Yea Forums themed ylyl?
Yea Forums themed ylyl?
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I like this
what’s the point of ruining a perfectly fine image with red phone scribbles?
a classic
I don't get it.
It's komi-san with shaggy whats not to get
Are you retarded?
Consider suicide.
Greeks were extremely based
Every day we stray further from God
Consider playing in traffic.
Well, I lost.
I don't get it. Why are people angry about an autistic pairing?
that wasn't funny.
That's not how freeing house-elves work.
Love this comic, but fuch the artiat for making their clothes look so flat. Greek clothing Is all about the wrinkles
Says the people who contribute fucking nothing to the thread.
martian manhunter uses psychic powers.gif
Why do guys make self deprecating comics of their entire gender so much now.
Komi San?
How old is this? I want to call it a classic.
That's good.
Well that took a turn
>of their entire gender
It's not, you're just feeling hit because you're a sad waifufag.
Don't get it.
It's okay, there's no punch line
What? There are lots of webcomics by guys thats just "we're sleezy we suck and we're dumb"
also nothing I said implied I was a waifufag, instead of not shitting on actual waifufags but shitting on me, shit on actual fucking waifufags
You imbecile it's Pygmalion. Its a myth about the OG waifufag who was so repulses by 3d women he made a statue of his ideal gal and idolized it for decades before the gods brought it to life.
The joke is that he liked her better stone
>yeah I know this comic I replied to isn't an example, I was just speaking in vague terms and brought it up randomly!
Go be triggered somewhere else.
>>yeah I know this comic I replied to isn't an example
You're the triggered one if you have to do what you're doing, and to pretend this isn't a fucking recurring thing.
Do you only ever see the webcomics posted on Yea Forums?
Wasn't Supergirl's clone in JLU named Galatea?
Who lets them get that crunchy?
Throw them in with the rest of your socks on a hot cycle with extra bleach and nobody is the wiser.
References to classical antiquity in my superhero cartoons? It's more likely than you think!
Postin a classic
Dr Hamilton is one sick bastard
If you could make your own waifu, wouldn't you do it? He is a man of perfectly understandable motives! Though I would have made my Kryptonian warrior waifu black, with big tits booty, and thighs that could crush a planet.
I've read the story before. Mythology was kinda my niche when I was a wee lass.
I just got buttmad when I saw somebody get offended by a story written eons ago
>I-I'm not triggered, YOU are!
We're not the ones complaining about what some webcomics do in a thread that doesn't even have any of those webcomics in it.
I've always liked Celtic mythology myself. They have a rather unique approach to gods compared to other ancient religions.
I've had that same toy for about 25 years.
>>I-I'm not triggered, YOU are!
You seriously don't have enough self awareness to understand what the problem is when you make retorts like these? You're the one taking this out of the loop.
>tfw no one but you recognises this
Newfags, all of you.
Just because nobody replied to it doesn't mean it wasn't recognized, fag.
You're just mad nobody thought it was funny
and it wasn't funny back then either
Fuck, I lost
It's just not funny.
for what?
oh fuck you
Fuck that second panel, I lost so hard
BPRD/Hellboy sounds WAY cooler than the rest up top though.
Holy SHIT I haven't seen this in forever!
I remember that thread.
Damn it, this made me lose. I love this comic.
>critical fail roll on lore
>pretty damn proud
How the fuck did I lose on the first one?
What a nice story.
Yknow it's been ages but I think this is my first time seeing the last two panels
I doubt that. He'd be disappointed that Herc didn't transform into a giant duck for exploding corkscrew penis rape.
Who is komi?
An old screencap about a lewd artist who uses his red ranger action figure as a sort of sock-on-the-door to warn his roommate about what he has on his computer screen.
I never knew the context of that "you just an anus" image. I'm glad I do now.
These combined broke me.
the hell is this?
Dang, now I wanna see a mecha piloted by a slav
I'd much rather come in and find him on my couch than Darkseid. He might eat me out of the house but that's all.
that was too clever for a Yea Forumsmblr. you don't belong here
Prison School.
I'll be honest. It's a masterpiece.
good potential with this stuff
You deserved this one, Sonic
I cannot believe how well this is drawn.
But why did killing the baby make her turn lesbian?
What an asshole.
Is this that crazy BPD asian cunt?
This is so fantastically ridiculous.
Virtue Signalling and sharing your twisted ideals with the same kind of people.
Women who lack that basic maternal instinct really scare me for some reason.
I bet y'all are fine with edgy jokes most of the time
even Yea Forums has a heart, user.
I am. I'm biased since my mom had five miscarriages before she had me. And she lost what would have been my brother's twin when she managed to get pregnant. Making life is unironically a miraculous thing and I can't see why someone would snuff it out without a really intense reason.
>when I make edgy joke it's okay
>when others do it it's too cruel
Just because your mom's defective and wasn't meant to have kids it doesn't mean it's a miracle for women who are built correctly and could have a kid any time.
miscarriages are super common my dude, your mom ain't special
It's not the same without the whole story behind it.
Samurai Jacks, nuts and bolts.
that's what Herc thinks, and seeing as he hates Zeus, he realized that he was doing the wrong thing
He wasn’t even referencing the joke, though, he was referencing an aspect of certain women. He never said the joke wasn’t funny.
I smiled.
Not everyone on this board makes edgy jokes. Some dude last year was pretty annoyed someone made a sexist joke last year to where we had 2 Star VS threads that had nothing to do with the series itself because the guy was trying to explain why it upset him (probably her) and kept getting bump limited
Honestly, not a bad choice of last words
>the eternal bugperson
I'm that user. Joke itself isn't the issue. It's fine. It's just something I find odd. I could get it if it was a rape baby or something, but casually aborting a kid just because you got too drunk at a party or whatever is a level of cruelty that hits me for some reason.
Then again, a woman who lacks maternal feelings probably shouldn't be allowed to have a kid anyways.
thats hot
So is this an edit and if not could I get some context?
There's literally nothing worse than a woman trying to be smug.
I dunno, I think I would turn lesbian too if I had to put up with a guy who has a smug smile plastered to his face all day.
>But I don’t want to cure cancer, I want to turn people into dinosaurs
I lost here.
>mfw that was me
Feels good
How does a Hedgehog get HUMAN Immunodeficiency virus
That’s great
from fucking humans stupid
Chuckled at Carl's "yeheheheAAAH" since I read it in his voice.
It's not that it's edgy it's that she's a mentally ill crazy bitch judging from her other comics and I'm certain she talks her dead baby a lot in real life and believes she's getting back at it somehow. Makes it a little funnier really.
Ok, this is a cursed image thread?
Lost it when I changed comps.
Outdated but I still cling to it.
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