FACT: Mulan is the coolest Disney girl

FACT: Mulan is the coolest Disney girl

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>The only good Hun is a dead Hun.
what did she mean by this

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Pretty sure Elsa is cooler. She literally got ice powers.

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She certainly has an impressive body count.

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You mean Ping, right?

>be daughter of a war veteran
>father is too sick to take part in the coming war, but must go, nonetheless
>no brothers to take father's place
>fuck honor, fuck traditions
>commit high treason and take your father's place in the army, disguising yourself as a man
>despite knowing your weakness and knowing you have a low chance of survival

Mulan is an actual hero, which is why she is not a feminist icon. She didn't do it to spite the patriarchy or to prove that men and women are equal. She did it because she had to.

>scrawny asian girl leg swoops and completely breaks the form of a 250 pound muscle man

Ok i love Mulan but come on now

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After she kicked him in the chin, that'll throw you off balance

Yes? There's not any kind of competition, no one else is in the same league.

Mulan doesn't need ice powers to kill a horde of huns with snow and ice. That's pretty cold.

Belle is the coolest

>Looks like man

Really, that's what breaks your suspension of disbelief?

Nope, no one but these two.

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This is true.

user, that's Ping -- he's a warrior, horseman, strategist, ladies' man. He ain't afraid of nothin and nobody!

Still not cooler than casting eternal winter onto a country.

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okay, but that's clearly a man, OP.

>Throwing a bitch fit is cool

>best girl is the manliest one

I'm amazed that no one on Mulan's side died in that avalanche.

ayo hol up

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