
And explain your choices

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Fuck, fuck, and fuck. I don't know if I could marry them.

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>Fuck Wonder Woman
She's really, really hot. Killer body, T & A, athletic and curvy, supermodel face, and I guess she would be great in bed and stuff, etc

>Marry Cassie
Hot but not as hot, yet she's blonde.

>Kill Donna
Nothing against her. Hot but not as hot as Diana and not blonde.

Kill Cassie. She shouldn't even exist

Donna and Diana are equal to me

Fuck, marry, kill. Cassie looks like she'd be a lot of fun for a one night stand, Diana is top teir wife material and Donna is a mess, not too difficult desu

Dubs of murder

Marry Diana, because she is hot, smart, caring, a goddes.
Fuck Cassie, because she is hot.
And Kill Donna, because she has been death before, and she got better, so she can deal with that just fine.

Which one do you think would be most willing to take it up the ass?

My guess is Donna.

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>Not including best Amazon

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Fuck Diana because it's fucking Diana
Marry Cassie because I like blondes
Kill Donna because she would've died anyway.

Was going with the pure wonder family, user.

Marry Cassie, the teenage version from the cartoon
Don't care about the other two

Fuck Cass, marry Diana and kill Donna.

You are boring.

Fuck Cassie because she's to immature to commit.
Marry Donna because she's emotionally damaged enough to stick around.
I'd have to kill Diana to get to the other 2.

Fuck and Marry all 3, and kill OP. You knew it would end this way


Follow the rules!

Kill Cassie. Blondes are meh. Fuck Donna, marry Diana.


Shit taste confirmed.

Fuck Diana, marry Donna, kill Cassie.

I'm sorry that I enjoy fun girls and not anti-male psychos.

>Diana and Donna

>Anti-male psychos

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Fuck Diana because she is probably amazing in bed

Marry Cass because she is cute

Kill Donna to put her out of her misery

Would Diana be amazing in bed? How long did she live on an island with no men, and how much experience has she gotten since then?

that just means you can teach her

Well, she probably would give learning her all.

Come again?

Marry my waifu Cassie
Kill OP for making this shit thread

Sorry, should have said "core"

no u

Fuck Diana, fantastic body perfect for sex.

Marry Donna. I feel sorry for her especially given how DC keep screwing her over.

I don't want to kill Cassie, but given how she's often written to be a bitch, if absolutely have too...

Donna needs love.

She's had sex with Superman in the new 52 and Steve trevor in rebirth.

I know jackshit about WW, so...
>Fuck Diana
She'd probably laugh at what I'd call fucking, but whatever.
>Kill Cassie
She looks like a Basic Bitch. I love short haired blondes, but she looks so... banal.
>Marry Donna
She seems like she'd make a good wife.
However, if Artemis was in the running, I'd fuck & marry her, no contest.

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Donna and Diana are literal clones of each other. Donna is just a bit younger.

She's been Todd'd unfortunately. She's got queer Bat STDs all over now.

The others at least have a little independence for the moment.

She's fucked women in Rebirth confirmed. She isn't choosy at least.

Fuck Cassie because she's not just Diana but younger.

Marry Diana because WONDER MOMMY

Kill Donna. Sorry, Donna.

Depends on the writer.

Fuck, marry, kill

Kill the one on the right
Fuck the blonde chick
Marry Wonder Woman and have her put me in chastity.

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Odd combination

Donna's the only one broken enough to stay with me so Marry her. Fuck Cassie because she's not a super feminist demigod or whatever and still has girly impulses that Diana does not. Kill Diana because that's the last option.

>Tfw Diana is so strong if you ever made her orgasm her convulsions would snap your dick off instantly.

Is it really worth it, bros?

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Kill, kill, kill is objectively the correct answer

Marrying all three of them is the only sensible choice.

Damn, if I really have to...
I'm obsessed with Diana, she will be my wife.
Cassie is someone I always wanted to fuck.
Kill Donna, they will just reboot her somehow anyway.

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If I think about it...Yes of course. Also denial is my fetish, having the hottest wife but never been able to penetrate her would be hot as hell.

>has the beauty of Aphrodite
>the stamina of a goddess
>confidence of hundreds of years
>experienced things you would never believe
>proficiency of the greatest warrior on earth
I think you should worry more about yourself.

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