Writer: Nick Spencer
Artist: Humbreto Ramos
Cover Artist: Humbreto Ramos
In Stores: March 13
Writer: Nick Spencer
Artist: Humbreto Ramos
Cover Artist: Humbreto Ramos
In Stores: March 13
Feels like Spencer is finally about to catch his stride
>Humbreto Ramos
when will spidy get a fucking gas mask
How many Kravens are there? Which one's Sergei?
2 I think.
Which one was the pedo one in Secret Empire that had a tea party with Kobik?
The one in the suit.
Pretty sure that was Sergei.
This actually looks interesting. It's been a while since a Spider-Man event grabbed my interest.
Spencer better deliver it.
The one in the suit. The other is his clone
god yes. hope ramos draw ana-marie. can't get enough of him drawing her (and black cat with all that cheese).
Oh, it's a clone. I thought it was one of his multiple kids.
He is but this batch were clones
Sergei killed the son who was resurrected around the same time he was as an animal-man
He then pit his two remaining kids against each other and his daughter murdered his other son
Sergei also killed his wife
Will not buy
I will throw a party when this piece of shit finally dies and stops ruining comics with his garbage art
That’s rather unwarranted.
I am pretty sure he made one a long time ago and writers forgot.
Can't tell you when because there's thousands of stories, but he did have make a filter to not get trapped like that.
Anya is the only one left of his kids.
This one is a clone he raised.
I ask this question all the time with so many superheroes. Do you know how much easier it would be for Batman to fight scarecrow or Ivy if he didn't constantly leave his mouth and nose exposed?
In the old Silver Age stories when fighting someone using gas, he would web up a temporary gas mask. Apparently it never occurred to him to just build it into his mask
If you manage to screw up something as simple and cool as the symbiote suit, you really shouldn't be drawing comics.
Who was the genius who saw the 90s and said "you know what the Spider-Man franchise needs more of? Clones."
Argh why are we back to this shitty art? Last week's issue gave me hope that we'd keep the fantastic art
>screw up something as simple and cool as the symbiote suit
Show me.
If you're talking about how it looked in #800, I think it was an intentional (and fucking atrocious) redesign so that Slott could put out one last piece of toy fodder before his run ended.
Anna-Maria is over in Superior Spider-Man that's drawn by Mike Hawthorne.
>Have great art with Ottley and the guy who did last week's issue
>Back to fucking Ramos
Every time
No way you can't kill Felicia without us even finding out who she was seeing! Not cool, Spencer.
I might have to start buying Spidey trades again
So was Kraven literally never a good guy? Why did the 1994 show present him as a neutral character who was just high on serum?
The Hunt is always neutral. The strong preying the weak is just the natural cycle of the world. Kraven is merely encouraging others to aspire to be better, or be weeded out
The Stress of everything that's happened and Otto has made her jaded and instigated her incredibly amazing bitchmode. I want Anna-Maria to be happy, but now she is stressed and by it made thicc and I'm projecting so much on that turn of her fictional character.
He is about as neutral as the Kingpin, dude.
Will Ramos ever be anything other than worse Bachalo?
Sometimes I dislike Ramos' art, but this is shaping up pretty snazzy.
ramos sure has fallen low or is crazy intimidated by sjws.
he used to draw felicia pretty hot but here she looks like she is flat as a boy
Get the hell outta here, annoying troll.