Your age, general location, and top and bottom 5 MCU movies in no particular order, go

Your age, general location, and top and bottom 5 MCU movies in no particular order, go

Age: 27
Location: Northwest United States
Top MCU films: Avengers, Avengers: Infinity War, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor Ragnarok, Captain America Civil War
Bottom MCU films: Iron Man 2, Thor: The Dark World, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3

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>Avengers Infinity War, Captain America Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Captain America Civil War, Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Bottom MCU
>Antman & Wasp, Iron Man 2, Avengers Age Of Ultron, Thor, Spiderman Homecoming.

I've still never watched Thor Dark World, Ragnarok, or Black Panther.

26, UK

>Top (Great to Best)
GOTG, Spiderman Homecoming, Captain America Winter Solider, Thor Ragnarok, Avengers IF

>Bottom (bad to worst)
Antman and Wasp, Captain Marvel, Thor 2, Age of Ultron, Incredible Hulk

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Southeast US
>Captain America: the first avenger
>avengers 1
>avengers: infinity war
>thor: ragnorak
>guardians of the galaxy 1

Das it

Oops forgot bottom 5
>iron man
>the incredible hulk
>avengers: age of Ultron
>iron man 3
>antman 1

>East Coast US
>Winter Soldier, Civil War, GotG, Ant-man, Iron Man
>Thor, Thor 2, Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3

captain marvel
captain marvel
captain marvel, captain marvel, captain marvel, captain marvel, captain marvel
doctor strange, GOTG vol2, thor 2, iron man 2, aou

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US of A
>Infinity War, Thor: Ragnarok, Civil War, Incredible Hulk, Spider-Man: Homecoming

>Iron Man 2, GOTG Vol. 2, Thor: Darkworld, Captain America 1, Age of Ultron



Top: Captain America: Civil War, Avengers: Infinity War, Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Captain America: Winter Soldier
Bottom: Thor: The Dark World, Ant-Man, Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man 2, Captain America: First Avenger

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There's no way GOTG2 was worse than The Incredible Hulk

Not on an objective level, but it's the best we Hulkchads got atm

What's wrong with Incredible Hulk other than the CGI and the retroactive awkwardness with Edward Norton fitting into the MCU? I enjoyed it.

41, Newcastle

Thor 3, Winter Soldier, Black panther, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Infinity War

Tho 1 and 2, Cap 1, Hulk, Iron man 2

Name what your favourite moment of the film was outside of the final abomination fight.

32, USA, East Coast

Top: Captain America, Iron Man, Thor Ragnarok, Captain America 2, GOTG

Bottom: Iron Man 3, Thor 2, Ant Man 2, Captain Marvel, Age of Ultron

I cant believe someone who lives in the same city as me puts BP in their top five


Infinity Wars, GotG 1, Thor Ragnarok, Winter Soldier and Avengers

Thor 2, Age of Ultron, GotG 2, Hulk and Iron Man 3

Apart from the shitty suit cgi the film was fantastic, man.
And i'm actually from south shields but people don't know where that is.

21, Scandinavia

GotG, GotG 2, The First Avenger, Doctor Strange, The Winter Soldier

Thor, Iron Man 2, Thor 2, Iron Man 3, Age of Ultron

(To be fair I haven't seen Black Panther, Hulk, Homecoming, Ant-Man & Wasp or Captain Marvel, so those could be worse.)

Location: Washington (State)
TOP: Captain Marvel > Black Panther > Guardians of the Galaxy 2 > Guardians of the Galaxy > Iron Man = Iron Man 2
BOTTOM: Avengers 2 Age of Ultron > Thor: Dark World > Incredible Hulk > Captain America 3 Civil War > Dr Strange

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>Captain Marvel

southeast US
GOTG, GOTGv2, Ragnarok, Infinity War, Cap 1
Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2, Avengers 1, Dark World, Captain Marvel

Age: 38
Location: Spain

Winter Soldier
Thor Ragnarok
First Avenger
Ironman 2

>Captain Marvel
why? no seriously I want to know what you think this movie did better than any of the twenty that came before it

Top 5: Captain Marvel, Black Panther, Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Iron Man 3 (I like Shane Black sue me)
Bottom 5: Iron Man 2, Thor 2, Thor, Avengers, Hulk

Plus one for IM3, minus several hundred for Captain Marvel

Not giving my age or location
>Guardians Volume 2
>Avengers Infinity War
>Captain America Civil War
>Thor Ragnarok
>The Avengers

>The Incredible Hulk
>Iron Man 2
>Captain Marvel
>Black Panther
>Iron Man 3
Incredible Hulk isn't bad, just sorta mediocre. The other 4 are shit, though. Haven't watched Iron Man 2 or 3 in years and I don't plan on rewatching CM or BP ever.

>ree women

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Age: 28
Location: San Diego
Top MCU films: Infinity War, Iron Man, Thor: Ragnarok, Winter Soldier
Bottom MCU films: Age of Ultron, Antman and the Wasp

I have never seen a Guardians movie, but Infinity War made me interested...

My single favorite part in the movie overall (final fight included) is when Blonsky is using the Captain America serum to hold his own one-on-one against Hulk. Shit's hype.

Not that guy, but the Talos twist might be the best misdirect in the whole franchise.

But I don't care that the MC's reproductive organs are on the inside, I care about the shoddy script, weak humor, lame action, and lead who had no absolutely no charisma. Brie was horribly miscast, the movie was completely carried by the supporting characters and actors. Hell I don't even give a fuck about Monica Rambeau outside of Nextwave but I would have much rather seen a movie with Maria's actress playing her.

Age: Older than I'd like to admit
Location: Northeast Australia
Top MCU Films: Iron Man, GOTG, Civil War, Doctor Strange and Infinity War
Bottom MCU Films:
Iron Man 2, Thor, Bore Ragnarok, Black Panther, Captain Marvel

Top : Infinity War, Iron Man, GotG, Winter Soldier, Black Panther
Flop : Thor Dark World, Thor Ragnarok, Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3, Civil War.

I haven't seen Ant Man and the Wasp nor Captain Marvel.

aye. kudos for them not spoiling that.

>Location: Washington (State)
Obvious bait

I'm not baiting.

Nah, that would be Ego killing Peter's mom. I didn't explicitly call Talos being a good guy but Yon-Rogg was obviously going to be the real villain.

This thread and everyone in it is cringe

>Pittsburgh, PA
Top >Winter Soldier, Iron Man 2, Guardians of the Galaxy, Antman, Dr Strange
Bottom >Civil War, Thor Darkworld, Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3, Black Panther

Age: 33
And you think I've watched 10 fucking Marvel Movies? What kind of loser do you take me for?

Top 5: X-Men, X-Men 2, Spider Man, Spider Man 2
Bottom 5: The Avengers

NY State
Iron_Man_3 >> GotG = GotGV2 > Doctor_Strange > Civil_War

It's hard to nail down since I think the onlt bad marvel movie is IM2. Dark World isn't even bad, just boring.

Age: 27
Location: TN, United States
Top MCU films: Captain America the Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain America Civil War, Infinity War
>Bottom MCU: Thor the Dark World, Iron Man 3, Captain Marvel, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2, Avengers Age of Ultron

Avengers, Winter Soldier, Black_Panther, Infinity_War are actually God Tier too, just not Top 5 for me.

>Midwestern United States
>Black Panther, Captain America Winter Soldier, Guardians of the Galaxy, Avengers, Spiderman Homecoming
>Avengers: Age of Ultron, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Thor, Doctor Strange

Here, have a space on me:

>Black Panther
How are you Sissoku??

>>Black Panther
Hey Jamal

18 Leaf
>Top 5
Iron Man, Civil War, GOTG, Avengers, Ragnorok
>Bottom 5
Dark World, Ant-man, Iron Man 2, Iron Man 3, Captain Marvel

Infinity War, Winter Soldier, Iron Man, GotG, Avengers

All the Thor movies, ESPECIALLY Ragnarok, Black Panther, Iron Man 2

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- Infinity War
- Doctor Strange
- Captain America
- Thor: Ragnarok
- Guardians of the Galaxy 2

- Iron Man 3
- Thor: Dark World
- Avengers
- Thor
- Age of Ultron

and top and bottom 5 MCU movies in no particular order, go

Age: 38
Location: Uruguay
Top 5 MCU films: Avengers, Iron Man, Captain America first avenger, thor ragnarok, guardians of the galaxy

A meme so bad he posted it twice.

>Southern United States
Infinity War, Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy, Iron Man, Winter Soldier
The Dark World, Guardians 2, Age of Ultron, Iron Man 2, Thor

Age: 33
Location: Singapore
Top MCU Films: Infinity War, Captain America: The First Avenger, The Avengers (2012), The Winter Soldier, Iron Man, Dr. Strange, Thor, Thor: Ragnarok, Deadpool (Its an MCU film. No really. Deadpool 2 isn't, but the first one is)
Bottom MCU films: Thor: the Dark World, Ant-Man and the Wasp, The Incredible Hulk, Age of Ultron, Black Panther

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Southern California
Top 5: Cap 1, Winter Soldier, IW, GOTG 1 and 2
Bottom 5: IM 2 and 3 (though not bad by any stretch), Thor 1, AOU, Civil War

L: Socal
Top: Ant-Man and Wasp, Guardians of the Galaxy 1/2, Iron Man, Thor Ragnarok
Bottom: Incredible hulk, Thor, Thor Dark World, Spider-Man Homecoming, Agents of Shield

Top: Infinity War, Cap 2, GotG, Civil War, Iron Man
Bottom: Ant-Man/Wasp, Age of Ultron, Iron Man 2, Hulk, Thor: The Dark World

27, North-East U.S.

Top: GOTG2, Thor Ragnorak, Infinity War, Black Panther, Captain America First Avenger

Bottom: Iron Man 2, Civil War, Age of Ultron, Thor 2, Doctor Strange

27, Latin America

Top: Infinity War, Winter Soldier, Avengers, Iron Man, Black Panther

Bottom: Captain Marvel, Thor, Thor 2, Dr Strange, GotG 2

Age: 28
Location: Phoenix, AZ
>Top MCU films: Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Civil War, Infinity War, Black Panther, Iron Man
>Bottom MCU films: Ragnarok, Age of Ultron, Iron Man 3, First Avenger, Incredible Hulk
I haven't seen Captain Marvel yet

It's just as good as Black Panther in my opinion. Maybe a bit worse, maybe a bit better. The effects don't go to shit, but there's weird music choice instead.

Age: 21
Country: Greece
Top 5:
>Iron Man
Because I’ve been an Ironfag since I was a kid, and it still remains the single Based & Redpilled MCU movie.
>Captain America: The Winter Soldier
It reminded me of 80s action flicks. A nice story, well put together, great aesthetics and I got into comics properly with Brubaker’s run, so... Just a very tight movie, from all aspects, and I love action thrillers already. Plus, Robert Redford...
>Captain America: The First Avenger
The definition of a comfy movie.
>Captain America: Civil War
For more or less the same reasons as TWS.
>Iron Man 3
It gets too much flack. Iron Man 2 is enjoyable too, but IM3 is a Pleb-Filter.
Bottom 5:
>Black Panther
>The Incredible Hulk
>Spider-Man: Homecoming
>Captain Marvel
I’m not going to bother with the things I dislike.

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Northeast US
Top: Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy 2, Winter Soldier
Bottom: Age of Ultron, Spider-Man Homecoming, Iron Man 2, Dark World

Black Panther > Infinity War > Ragnarok > Winter Soldier > Doctor Strange
Iron Man 2 > Iron Man 3 > Captain Marvel > Darkworld >Hulk.

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Eastern Australia
TOP: Iron Man, Winter Soldier, Infinity War, Cap 1, GotG 2.
BOTTOM: Black Panther, Iron Man 3, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Thor TDW.

Captain america 2, infinity wars, civil war, black panther and guardians of the galaxy
Captain marvel, age of ultron, thor 2, ironman 2, ant man 2

19, Southeast US
Top 5 (descending): Doctor Strange, Infinity War, Avengers, Winter Soldier, Homecoming
Bottom 5 (descending): Iron Man 2, The Dark World, The Incredible Hulk, Captain Marvel, Ant-Man and the Wasp