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We hardly new ye
Press F to pay your respects.
We hardly new ye
And we hardly wanted te
Still the best female lead Superhero movie of all times second critics and audience.
Why? What happened?
It's company war bait. Nothing happened other than Captain Marvel existing.
O.o was born, I'm sorry. He's retarded.
What the fuck, I put OP
Now who's retarded?
Why did you capitalize superhero?
>outing yourself as a mobile poster
Still OP
RT ratings mean nothing anymore.
Aquaman is the best proof of that.
But why? Wonder Woman 2 will be the first movie with a female protagonist that will surpass the billion.
Friendly reminder that Diana could slice and dice Carol easily
It shows how much BvS hurt this movie; it would likely have had a better North American and World Wide opening than it did and will quite possibly lose the overall gross to CM, largely because Disney and Marvel Studios have been highly successful in convincing normies that they need to watch this movie in order to understand/enjoy Endgame.
If the second and third week drops are not huge, because this is not factually true or necessary, CM is on track to make somewhere between $800-$900M without problems, so it will exceed Wonder Woman's gross.
According to Brie herself and some CM and Marvel stans this weekend on this very board, Carol could do that to Clark, easily, so according to them, 'nope'
Post the audience scores too.
When is this movie I coming out anyway?
Ah yes, I forgot how much time Brie spent writing Endgame and CM
What happens if the Monday figures come out and Captain Marvel is already losing out to Wonder Woman?
They don't call Wondy "DC's Captain Marvel" but they call Carol "Marvel's Wonder Woman" and Diana has survived decades and had a show, her movie was well received, she's popular in parades, girls liked her even when they weren't familiar with her. And she never got raped by her son.
Pfft please.
I feel terrible for her
If she was in the mcu she would make billions but she’s part of the toxic dceu
It's ok, Wonder Woman was kind of shit and felt much better than it actually was because it was good relative to every other abomination in the DCEU. No Man's Land was the only truly great moment. Captain Marvel was better thanks to Ben Mendelsohn alone.
Oh okay, so RT ratings dont meam anything now that movies you like are starting to get bad scores.
RT matters when you want it to. Same with the Box office.
Aquaman was alright, you mean Suicide Squad, that garbage heap had no right making as much as it did.
Let's talk about those epic Monday drops for CM
Why? She pulled herself despite a lot of odds being against her and didn't ride on the popularity of other movies. It would have helped if she was MCU but she didn't need it.
He did brah, they're below the critic scores...
I feel bad for Paul Rudd. He's part of the biggest franchise on the planet and nobody cares about his movies
OP was showing top critics. Which has gone down. You retard
I liked I Love You Man a lot
Wow, only 35 million more than BvS... don't know why you mention BP, you know she will not have her domestic numbers, that's the reason BP surpassed the billion.
the only retards here are your mother and the fool that impregnated her
>woman destroys a successful franchise
>Getting this mad for being exposed as a brainlet
I'm sure disney will be able to dry all their tears with the millions they have been making with cm movie
not as mad as you for being the son of a retarded donkey
And reminder that disney doesn't artificially inflate their box office numbers (as that's stupid and makes you lose money) like WB did with Aquaman
>like WB did with Aquaman
>top critics
Oh, I thought those were the ones who were paid by Disney?
Oh well, looks like your narrative is a failure again, DCturrd. Have fun with your third flop in a row next month
Okay, maybe it's time to accept that more than two movie with a female solo-lead can be popular, It's not like there is just one slot.
>you mean Suicide Squad, that garbage heap had no right making as much as it did.
You know actors play a part into how successful a movie ends up being right? That's how IM3 was saved by RDJ.
Not true
Marvel movies usually do better than DC, right?
And even if Captain Marvel is a mediocre Marvel Movie (although it's actually one of the best), it can be assumed to make about as much as Aquaman, the best (i.e. most marvel-like) DC movie
Aquaman's weekend gross was about 70 million
With low numbers for today, Captain marvel will probably end up making 7 times that
If you look at numbers and legs, considering how March is a secret gold for movies (see BvS, which made a lot, despite being shit), Captain Marvel will probably stay proportional with Aquaman (Disney's analists ahve tested, and made sure of this.)
So, if you do the math, Captain Marvel will probably be the highest grossing movie of all time, and DC will go out of business.
inb4 mouseshill, literally everyone in hollywood knows this.
The future is female.
Avatar my ass.
The audience score has improved again.
dc fans are so desperate and sad
Because RT deletes DCturd shill reviews and only allows actual opinions in.
The sequel comes out next year, you company war shitter. CM being successful doesn't erase that.
It'll be another DC flop and they'll probably never make another though.
I actually paid to watch Wonder Woman in the theater. Didn't watch Captain Marvel and probably not even going to bother pirating it either.
I'm at work user, I have no choice.
>artificially inflate their box office numbers
That's not a thing any studio does.
I don't get it, is clear that is was review bombed but who did it? Sexists? Wonder Woman didn't had any problem, Company war fags? Infinity War did well too.
Only Snyder's turds have flopped. WW and Aquachad made bank. Most likely WW1984 will too. Shazam might be a little on the low side though.
anithing else you wanna tell us, for all I care you can also lick a hobo ass....
Are you telling him this after licking Larson's toes?
Shazam is gonna make as much money as Aquaman did without the WB Inflation
So, it'll be another flop.
Nice try dumb fucking DCturd
if you did that's your problem!
>"and DC will go out of business" out of nowhere
>not mouseshill
DC is literally bigger than ever and just made more money with Aquaman than Transformers biggest movie with a far smaller budget.
Doesn't it come out this year?
hahhaha being a dc fun must really suck, it's like they are gluttons for failures
Wonder woman still won at marvel's own game.
>Marvel movies usually do better than DC, right?
Fallacy alert. Some Marvel movies doing better than some DC movies does not guarantee that all Marvel movies will be better than DC movies.
>Aquaman's weekend gross was about 70 million
And its total gross was $1,143,636,292
For comparison Thor: Ragnarok made $853,977,126
>So, if you do the math, Captain Marvel will probably be the highest grossing movie of all time, and DC will go out of business.
That only works if you can't count. Especially since Avengers: Infinity War made $2 billion
As Solo showed you can't guarantee that a movie will make money.
she won nothing, dc self drestructed her in justice league where she was used by superman to mop the floor
And Carol will still be seen as Marvel's Wonder Woman instead of Captain Marvel. And for the latter, some people don't even consider her the real Captain Marvel. Wonder Woman doesn't have any of that drama involving her name. Neither is she ashamed of her body like Carol is.
>WB Inflation
Again, not a thing
>Nice try dumb fucking DCturd
Again, you're the company war shitter, not me. I just watched Captain marvel last Thursday.
Marvel can do laps around dc and still leave them in the dust!
June 2020. Not sure where that puts it in therms of competition.
2020 is probably gonna have 4 MCU movies (3 will reach a billion), so it's fucked.
Just ignore him. You wont get anywhere playing his company war game
Marvel has two movies next year
Bullshit, Wonder Woman didn't even had any box office drop because of Spider-Man, Transformers and Pirattes at the same time just like Aquaman.
Oh yeah?
Black Widow and Eternals
Plus, they literally can't call Wondy "DC's Captain Marvel" because DC's Captain Marvel is Shazam
>No DS2
>No BP2
Have fun with your flop.