>walk into house
>darkseid is sitting in my good chair
Why does he do this?
Walk into house
Other urls found in this thread:
His secret fetish is to imprint his stank on other people’s couches.
have you seen the design of his planet? An Earth chair from IKEA is probably the most comfortable thing to him.
>Darkseid derives part of the anti-life equation from the struggle of following the instructions and trying to find where all the leftover bits were supposed to go
He thinks every chair is a throne, because on Apokolips, it is.
Just punch him and the face. That donut you ate earlier grant you null psychical and almighty. So he can' t do shit to you.
For God's sake OP, just sit on the couch and let him have the chair.
Just let him have the veggie tray too and you'll be good.
Ask him close his legs because his penis is poking out and wants to say hi.
Chair posting thread
the fucking upskirt
Would you sit on Daddy Darkseid’s lap?
>implying i have enough chairs to call one of them good
>implying i have a house
>implying i can walk
Get the fuck out of my only wheelchair, darkseid
I'm pretty sure Darkseid spreads his bare legs out like that to make his opponents uncomfortable in conversations.
He knows that it works.
Make me.
>ikea instruction implies the anti life equation
very plausible
To be entirely honest, I don't really sit in my "good chair" that much. He can make himself comfortable.
That said, I think someone ought to request a Femseid version of that pic.
What if it arouses me?
>Darkseid moved the chair so it would face the main door
it's not enough that he has a boner for equations, what a fucking nerd.
Then you'd be more susceptible to re-conditioning
>walk in
>sit on one of his legs
>wrap my arm around his gargantuan bicep
>slowly run my finger all across his chest
>look up, smile, and say "So what's the plan, Darky baby?"
>Turns chair to face door
>Omega beams still go whichever way they want
Be thankful it's not
Listen, we don't cotton to freaks round these parts. Scram, weirdo.
is darkseid really reading mein kampf in front of a jewish wwii survivor?
How can anyone in the entire DC universe not have a couch/chair specifically for Darkseid to sit in? And it better be the good one too. If you are too poor to afford one, one should be provided.
Darkseid would just choose one of the other chairs to sit in, taking delight in knowing your $700 chair purchase was wasted.
what the fuck how is this THIS common
Always shipped Darkseid and Mary since then
Please tell me there is a female version of this OP's pic.
>Mein kamf
>Not mein kampfy chair
It's his choice, he is Darkseid after all. All that matters is that I made the effort.
>tfw I'm about to go for an ikea interview on Wednesday
Tell them that you'll design a chair worthy of Darkseid so when he inevitably conquers Earth he will spare Sweden to make his throne.
Tell him that I can see his panties.
Darkseid is a fan of sitting in peoples chairs.
Intimidation tactic.
.......like he'll force all the Swedes to build him a throne, or he'll literally convert the entire country into a gigantic chair to sit in?
>Spends all day just farting into a chair.
Poor Darkseid. His ass must ache from sitting all day on a throne made of stone or metal. I bet sitting on a comfy, plush recliner is heaven to him
>Why does he do this?
More importantly, does he leave a stain?
>Come home after a long day at work
>Darkseid's in my TV couch and he's already cleared the fridge of all of my eggs
EVERY FUCKING TIME with this guy.
But it's the good chair tho.