How did Shaggy feel about being related to a confederate colonel?
How did Shaggy feel about being related to a confederate colonel?
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im sure he killed himself out of shame and for also being white
Who cares about that kind of thing? It’s not like he could fucking change it.
Shaggy is a proud southerner.
If he's Confederate why is he wearing the based blue of the Union?
he's not the only one
lighting. the character was actually a plantation owner and everything
Shags was based
Even helped out his southern niggas after cat niggers trapped their souls in Zombie Island
he got a fried chicken recipe out of it, he was probably happy
yeah i'm sure that's what happened, i'm sure he was a little bitch who cried about it for years too
doesn't that money still have some histocial value among collectors and such?
Kinda, but not really
this movie was made in 1987, but "recently deceased" Uncle Beauregard was at least old enough to have fought in the Civil War in the 1860s, making him - assuming he was some variety of child soldier - at least 132 years old assuming he was 10 when the war ended
if as OP says he was a colonel in the Confederate army - which ceased to exist in 1865 - then he would have to have been older, at least 146 in 1987 (I'm assuming there's nothing in the movie about him having died years before, because the wiki says "recently") since William Paul Roberts, the youngest general officer of the Confederacy, was 23 at the time of his appointment
also I don't know if you noticed this but there are at least four real ghosts in the story and the mystery doesn't even involve any of them
this thing just doesn't add up if you ask me
Like, fuck niggers, am I right Scoob?
useless then useless now
I mean even the earliest Scooby Doo episodes are from 1969, so assuming they're contemporary to the late 1960s - as the language and technology appear to make them - and assuming that later episodes are set in the same period, anachronisms of future technology and so on notwithstanding - that would still mean that Uncle Beauregard would have had to be 128 years old when he died *at the bare minimum* and probably more like 140
shit's ridiculous
Scooby Snacks are a helluva drug.
The best thing about the red shirt Shaggy era was Daphne's hair. Fuck that was a nice look for her.
>scoob my like 150 year old uncle just died and legend has it there's treasure in his old mansion but of course the mansion and the land are fucking worthless zoinkies let's go discover the real treasure is friendship and that having co-operative ghosts who could probably make us rich beyond our wildest dreams aren't worth mentioning to anybody ever again
it's stupid, it's not even internally consistent with the established lore
Whatever they'll pay for it (which might not be shit), but it's not like you can use it at the mall.
So we gonna talk about how Zombie Island was the best movie or what?
And that Mystery Inc was the best series?
I guess, what the fuck else do we do in Scooby-Doo threads?
Especially when malls no longer exist
Skooks and Mexican dbz shaggy memes
Obviously in scooby doo the 30's, 40's and 50's never happened.
Is there anything Daphne doesn't look good in?
Are there any other cartoon characters with shirt color eras? Lupin III is the only one I know off the top of my head.
I’m pretty sure he didn’t give a shit about any of it and continued to get stoned with his dog
Depends on the condition, the particular kind of bill, and date that it was issued. Seeing as that is an 1864 $500 dollar bill, each one would be worth upwards of $400 dollars if they were in mint condition. However, given the surprisingly accurate rendition of the bill, the one in question is a fake. Real 1864 $500 bills had a pink overlay.
Weren't Confederate dollars notoriously poor in print quality?
Common misconception due to the fact that fake and replica Confederate dollars have been widely printed for over a hundred years. Quality went down as the war went on and smaller denominations are usually of lower quality than larger ones.
Well, Scooby Doo is the only one in the gang to qualify as a black person, and Shaggy OWNS him.
>Shaggy is related to Count Dooku
Boy am I glad hes in there, and we're out here.
Imagine having to paint that picture with that 1000 yard stare.
Proud to serve America in the face of Northern treason and rampant miscegenation.
So Daphne and Shaggy come from families with old money
>having co-operative ghosts who could probably make us rich beyond our wildest dreams aren't worth mentioning to anybody ever again
To be fair the gang acknowledge Shaggy is rich, so he probably dosen’t care to tell his friends he increased his wealth again
I mean, I'm pretty sure Daphne's family owns a castle somewhere, so?
ruh roh Raggy, rats rrraycist!
I thought this was an anime for a second
>Its Confederate money, its completely worthless
>Confederate money
>Completely worthless
As a historical collector, i'd fucking murder someone for a whole chest of cotton backed confederate dollars.
>the confederate soldiers were the good guys in zombie island
>Like scoob, I ever tell you about my great great uncle? He was like this great hero, he even rescued Anne Frank while beating off those dirty yankies.
>confederate colonel
>isn't even wearing any kind of Confederate military insignia
Cadet grey was the standard color of the Confederate States Army. The Union Army wore dark blue by comparison. If anything, the Yankees would look more like they're wearing black.
Shaggy's is definitely old money. Dunno about Daphne's but she's definitely rich
>confederate colonel
>is wearing United States Army shoulder boards (never even used by the Confederate Army) for a Second Lieutenant
It may have been a painting done before the South seceded.
>Confederate money
I feel like that kind of thing is actually worth quite a bit on the collector's market
So, were her and Shaggy a thing in this era? Heard something about that.
I can believe Scooby-Doo is fucking dead...
Daphne comes from European rich and shaggy comes from early american aristocrats and land owners
>Confederate colonel
>Wears Union Blue
user I-
She was only using Shaggy to get closer to Scooby.
Lucky for you I'm a dog lover
>Union Blue
Humans can live up to 120 years. Him surviving 8 more years wouldn't be shocking.
Remember the episode where Shaggy called the Harlem Globetrotters “niggers” and the entire team raped him?
>Humans can live up to 120 years
In the rarest of circumstances. At best you'd be lucky to hit 100 and still be cognizant enough to actually live your life, much less holding on for another couple decades while your body starts closing up shop
Zombie Island>Ghoul School>The Witch's Ghost>>Aliens>Reluctant Werewolf>>>>>>>>Boos Brothers
So's fred
its not worthless per say
this is a one dollar confederate bill from 1863
this is the exact bill pictured
I'd say it's worth something
but that is in a better condition
Ben Afleck was related to slave owners
remember how to threatened to sue that show for revealing it
Really Fred seems like a middle normal guy, for some reason only focused in families from Daphne, Shaggy and Scooby
Be Cool was the best series.
>Take out darkies
>Made darkies members of their own army
>At best you'd be lucky to hit 100 and still be cognizant enough to actually live your life
President Carter is 94 and still building houses, bruh.
So does Scooby
My great-great granddaddy used to own Turkroach slaves. Am I an honorary Confederate now?! Do I get to join Old-Money Oil-Barons?!
you're literally hitler now
Nice. I'm Based, Redpilled and... uh... twice Based?
Are you a filthy slav? Then no.
Nope. Why would a Slav have Roaches as slaves? My mother's side used to be filled with merchants, cattle barons and stuff.
So you're a jew then? Even worse.
No user. If I was a Jew, you think I wouldn't have Slaves now?!
And you aren't? What, do you come from a peasant family or are you some kind of second generation American. There's a reason they called it "brother against brother." It wasn't figurative; it was literal.
Okay, but do you have dark hair, dark eyes, dark skin and a hooked nose? If yes to even 1 of those, you're out.
Proud, most likely. The American south is full of people who take legitimate pride in the struggles of the Confederate army, myth of the lost cause or no. It's not like Southerners in America were demonized and shamed the way the Germans were after the Nazi regime fell.
How do you think he goes ultra instinct blanco? Its the white perfect genes faggot
>Okay, but do you have dark hair,
Brown. My dad's platinum haired though.
>dark eyes,
Chestnut. I'm literally one of the 10 people in both families without blue eyes. And I'm counting as far as thrice removed cousins.
>dark skin
Nope; pale. I use 50+ sunscreen.
>and a hooked nose?
Nope. It's most like the Tall-Hero one.
If yes to even 1 of those, you're out.
>And you aren't?
>are you some kind of second generation American
I have union soldiers on my father's side. My mother's grandparents were German immigrants.
The ones probably got a lot more use, making them rarer, particularly in good condition.
Reminder that the designs for the scooby doo cast were made by a japanese american artist
If he wasnt high every single minute of his life he'd probably not care either
>Mr. Takamoto drew the original sketches for four human characters and a dog (widely believed to be named after Frank Sinatra’s scat-style singing in “Strangers in the Night”). The dog’s physiognomy was Mr. Takamoto’s contribution. “There was a lady that bred Great Danes” at Hanna-Barbera, Mr. Takamoto said in a recent conversation with Cartoon Network Studios employees. “She showed me some pictures and talked about the important points of a Great Dane — like a straight back, straight legs, small chin and such. I decided to go the opposite and give him a hump back, bowed legs, big chin and such. Even his color is wrong.”
4 u
domo arigoto, mr takamoto
I've always wondered about the whole "Confederate Money =Worthless" trope.
Confederates actually re-appropriated a bunch of salvaged Union uniforms by bleaching them out in the sun due to shortages of their own outfits.
Recycled plot-points from a Season One ep and one of those stupid TV movies; at least the third time the name "Beauregard" has been used for a dead, rich Southerner who was also a Colonel.
based unioners shitting on the confederate virgins
not all confederate money is rare and valuale, most of it is common and therefore actually is worthless:
> All genuine Confederate currency has some collector value, although most of the 1864 issue notes are very common (an exception being the $500 note, which is common but popular and is worth from $200 to $400 depending on condition). Earlier issues range from common to rare. All issues from 1861 in Montgomery are very valuable, and we suggest consultation with one of our currency experts if you have such a note. Replicas of Confederate currency are quite common, and are often printed on crisp, brown paper that appears antique. Genuine notes are hand-signed and numbered, and the replicas appear to be hand-signed and numbered as well, although close inspection will easily determine that the signatures on replicas are printed in the same ink as on the rest of the bill. Contemporary counterfeits made to circulate at the time of issue have collector value ranging from $10 to $100 or more depending on condition and the specific circumstances of issue.
in fact, union bills can be more valuable as less of them were printed
> The cost of the Civil War was huge in dollars and lives. To finance the war both North and South turned to paper currency issues. The Union issued $1 and $2 currency notes beginning in 1862. A second issue of 1862-63 added $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes. Unlike the contemporary Confederate issues, the Union notes were printed in smaller numbers with better specie backing. As the war progressed the notes traded at only a percentage of their stated values; but they also traded at a major premium to Confederate notes. Today Union notes are much rarer than most Confederate issues. The $1 note is the most common. Depending on condition these notes usually sell for between $100 and $1000.
fred looks like he could be an old anime protagonist honestly in this drawing
iirc at the start of the war, most of the Confederate forces still wore Union uniforms
>confederate virgins
>posts a clearly pregnant time travelling Jewess and her University Greys lover
Also that uniform is wrong. The 11th Mississippi was an infantry regiment, so his uniform's cuffs, collar, trim, and chevrons should be blue. Red signified artillery.
Mississippi state militia's regulations at the very start of the war actually used red trimming for infantry. Most Confederate Army regiments were part of the PACS (Provisional Army of the Confederate States), which was on paper composed of state militia troops who were put at the disposal of the national government so they followed the uniforms regulations set by their individual states. As the war dragged on this system was done away with and the national government drafted uniform regulations for the entire army. But when the 11th Mississippi marched off to war in 1861, they indeed wore red-trimmed frock coats and they remained in use all the way up until just prior to the Battle of Gettysburg when the last sets were finally replaced with the Richmond Depot Type II uniform.
t. actual 11th Mississippi descendant
Private Meshack Franklin wearing the red-trimmed frock coat of the 11th MS. Photo most likely taken at some point prior to the regiment's deployment to Virginia in 1861.
why do confederates want to celebrate their rebellion against the state but go out of their way to mock and squash any modern movements to rebel against the state?
The 11th wasn't even the only Mississippi regiment to use the overly-embroided frock coat.
>not being so neo-Confederate that you start unironically praising Tim McVeigh and anyone else who kills Federal government employees
Get on my level m8
North Carolina likewise had different regulations from the rest of the Army from and issued black trimming on infantry uniforms in addition to using a far more simple design of trimming on shoulder boards instead of on the cuffs and collars. Unlike Mississippi, North Carolina had a far more effective organization and procurement system and the black-trimmed uniforms remained in widespread use until the very end of the war.
He praises the overlords whose wealth he lends,
Or else the statue gets melted down again
He was a former president, of course hes gonna have access to the kind of medical care that keeps you going for that long. Your average Joe is likely to be wheelchair bound at that age
>intentionally drew a dog incorrectly
>goes on to become the most iconic cartoon character ever
The size of this lad
>Rebels had some pretty swag uniforms
>Nazi officers really rocked those Hugo Boss trench coats
What is it with history's villains and their astounding ability to look so damn good? I would kill for a sweet SS overcoat if I wouldn't become an instant pariah the moment I step outside
Pay debnts
t. Enrico Dandolo
Do it again Timmy
Sic Semper Tyrannis
All money is useless. We just perceive it to have a nominal value. Who's to say we don't go back to using sea shells as currency? I know I sound dumb, I just can't articulate my point well enough.
>telling the founders of Western Civilization to pay denbts to G*rmoids and their (((tricks)))
Nah, miss me with that shit beaner. You Goober.
What's real funny is that they're praising a Democrat
>Chimp out at Persian masters
>Athens gets rekt
>Chimp out at Macedonian masters
>Thebes gets rekt
>Chimp out at Roman masters
>Corinth gets rekt
>Chimp out at Latin masters
>Byzantium gets rekt
>Chimp out at Ottoman masters
>Athens gets rekt again
You gyros slurping catamites never learn
>Hey hey hey
>I was born a rebel
>Down in Dixie
>On a Sunday morning
Uncle Billy 'bout to do it again
No, you're absolutely right. Money is just ink put on strips of cotton. Gold is just a shiny metal. Currency is an entirely intangible concept that humans project value onto via entirely arbitrary means. Hell, the bottlecaps used as money in Fallout have just as much value as a handful of quarters, all told
Yeah, we're not defeatist cunts like you. We're lazy and self-centered, but at least our women die on the pikes rather than take cock. 400 years of slavery (and nobody complains, unlike niggers), and then we BTFO the Roaches from help by the Anglos. You fuckers couldn't even claim Texas! Go back to your beans, Pablo.
that would make him about 200 years old!
to be fair without actually watching this awful old cartoon telemovie there's no way to know if the wiki is right and he was a Confederate soldier - he's in the wrong colors as you say and it's not like everybody in the South ended up with the Confederacy
it's relatively easily forged by today's standards and there was a lot of it, meaning it's unlikely to be particularly rare
it's worth a lot less than you'd imagine
>Implying most of you aren't turk rapebabies
Actually for the first game at least the caps were backed by water which has a bit of real value to people.
right so he's a 10 year old general officer in the Confederate army at the end of the war in 1865, is he? he literally achieves a senior rank at a younger age than the next youngest general officer in the Confederate army who was also nominated in 1865 and was 13 years older than Uncle Beauregard would have been at that time?
if he's an officer he has to be at least in his 20s and have significant fighting experience or nobody would listen to him, let alone promote him
that makes him 140ish, not 128 - and you might want to look at some actuarial tables to figure out how likely those extra 8 years are (they are so spectacularly unlikely that the yearly chance of death can be rounded out to 100% for all ages over 110)
and you might want to read around the subject of very old age some more - Jean Calment, the only confirmed 120+, may in fact have been Jean Calment's 99 year old daughter at the time of her death, which pushes the upper limit back into the 110s
either way Beauregard needs to have lived an additional 20 to 30 years beyond human extremes, and to have done so from a starting point well before any of the oldest confirmed (or even disputed but documented) individuals - he wouldn't just have survived the war, he'd have survived pre-vaccination, pre-public health (like effective sewers, seriously), pre-antibiotics
now, if the mystery were about how he came to be 140 years old at the time of his death that would be a good cartoon, especially if in true scooby doo style it turned out he'd been faking it (but was a very old man who died)
instead it's some shit about gay ghosts
>he doesn't know
It's literally the opposite, you meme-spouting mong. Turks came around and took the good stock of boys with them. Whatever women they raped during skirmishes and such either aborted the kid or killed it after birth. After Jamal, you're getting the rope next, Juan.
that's the asking price, not the sale price
>Greeks and Terrones honestly believe this
>said the Spic based on what he read on /pol/ without realizing its use
Don't you have some monkeys to cook or some hearts to rip out?
Kind of but not really. Confederate script is not hard to find and keep in mind even during the war it was better as toilet paper since the Union started an all out campaign to tank it by counterfeiting
>confederates can't even print money without fucking up
>there are people right now who still want the "Rise of the South"
Letting the confederates keep their statues was a mistake. It's like a historical participation trophy that made them think they weren't completely worthless and stupid.
Well when you analzye the Confederacy as a whole it was doomed to fail. It's loose framework and heavy investment into agricultural industry did it no favors. All the best printers were in the North so naturally the counterfeits we're of high quality. Keep in mind too that their dollar was never that strong to start with. Hell they planned to try and get Britain to recognize them as a legitimate state but failed as Britain had stockpiled cotton and started growing it in Egypt so they wouldn't be without
t. dick-sucking yankee
>needing a cartoon to "prove" you're not a virgin
that's the ultimate virgin move lmao
win a war first before you talk to me kid lol fucking loser
Kirk Douglas is still alive...
Would historians of rooted for the south if slavery had been abolished there first?
>Would historians of rooted
They wouldn't be rooting for your horrendous grammar, that's for sure.
I liked how Metro did it where bullets were used as currency, and the top of the line stuff that could down a mutant in like two shots was treated like a $100 bill, and you had to decide if you could afford to literally shoot your money away to defend yourself. Then of course they fucked it up and did away with that for the last game
Why wont this meme die?
Ikibey, pls fuck off back to
>paraplegic and half paralyzed from a stroke
I'd hardly call that "alive", user
Shit you got me.
>Confederates try to have the world legitimize thier world view
>fail miserably
>bitch about it ever since
It'd be hilarious if not for that whole slavery thing
Most of those statues didn't start going up until well into the 20th century, particularly during the 50's and 60's when the Civil Rights stuff was going down. They were more about "remember who has the power here, nigger" kind of suppression than any historical significance
They all look wilier but less friendly.
Well the Confederate army, as well as the Union army to a lesser degree, based their uniforms on the Austrian uniform of that era, so they aren't necessarily the only ones with nice uniforms.
But user, I haven't posted a single Gayreek Graph. How could I possibly be him?!
It's only appropriate after the recentness of the war, the great depression, and metal rationing of WWII that these statues would go up in the 50s.
I wouldn't say fail miserably. It was a lost cause, but that was a war that went on for four years and the confederacy was outgunned and outmanned from the start.
That's the odd thing, I mean it's not as if Democrats have switched tactics between the 1860's and now.
Because it's true and you know it.
You do know a majority of the Reuplicans these days are a result of the Southern Democrats abandoning their own party after LBJ signed the Civil Rights act, right? Democrats today are nothing like Democrats from only half a century ago
Don't tell Dinesh, he might actually have to stop peddling lies for once.
That's false. The change from Democrat to Republican in the Southern States was a long process that saw most of the change happening in the 80s and 90s. It has more to do with the focus of the Dems shifting to urban areas and the AWB of 1994 culling a lot of the conservative Dems.
>AWB of 1994 culling a lot of the conservative Dems.
Fucking this
t. former Democrat who switched to Republican in '94
Fuck the Clinton family btw
the AWB was supported in passing by former presidents Ford and Reagan and expired 15 years ago, and the attempts to replace it were opposed primarily by the NRA and its lobbyist congressmen, who we now know were taking Russian money for decades, and may have been infiltrated at all levels by Russian agents
(Russia has a full gun control suite of laws)
the previous major legislation to push for gun control prior to the AWB was supported by, er, Charlton "Cold Dead Hands" Heston, who was president of the NRA from 1998 to 2003 (five successive terms) and announced in 2002 that he'd been diagnosed with Alzheimer's
I mean if you want to shoot guns nobody's saying you shouldn't be able to shoot guns, but do you need to walk around with your dick out at Arby's? seems like overkill, we all know you're proud of it and polish it every day and honorably keep anybody else from prying it from your cold dead hands (which is also a form of gun control)
just seems like a lot of people aren't even all that interested in guns, just shouting about something that honestly, you know, they'd probably never draw it in a robbery or would shoot their dog or a cop or something, but they feel like holding it makes them some kind of man, and you know that's not true, you know it takes regular practice and maintenance and it's expensive to do that and Cletus Buttfucher III doesn't have that money which is why arming him is arming a meth dealer
seems like any way you look at it things are a mess, hoss
Are you retarded? You do realize the AWB was a ban on aesthetics and not functionality, right? Do you even own guns?
Ironic picture, since the Russians were actually the only country in Europe to really support the union.
> the AWB of 1994 culling a lot of the conservative Dems.
That's a really dumb argument to make.
>You do realize the AWB was a ban on aesthetics
>not knowing that a plastic stock makes the gun 10000% more deadly
>sending some letters to Lincoln talking about how great the Union is support
At least Thailand sent some war elephants
Come on! I am sure that Velma was a proud south belle!!
The south will rise again!
scrappy doo was a carpetbagger
Might as well ask here. I remember seeing a clip of one of the movies (or was it episodes?) where the Mystery Machine gets blown up.
Anyone know the source?
Robert E. Lee was the one thing keeping the Confederacy going. Without him, they would've gotten their asses kicked by the Union in less than 2 years.
Velma and Shaggy are about 5 inches away from full on Jojo posing.
That war really had no business lasting as long as it did.
Zombie Island>Reluctant Werewolf>The Witch's Ghost>Boos Brothers>Ghoul School>Aliens>>>>>>>>>Cyber Chase
Literally everything in this post is a lie, holy shit are you Corey Booker himself?
shaggy looks like he is about to go super saiyan
Who /scv/ here?
SCV good to go, sir
Not exactly the SCV I was referring to, but it'll do.
The South has had statues well before the 60's. If there was a surge in during that time it probably due to the Centennial celebration of the Civil War that swept the nation, both north and south. There was probably little to no consideration regarding towards black people.
Blacks have little do with them.
>no historical significance
The South has had statues well before the 60's. If there was an increase in number during that time it was probably due to the Centennial celebrations of the Civil War that swept the nation, both North and South.
>"remember who has the power here, nigger
There was probably little to no consideration regarding black people.
I've heard your argument before, but I've never seen a source of all Confederate statues in the U.S. and the date of their erection.
>mfw cuban who is a neo-confederate
some cubans fought in the war r... right?
>that feel when your family used to be one of the richest in South Carolina, owning hundreds of prime acres up in Greenville with a massive plantation house and over a hundred slaves
>shitbag yankees burn it all down during the war and split it up
>now their decedents are getting stabbed and shot by the basketball americans when they all moved north when their daughters aren't spawning ugly mulattoes
>right so he's a 10 year old general officer in the Confederate army at the end of the war in 1865, is he? he literally achieves a senior rank at a younger age than the next youngest general officer in the Confederate army who was also nominated in 1865 and was 13 years older than Uncle Beauregard would have been at that time?
Commander Bright situation where a bunch of people up and fucking died leaving him to get the mother of all Field Promotions? I mean, shit got pretty wild up in Appalachia.
we can go even further back with the administration of Teddy Roosevelt causing a large number of blacks to shift to the democrat party
>some cubans fought in the war r... right?
>Shaggy's ancestors could've saved pregnant Anne Frank
Thread theme:
It also meant that both her, and Shaggy with shagging.
The North was based. Fighting so EVERYONE can be dispossessed capitalist wage slaves.
Why is she so perfect
Carlos, I swear to God....
Would that money be worth a considerable amount given its historical significance? I'm sure you could at least find some collectors who's shell out a few hundred dollars for something like that.
To be fair. Slaves ARE bad for long term profits
>I drew him wrong on purpose as a joke
Most statues were erected between the 1890s and 1950s, before the Centennial celebrations occurred. Most of them were funded by the Daughters of the Confederacy.
Before them, most confederate monuments were built in cemeteries. After the Daughters started pulling together funding, Confederate statues were going up in town squares, in front of state capitals, and in city parks. And considering most of them were built during the height of the Jim Crow era, you can bet your ass black people were considered during their construction.
In 1956, as a result of the backlash to the Civil Rights Movement, Georgia redesigned its state flag to include the Confederate battleflag. You think that's just a coincidence? Come on.
If you really think about the personalities coming from the show it would make way more sense for Daphne and Shaggy to be together and conversely for Velma and Fred to hook up.
Velma and Fred moreso. I mean Velma was a scout (I'm not sure 'bout Fred but wouldn't be surprised), are adventurous, Both want to do nothing but solve mysterious, and they are both pretty much born leaders.
Daphne and Shaggy on the other hand are both more chill, care about mysteries but have other things they can do too, Shaggy doesn't have much going for him career-wise (chef sure but why not traveling?) so it makes sense for him to go around with her, and they both seem to have less of a hard-eged personality if that makes sense. Seems they'd be much more chill for each other than vice-versa.
Maybe but you know shaggy and velma, then fred and daphne were paired up how they were due to appearances. All american boy + all american girl. Hippy + beatnik looking girl
This thread needs some general Sherman