I love leaks.
I love leaks
Wait, so Peter Parker as Spider-Man can be an alcoholic chainsmoking drug dealer in the movies as long as he's wearing the black suit?
Spider-Man never kills even when his life is in danger.
*Snaps fingers*
*busts a move*
*slips his buddy some fentanyl*
*coughs up blood*
Don't tell Harry
I'm now imagining symbiote Spidey in a corner at night trying to sell his drugs
This all seems pretty reasonable.
These are movies, not faggot comic book shit for 60 IQ manchildren, so they aren't as autistic about things like that.
Lol homoposters btfo.
Did we ever see a symbiote Spider-Man selling illegal drugs?
Whats the source of this?
> Spider-Man can be a sexual deviant and pervert since it's not in the rules that he cannot.
Name his fetish, Yea Forums.
I wonder if that's what made Logan start being nice to Peter
Bondage, duh
It's from back during he Amy Sony email leaks.
This is all pretty reasonable stuff, nothing about trying to be too modern, just general consistent traits about Peter Parker
>gains powers in middle school or college
Huh, interesting grades 10-12 are off limits. So either like 15 or 18/19.
When Sony and Marvel were dealing on the spider-man movies, marvel made demands about Peter Parker, which given the rest of the casting choices that Sony made it seems like it was smart of Marvel to do so.
It’s canon with him webbing up MJ
What an interesting fixation on his sexuality and sexual activities, for a guy with like 5 on and off romantic relations, sometimes concurrent.
>Spider-man is allowed to sell drugs while wearing the symbiote suit
Well how about that.
Can Spider-Man have a bisexual threesome whilst wearing the symbiote suit?
I know there's that panel where she's tangled up in a mess of web and Pete is teasing her about it, but I want to see some shreds of webbing hanging around the bedposts and MJ's wrists.
I mean, full on Spider-style Shibari might be pushing it, but fuzzy handcuffs is a comfortable medium, I think.
Though you could do a lot with a panel of him reading a book on ropeplay while he's headed to work or something. Then while he's subduing a villainess, his hands move on their own and she's tied up in a tortoise shell harness before he can stop himself.
I think that having sex while wearing the symbiote suit IS a bisexual threesome.
Does taking it up the butt make Peter gay?
Having homosexual experiences doesn't necessarily make someone homosexual
If it's just MJ jamming a finger up there, no.
Anything more than that, yes.
What if MJ pegs him?
We need something like this for Bart. Tired of all the fags on here and tumblr demand he be gay.
>Does have sex before age 16
Ummm.... Why 16 and not 18?
Americhads fuck bro
You don't need anything like that to enjoy a character. Not sure why you think it's necessary to appease your side of the fanbase.
Just wait for spiderfag in the comics.
user, that won't stop anyone.
Peter can only suck dick in the Spidey suit? Interesting.
Getting cucked, I've seen the small duck fanart
So he has to be bitten by a spider, but there's no further requirement on the nature of the spider? I get the whole "radioactive vs genetically engineered" thing, but can you have him bitten by a giant mechanical tarantula?
>Symbiote Spidey selling drugs and getting hammered as he realizes his life is going downhill
fund it
Canonically not gay
Just watch Spiderverse.
Marvel put these rules in place.
Tarantulas are arachnids, not spiders.
Disney will try to cash in on the miles morales hype within 4 years.
>Tarantulas are arachnids, not spiders
There’s a difference you dumbass
Or are you gonna say crabs are spiders too?
American education, everyone
So you think scorpions are spiders?
All spiders are arachnids, not all arachnids are spiders, Brainlet
>You don't need anything like that to enjoy a character
Tell that to the LGBTBBQ community and their fujoshit footsoldiers. Hell, tell that to Iceman.
And tarantulas aren’t spiders you faggot
2 seconds on Google
I disagree. If your willing to do anything male on male its homo. There is no such thing as bi sexual. Your either straight ,gay or gay but will still fuck a girl.
Do you want to know how I know you're a faggot?
Oh fuck you. You're seriously going to say that you understand that theres people who fuck men and women and then also say bisexuals arent real? It's literally just a one word name for the rant you went on you autist.
What's more interesting, according to this, there's technically nothing stopping Peter from SELLING tobacco and/or booze, or USING illegal drugs.
Black Spider-Man can torture people and sell coke but he can't say fuck? Okay Marvel
Choppa you then you choppa me
All members of the Araneae order are Spiders, including Tarantulas and Whip Scorpions (Amblypygi and Thelyphonida).
All spiders are also arachnids, but not all arachnids are spiders.
Not related, but let's put Peter in a headbutting contest with Tomohiro Ishii.
From now on, I'm gonna make sure to always checks * in legal documents in the case that "is permitted while wearing a black suit" is an exception.
Why are fanfic writers so retarded that "coffee shop AU" is even a thing?
Fujos are degenerate, good luck with that.
What if a mutant with the power to make people grow penises makes MJ grow a penis?
As long as he beat her up afterwards
I'm missing the joke here.
Does she keep her vagina or go 100% male genitalia?
100% male. Penis, balls, prostate, smooth taint. no other changes to her body though.
isn't it obvious?
Perfect. This will be the next big Marvel Event, every major female character in the Marvel universe gets affected by this mutant.
>Spider DNA has given him a sexual lust for spiders
I could less a fuck about fanfics or fanart or what landwhales think. I just want an agreement by DC that no writer, for whatever media, cannot make Bart gay.
>no writer cannot make Bart gay.
So you're saying it's mandatory to make Bart gay?
does rape count as having sex
No. If you're raped you still count as a virgin for any feats, super powers, or special skills.
>Peter Parker can't be gay
>Peter Parker can lust after delicious brown girls
It's amazing how I can instantly hear that in his voice.
>I know there's that panel where she's tangled up in a mess of web
Pretty sure there's more than one.
Flash Thompson did it with Valkyrie while wearing the symbiote.
In Amazing Spider-Man issue number 106 he suck the dick of some old homeless guy for gold watch knowing he could later on sell it to buy Aunt May birthday present and some medicine.
library aus are a billion billion times worse
Shot in the dark? The writer works at a coffee shop.
Ticks and scorpions are arachnids but not spiders. Pic related arent spiders either
dont remember much of the story, was his spidey-sense not working to the point he full-strength punched and killed a mundane? thats the only way this would've made any sense and its still goofy.
it does bring up another topic - i absolutely *hate* when dumbasses drag others into their suicide plans. if you're so pathetic you need to check out, do it on your own dime. but suicide by cop or driving into oncoming traffic only to harm or kill others is the height of narcissism. you're not hurting emotionally, you're wanting to hurt *others* on the way out and rightfully deserve the spot in Hell you'll find yourself.
But can they put Spider-Totem in the movie tho?
Yes, any character that Marvel has declared as part of the Spider-Man package can be used. The actual list is crazy long but in summary this means:
>Spider-Man supporting cast
>Spider-Man villains
>AU Spider-Men
>Characters that may have spin-offs but are still more or less part of Spider-Man (Venom, Morbius, etc).
>Characters from those spin-offs.
>But Marvel characters who appear in Spider-Man books in the form of straight up crossovers are not permitted (Thor, Iron Man, etc.).
>Nor are characters who may gotten their start in Spider-Man but otherwise have nothing to do with Spider-Man beyond a few crossovers (Punisher, Monica Rambeau, etc.).
>Finally, characters who are technically considered major in both Spider-Man and other books can only be used depending on priority of of license (Kingpin couldn't be used until after FOX lost the rights to him but Sony was automatically permitted to use him after that.)
>Not a homosexual (unless he is a homosexual)
The loophole to this is that Marvel just has to okay a mini featuring a gay Spider-Man even if it’s onky referenced in dialogue or in a single panel. Then they could use him in any movie they wanted.
>He is raised in a middle class household
Peter Parker can't be poor?
What coffee shop au?
>nothing about nazis, holocausts or homo-hate
Guess Raimi still has his claws in this.
He's got to be not so well-off that he comes off as less sympathetic to the audience, but also living comfortably enough to explain how he affords to get the supplies he needs to build his costume and gear. There's some wiggle room - Raimi Spider-Man was sort of straight middle class, Webb-slinger was definitely upper-middle class, and MCU Spidey is definitely lower-middle class.
So Miles can sell drugs?
Realistically spider-man would easily be able to finance all his common gadgets by just skimming off of criminals. It's not like the cops will ever put that money to as efficient a use as he is.
>implying Spider-Man wouldn't give the money back to the people it was stolen from or donate it to some charitable group
spider-man does it FOR FREE so skimming is him getting his fair shake and he gives back to the people by preventing nukes from going off and shit
So Miles can kill, sell drugs, and be gay
Not comprehensive enough, we need to know if Spider-Man/Peter Parker can date a trap.
O baby
>spider-man can be a drug dealer with the black suit
>but cannot swear
Tarantulas are spiders from the Theraphosidae family.
They are also arachnids, like scorpions. But they are spiders.
It says in there that Pete must be a hetero man so he can't date traps but he can date trans women.
"He gains his powers while attending either middle school or college."
High school is RIGHT OUT.
Frankwank is so fucking sad.
Can he date Admiral Akbar?
Sony is probably not okay with necrophilia
Nice autistic rant. Literally none of what you wrote applies to that comic.
he can also kill if he feels like it, but he CANNOT have sex before 16
no, he thought it was wolverine trying to attack him from behind and gave him a full-force punch, only to find out it was a normal girl instead of wolvie.
More like Feige probably. He seems to be very pedantic with stuff like that.
Remember, the objective is to keep dipshit hollywood fuckers from just doing whatever the fuck they want. Comic peter grew up in a house, in queens. They don't want hollywood to put him in a crappy housing project, or a run down trailer park, or homeless under the brooklyn bridge for his upbringing.
Consider the year it was made. It's a window into the thoughts of these fucks and of society.
At the time of the writing, no. I suspect miles is now also covered with a bunch of this too.
Only if he gets fooled by the trap.
>They don't want hollywood to put him in a crappy housing project, or a run down trailer park, or homeless under the brooklyn bridge for his upbringing.
You're right. If that was his background then he wouldn't be aiding cops or going easy on rich fucks. He'd be a different, more moral character.
And THIS is the kind of fucker the contract in OP is trying to cockblock.
From a business standpoint you really can't risk tanking one's capeshit properies with risky endeavors like "better writing".
Also, no potty mouth. He can sell you crystal meth but only using nice words.
Hey dumbfuck we're talking about Tarantulas
In canon is Maledom and Bondage.
It specifies no Tobacco or Illegal Drugs.
Therefore, if pot gets legalized, he can sell Ganke a dimebag.
If Bendis made a brand new Spider-Man that sucked dicks all day long in the comics named Dicks McSuckface, they could make a Spider-Man movie starting Dicks McSuckface sucking dicks all day long, but they still can't make a Spider-Man movie where Peter Parker suck dicks.
>Spider-Man ([...]or an alternative Spider-Man character) must always [be] Male
What does this mean about Spider-Gwen?
>Spidey webs up Screwball to subdue her
>Pops a boner
>It's caught on her stream
What's the fallout?
Feminine penis.
Feminine penis.
Radioactive feminine penis.
That's not Spiderman, that's spider Gwen
As long as he's not gay