Shazam hype thread

I’m ready for ol’ Billy Batson to become more popular than Clark Kent once again

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It looks like a fun movie, not sure how well it will do; though.
Fun DC flicks tend to fall behind serious ones.

Aquaman made a billion dollars, what are you on about?

Aquaman was marketed as being extremely serious.
This isn't, and I don't think it will have legs because of it.

I think kids would love to see it. It's a kid's wish-fulfillment fantasy.

>wizard: okay last champion didn't work out, I'll just allow an underage child to have literal god like powers and expose him to danger
kind of irresponsible for a supposed powerful wizard who lived for thousands of years

Billy's 14-15 years old, he's not that young.

did anyone voice concern that he is too young?
then again robins exist and other heroes have sidekicks

>Billy's 14-15 years old, he's not that young.
14-15 is pretty much coming of age in Medieval society.

Clark did in a comic once.

Originally The Wizard thought Billy pure of heart, and worthy of the power. Of course that was a time when Billy literally swapped places with a completely different being calling himself Captain Marvel. In recent canon, The Wizard was searching for thousands of years for someone pure of heart, but ultimately realized no one is 100% pure, but that doesn't mean people are 100% bad either. With Black Adam's return imminent, The Wizard looked deep into Billy's soul and saw great potential, and bestowed the power of the living lighting onto him.

As for other people concerned, is right. Superman fucking flipped out on The Wizard, demanding why he put the weight of such responsibility on someone so young. Of course most JLA members are unaware of Billy's secret. Jay Garrick once thought him a pedo the way Shazam was looking at Star Girl.

Depending on the version the wizard was about to expire with no idea if he had the time to find another plus although he finds him wanting he sees great potential. Plus the whole idea is thwt a kid is less suceptable to the sins. Adam's nephew was also chosen in the past and had he not chosen poorly on who to share the power chances are he would be fine.

>Jay Garrick once thought him a pedo the way Shazam was looking at Star Girl.
someone post this

Honestly it sounds like the kinda crap wizards pull all the time

In the wizards defence he did at least feel bad about putting all that shit on a kid and asked superman to help him

Billy later met Star Girl, and told her he couldn't see her anymore. She was devastated, and knew Billy would never reveal his secret because those who did know always treated him different upon learning afterwards. She didn't tell anyone out of respect either.

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>Fun DC flicks tend to fall behind serious ones.
What? Aquaman was the most fun DC movie in years and did the best

>more popular than Clark Kent
Won't happen.

And this is just as bad the console war threads between the MCU and the DC films.

For someone to 'win' in these threads, someone has to lose, eh?

>For someone to 'win' in these threads, someone has to lose, eh?
Welcome to the internet

Is Darla still flat chested or they gave her boobs?

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They gave her boobs and a fantastic ass

So now she's an adult the entire time?

Well no but I assumed you were talking about her adult form since that's what you posted. She's the youngest of the kids

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I want this figure!

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I'm glad it's going to get released in China
And they're playing the references up

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Was there any reason it wouldn't play in China? I thought they just had a hang up about ghosts and Winnie the Pooh?

Suicide Squad was banned there and I don't think there were any ghosts or skeletons

Enchantress was technically a ghost and I think they're iffy about witchcraft.

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Oh good they butched the movie to make it watchable for the fucked up backwards Chinese audiences. I was worried the movie might actually be good, my fear was laughably unfounded thanks to the swift intervention by the Chinese Government.

Is That an image of a statue, video game or toy?

Also if it’s just fan art that is pretty fucking good and would love to see a cartoon in this style

Plus Katana

Superman was right.

What do you realistically think they're going to do for the Chinese version of Shazam? It's not like there's gonna be any shost/skelletons/SillyOldBears or anything. Worst case scenario, they add some Iron-Man style b-plot that has some Chinese celebrity/product, and that's worst case.

He's just a shitposter. I'm pretty sure one of the Shazam kids is Chinese though

That is true. Been Chinese since the very beginning. Maybe they'll make an alternate cut where he saves Billy after getting Shazamified. :^)

>that look the wizard gives superman in that panel
well at least he feels bad about what happened

>the bullet that bounced off superman
how much would it be online

nigga, are you serious?

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Wizard is kind of a dick
it looks fun

Superman has a shit ton of bullets that bounce off of him because he can take it (BvS probably added a good 100 or so to the pile), and intervenes at a fuck ton of crimes, so I assume there are tens of thousands of bullets that have bounced on him, and maybe 1/10th of them being sold if we're being generous. So, 1 of, let's say 1000 bullets from one of the world's most recognizable people could probably net you anywhere from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars based on validity and the scene of the crime, but I doubt any one bullet would go higher than say, $10,000. But I'm sure there'd be plenty of cheaper bullets that in reality are just bullets shot at a steel beam or something, which could further diminish the overall value of Superman bullets.

hey i almost didn't notice they kept the hood on the mantle

t. paedos

That costume has really grown on me

Same, looked pretty cheesy at first but I have grown to like it.

i don't think they would be worth that much. there is no real way to confirm that the bullet itself has rebounded from the big blue unless you recorded yourself being a suicidal fuck picking up bullets in the middle of the fight and even proof like that can be dubious.

So i don't know... I'd say that they aren't worth more than 50 bucks a piece at best.

past it. At that age, people were getting married and having kids.

Yeah, it'd be more for the fanboy than the serious collector

I'd run it as a scam if I was in the DC universe and a bunch of other shit. A gold tooth that was knocked out by Batman, a bunch of seashells Aquaman used to keep his ass clean. That sort of thing

I really wanted a Superman/Shazam First Thunder adaptation as his first movie, it'd been GOAT
But i think the movie will be great anyway too

>wonder woman's loincloth
>totally authentic, I swear

>I’m ready for ol’ Billy Batson to become more popular than Clark Kent once again
We should start preparing the "IT'S FAWCETT'S REVENGE!!" meymeys now.

Shazam follows the Captain Marvel movie past the billion dollaro mark and thusly DC has to make Shazam their flagship title, replacing Supes across the board.

At least he didn't trap him in another realm, give lousy weapons and impossible quest.

That's a misconception. While the sons and daughters of noble families were married at a young age that was because their marriages were used to cement treaties and commercial agreements, and they often didn't live together until adulthood anyway. Among the peasantry and professional classes it wasn't common for people to get married until their early twenties, since young men needed to get established in their farm or profession and young women needed to build up a dowery before they could move out of home and get married.

Oh jeez Superman. Didn't know you knew everything about Billy. No parents and poor and all that. Heck, you wouldn't even know about Billy before the whole Shazam thing.

>Aquaman was marketed as being extremely serious

>Of course that was a time when Billy literally swapped places with a completely different being calling himself Captain Marvel.
Not true. That had two distinct personalities, the times that interacted in fawcett days were generally explained. I think there's maybe a few where they speak/meet without explanation but I can't recall them off the top of my head.

That didn't end like I expected.

What was this from? I was going to complain about the art, but the emotion conveyed saves it all.

Honestly I think First Thunder would make a better sequel

They are doing a tour of fan screenings, great way to create good word of mouth before the film releases

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It’s called Superman/Shazam: First Thunder!, it’s a great book and was partially adapted into that DC Showcase short with Black Adam

Regardless, it was still the case that in the golden age Captain Marvel was; for all intents and purposes, considered a distinct personality separate from Billy. It was only later that CM/Shazam was cemented as Billy but with a "wisdom of Solomon" boost to his intelligence and judgment.

>Aquaman made a billion dollars
but it was fucking terrible. even Ronan Dex couldn't save it. Shazam looks good and I bet it won't break a billion and that breaks my fucking heart.

That's called desperation

It usually happens when a movie is projected to bomb

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I expect there's a way to verify. The lead from the bullet should deform and show the weave of his costume imprinted on it when viewed through a magnifying glass, something that would be extremely hard to fake. Anyone seriously interested in trading in them would be able to tell the real deal from a genuine article.

no, this is called desperation

What? How does Billy's life being miserable change what he said? No children anywhere should be concerned about where their next meal is coming from or if they'll have a roof over their heads tomorrow. Life isn't always that kind, and Superman knows this, but it doesn't make it less true.

I'm now a Shazam fan thanks to you guys. Gonna watch the movie with great pleasure.

Oh, Sivana, don't shoot!

Fan art

Red Cheese is Red

>Was there any reason it wouldn't play in China?

They don't like black people and the marketing department was really pushing the fact that the movie had Will Smith in it. There have been other films released in China where the black actors were removed from the posters and promotional materials altogether.

is that pic a drawing or a figure?

It was primarily because of Katana. The Chinese government is still cross at the Japanese for the atrocities of WWII, so a “hero” character that’s emblazoned with the Japanese flag wouldn’t go over so well over there.

Sorry that was for

He was talking about Shazam

A film doesn't have to break a billion to be successful

>Aquaman was marketed as being extremely serious.
No it wasn't.

>promoting a movie is desperation

He's desperate for anything DC to fail

Probably more than Batman

I'm really hoping the film does well enough for a sequel

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-13 Digital Artist From Turkey on Instagram “ therock zacharylevi - Me my bro ri (598x598, 1M)

Tre when The Rock is the first man to have to LOSE muscle to play a comic character, crazy how big he is.

Excellent point, but I'm sure there'd still be plenty of scam sites selling genuine bullets to dummies who wouldn't know any better. Buy 3 bullets for $100 and get a strand of hair from Wonder Woman for free.

You're right. They should just not promote the movie at all. In fact, they should just pretend it doesn't exist. Then it'll be a hit.

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3d model

That achievment goes to arnold for his role in connan.

reverse psychology. Tell people NOT to go to the see the film and it becomes a hit!! Worked for Captain Marvel

My teen girls aren't interested and it's aimed at too young a target demographic for me. I'll probably wait until it hits Netflix.

just give her her own mini series or something. please. I need something cute to put besides the Monster Society of Evil

>we want a villain who's Billy's dark parallel
>we can't/won't include Black Adam
Will we even see subhuman Sivana in the end or not?

Remember when Captain Marvel took up the mantle of Superman when Clark turned into Bearded Idiot?


I was saying that that post was desperation by Ladderbro

Destined to get derailed if it gains any traction by feminazis whining about adolescent male power fantasies because it's literally a movie about a little boy who turns into a muscular man with superpowers.

Still hope it's good, mindless fun, but the problematic came built in and is exacerbated by Captain Marvel not flopping after Brie being a sociopathic cunt on social media.

Pretty sure the whole thing got greenlit in the hopes that Captain Marvel would fail and people would be craving a "this makes my penis the lightning penis" movie.

Then hope that for once, the outragefags dont try to bait the feminists or try to shoehorn politics into it or any other stupid shit. Just let it stand on its own and succeed without any tainting bullshit.

>Will we even see subhuman Sivana in the end or not?
Yes, in prison and he gets recruited by pic related

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Shit man. Get help

>"My my, aren't you a sorry sight? Feeling the all the nasty side effects of magic, are we? Well don't fret, friend. You see I was always the believer that the body will always be second to.....the mind."

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This was actually a misclick on my part. Meant to reply to for being a headass, but it looks like I clicked the wrong reply by mistake.

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I'm so fucking ready

>Dr. Sivana doesn't get to be the mad scientist he deserves to be.
>But with the help of Mr. Mind, this is still a possibility.
I accept this fully if this becomes the case in the future. It'd be a nice way to explain how he became so damn smart.

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wasn't one of their ads about Mamoa being wet, go see movie?

>implying Aquaman knows about the 3 seashells

Who should voice him?

Wizard was looking for someone with a pure heart, and Billy just happened to be that kid. He learned from his last mistake of powering up a person like Black Adam. Besides, with SHAZAM's powers, he's strong as fuck.

Just bought tickets for me and my son who's really excited for it It's on April 3rd which will be the 2nd for most of the board. So I might do an AMA

Gilbert Gottfried or tim curry

>or tim curry
Hope you have those stem cells ready

Can we give these threads a rest.

It's annoying to have this three times in a row, especially for it to be DC in fighting.

Give it a rest, Fawcett is never going to exist again.
Billy won't even have as many films and other adaptations as Superman has even if this film makes $1B, which it won't, and has two more sequels and then another set of reboots after that.

Just take a chill pill dude.

Agreed but they seem to want to go with a Black Adam movie that will barely involve Billy, much less Freddy.

Giving Black Adam his own movie first seems to be the only way to get The Rock on board.

Did anyone notice that in Captain Marvel that when Carol was cycling through colors for her costume, her first one was essentially Shazam’s pallet?

Nope, haven't seen it yet. Was it just red and white? Could just be a coincidence

It was red and gold, which my initial thought was for Mar Vell, but his costume was red and black.

It essentially looked like this, with a star in place of the bolt and no cape.

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just like incels complaining about Captain Marvel didn't matter, feminists and twitter dwellers complaining about Shazam won't matter

>That Dr. Sivana villain speech.

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ok now the bad effects are showing


This shit's going to bomb so hard

Looks fine to me desu

It won't

Imagine actually believing this is something that would happen

I'm loving this movie

Uh-oh looks like DKeks are triggered again

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This is such a specific thing to be upset about.

You guys are nuts. I thought that was great

People these days think 18-year-old is too young to fuck

They're upset because their tiny brains think it means DC is abandoning just about everything before Aquaman other than Wonder Woman and Harley which to be fair they are

Ay, caramba. This kinda ruined my excitement for the film.

>Aquaman was marketed as being extremely serious.
This fucking revisionism. lol


Nah I wouldnt want Captain Marvel to debut alongside a way bigger name like superman, better to establish Billy on his own first so he doesn't just become "that other guy in the superman movie"

Imagine being so pathetic that you complain about William's Superman theme

the problem in Justice League wasn't William's theme but removing the theme from MoS altogether and also Elfman acting like only his Batman 89 theme matters

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Wow they aren't even bothering with the marketing on this

I'm genuinely amazed WB isn't just shoving it off on Netflix. Or maybe they tried but Netflix said "No, this is too shitty even for us" like they did with Holnes and Watson

Nah, I already bailed out after spotting the word "trailer" before it even played. These days, a good open-minded cinema-goer always stop after watching just the teaser and nothing else.

Learned it the hard way back when I wanted to see The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 1...

Eat shit you false flagging retard Aquaman's the most fun Cape films have been in years

Does Disney pay you well? I might consider a job shitposting online if the pay was half decent

Nah you aren't Ladderbro. There's to much obvious sarcasm in your post

Is it okay to sexualize him in his adult form?

Then how the fuck do you go to the cinema? Do you show up 15 minutes late? Do you close your eyes and plug your ears?

No, Guy

I remember they did that with Finn for the star wars posters

I'm hoping the sequel brings in Mary and captain nazi

Nah, if WB were desperate they would put out one of these

they made one of these for Aquaman though

Trying to hard to be negative


But Aquaman was a big hit. So it works?

Because it had weeks to itself

If it had as much time as Shazam does with the opening weekend it had it would have been one of the biggest bombs of the year

>Because it had weeks to itself

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It looked really cheap when he was floating at 0:27 and when he was talking with Sivana at the end, it looked like an obvious green screen.

Bought my early showing tickets today. Going to see it on the 23rd with my girlfriend.

I'm ready for the uptick of /ss/ art.

about time really.