ITT: well-written female characters
ITT: well-written female characters
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The name wasn't "Gadget" for nothin.
Aside from being furrybait, what was well-written about Gadget? She's pretty in-line with all the other 90s blue-collar women.
All of them
>Well written.
that's not true. objectively. subjectively, you're right .
>She's pretty in-line with all the other 90s blue-collar women.
she borderline autistic and a genius inventor
>All of these shit-tier characters
>Akko and Mako, but no Yoko
You are a special kind of stupid.
Wow, never seen a character like that before. Deep.
Ecks dee
>slightly crazy
Any fucking shit in this thread is bait.
Well, Korra is well-written too
Somebody at Disney just had a hard-on for Jordan from Real Genius.
I mean, so did I though...
Thanks for the confirmation Ms. Gadget, really.
Anyone else remember that super long fan comic about her becoming a lab rat?
Does this make all the RR slightly autistic too
I was talking about the abused sister identity crisis, but sure since you're a pony named One Trick.
>My waifu is a well written female character cause all her character complexity comes from my head-canons
I'm more of a Yume fan, But she's only in the manga.
I'll wipe that smile out one day, but not where the Earth is revolutionizing.
Not even one episode.
Tex mex too spiced for ya?
Based Murrlogic poster
The network saved her from becoming nothing but a platform for the writer thinking he had a moral imperative to fuck everything sideways so Tumblr would love him more.
Probably the reason why it's dead now.
>the W in waifu is for weaponized
You crack me up, weirdo
Tsunami is so much worse, there's a reason Tokimi lives the bachelorite life Holmes.
Oh yeah, I just assumed Grande Padre Hank Yuremeshi had thing for Mario at the Corn Chip mill.
Jun, back to /jp/ and your Walter cosplay makes me regret...y'know...
Sorry m8, i'm not a cosplayer.
But possibly a Majima cosplayer soon
One of the best examples of a strong female character, but she wasn't written like a massive Mary Sue.
>Posts man
>Its Carl Manvers
I agree. She's the complimentary fold to Aang in that she's excited to be the Avatar, wanting to kick some ass and be the hero, yet went through the similar struggle of comparing herself to other avatars just like Aang, just in her own way and towards Aang, ironically enough.
It's that the circumstances she was written under were shite. Seriously, it's a crime they didn't give her learning the four elements character development.
Kill yourself for your blasphemy.
>A barely literate housewife whose only mission is to complete her husband's legacy.
She's not nearly independent enough.
Star is well written the show just has shit framing.
>well-written FEMALE characters
>She's not nearly independent enough.
And save her child, you irresponsible bitch
Mako is for Ryuko, Anna is shit, horse is decent choice, don't know about everyone else.
the mexican bird girl is better
In the IDW comics anyway, Jem and Pizzaz in particular are both well written. Jem even respects and trusts her boyfriend enough to tell him she's Jem unlike the original.
When I was a kid I barely noticed that she was a girl but I always laughed really hard with that episodes.
Search your feelings, you know they are lying and that the truth is that I'm right.
ITT: No well-written characters, just waifus here
Keep Shriek out of your wet dreams, fuckface.
Name some well-written female characters then fuckface
>shaved heads
Trash tier
What a cool and original post
So he has a sister?
>I must never have seen a character before in my life for it to be well written