Right-leaning characters

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Other urls found in this thread:

A rich owner of a Billion dollar company and beats up poor people at night.

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Why yes, he does appear to be leaning to his right, even if only slightly.

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At least Butch is.

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Remember when you made this thread earlier today, and also last week, and nobody laughed then either?

Yes but not really

Pic related most certainly do.
Reddit might be more your speed.

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Ehh, more middle right. Is libertarian right? Take about half that, add some Democrat government aid shit and constrictive morals but less and it should be right. I think?

No, Libertarianism just like socialism can apply to both sides

Libertarian can have left and right applications. Libertarian leftism tends to be more anarchist or syndicalist

Libertarianism is far right economically speaking.

It's disappointing that common-sense ideals about Economic Freedom and Free Market Principals are considered right leaning now no matter how liberal and accepting you are when it comes to social matters. I suspect it to be a Jewish plot orchestrated to prevent the Democrats from ever being elected to a serious post again. But I'm not sure what the ends are towards.

Why is it every fucking day on Yea Forums now there's a thread like this? Is it bait? Or are conservatives just that fucking desperate to see themselves and their dumbass ideology represented that they're willing to endlessly grasp at straws like this?

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You can deny that it's a problem all you want, but it's not going to stop being one. People are questioning the "truths" which have been peddled to them by political forces. I, personally, have faith that at the end of the day they will see the fear-mongerers for what they are, but there is no question that the institution of things that "are obviously true" has been broken and that people (young people. smart people, multi-cultural people) have questions about whether or not man was TRULY born equal.

Basically, it is no longer safe to resort to defense-by-authority because there is no longer a centralized authority. But have faith that people aren't stupid and they will see what can be seen. That, of course, no two people are born equal, but that the insisting on that fact has power beyond whatever flash in the pan ethos THEY have came up with.

What the fuck are you talking about

What the fuck are you asking? Is my only response to that try-nothing nothing. If you want to be pat on the back and be told "yeah, of course, you're right" then you came to the wrong place.

No, it's just, did you even mean to reply to me? Because I don't think any of that had to do with anything I just said.

I 100% did. And everything I did was 100% relevant to everything you asked. If you want to try and understand it from the perspective from that re-assurance, then please do and feel free to ask more questions (for my position is not 100% stalwart and crack-proof). But if you don't then don't

/pol/faggot op desperately needs and excuse too shit up other boards with culture war bullshit


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All I'm asking is why is it THIS thread every fucking day

go home Yea Forumsermin

OP's probably being lazy. You want more replies, you gotta start making dumber bait.

Go back? More like Wo Jak.

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