute moron and the way he writers Manhattan is pretty shitty, the problem is that this was issue 9, SO it had to be on mars.He actually believes he is being smart, the saddest part is that there's readers and reviewers that actually think this garbage is "genius"

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You are a gigantic idiot, what he is saying isn't "scientific" at all. Is an attemp of tecnobabble by a writer that is clearly lazy, not only Manhattan understanding of reality goes WELL beyond "programming code", especially binary but it also reduces him to an exposition tool, it makes no sense in universe, but in this story very few things do.

What comic is this?

Well that sure does change the meaning of that "Magic" line from the past page

That makes all the delays even more funnier since both the writing and the art come off as rushed and poorly planned.

so why is manhattan being a quantum dick?

You joke, but I think Johns doing that would be hilarious.

More likely though he'd be restricted to public domain and Warner Bros stuff.

Johns really doesn't get watchmen.

Nope - it means Cereal Lord is a brainlet



And 5 times funnier (but more, importantly, more entertaining and enjoyable reading) than anything Cereal Lord OR Alan Moore did/is doing in Watchmen or Doomsday Clock

Because apparently OG Green Lantern is so important and powerful that none of the JSA even had a chance of existing without him, even the ones who came earlier like Sandman.

Cereal Lord isn't LAZY, he's too ignorant and imbecilic for that. He's definitely willing to work hard for the dollars he's siphoning off from Warners/AT&T

>Because apparently Johns is lazy about plotting and bad at even plot contrivances

Why do people insist on giving the Question Rorschach-style bubbles? He's a totally different character.

The first 4 pages of this comic were pretty much silent. They are like kids making the font bigger in their homework so they don't have to tell a full story. Johns already run out of issues and somehow he is intentionally wasting pages like this.


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Sinestro corps was after that, blackest night doesn't really counts


Final Crisis?

There was no big battle in final crisis. Evil won without a battle. You only see pockets of resistance

That's not it, what is correct. But I think you could say that the JSA to solve degree inspired Superman, who went on to create a inspiration based feedback loop with the Legion.

Please tell me brainlet, what kind of being are you?

You should change the last line to "Does issue ten never get released, or do I die before it is released?"

well there was at the very end when the Supermen of the Multiverse and the entire GLC showed up to kick Mandrakk's ass

but admittedly that's not the Justice League


>feels good to still learn
I thought the point of his character is that he knows everything

It's not like Watchmen had an issue-long monologue by Jon where he bemoans the tragic inflexibility of time or anything.

I remember when Johns said it wouldn't be about the Justice League and Manhattan punching and shooting lasers at each other

To real

Well, technically, it isn't.

It's not about that, and it clearly didn't work.

this is dum

why doesn't any people in the industry speak up about Johns being so retarded

Fucking amazing.

>You should change the last line to "Does issue ten never get released, or do I die before it is released?"
I'll change it for the next time I post it.

In before I do before the next opportunity arises.

>implying he's the most retarded thing in comics

The same reason nobody speaks up about Bendis being retarded? They don't care.

Because people don't want to use Vic, they want to use Rorschach. The same thing happened in JLU


unironically and unequivocally based

Because capeshitters gobble that shit up.

can somebody please tell me if my nigga captain atom fights dr manhattan in doomsday clock

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>I thought the point of his character is that he knows everything
He knows everything of HIS universe is probably their explanation

yeah he btfo'd Dr Man

Bendis brought up a lot of smaller creators and artists with him, he has an entire network
Johns seems like a loner outside of Robinson and Gates

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This. His name sells, so that's all they care about.

For a page and a half. He vaporizes him, Manhattan comes back and goes lol no. Then we learn that Professor Stein was an asshole and did Firestorm on purpose. Shit sucks.

>There was no big battle in final crisis

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