Does anyone actually care about this movie?

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For a sec I read "Boner Park"

parents with little kids maybe

It's more of a concept than a movie.

The tv commercials quote reviews, yet there aren’t any on RT

Honestly have to agree. I can't imagine any tension in this. I mean. It's a movie about building a theme park and playing in it. Okay. I don't give a fuck about watching people have fun when I could have fun myself. Fuck this youtube generation.

Can you find these TV Commercials?

Not even the studio cares about the movie.

I think that should sum up your answer.

It's a happy movie.

Why is John Oliver in this?
He’s too based for this technicolor boredom.


I don't think I will miss this.

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..the fuck is this?

where's my bumper cars!?

it looks soulless as fuck, and i mean it, protagonist is bland and her huge eyes are offputting, the story was already told in the trailer, so why bother?

do something original with this, dammit!

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Also, what point do the animals serve other than “animals are funny”?

Almost everyone ive talked to thought the ads were for a phone app style game until they saw them run in theaters

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No, but I acknowledge it looks like a decent kids film. Good message, characters seem likable, jokes seem okay.

I mean, obviously there's gonna be a happy ending but there's still conflict and villains to overcome.

The main character is just Peni Parker but not anime.


Not even close

>current year
>thinking bing bing bad teeth is based
Cringe and blue pilled

I have no idea about the story. I also don't care about the story. It's a strange idea for a film and the trailers don't help.

>John Oliver
Is this bait?

What do you want from it? Do you want it to be about how the park is struggling financially and the drama this causes internally? Do you want it to turn out it was built on an ancient Indian burial ground and turn into a slasher flick? Do you want someone to get mutated in an terrible snow cone accident and have to be stopped by skeetball man? JFC dude

>no marketing

no thanks, i only watch disney movies.

Literally his last episode (15 minutes in)

It looks really cute