I'm about an hour in. Are there any white men besides Stan Lee that aren't completely retarded or evil shitlords in this movie?
I'm about an hour in...
>white men being portrayed positively in this day
it's a sci-fi flick user, not high fantasy
Reminder to give the movie the lowest possible rating on review sites.
Coulson but he's ignored a lot it early on
>white guy tries to start a friendly conversation with woman
>gets beat up and his motorcycle stolen
I'm 2 seconds into this thread. Are there any white males that aren't whiny bitches?
There wasn't in Blade or Spawn and nobody cared. You zoomers need to get over yourselves.
Both of those examples were also male characters. OP's "problem" only exists because the lead is female.
Did you just assume my race?
Bitches are female dogs user.
White males can't become females even if they're dogs so there are no whiny males that are whiny bitches in this thread.
I made a mistake, they whitewashed Terry, Spawn's best friend, for the movie. Nobody cared btw.
Still, you're probably correct.
Have sex
Act like a bitch, get called bitch
The Blade trilogy has at least three
>Hannibal King
>Patton Oswalt
You might be right about spawn but I haven't watched that movie in 20 years
Ahem. Blade's mentor, doofus.
Coulson. How could you miss it ?
>Are there any white men
None of the humans are villain in that movie, anyway, only the Krees.
He has a shinning moment.
>There wasn't in Blade
Whistler. Deadpool.
> or Spawn
Cogliostro. That homeless kid.
>>gets beat up
He doesn't get beat up. also, he wasn't friendly.
Nobody complained about Chris Pine. OP's "problem" only exists because of how the movie is being pushed.
>That homeless kid.
He was in hell though so he must have done something bad.
OP's problem doesn't even exist. There is Coulson in it.
Whistler is an alcoholic loser who gets killed as soon as vampires take notice of him. Sure he's a good guy but he's hardly a role model.
People are tired of watching movies that pander to white males. That's why superman and Batman flopped
OP here from what little I've seen of him so far he falls into the retarded category
Oh yeah I forgot about Cogliostro.
Aren't there enough movies out there with smart, good white men? The MCU is almost exclusively smart, white men.
Either way, Phil Coulson.
>Whistler is an alcoholic loser
And Captain Marvel is a thief and a murderer, your point?
>Does his job competently
>Suffers no sleights
>Doesn't make mistakes
>Makes a judgement call that saves the heroes, a black man and a woman, from capture.
Did we watch the same movie because Coulson may be the ONLY character not to make any mistakes or bad calls for the whole film despite being a...whiiiiite maaaaaaale.
I said I was only an hour in
Except he never acted like a retard. at most like a rookie, which he is in that movie.
I was making a joke about how people do that but I guess now I may as well make one because I know it'll piss you guys off.
Congrats on that.
My point is that you can find faults in characters in other movies too, dumbass.
>I was only pretending to be retarded
>A-and I'm glad I was!
Coulson. But he has like 2 minutes of screen time.
Coulson and the concerned neighbour.
>thinking there will be competent heroic white male characters in western media
western media targets 16-35 women and minorities, no place for white men in that demographic
Dude, just be glad the MCU didn't start later than it already did otherwise we'd have black Tony, Trans Steve, and lady Thor.
No, we wouldn't.
If it started from where the comic books were we could have had female Thor at least. The other two are pure fantasy though.
>we could have had female Thor at least.
No we wouldn't. it still has to start with thor to have female Thor's origin.
Not that they won't make it work out in the future, Jane foster, working with the bit of the broken hammer accidentally turning into Thor. anything to make Darcy come back.
No, just like real life.
pretty sure Portman is done with the MCU so they'd probably have to recast her.
Or just make Darcy the new Thor instead
I don't think she is.
He obviously wanted to rape her. Thats what members of biker gangs do
White males that trained Carol to be an ace pilot. It was noted several times that she and her friend were the only gurls in flight school.
>you know why its called a COCKpit
Why? Do you need representation?
This never crossed my mind whilst watching.
And I'm glad for that; you sound miserable m8.
But yeah Coulson.
It was like a single guy in all of her memories from academy.
And probably he just was hitting on her.
And probably they had sex - considering the fact skrulls rewatched this episode of her memories and the way she blew the screen off seeing them rewatching it
>just shut off your brain and consume
you sound like an insect
Trying to focus is a particular race is represented in a positive way or not in a movie is the best way to never have fun again.
I'm 2 seconds into this thread. Are there any black males that aren't whiny bitches?
Kill yourself tranny
Why was there so much drama about this inoffensive as fuck Marvel-formula movie? They don't even commit to the feminist angle since they leave it as subtext and play it off more of a "humanity never gives up" sorta thing.
>(((Stan Lee)))
Because they user her pronouns in the promo so triggered
This. If white men wanna be treated good, perhaps they should give more shekels.
It's called virtue signaling.
Beta white bois
fucking falseflaggers ignoring based rookie
You fuckers kept on calling him white during the Black Panther days, make up your damned mind.
There is no such thing as Virtue Signalling. What you want to say is Hypocrisy, but unlike Virtue Signalling, it as to be proven.
The agent that helps them escape.
>I'm about an hour in. Are there any white men besides Stan Lee that aren't completely retarded or evil shitlords in this movie?
All males in the movie broadly take two roles;
- sneering cruel patriarchal oppressors who tell Brie she can't do something because she's a woman or who ask her to smile
- bumbling weak comic relief like the security guard or Fury
That's it. That's every male in the movie.
It's one of the reasons it's a bad movie, but certainly not the only one.
>it as to be proven
Not even in the audience.
There is. When you want to appeal to the SJW crowd but still try to appeal to normies at the same time so you try to keep things subtle, that's virtue signaling.
Do you take offense when all female characters in a movie are background fodder or bland love interests?
He's a muslime, he's allowed not to be retarded.
I hate what Yea Forums has become
Hey, Talos was cool.
Yes. One of the major flaws of The Avengers, the first Ant-Man and the first GOTG is their lack of interesting female characters.
Wasp is still shit, it's just that the second movie has Ghost
there's that nice surfer boy who helped the old lady out of the train.
>There is no such thing as Virtue Signalling.
I'm not even going to try and sugarcoat it, man. You're a complete and utter fucking retard.
>There is no such thing as Virtue Signalling
It's actually an ancient part of social interactions. People generally like to be perceived as virtuous by their community, and some people make a show of it rather than just doing virtuous things. It's been known well enough for long enough that there are parts of the Bible that specifically say not to do it. Matthew chapter 6, for example. It is a kind of hypocrisy, but one common enough that a specific term can be useful.
>bumbling weak comic relief like the security guard or Fury
lmao what, Fury is plenty competent, just because he's making jokes and allowed to be goofy doesn't change that.
>but he sang the marvellettes how dare fury be anything then a cold angry spy REEEE
>They don't even commit to the feminist angle since they leave it as subtext
Did you ignore the multiple times we see flashbacks of Carol not doing anything cause she’s a girl
I liked Carol and Goose is one of the best female characters yet
No, I mean, I'm a physically fit straight white cis male with a high income. I generally find racism, sexism, ableism and class/income/satuts jokes to not be offensive at all and in fact I find them quite amusing.
All I'm saying is in both the scenario you are describing and the scenario I am describing are the same thing; bad writing. Bad, inept, shallow, writing.
The twist villains only had 1 white guy though
The rest were black, girl and some nord
honest question, when/where did he transition from surfer dude to old lady? we can see that he was still surfer when the train pulled away, and when we next meet him he's old lady. i think even in los angeles though people will take notice if you shapeshift on a crowded train, so what happened here?
It's the exact same thing that movies about racism do. By setting it in the 90's they distance the movie enough from the current audience for the audience to be able to say "I sure am glad we're not sexist any more!"
He is a white actor.
He has to be saved by Brie or is outclassed and shown up by Brie in every single situation. He is never anything except comic relief. He does the trick with the tape on the sensor, she shows him up 30 seconds later by blowing open the next door and saying she let him do the tape trick because it amused her, etc.
It's almost as if the script was bad or something.
Was Goose always the reason for Fury or was that the cop out movie reason
Like half the stuff in the script the answer is don't think too hard about it.
>needing to have that in the first place
Great argument, Brie. Hey, you ever get that toe fungus cleared up?
I think you mean to say "dishonesty" not "hypocrisy". Virtue signalling is an unfalsifiable accusation that's ironic to throw around in the realm of comics which are about virtue signalling and heroes who virtue signal, but it's become a word thrown around at the slightest bit of inclusion of someone or something vaguely liberal.
The issue isn't trying to display a virtuous attitude. nothing wrong with showing the example. the issue if when you don't really commit to it and it's only appearance.
Complain about Virtue Signalling is stupid, because people who do what they consider to be morally right will look as showing their virtue. the issue when they don't really commit.
>He has to be saved by Brie or is outclassed and shown up by Brie in every single situation
Because he's dealing with super-strong aliens what are out of his ability range. He even manages to take out a Skrull with a car crash despite that. Hell even at the lab at the end he's running around taking out guys with laser rifles( and the cat, but the point stands)
The whole goddamn point of the movie is that Fury is being thrust into a situation he's in no-way prepared for, so by the end he starts the Avenger Initiative. The only other normie human who takes out a Skrull is Rambaeu and it's only with her dogfighting skills.
Yes user, that was always the reason. Back in the 60s, Stan Lee sat and thought: "Hmm, so how DID Fury lose an eye? Oh, I know, a tentacle cat from space took it. Ebin lol"
>- bumbling weak comic relief like the security guard or Fury
Fury wasn't that, nor was Coulson. please go actually watch the movie.
when walking to the next train car. he does it again when escaping to the roof of the train.
When he had the lines in Winter Soldier about his eye they probably had like a cool spy story where he is betrayed by a friend penciled in as something to do later.
Then the people writing Captain Marvel said "Hey we want to do the reveal for how Fury lost his eye" but since Fury is comic relief throughout the entire movie instead of badass betrayal it ended up being 'A Kitty I Picked Up Scratched My Eye'.
>He has to be saved by Brie
Yes, the hero save life. Getting your life saved does not make you incompetent.
>Shit, Carol faced nothing *but* male oppression until she met her black girlfriend.
>He is never anything except comic relief.
>He does the trick with the tape on the sensor, she shows him up 30 seconds later by blowing open the next door and saying she let him do the tape trick because it amused her, etc.
That's not what make someone incompetent.
The cat betrayed him obviously
He changed between wagons, like we actually saw him doing.
*Kree, but the point is the same
Because it was designed with drama in mind to push the movie. Just like Carol was redesigned to push comics + generate clicks with forced "intersectional feminist" drama. Retard.
yeah why would Fury lie?, it's not like he's a spy or anything...
I know a pop science blogger who does thorough research on certain biological topics and btfos scientific freaks in long-ass videos with links to the actual articles. However, he also dresses like a tumblr retard and as of lately, has been injecting his videos with more and more bits that exist just to show off his progressiveness. His primary audience is tumblr high school girls, and he makes it very clear by constantly emphasizing how much of an epic SJW he is. His videos would only benefit if he wasn't so anal about it and would just stick to constructive criticisms. That's virtue signaling.
That's the real issue. Hypocrisy is the real issue, separate from virtue signalling which is simply "you're including this gay character to look good". It leaves the real of hypocrisy because a conservative can have a gay character too; gays exist, but by the prejudice and suspicions we project on to the issue of inclusion, when we see a gay character, some of us jump to the conclusion that the only reason why a character like that would exist would be to get some sort of brownie points and that no one would want to put in a character like that in a game for any other reason. It's a massive leaps in logic some only reserve for issues of things they consider liberal.
>The whole goddamn point
Is to show a woman doing a job a man can't do.
Coulson was not a character, he was in there for two scenes and thirty seconds total screen-time.
Any actual male character falls into those two roles. Fury especially is bumbling weak comic relief who has to be saved or upstaged by Brie at every turn. He actually never wins a fight in the entire film, in every situation he is rescued by either Brie or a cat. He swerves a car into traffic and an oncoming car kills the fake Coulson. That one five second scene is his only moment of dynamism and only happens because Brie is not present, if she had been within 500 feet she would have shown up and blasted the skrull out of the car moments before he could have killed Fury.
>Because it was designed with drama in mind to push the movie.
Not really, the drama started on its own among fans, which reached Brie who *gasp* replied. It only stirred more into it from that point on.
Or that's just him. Is South Park virtue signalling by including characters like PC Principal?
Whatever sings ya to sleep sugartits.
2 things.
White men aren't really in this movie overall
There's Jude but he's more of an alien than just a white dude
He's the most prominent white dude with multiple lines and he does actually save the heroes
it's not much, but I mean, are you really upset that there's a movie that doesn't feature a white dude as the main character or a side character?
Like, it's 2019, as in there are over 50 years worth of movies featuring a white dude as a lead in a superhero movie, maybe more
Yes, because he's a human spy and can't fly or shoot laser beams out of his hands. It's not like Mar-Vell fared much better, she got killed by the Kree for her troubles.
>nd as of lately, has been injecting his videos with more and more bits that exist just to show off his progressiveness
Also known as "expressing yourself". There i no reason to call him out for that. excpt if he does not really think it and only do it for show, which, again, is not virtue Signalling, but hypocrisy.
do not ever blame someone for expressing themselves, blame them for if what they express is wrong, or if they are not sincere, but the act alone should never be shunned.
>Couson doesn't do anything important
he trusted his partner and let him go despite orders to restrain him. that's a character-defining moment which I'm not surprised is lost on a retard like you.
>Coulson was not a character, he was in there for two scenes and thirty seconds total screen-time.
He was in there for longer than that and the fzact that he was on-screen make him a character.
also, it's strange complain about a movie where the main dynamic is between Kree and Skrull and the humans are more of a side-cas t in the first place.
I mean, you don't see much Asian men or women in either.
>Getting your life saved does not make you incompetent.
Being constantly upstaged by the main character reduces them to a prop however. Imagine if say in Winter Soldier Natasha had been constantly upstaged, and shown up, and rescued by Cap and in every scene was bumbling comic relief or had to be saved. You would think it was sexist and stupid. Instead Black Widow while needing to be rescued once is also potent and capable throughout the film and actually outshines and shows up cap in numerous occasion when she is operating within her area of expertise. In other words she's a real fleshed out character, not a prop.
Fury and the rest of the male characters in the movie are nothing but props for Brie to overcome or to look awesome by showing up or outshining. That's it. They are not even people at all.
I can smell your cunts.
Sorry, showing their new uber-SJW female face of the MCU upstage Fury was the point. Makes her seem more serious.
>he trusted his partner and let him go despite orders to restrain him
Literally a ten second scene and a third of his screen-time total. That isn't a character sir.
I agree for the most part, but that wouldn't be hypocrisy, that would just be lying. Acting like you hate Trump when you really don't mind him is just being dishonest. Hypocrisy has more to do with double standards or specific instructions like telling people to recycle properly while you do it wrong yourself.
>intersectional feminism
>white, straight member of US military
do you know the meaning of the buzzwords you use or do you just repeat things without knowing what they mean?
>I can smell your cunts.
imagine having an argument which resolves around the notion that women aren't allowed to argue
While simultaneously maintaining that movies like Captain Marvel, or at least attempts to bring women into the mainstream as non-sexual objects, aren't needed
Only on Yea Forums
No, Only Jude Law was an evil white man, the rest were impersonated by Scrolls. Coleson and Fury's boss were both impersonated. The other white military men at the base were told by their superior to detain the protagonists and then ordered by their superior again to attack them.
Women don't like being told to smile by random strangers. You should avoid using the phrase yourself.
No idea, I haven't seen South Park in ages. But I've heard there's an episode that says mental illnesses don't exist, so they either went full troll or full retard.
Except he occasionally (though not very often) makes videos like "Reading homophobic/sexist comments under my videos". I doubt this is a form of expression.
>Fury and the rest of the male characters in the movie are nothing but props for Brie to overcome or to look awesome by showing up or outshining. That's it. They are not even people at all.
What? Fury goes through an entire arc that leads to him drafting The Avengers Initiative. The whole point of his story is finding out that the threats and dangers are bigger then just Earth and that they're going to have to start collecting people who can protect them since Carol isn't around anymore.
I'm not going to pretend it's some sort of masterclass character arc, but it's there. That's the whole point of the last scene.
>screentime is more important than actions
shit opinions like this is how you oust yourself.
>I can smell your cunts.
Do you realize you're literally being the mirror version of the "arguing with holes" pic?
>hey gurl, you got a purdy mouth
>you should be nicer to me, random stranger with a map I am in no way attempting to help out despite standing there with no transportation and a map
>okay, bye
Fuck you, they just stared at each other for a second and then he lowers his weapon. He didn't even ask Fury anything.
One could say that reading the sexist comments is going full troll like South Park, but you'd rather call it virtue signalling for some reason.
Where did I say it's not allowed? It's just obvious when they do.
>What? Fury goes through an entire arc that leads to him drafting The Avengers Initiative
That is not a character arc. He could have had a story where he becomes aware of the alien threat to earth while also being a potent, capable, competent character. He doesn't have to be better than Brie, it's her movie she should outshine him and be stronger than him and outclass him, but she can do that and he can ALSO still be a real competent person, but they didn't want to do that because they wanted to reduce him to full time comic relief so that Brie could look double-awesome and double-competent in every possible scene. It's just bad writing and like I said it's one reason, but certainly not the only reason, that this is a bad movie.
I'm not him, but it's a silence of the lambs meme sir, please go back to memeschool 101 and brush up.
this entire post should be the textbook example of completely missing the point. go back to Yea Forums kid, you're done here.
How weak.
> while also being a potent, capable, competent character
He's shown to be about as competent as you can be while being woefully outclassed in the situation. The only human character who's given a bigger moment then him is Rambaeu and again, it's only due to her superior piloting skills.
Also he manages to hold his own against a Skrull in hand-to-hand for longer then you'd expect considering he's an alien who can can presumably hurt Carol if he punches her.
And again, he can be both competent and still get goofy moments. He's not Korg who's useless and basically does nothing but end up the butt of jokes, he's doing the best he can in a situation he can't handle.
>Being constantly upstaged by the main character reduces them to a prop however.
Good thing this does not happens in the movie, then.
I have a dick.
Who wants some rando to walk up to them and just start talking, man or woman?
And the audience can appreciate it as it's Fury a decade before we see him. A younger, less serious Fury.
All the girls I talk to seem to enjoy it, but then again I'm not just some rando.
That’s literally a basis in socializing
if you are able to establish yourself as attractive or interesting in some way before initiating direct contact, people are generally receptive if not desirous of it. if you are not able to do so, then conversely they will generally will not be. in the scene in question the dude was transparently a stereotype of a cocky douche, so of course any sort of advance he made would be rebuffed.
>the dude was transparently a stereotype of a cocky douche, so of course any sort of advance he made would be rebuffed.
Have you ever met a woman in real life? Nothing gets panties wetter than a cocky douche on a motorcycle.
perhaps, but real life is not this movie, and the writers were clearly taking an opportunity to push the whole "stop telling women to smile" bit.
A cocky douche telling you to smile when you're obviously having a bad doesn't get anyone wet.
>to push the whole "stop telling women to smile" bit.
Oh, the horror. On the girl power scale that's like the lightest possible touch you can have, who could possibly give a shit.
Also the notion that "This thing that women mostly on the whole find annoying is presented as annoying" is somehow "pushing" something is hilarious.
That’s a load of bullshit. You needed Mar vells origin before carols origin but they just threw that out the window. If they approached it like captain marvel, thor would have been gender swaped and it would have been an origin story for whor.
Coulson was seen as a bumbling fool
Its funny how telling a woman to smile is seen as scummy, but threatening to a rape a man (that one prison scene in GotG) is hilarious. It really makes you think about who's running society...
I thought the movie was very mediocre. Bland. Plodding. The problem with Brie Larson isn't she's a woman, it's that she slower and less coordinated than a 70 year old granny on oxycodone one day after hip surgery. The plot was pointless. I didn't care whether the characters lived or died. A Cat appeared and for a moment the film had a spark of life. But it was just a twitch in the carcass. I left 1 hour early.
When was he in hell? I'm talking about the kid that Spawn befriends after he gets back from hell. The one with his dog.
that only works with powerless women
for Carol, it was the equivalent of a dirty monkey flirting with you
How would you know? You're not a real woman.
>downloading copyrighted movies
Shame on you, user. Corporations are people too.
security and coulson was good guy in this movie
How many of these fucking movies did Stan Lee pre-record himself in advance before he died
There are already cameos set for Endgame and Spider-Man 2.
>Posting on Yea Forums in the middle of watching a movie in theaters
That's next level sad
>You needed Mar vells origin before carols origin
Not really.
Coulson and her brother.
>inb4 it's revealed he's gay
>There's Jude but he's more of an alien than just a white dude
How come he isn't blue like the rest of them? It just feels like he's white so they can give the "white man bad" message to the audience.
Exactly, the same goes for thor and whor. Thats the point I was trying to make. Carol is a legacy character so any orgin story of hers needs mar vell same as whor. But they didnt so a mar vell origin story so they wouldn’t need a thor origin story to do whor.
user even for a Marvel film this movie is awful and it didn't help that Brie is an actual cunt in real life. They knew this movie was going to under perform their's and everyone else's expectations and they learned that not only does Captin Marvel suck but Brie was also the worst choice to hire for literally any job on the planet, so they have been forcing the narrative that angry virgins hate women so that way they can cut her countract out ASAP and get her out of the movieverse without admiting that liberal commie bullshit and feminism doesn't sell and it's not their fault.
All the films slated for 2019 and early 2020 should have him in.
Who hurt you?
Just watch the movie and get off the internet, retard.
In the comics dipshit.
As in, feminism "intersects" with all the other SJW crap. That's their definition of it now.
>feminine penis
>20+ Marvel movies in the MCU
>one gets a black lead and another gets a woman lead
god these threads are so fucking tiring
>Watching super hero movies.
Are you gay?
Gay for your mom
Take a break, my dude.
You're not allowed to.
You forgot the bartender whose jukebox she blew up for literally no reason at all.
Wait what now?
>Stan Lee
It's 2019 shitlord pissbaby incel
So you agree his behavior is similar to that of females.
>Trump whiteknighting a jew