So whats the point of 20+ years of movies if all they needed was one overpowered character?

so whats the point of 20+ years of movies if all they needed was one overpowered character?

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Ask this question after End Game.

So this is the thread you'll make every day until Endgame comes out?

Do you need a pal, OP? Someone to talk stuff out with?

what a stupid question.

Brie pls.

Cause they wanted to show that feminism is awesome

let it go Yea Forums
Carol is a big hit, made money and you were wrong like always.

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Success doesn't mean its good you dumb bitch.
Aquaman was a success, Wonder Woman was a success, The Force Awakens was a success, The Last Jedi was a success, Black Panther was a success. And all of them are Shit.
If you like them, good for you, you got shit taste, that also doesn't mean they weren't shit.

Black panther pull in 200mil what you talking about

>baited this hard

What's the point of 20+ years of villains if they only needed 1 snap?

>80million people agreed something is good but ignore them and only listen to me

>how can you say a movie is shit if you dont go see it first?

She has no ass.

Her name is Captain Carol "Avengers: Endgame" Denvers

We get it you hate women. Jesus boy let it go

Good thing that had nothing to do with her saving the world.
>having an was is the only criteria for a movie being good
And this is why you don't work in any position of power other than flipping burgers

Don't ask questions, just consume products and get excited for next products

Captain zero percent butt.

If she doesn't have an ass, She should be naked at the very LEAST to make up for it.

>white men being so salty that a woman can be successful

I had my doubts about feminism, but all the anger and salt about a powerful female character proves to me that we need more feminism and more men need to be raised to respect women

Guys just need to man the fuck up and stop bitching

She's wearing clothes and that's a big problem.

>thinks there is some deeper meaning to children's movies
Hello /x/. What're you doing back on the grid again?

Did her ass get sent to the Negative Zone?

Marvel movies have one point: getting your money

>Why did you do that?
>We're in the Cpt. Carol "Disney and Marvel Studios presents Avengers: Endgame" Danvers now
wow it makes sense in context

What's DCs movies point?

Don't ask questions, just consume products, defend the mouse on the internet, and then get excited for next products

Picture being such a brainlet that you think literally everyone who didn't like CM is a DCshill

Losing money

I thought the current go to excuse was that everyone who didn't like Captain Marvel is an incel

to make you boil DCuck.

Because you'll watch it anyway.

66% of the people who went to see this movie were men.

>I was merely pretending

I hope you eat shit. Billions of flys can't be wrong after all.

I tought it was the russians? Did I miss a memo again?

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>Needs to see a lynching before saying it's bad.

This. A real man would feel no threat from a "powerful female figure" and simply accept her position. Children want women to remain thier personal care servants while depriving themselves of an actual meaningful and respectful relationship

The movie is out, we just have to wait for the marketing to end- which is the really impactiful part of the hole shit show, and everyone will start crying about the next secondary media jerk off.
I’m uncertain what you think will be solved by these faggots shutting up; there is another bunch of faggots getting ready to replace them.

>Children want women to remain thier personal care servants
and milkies provider

I love Birdman

>Guys just need to man the fuck up and stop bitching
You too, user.

>all they needed was one overpowered character
So what's the point of Vision and Thor?

because we need a stronk Wyman to be in comics! even tho they are some already, but they arent popular enough! make the girl most popular!


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What's the point of respecting women?

>Started in 2008
>20+ years

Sorry Brie,you ass sucks

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Normal men want women to be servants. They have better value as housewives and mothers.
Children want a strong female figure so they can feel safe.

Why is Captain Sameface good?

Is it wrong that I want to lick Larsons moldy feet?

Why are people still humouring this bullshit. People were saying all this shit literally a year ago, except with Black Panther and Infinity War. People were saying he was going to be the only one to wound Thanos, that he would lead the Avengers, and be the focus of the sequel.

Anybody thinking Carol will win the day has no idea how to write a story. She will be a distraction, another body or end up getting punked like Hulk to prove Thanos has still got it.

That's a bad cut on action. They should have cut in the middle of Strange's swipe, rather than at the end, allowing the portal to flow in sync with his hand motion. As it is, there's a bit of an awkward pause where your eyes have to jump back from Strange's hand on the right to the portal on the left, at which point you also see Strange just standing motionless rather than completing the swipe.

She will beat Thanos. Marvel is pushing really hard for her.

You can respect women but not trash supremacist ideologies

Why are there so many faggots thinking Carol is going to swoop in and fix everything?

This is how most modern Superman- or Justice League stories go nowadays, their latest movie was a perfect example. The plot only works as long as Superman is stuck somewhere unable to help, then we have tension as the lesser powered heroes are the underdogs against a high treat. Then Superman comes along and casually punches the problem away, killing all the tension instantly. The story itself is also completely pointless because the rest of Justice League are useless in comparison to Superman.

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>so whats the point of 20+ years of movies if all they needed was one overpowered character?
Who was apparently there the whole time and could have solved all the problems they've had over the last ten years all by herself?

But yeah heroes have to win over and over. Villians just need to do it once

Where does 80 million come from?

Yes. Where can I find a pal to talk stuff out with?

Both are the current batch of strawmen along with that they hate women.

B-but she was busy!

Not him, but I'll be first to admit I was wrong. I thought this movie would make Ant Man numbers and be seen as a mediocre snorefest.

That said, it's pretty fucking telling that literally no one is talking about the movie, just how much money it made. Lots of shit movies have made a shitzillion dollars, way more than Captain Marvel and way shittier movies than it as well. BvS still has this movie beat for opening weekends, and I still hold that's one of the worst superhero movies of all time second maybe to shit like F4.

Is it not worrying to you that you can only praise it on how much money it made? You're basically admitting the movie is bad.

>Casual who still thinks Superman solves everything

Kind of telling that literally anyone can say about it is "It made disney a whole bunch of money."
Like, you are so self-aware that it's a bad movie that you can't even say "Carol is a big hit, her movie was great, and it's a wonderful bridge to endgame."

Instead it's "Oh look how much money it made." It's the fucking Man of Steel argument all over again. DC movies ate shit for a reason, and I doubt a single bad movie will ruin the MCU, but it's the start of something you should be concerned about way more than 'online trolls' whose crime is that they told you the movie is bad (which they were correct about, btw).

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oh no you figured them out, they have no fucking idea with what they are doing.

You're basically stumbling onto the problem with Captain Marvel in general: She's a knockoff superman. She's Superman-lite but even more boring because none of the people who write her have the balls to put her through any serious struggle that isn't related to her origin or the fact she's a woman.
MCU is just learning this lesson the hard way, and Endgame will suffer because of it. That is, unless they are already aware enough to know that a newcomer actually being important to defeating Thanos would be a massive bullshit cop-out and instead just relegate her to 'Oh you helped but it was a team effort everyone'.

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Wouldn't be surprised, the last few MCU movies basically proved that they could make up any shit as they go along and drones would still swarm to go see it in droves.

What if they're lynching a criminal?

The masses are shit and will keep eating Marvel movies as long as they don't do anything controversial like The Last Jedi did. There's nothing to replace the MCU so people won't be tired of it. This isn't about movies being good or bad, but about appealing people.
You are naive.

they just got lucky that nerd culture was in and cape shit is easier to make look decent than star wars type settings. They shot them selves in the foot by introducing super man into the mcu i mean just look at how bad the dcu movies are that feature him.

It's Super Woman. People do love a mary-sue. Bonus points since she is snarky like Iron Man.

“Knockoff Superman” is a shitty comparison. Hell Clark has more powers than her, and still manages to be an interesting character. Carol is more like a less versatile Hal Jordan

>The masses are shit and will keep eating Marvel movies as long as they don't do anything controversial like The Last Jedi did. There's nothing to replace the MCU so people won't be tired of it. This isn't about movies being good or bad, but about appealing people.
I disagree because even the masses get tired of shit eventually. They are aware that something is bad and the novelty of it wears off very quickly.
Think of Transformers, that series took three movies to really "kill it". It was trash from the start, and everyone knew it. If anything, it will just accelerate the masses to find something else even faster.

With Endgame coming up, that something else will probably pop up within the next year and steal MCU's thunder.

I argue that she is. Her MCU rendition is the bootleg Clark Kent with the knockoff alien-fallen-to-earth story and 'finding herself' character arc.
Didn't say she was any good at it.

She's akin to, and I hate making this comparison, Stardust. A very obvious knockoff of a character that has been done before that has exactly the power she needs for the story that exists in a world that caters exclusively to her. The difference is that Stardust can be entertaining with how wacky it is. Captain Marvel is just boring. It's what someone would ink up if they were told to make a superhero story, but had nothing but golden-age comics to reference from.

That’s a loose comparison to Superman at best. You can’t equate Clark’s discovery of having 2 heritages and how that shapes him, to Carol regaining her memories. The latter scenario has the character completely reject one life, The Kree

People replaced Transformers with the MCU. There's nothing to replace the MCU.

no they need (you)'s, just like everyone who makes threads on this cursed website

Watching the absolute ass blasting this movie's success is causing is actually more entertaining than the movie itself.

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didn't Avengers 2 basically put Vision in the same relative powerlevel position as Carol is now? look what happened to him

I think you’re missing the point where something being good is subjective.

I think there is, but people just haven't found it yet. It's out there.
People thought the same about Transformers, initially.

>is actually more entertaining than the movie itself.
Because the movie isn't.

Probably because the movie isn't entertaining at all. The "ass blasting" is mostly shock at people being retarded enough to watch a movie most people admit isn't good just to 'stick it to online trolls' that they haven't met or know exist.
It would be like giving a dollar to a millionaire because you think people are too mean to him.

To set up the threat that she's responding to.

Or Strange. He was a newcomer to but after only a solo movie he's making mockery out of Thor and slapping Tony with his magic cape. Or even Spiderman in CW, he comes out of nowhere and almost singlehandedly fucks over Falcon, Bucky and Giant-man

MCU movies introduce new characters constantly

For purely commercial movie - it is.

I hope no one expected deep and meaningful film from Marvel?

>Or even Spiderman in CW, he comes out of nowhere and almost singlehandedly fucks over Falcon, Bucky and Giant-man
And then he was an incompetent dumbass in Homecoming. The MCU lacks consistency.

The problem with that reply is that user wasn't being retarded, and was obviously smug baiting.
It's not our fault you're a goldfish.

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>For purely commercial movie - it is.
Wow. So this is the new mouse argument.
Sure it's shit, but it's really successful so who cares!
I hope no one expected a deep and meaningful film, period.

No point. Just give the Jews your money, bigot.