>Strong female character
>Having such fragile feelings
Is that their definition of "strong woman"?
>Strong female character
>Having such fragile feelings
Is that their definition of "strong woman"?
Other urls found in this thread:
Gosh, Carol is so boring
We're constantly told Carol struggles but in reality she had a good handle on her powers and her feelings. About the only character arc she had was "Oh I guess I'm really human, and Kree are shit"
First World Problems: The Movie
Yeah it also cuts a lot of the drama and tension if she's just stronger than everyone else because superpowers. She has all the reasons why Superman is boring and none of the reasons why he's actually a good character.
Yeah at least Clark had to practice flying, and he was fucking born with those powers.
yhea the fact is.... that superman sucks as character soooo more pore to Captain Marvel!
Oof she also has a White Savior complex for the Skrulls
Let's talk about the epic Monday drop for CM
Are the incels ever going to stop crying about this movie?
Her family was abusive and her adoptive family used her. Her mentor was murdered in front of her and yeah the whole "hurrrr you know why it's called a cockpit?"
A "strong character" usually doesn't mean a character who's an unfeeling undefeatable powerhouse bruiser, but rather a character that's well-developed. Wanting "strong" female characters doesn't mean wanting superpowered never do no wrong Mary Sues. It means wanting women characters who have agency and personality (and flaws) and who are not just pretty eye candy to be saved by the male hero and then be awarded to him after he saved the day.
Isn't the entire point that she didn't have fragile feelings and that she kept trying to achieve her dreams and kept getting back up regardless of what people told her she was or wasn't capable of?
Even though, I answered before reading the image. Maybe they overemphasised the "tragedy" in CM, idk. But the point of what people mean when they talk of "strong characters" is the same.
>Monday drop
Lmfao, that is not a thing any actual person gives a shit about, I hope you realize.
>Εmpty theaters for Captain Marvel's premiere
>"But...the mass media told me it's a huge commercial success!"
And they wonder why we call them NPCs.
And yet the trailers are about "getting stronger because muh oppressive patriarchy".
Same goes for the movie itself: She "struggles" more about patriarchy than about the death of her mentor.
>Her family was abusive
How exactly?
They were white and we all know white people love to oppress others.
Μοre specific?
Ruined Civil War II and now ruined the MCU. Bravo, Captain Feminism.
Not the trailers I saw.
In the movie we see her dad was antagonistic and she explains that her copilot friend is like her real family.
Vese Xha
Clark hasn't been the last of his people for like 20 years.
>her dad was antagonistic and she explains that her copilot friend is like her real family.
Literally nothing
>her arc in the movie was basically being reminded that she was already at the finish line
Such a compelling character
But the film moves way too fast to make us care about that stuff. The family stuff is glossed over in like one line and Mar-Vell only had two scenes with little mentoring beyond "you'll get there one day, ace."
Now you might say "well Star-Lord's mom was only in one scene but she's played up as hugely important to his character, how is that any different?" And the answer is because we have multiple scenes establishing she affected Quill, implied or otherwise. From the opening scene of his mom's death, to the way he treats the Walkman, to his choosing to risk his life to save Gamora, to his scenes with Yondu, and of course to the end, where he sees his mom again and takes her hand, and then finally opens her last present to him, with the note revealing that the whole Star-Lord thing comes from a nickname she gave him in the first place. And of course, there's the music itself. Mama Quill reverberates through every aspect of Peter's character despite having even less screentime than Mar-Vell.
There was just way too much going on in Captain Marvel IMO. A lot of it could be interesting but none of it gets enough enough focus to stand out.
>In the movie we see her dad was antagonistic and she explains that her copilot friend is like her real family.
wow that's awful
Are degenerates ever going to stop crying about people who don't like this movie?
>carol's motivation
Do the people who made those at least try to read the wikipedia entries first ?
>Yeah it also cuts a lot of the drama and tension if she's just stronger than everyone else because superpowers.
That's a bullshit argument people have been using for Superman forever. It's just doesn't hold.
>She has all the reasons why Superman is boring and none of the reasons why he's actually a good character.
That's false.
I guess people didn't like the final of Thor Ragnarock.
>and yeah the whole "hurrrr you know why it's called a cockpit?"
Yeah, some people in the army are Jerk, that's nothing new.
>Thor still couldn't beat or even Damage Hel in the slightest
>you're wrong because reasons
Okay Satan
She actually has good memories of her brother.
> and she explains that her copilot friend is like her real family.
It's actually her co-pilot who say that she liked to spend more time with her than her own family and they don't say the father was abusive, just that they didn't get well along.
That's so fucking stupid, it's almost as dumb as Riddlers "DADDY NO!" bullshit
Captain America?
>>you're wrong because reasons
Except the first post didn't provide any readsons in the first place.
Ultra Instinct Thor was kino, all the movie was about how the hammer wasn't the source of his powers.
Even if that's true that's not how discourse works ESL-kun.
Except he defeated her anyway.
>that's not how discourse works
This isn't a debate team, user.
Don't insult Ultra Instinct like that
He litterally didn't defeat her in the most literal way possible. It's like saying Lex Defeated Superman because Doomsday beat his ass.
It's not debate team but if you're going to waste time with basically going "nuh uh" just say that.
Captain MArvel has a similar theme. All along the movie, she is being told she must shut-down her emotions and learn to obey and behave. Then she meet Fury who tell her about the importance of following instinct and then she learn that all the Kree teaching was to keep her in check so they can keep controlling her and using her and she finally break free.
Her family might as well not exist in this plot
>but if you're going to waste time with basically going "nuh uh" just say that.
If no reasons are provided in the first place, there is nothing to argue about.
Isn't the whole "Carol is the strongest avenger" thing just a lie though?
>In the movie we see her dad was antagonistic and she explains that her copilot friend is like her real family.
Jesus Christ! How horrifying!
Powerlevels are stupid anyway, especially in MCU where Cap can nearly stop a punch from infinity gauntlet Thanos.
I don't get it. Thor himself didn't experience drama until Thor 2 and Thor Ragnarok. The hero doesn't need drama to kick-start their career.
Hela was immortal and unkillable as long as Asgard remains. Only to defeat Hela was to destroy Asgard.
>Making a joke
Someone hasn't been bullied enough at school
>Except he defeated her anyway.
By not uysing brute force and using his brain.
Reminder no one gave a shit when Thor cut through a blast from a completed infinity gauntlet like butter. If Captain Marvel pulled that shit you wouldn’t hear the end of it.
What are you talking about? Is one of us not understanding what "drama" means?
>He defeated her
He? or Surtur unleashed? Did you even watch the movie?
Thanos wasn't even trying. Cap was using everything while thanos was just there doing nothing
Because Thor is literally a God, idiot.
Have you been living under a rock? People have been complaining about Thor being capable of doing that with Stormbreaker.
Thor lost first, several times in several movies. He first tasted defeat. He also lost EVERYBODY important to him in the way to victory.
Carol just curbstomped from minute 1 to minute 120.
but it wasn't well executed like Thor: Ragnarok, the director is fucking garbage and the movie doesn't have fights.
The Avengers could have saved a lot of time if they just told Scarlet Witch baseball isn't for girls
>Thor lost first
So losing beforehand completely justifies any asspull that follows? Got it.
I did. I thought it was bullshit
No one complained, everyone was saying Thor was one of the best things about the movie
Yeah, it actually does. That's what the end of 2nd arc means. The hero has to taste first defeat and go on a journey to get more powerful to defeat his enemy
He still didn't dfeat Thanos as Thanos not only is fine he also accomplish his goal of reducing population to 50%
>Someone hasn't been bullied enough at school
I have been too much, which is why I can actually tell when something isn't a joke.
Women weren't allowed to pilot in the 90s. This isn't anything like petty bullying in school.
>but it wasn't well executed like Thor
It was. and it has plenty of fights.
After I left the movie, I wondered that if instead of being the paragon of Nike Commercials, what if Carol was a person who in her past was prone to giving up halfway on things and then finally for once she decides to see something through the end and that made me realize I would have liked her better if that was the case.
>Yeah, it actually does
Good, so Rey getting knocked out by Kylo Ren, justifies her beating him later on in the Force Awakens
beam spam isn't a fight.
so no matter how the Avengers beat Thanos its ok because of the ending of IW?
It's clearly set up in the film that stormbreaker was powerful enough to stop the gauntlet.
Ι've been bullied a lot too and traumatized to the point of going to psychologists. Which is why I can actually tell apart harmless jokes from actual bullying. Also I stopped being an oversensitive pussy that sees everything as bullying.
Monday drops? Really? Who goes out to a movie on a Monday? When we can compare first to second weekend, then we'll talk.
>Women weren't allowed to pilot in the 90s
And that's a good thing
Except that makes no sense since the Infinity Stones are meant to be the strongest weapons in existence.
What justifies it was that Kylo was wounded.
>I have been too much
Dunno about that, judging from your reply.
You mean like how Carol get knocked out in her first fight and abducted by Skrulls? You must not have seen the movie if you think she curbstomped from day one. She gets captured by the Kree again later in the film.
Thor had to nearly kill himself to get a weapon built by the guy who designed the gauntlet. It's still stupid, but it's not like he just magically appeared on the scene and punched his way to a solution. He had to take a rainbow ride with a god axe.
Does not make it an asspull.
The Sith draw their power from pain and hatred
Kylo is explicitly stated not to be a sith.
>Maul survives because pain fuels dark side therefore he's alive because reasons
>Kylo is hurt by pain instead of getting more powerful
Why Disney contradicts itself?
And who destroyed Asgard, Thor or....
>Some axe beating out the strongest weapons in the Universe isn’t an asspull
Top kek
Despite moving nimbly like absolutely nothing happened before Rey closed her eyes and reminded the writers that she's Rey and losing is not an option?
Sith is just a name, they're both dark users. By just having the name darth doesn't mean you now get special treatment by the dark side. Is just a fucking moniker
>Thor had to nearly kill himself
>by the guy who designed the gauntlet
The gauntlet is merely a holder, the infinity stones have the real power and he didn’t create them.
>axe that was designed by the guy who made the gauntlet to defeat the gauntlet defeats the gauntlet
Well you have anons claiming it makes them strong and masculine alphas so probably?
>Sith is just a name
Stopped reading there might as well call a Padwan a Jedi Master
>Some axe made by the dude who made the gauntlet explicity to beat the gauntlet beat the gauntlet
Weird right?
The gauntlet is the one who controls and directs the gem's powers, Thor beat the gauntlet not the gems themselves
And Kylo has also been set up as conflicted and not fully embracing it, it's like you folks don't understand his arc.
i thought this movie was fine, but nothing special. my main problem was that the middle act was a slog like the first thor. there’s no mystery when it’s explained twice: once when she gets kidnapped by the skrulls, once when she hears the black box recording. i would’ve appreciated more mystery and that we learned with carol: but instead, it felt like carol was learning things we already knew, and so the second act just bored me
So a harmless joke is lording the fact that someone is unable to achieve their goal based on their gender, implying they're inferior, and supporting that exclusive system? How does that compare to school bullying and how does that make any of that okay?
>The gauntlet is merely a holder, the infinity stones have the real power and he didn’t create them
Yeah, but the gauntlet is what channels them. It's likely that Thanos was never using the stones at their full potential. If he was, and they were as powerful as their comic book counterparts, he'd be literally unassailable.
The traits that make Batman and Superman strong aren't specifically masculine. Barbara Gordon is probably even more serious and hard nosed than Bruce is and she's still plenty feminine.
The only people who claim those things make Batman and Superman masculine alphas are people who fundamentally misunderstand the characters like Zack Snyder.
>he was fucking born with those powers.
Didn't he get his powers from the sun? Back in krypton he cound't fly so he wasn't really born with them. He got them when entered our Solar system.
Considering Lex engineered that battle, yeah, pretty sure he'd have taken credit for it. I mean it was his whole point. Similarly Thor realized the only way to win was to throw two problems together and let them solve each other. Surprisingly tactical for him, really.
>It's likely that Thanos was never using the stones at their full potential
Nice headcanon, why the fuck would he hold back when a fucking axe is heading right for him? Also even if he was holding back a completed infinity should still be way stronger than some axe.
I never said he was holding back. See ...wait, somebody already told you to see that.
Thanos is just a fun guy, he likes to goof around.
I didn’t but I just didn’t like that whole movie.
hell just the power stone ALONE is atleast a planet buster
>Batman: Incredibly rich orphan with a massive amount of wealth who willingly became a hero
>Superman: Another orphan who woke up with superpowers, didn't technically go through anything traumatic because he basically didn't experience anything other than a loving family
>Spider-man: Let his uncle die through his own ignorance/attitude
>Captain Marvel: a war hero, an airforce pilot, kidnapped and brainwashed, literally tortured every time she used the powers she had to get because the only other option was letting the villain win the war
Man, no wonder Captain Marvel had such a large opening weekend.
>a war hero
I hope Carol beats Thanos
user you're missing the point, and kind of stupid. Flying is natural trait of Kryptonians, but only brought about when under yellow sun radiation. He was raised since infancy on Earth, and had to learn how to use his powers when they began to manifest during early teens.
Can’t wait for her to get btfo by Thanos in endgame
They can take credit for it sure but they didn't do shit but throw a thing and if you want to really get down to it Loki deserves the credit. Would you give Grandmaster credit for all of Hulks wins?
Sounds like she's just Captian America but with extra bits
No Steve has the extra bits; balls.
And then he got a new weapon in IW
I was talking about how rl anons that justify their thin skinned behavior while demonizing the same behavior.
>I hope Carol beats Thanos' dick
Maybe because Thor got three solo movies and two Avengers movies before IW worth of buildup
So in your tidy little world if Thor throws his hammer at a bad guy he doesn't win because the hammer did all the work? Okay dokey.
No in my world if another being destroys someone instead of you, you can't claim anything
Actually yeah, Gamemaster apparently was. Didn't you watch Ragnarok? When Thor seems like he's got his lightning shit together Gamemaster punks him with the remote control to allow Hulk to win.
So Tony redirects a nuke at the Chitauri control ship, destroying it and defeating the army on Earth, but actually no he didn't win because the nuke did all the work. Similarly Thor gets no credit for unleashing a WMD named Surtur on his own sister, or rather getting Loki to do it while he distracts her.
Everyone is going to be really happy now they can tell Tony to STFU about his nuke story.
Thats him cheating at that fight, if he did it before he would've done the same to Hulk when he wasn't Champion
You're comparing items to living beings user. Did Vulture try to not steal Tonys tech because he was wearing Ayylmao shit?
Doesn't matter if it's a living thing, user. That's a ridiculous distinction when Surtur's behavior wasn't just taken into account for the plan, it was the actual fucking point. Because they knew how Surtur would act that's why they used Surtur. This isn't some deeply philosophical theory here. If you can't figure out the plot of an MCU flick, sweet jesus, you are lost.
I want to see this user struggle with the concept of horse races.
If the rider is so great why aren't people paying $500,000 for jockey semen?
I bet they do but not for the reason you might think.
Manlet army?
Delicious cure for radiation poisoning.
His behaviour was because in the beginning he even talked about destryoing Asgard and brining about Ragnarok. What you're saying is that he isn't a living being and what he did doesn't count because you don't think he's alive.
i've asked this before again and again, what makes CM a strong character?
No one can really answer me.
I mean comics CM, btw. I don't give a shit about MCU garbage.
>mfw looking for a "sexy" and cool looking superheroine
Every superhero ever
That wasn't even remotely the argument, user, and your'e doing mental gymnastics trying not to be BTFO on an anonymous Malaysian mullet appreciation website. There are and always were many different ways to win. Personally beating someone to death was just one of them. Purposefully using someone to take out the source of her power leaving her helpless and probably dead? Yeah, that's another one.
Now what I'm telling you to do is to stop dragging the goal posts around like a millstone hung around your heck.
So yes
Tiny Man doesn't need an army when he has his Legion. No, he's not impregnating himself with jockey puckey, but it is being utilized internally nevertheless.
Same poster. Andrea Benton from Venom is lame, so is Captain Marvel. Let's admit it. Cool superheroines please?
I'm just saying Irony Man 3's finale would have been way better if all his suits were 5 feet tall.
But she doesn't have fragile feelings. Really, she doesn't seem to have feelings at all.
Nope. They're in full damage control right now
>Tfw they'll definatly make Thor job during the next avengers just to make this piece of boring shit look cool
Fucking hell
God I hope not. Thor just started getting cool.
I hate how big Disney is where I can actually feel slightly conflicted supporting stuff that has nothing to do with MCU because of how gross their MCU marketing is.
>every opinion i dont like comes from insert buzzword here
It's news when Disney/Marvel does it but not when WB/DC does it
They think "strong female character" literally means a woman that's strong.
WB/DC hasn't deployed a massive astroturfing taskforce to shill and brigade online forums that criticize them, yet.
Their movies may suck but they don't suck as bad as MCU shillposting.
Yeah 95% of DC shilling is "ironic" Yea Forums posters
Disney literally admits they have a counter-criticism task force.
Speaking of which, how much are they paying you?
Did they seriously do the baseball thing? Jesus christ, women have been pushed as superior to men for at least the 33 years i've been alive, why do they have to keep harping on this shit?
I was actually going to see this movie but if they did that...
Because it's more glamorous and marketable than the truth which is the only thing keeping women back in first world countries is other women.
>Jesus christ, women have been pushed as superior to men for at least the 33 years i've been alive
How so?
Would Captain Marvel have a weapon specifically created to take on Thanos?
>Thor himself didn't experience drama until Thor 2 and Thor Ragnarok
Did you not watch the first Thor movie? It's all about drama, with him being exiled from Asgard and deemed not worthy.
I'd say Chris Evans has a better rack.
Really, Brie Larson is a fucking trash fire of a woman.
>Infinity stones are weak to beings created from their essence
>Captain Marvel's powers came from an infinity stone
Take a guess how they beat Thanos.
>Andrea Benton from Venom is lame
Are you implying you didn't get a whyboner?
Disney is turning into a cyberpunk mega-corp. They must be opposed.
Andrea Benton? Who?
>tfw you like disney ducks but you know you're just contributing to Disney coming closer to becoming it's own country
Keep crying
>and Kree are shit"
This white woman is kinda racist.
>450 Million opening
>Ruin MCU
Pic is you
Doesn’t Captain Marvel have the power to absorb energy?
White feminism is racist. Notice how she's positioned as the white savior and everyone else is relegated to sidekick at best.
>it made a lot of money so that means it's good
Well I'm sure that's true if you're a Disney shareholder.
It's different in the movie, but yes.
That aspect is still there but it's more like she has the power to project energy.
>The product is good,character is interesting
>people buy the product
Let it go, you manchildren lose
Avatar made 5 trillion dollars and barely anyone can remember the names of more than 3 characters in it.
Come one, come all, see the magical man made entirely of straw!
Pathos, goalposts, ad hominem too, we've got every fallacy for you!
Kek keep crying and keep standing on the wrong side of history
Not even good bait at this point. I'd recommend being more subtle.
>this delusional he doesn't remember Yea Forums and /t/v doing this for literally every movie
I mean, softball exists for a reason...
There have been women in professional (mens) baseball though. Most of them aren't white though so of course Captain Marvel wouldn't care about their accomplishments. Also in the 90s there was an all female baseball team called the Colorado Silver Bullets. But there's pretty much always been women in baseball and there's some professional female players right now like Eri Yoshida.
>literally tortured every time she used the powers
Nigga wat
If action film that purposed to make money is made money - so it's a good product.
I hope no-one expected deep and meaningful movie from Marvel?
It didn't make me any money. Why should I call it good?
Pet Rocks made a ton of money but they were literally just a fucking rock.
So was the movie nu-Ghostbusters level?
I wouldn't go that far, I actually made it all the way through Captain Marvel
Literally the entire point of the movie was about Thor getting broken down and losing everything, learning that he had the touch, he had the power, and that superfluous shit like Asgard and the hammer wasn't as important as he made it out to be
>shitty retur
It's already made over $450 million in its opening weekend alone. Stop being an idiot. Unless you're trolling.
I don't get it? Marvel wants their own "Wonder Woman", so they use the Captain Marvel property to do just that. They push Carol as their number one superheroine. Meanwhile, the movie has a female version of Mar-Vell in it. It baffles me! If Marvel and the mouse wanted their Wonder Woman so badly, why didn't they use a female Mar-Vell then? They clearly didn't care when they changed the character's sex in the film, so why not just run with that idea instead? Besides, Mar-Vell's reasons for being a hero has a better connection with the Kree than does Carol. Carol fits better as a sidekick to Captain Marvel than being Captain Marvel herself.
Did anyone ever explain why Black Widow didn't get a movie? It could have been a Winter Soldier-ish spy thriller thing. She's the protagonist, Nick Fury is the antagonist, and it ends with them having a mutual respect for each other and maybe taking down something that's a threat to both SHIELD and whatever Russia/ the USSR's version of SHIELD is.
Superman isn't a good character though. It's why his movies flop. Man of murder couldn't even save his dad from some wind but he turns back time for some pussy
Women characters are at their best when their emotions aren't constantly being thrown around, and when they can control them. I'd rather watch Samus Aran beating up space pirates and blowing up monsters than talking about her tragic past and crying about her daddy issues.
Am I wrong to think this?
Everyone knows a strong woman is a woman who stays at home and raises children. If you're a woman who is aspiring to do anything else, you are plague upon humanity.
In the comics? Basically told her that she was shit and worthless compared to her brothers her entire life.
shame the trannies and söy drinkers will eat any shit the mousejew coats with MUH STRONK FEMALE LEAD
She's Russian and nobody wants that
You guys do this whenever there's any female lead movies do you ever get bored of yourselves? All you do is prove women right that men are entitled babies. Shut the fuck up go be afraid of vaginas somewhere else.
Those are two completely different versions of the character, dumbass
Don't be like that, remember user the late great Stan Lee's twitter told you to watch this movie. You wouldn't want to disappoint Stan Lee's twitter handler, would you?
people here liked wonder woman
without WOMEN STNOK shilling, you stupid fucking tranny
>go be afraid of vaginas somewhere else
No one is afraid of your flesh flaps, people are tired of the mass delusion by modern women.
Why does "strong women" trigger you so much
>I write my own history
1 fucking movie. How's that any different from the delusion incels have? At least women aren't mass shooting up the place like white males are prone to
Expect gamora Carol and nebula or whatever the robot is called to be the ones to win it. It's going to be disgusting.
She's busy protecting Fury, then skrulls, then entire planet from nukes. Those are fragile and in constant danger Her self protection is never even a point, aside from very beginning
>At least women aren't mass shooting up the place like white males are prone to
Niggers shoot up the streets of Chicago every day.
wonder woman was exactly about that you stupid tranny, captain marvel shilling was all about "UH BEST (ONLY) FEMALE HERO, DON'T LIKE IT? YOUR INCEL"
Honestly the force awakens had a good set up for Rey. Her mary sue powers make a lick of sense considering the way the force works with balance. Hell I could have accepted the narrative the were building because there WAS agood story to explore there.
Then Rey turned down Kylo’s offer. Kylo is a fucking skywalker, and he was about to fulfill the fucking prophecy and bring balace to the force, and that could have set up an amazing ending to a trilogy of trilgies. Then they undid everything they built up in the new movies in one line. I dont hate Rey for being a mary sue, I hate her for continueing the endless cycle of death between light and dark.
Shove another cylinder into that rotting flesh wound.
Do you think that's something to joke about you motherfucker!?!?
Maybe they wouldn't say shit like that if you faggots didn't act like this every time, giving the movie bad reviews before it's even out. They act like this as a response to you morons.
just think about how gross their Star Wars marketing is.
Anything is possible when you've crammed the entire cloak of victimization up your own ass.
You ever look at the Fast and Furious and Transformers box office takes? You consider those good?
Actually, at this point they'll eat any shit the moisejew coats with anything.
>whenever there's any female lead movies
We did it to Alita? Or Peppermint? Or Atomic Blonde? Or Wonder Woman? Or Frozen? Or Tangled?
It looks like you're the one who's afraid of a vagina...which is weird since you most probably either have one, or desperately want to have one.
Canonically, Nebula does get the gauntlet.
Holy shit there really ARE trannies in here? As in honest-to-goodness cut the dick in half and flip it outside-in type trannies?
I just want to read duck comics without feeling like I'm supporting a company that would probably have no issue with kicking puppies if they were confident it would be a good PR stunt.
The whole "lets get underprivileged girls to see the movie instead of literally anything else" really put a bad taste in my mouth.
Any heavy hyped non-traditional female role (unlike disney movies), yes for the past 5-10 years you've done this.
Was her mentor a woman? I bet it was a woman.
why are you even surprised, trannies revel in this kind of shit
i will watch it on my pc for free just like black panther, infinity war and ant-man/wasp
well at least i was able to watch some other cool cape movies in theater in first week after premiere, like Spiderverse and Aquaman
but i would not pay for watching Capitan Marvel even if i would be able to
Cap is just that great. He even budged Thor's hammer.
Are you saying there's something wrong with buying out entire theaters and giving the tickets away so you can pretend people wanted to see your movie to make it look good to your shareholders? Disney is just doing what Stan would have wanted, and what Walt would have wanted- making enough money that it can one day buy the state of California, and make it one big disneyland. And when Lucas dies too, you can be fucking sure Disney will "do what he wanted too" when they have a female director make a movie about his life and how he was a loser who never did anything good until a stryng wymyn rewrote the star wars script he crapped out. Just like when Luke died because he was a loser too and Rey was the real chosen all all.
But all of those movies he listed were hyped and had women in non-traditional roles. Frozen literally has one of the MCs singing about how much she doesn't fucking care about what others expect from her and just wants to pound a six pack and party till the break of dawn.
I don't even care about the false numbers but using poverty kids like that is disgusting.
They probably figure the kids see a free movie and Disney gets to write it off on their taxes AND claim their movie did better than it actually did, creating the impression that Cpt Marvel is a well-beloved figure (much like Poochie) and that her introduction into part 2 of Infinity War won't be stupid or out of the blue and audiences will welcome it when their new favorite hero defeats Thanos, setting the stage for the next Avengers movie- Civil War 2.
And from there of course with the Fucktastic Four and X-Mans back in the main marvel universe they can set the stage for A vs. X and then the "Doom becomes god" saga. But that's probably not going to be until 2025 at the earliest and between you and me the though of living another 6-10 years is starting to terrify me.
If disney is willing to use Stan's twitter account to shill their movies even though he's dead, do you think in 10 years there will be holograms of Stan inserted into movies so he can "cameo" in stuff from beyond the grave?
>Spiderman: parents died when he was young
Or did they?
why do you guys even follow capeshit I just don't understand
it's shit, all of it, the comics are shit, the movies are shit
why do you follow it? just ignore it holy shit
Did you watch Rouge One?
People enjoy the movie,it made huge money. Thats the definition of good movie
>I just want to read duck comics without feeling like I'm supporting a company that would probably have no issue with kicking puppies if they were confident it would be a good PR stunt.
there is no ethical consumption under capitalism. no matter what you spend your money on you are supporting people for whom the pursuit of wealth is the sole informer of their ethics and morals.
thats not to say there's nothing that can be done, but unless you're slinging around millions of dollars at a time it literally makes no difference if you buy disney products or not
she's strong physically
she's weak mentally