This is the future of animation
This is the future of animation
No, it's the present of Youtube monitization-pleasing animation.
She’s the worst one. Not necessarily because of content, but the only reason she’s notable is people want to fuck her repulsive stick figure
Her animations are better than most of these other story time "animators". I don't know if she animates them or pays someone to do it, but it's decent.
I wanna suck on her tits
Hopefully not.
Looks more like a still image.
I just read an article about how incredibly rare it is for even really popular YouTubers to make a living, especially long term. Not sure it's sustainable.
No you just wanted a shitty avatar waifu jaiden thread.
okay but consider this
>why isnt youtube paying me enough for rent and food and shit??
dumbass retards
I'm no expert, but I doubt any 'internet-content-creation' type thing is sustainable. All it take is for a host site like youtube or something like patreon to fuck up majorly and then you're sol.
Even if that all goes fine, It's hard for anyone, even talented people, to maintain a large fanbase for a long time.
post that orange midget with titles like
"my abusive ex raped and literally killed me part 27/100"
If they're popular, there are plenty of other ways to make money that doesn't come from youtube ads.
drew gooden made a video about these pranksters who do these shitty to catch a predator type things and all their shit is demonitized but they make up for it by basically going full soulja boy and buying dirt cheap chinese products and reselling them to fans.
best part is they say its all worth 0$ and all you pay for is shipping, but the shipping price itself is marked up and basically covers the cost of the items anyway so their fans think theyre actually getting shit for free
This is the future of Yea Forums discussion
Most definitely
You don't actually make your money from YouTube, if that's your goal you're gonna starve. You use YouTube to build an audience, once you have your audience you start selling merch, once you sell merch you get on the convention circuit, once you're on the convention circuit you start hosting panels, once you start hosting panels you start holding your own Q&A live shows, then you get spnors so you don't need to rely on YouTube for ad revenue, etc, etc.
All of this to get people to buy your dumb shirts and pins and whatever the fuck garbage you're selling. Signing autographs alone will get you about $200 an hour at $10 a pop it just takes years to break through the noise unless another e-celeb is gonna prop you up.
Same as it ever was
Dang you really don't like these guys.
>I just read an article about how incredibly rare it is for even really popular YouTubers to make a living
doubt that, there were way too many articles back in the day that explained that youtube is profitable, and the most popular youtubers were actually rich. And there were several moments that confirmed it from random comments from those youtubers.
Even if youtube has changed the pay a bit, even if only half of what those articles said is true, youtube is still profitable to make a living out of it.
Of course, that only applies to youtubers who upload often with million of views each time. But it's doable.
Best animator right now
If you don’t invest the million dollars you get from YouTube, you don’t deserve money.
link to article?
>back in the day
That's the key difference here.
Youtube has changed a lot.
>that deviantart-tier mindbreak sequence
>best part is they say its all worth 0$ and all you pay for is shipping, but the shipping price itself is marked up and basically covers the cost of the items anyway so their fans think theyre actually getting shit for free
I want to say this is a scummy thing to do, but anyone dumb enough to fall for this deserves to get scammed anyway.
It is doable if you can make more than 1M views a month with only under 10 Minutes videos
Here's an example from my analytics, for 1,5M views i got 1 262$. If you make longer videos with a patreon and merch you can make a living.
Anyone found her video as a kid to be super cute ?
No, this is simply what animation vloging look like.
Just because it is the adequate format for animation vloging deosn't mean it will ever be considered the norm to follow for regular cartoons.
Today's deviant art trash will be tomorrow's cartoons.
Decedent societies tend to trend that way.
"Free with shipping" is no more scummy than "Free shipping". It's the exact same concept reworded.
Neck yourself mong
Meanwhile Pewdiepie earn literal millions per month just to play video games 30 minutes and then spend other 10 minutes editing the video
Gamegrumps earn hundreds of thousands to play 20 minutes and they dont even fucking edit the videos.
I like watching fire burn.
Hi, My name is Lion-O.
She used to animate her videos by herself, but now she collaborates with several other animators.
Which is why you never take YouTube as your only source of income. Just have a second job that pays enough and use YouTube as a second source of income.
Hehe dad
First, i dont think what Pewdiepie do is without work.
But second i agree.
If the system is established, you dont have that many work. And he doesnt play that much anymore, at least his youtube uploads features mostly reactions. And what do we see, he reacts to things that are suggested by his reddit or what he reads in his newsfeed than gives us his opinions.
Its really easy money at this point.
What we can say to defend him, its always about how much we think something is worth.
For example policemen or nurses get less money as they should get, they sometimes are responsible for life and death.
While a soccer player get millions only to win a soccer game which isnt that important besides entertainment.
But soccer players are good advertisment billboards, so the best get the most money.
And thats the other side of this, its mostly a small percentage that get the sustainable position.
This. If your business model props up lazy animation, that's what you're going to get.
>props up lazy animation
It's not lazy, though, it's just what you get with such a limited time. There is no miracle, but for the length it has and for the time allowed to make it, one should not expect something much better.
>/aco/ is fucking trash at drawing but this doesn't stop them from producing total garbage constantly
Why the fuck are these shitheads even lumped in with the Yea Forums booru? Almost every time some disgusting piece of (art) shows up there it's from this godforsaken board.
Like, fuck, Jaiden explicitly chose the simplest attractive design on the planet and these degenerates still make it look gross. What is wrong with them?
Pyrocinical donated like 3k to the tik tok girl just to make publicity of himself and then said "its an inversion than i think i can recover" since he lives from patreon, merchandacing and a little of ad revenue, whit 2 millions suscribers he is able to make 3k inversions and consider them safe, i would asume that its at last profitable in some way
Now thats uncanny.
i wanna dump my junk in her fat coochie and make her shit out my black babies
It IS lazy. that's all she can come up with when she animates? How come entire anime seasons can be made in 2 to 3 months but she can BARELY make a 5 minute youtube video in a similar amount of time?
You know I remember hearing a rumor that all of pewds vids are demonetized, due to him being exposed as racist not too long ago. You can argue that he still makes big via streams and merch, but I bet it's significantly less. It's also much harder for him to find sponsors as well.
That's done with more funding a large staff and labour law violations.
She's fan of this guy
I blame pajeets and autistic man/children
It’s the start of diaper threads on /aco.
What Mindbreak sequence are you referring too?
>It IS lazy. that's all she can come up with when she animates
It isn't when you see the short time it's taken to do it.
-High quality
-rapidly delivered
Pick two.
I don't have a problem with that.
Everyone has a guilty pleasure! I watch sometimes Pewdiepie!
I fucking wish. It's usually made up of the same movie crap spammed into like 10 threads. The only reason this isn't the case right now is because Yea Forums is too embarrassed to admit they are wrong about the success CM.
we truly were the future's future future.
>due to him being exposed as racist not too long ago
Is this about him dropping the N word during a stream? Or did he actually come out saying blacks are inferior to whites or some other socio-political commentary like that?
I don't fuck bug-eyed gooks.
You just don't say it. Gaming circle who say that to be funny find it funny because it refer to black people.
>You don't use Youtube to make money, you use it to build an audience!
No you don't, and it's clear from that statement you've never tried to manage a channel in the current environment.
Everything on Youtube is controlled. It's a walled garden with invisible walls. If you don't meet the right metrics, if you aren't doing what they've programmed the site to look for, then they won't show your content to new people. In fact they'll often neglect to notify your subscribers of your content.
On that site, you're either on board with their intent, you're not being noticed, or you're fading away.
No, it was mostly the anti-semitism. The N-word was only icing on the cake. It all makes sense when you consider the fact that he's no longer a part of youtube's rewinds. Youtube clearly wants nothing to do with him.
I wanna snuggle her tiddies
what a pointless thread that wont be remembered trying to monger hate lol op is such a cuck
no u
Because like it or not, the stuff they make is Yea Forums-related.
If you don’t like Jaideanimations and odd1soutt, you have no right to talk about animation
WHAT exactly is the future of animation? Extremely short sequences? An animation "studio" of literally one person?
you can say nigger here.
I wanna fuck her
Because youtube isn't a job, it's a hobby at best and anyone that thinks they can quit their dayjobs to be a full time youtuber is a fucking retard.
Pewdiepie rarely plays games, doesn't edit his videos and struggles to get his videos monetized
I always thought she was white. Her animations always felt white.
No. He is.
There's a lot more to her popularity than the r34 of her avatar. Her revelations on anorexia struck a chord with a lot of people, for instance.
To my knowledge, she hasn't crossed the threshold of sullying her fan-base. That's much riskier for any creator than to be sullied.
This board produces a lot of ugly badly drawn obnoxious shit too on the booru/in the drawthreads here.
its a little bit of both. shes said she now has people that help her to animate videos. I dont know how much is hers and how much isnt but after watching some of her art challenge videos its clear her art work is very good, I'd imagine her own animation is probably solid as well
I'm okay with that, I just want heavier content.
PBS's story and interview animations were/are fantastic in relation to the life-story genre.
I wasn't aware Vox and the WSJ browsed Yea Forums