What is the point of company wars? Why can't Marvel and DC fans get along...

What is the point of company wars? Why can't Marvel and DC fans get along? Why do you care which corporation gets more money?

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I don't think its as serious as you imagine it would be. It's not a big deal. I go into arguments about it all the time but I am not angry it's just fun

I'm more annoyed that there's constant shitposting here.
Just split the board already, Hiro.

Cause people are bored. Remember that point in your life (Maybe it's right now) where you would just wake up, go on your computer, and start playing a video game for 12+ hours until it's time to sleep again? And you do all that just because otherwise you'd be goddamn bored since you don't really have any hobbies, creative abilities to use up your free time or work to keep you busy?

It's kind of like that.

humans are demented monkeys who will find any excuse to fight with another "tribe" even if it's over childrens picture books over the internet because it makes dopamine release in their brain

what's the point of your image, OP?

you trying to take a side there, all shaky-legged like a newborn foal?

do you even know any more, starting threads with rhetorical questions?

fucking twat

>What is the point of company wars? Why can't Marvel and DC fans get along? Why do you care which corporation gets more money?
The problem is that marvelcucks are, well, cucks.
DCfags aren't happy with the state of DC comics. Nobody fucking likes King, or Bendis, or Wilson. DCfags are publicly outspoken as to how shitty DC has become.
Marvelcucks, on the other hand, will defend literally anything with the Marvel label on the cover. So although both companies have devolved into being equally shitty in the last decade, only marvelcucks act like obnoxious faggots who think you should be grateful that their comics are utter shit.

Attached: nu-Marvel.gif (800x800, 230K)

I thought 7/10 was a good rating.

90% read/watch both, 90% on't really care. But it's that 10% that fuck everything

What we, normal people do is bulling the two types of zealots

You sexist incel. Why. Not 11/10

I only care because Disney is an abysmal company that deserves to crash and burn.
But I want Marvel to become independent and succeed.

People like to take stances on the most banal things so they can make up for not taking them with actually important things.

Dude shut the fuck up, have you seen a Marvel Comics thread on here? It's full of people dogging on the current state

In terms of movies, both sides are full of shit-eating defenders. DC fans aren't above that shit, remember the time they petitioned to shut down Rotten Tomatoes when Suicide Squad got bad reviews

Not in this day and age. That’s why mediocre shit like Ralph Breaks the Internet got a 90%. Standards are so low that piece of shit is considered exceptional.

I prefer Marvel's characters to DC's characters. I still enjoy DC and I don't care what makes the most money or what company gets to make Marvel movies.

90% RT doesn't mean 9/10. Captain Marvel has an 80% aproval rate, but a 6.8 score.

the only losers are the people who heavily invest in frivolous drama. Take the movie for what it is. Any discussion outside of it is marketing, direct or indirect.

>I'm more annoyed that there's constant shitposting here.

Stop being worked up over stupid shit user

>Dude shut the fuck up, have you seen a Marvel Comics thread on here? It's full of people dogging on the current state
Those aren't marvelcucks.
In the past 1.5 years, we've gotten some influx of unironic marvelcucks and shills who say retarded shit like "West Coast Avengers isn't that bad", "Bendis hate is just a meme", and "I know this character has always been trash, but this new comic totally fixes them somehow for unspecified reasons" (never believe this lie).

It’s still too high.

t. D.inCel

Yeah that happens...

I won't argue with that, but on a quick glimpse I took back when reviews just started coming in, most pro reviewers considered pretty middle of the road, with some cutting a bit more slack than others. Pretty much all the rave reviews came from niche pop culture sites and I believe it's those who are inflating the score a little bit.
Top critics has a 65% aproval rate with a 6.2 score. If you compare it to Wonder Woman, for instance, that one's got a difference of barely 93 to 90 from general to top critics, and both have the same rating of 7.6.

>Why can't Marvel and DC fans get along?

Because Disney is a mafia

Instead of reaching that hard for a pathetic, lame, insult, why not just reach for the Infinity War blu ray and just eat it already?

>What is the point of company wars?
I think for most people it's just fun shit posting. There are some poor bastards who have gone to far though and you can tell their self worth is tied to how well these mega corporations perform. That one faggot on Yea Forums especially

It's the loser/nerd version of sports teams.

I don't take it seriously. I'm just quick to watch Marvel movies and reserved when thinking about DC ones. They've not met my expectations for a while. Doesn't mean they're terrible movies though

>Why can't Marvel and DC fans get along?

Because Marvel is a cuckold clan

>Why can't Marvel and DC fans get along?
The rabid Anti-Captain Marvel weenies aren't DC fans.
They are pissed off Star Wars obsessives lusting for revenge for all the females jammed into NuWars.
DC fans are starting to get their heads together after recent successes.

Attached: Alan_Keyes.jpg (416x431, 61K)

Disney is the overdog. The seemingly benevolent dictator. They use all manner of manipulation and strong arming to get what they want, and they never lose. Twice now they've used culture war and identity politics to make profit and gotten away with it. Bob Iger lines his pockets with the dollars of good intentions. People think it's a victory for the black cause or the feminine cause to throw their money at a multibillion dollar corporation. Or maybe they're spitefully showing those incels who's boss. Either way the result is the same, the rich get richer and the smug get smugger.

I don't care about company wars. I just want Disney to stop having their way.

>People think it's a victory for the black cause or the feminine cause
Nah, they really, really don't. You have some youtube pundits creating clickbait to that effect, that is about it.

I still dont understand why people thought Captain Marvel would fail. Fury could have paged anybody and if their movie came a month before Endgame it would have been huge. I mean anybody, Black Knight would have probably got a billion with all that going for him

>now that its gonna make a billion, literally ANYTHING would have made a billion.
user, are you trying to bargain with us, or with yourself? I have a suggestion; try not posting about Captain Marvel for a while, see if your blood pressure improves.

I'm not even mad or bargaining with anybody. I'm saying that was a massive boost. It's not like anybody outside of comics knows Carol

So someone last night posted a collation of the RT and IMDB and other scores for all the MCU movies. I decides to pull some multidimensional statistical analysis on the data and ended up with this.

You can clearly see the two ultra-shilled films very separate from the rest of the MCU films.

The x-axis seems like a good composite measure of "quality", since most of the movies everyone seems to agree are good are on the right side. (surprised to see BP there but can't argue with the data.)

Now look where Carol is.

Attached: PCA MCU.jpg (1096x831, 49K)

Nobody outside of comics knew any of the MCU guys except Hulk and later Spidey.
Ant-Man and Wasp got no boost coming out on the heels of Infinity War.
If anything it got a boost because it's Cosmic Marvel. Cosmic Marvel is super-hot, it revitalized the miserable Thor franchise.

>Ant-Man and Wasp got no boost coming out on the heels of Infinity War.
But that film wasn't teased as being incredibly important like Captain Marvel was thanks to the end credit scene of IW

t. Marvel tranny

This is useless.
Critic scores tend to move a lot based on "how tired they are of the superhero genre" (they leave a lot of comments about this in the actual reviews, as if that means anything to the quality of a film), and how much the subject of the movie is "socially important" or trendy with their friends.

Critics aren't any more reliable than audiences, sometimes both like stupid shit.
You can gauge audience reception by overall box office; movies that play well keep a good word-of-mouth and stretch to a good box office.

The boomers and the fortnite demographic are blissfully unaware of culture war shit, but you underestimate the influence of the media. Even the least political US citizen believes Trump is a supervillain, but can offer no real explanation why they believe it. It's just something that's accepted as fact. Why? Because of media influence.

That's my point. you can see which films actually got high critic scores ("socially important") clearly separated from the other movies.

>Even the least political US citizen believes Trump is a supervillain, but can offer no real explanation why they believe it.
Yes they can, what the fuck is this retarded sentence? Let me guess, you just cover your ears when you hear about the treason, the child concentration camps, the rising debt and deficit, the utter disregard for his own federal workers when he didn't pay them for over a month for no legitimate reason, the complete lack of loyalty to his friends colleagues and family, the indifference to victims of natural disasters if they come from blue states- honestly I can keep going but I know you've got a shitty reaction image and a one-line talking point fed to you by Breitbart to dismiss everything with based on something completely imaginary like "hurr obama put kids in camps too" (He did not enact a zero-tolerance policy that indiscriminately put kids of people legally arriving in the states in for-profit concentration camps but as we've established you don't care about context just your talking point). Go ahead and prove me right.

What IS your point?
Movie with really meh critic scores have made massive box office, and audience review scores are meaningless in this particular case, it has been turned into an SJWL vs SJWR battleground.

I went ahead and added the DCEU films. And added the IMDB metacritic score to the dataset.

Attached: PCA MCU n DCEU.jpg (1047x797, 39K)

Yea Forums just hates anything popular and so wants to shit on Marvel for being hot right now, and has a steep victim complex to go with picking a losing side. Everywhere else Marvel and DC fans get along. Branch out more, you autist.

That if you use a bunch of rating scores from different sources, you can identify patterns in the films. What the patterns signify, that we can hypothesize about.

But the first one I can notice is, it looks like you can identify SJW shilling by the massive outliers.

It's really more a case of Anti-Disney leakage from Yea Forums Star Wars kiddies.
We have a couple of hardcore Snyder autists but they are just noisy.

But since I have the dataset already typed out, I'm hyped to add other variables, like actual box office grosses (adjusted and unadjusted for inflation), domestic U.S. vs worldwide grosses, even wideness of release (limited theaters), time of release, etc.

Should be a pretty cool analysis.

Outliers in what? Ratings?
Or in ratings to box office?
What are you even on about?

Marvel Studios box-office has been snowballing year after year, impervious to critical review.
As has been pointed out before, all of the trilogies except the Avengers have increased box office 3>2>1.
The main factor is that people enjoy the serialization of them. Maybe the same effect is working for the Furious movies too, I dunno.

throwing in a hierarchical cluster analysis. UPGMA.

Attached: CA UPGMA MCU v DCEU.jpg (346x421, 26K)

But 7/10 is accurate

It's an okay experience, but ultimately I won't ever watch it again. This applies to about 2/3rds of the marvel movies so far.

Good point about the FastFurious franchise, will try to add those eventually.

As a Marvel fan who has already seen it twice and own all the MCU films, I'll agree here. It is at the bottom of the top 1/3 of MCU movies.

This is what it looks like when I exclude all "critics" reviews/scores and only rely on users. i.e. this is the 'just us normal people' graph.

Attached: PCA no critics.jpg (893x584, 39K)

You do realize it's the fans of the same company giving them shit, right? DC fans want a decent Superman movie, so they have every right to shit on Man of Murder. Marvel fans want decent superhero movies, so they have every right to shit on Ms. Literally Who being shilled to hell and back with nothing to back it up.

Cant' speak for all marvelfags, but iactually want DC to get their shit together so that i might have marvel DC once a decade crossover movie that doesn't affect the regular timeline (or only in very very very minor ways like a single reference once)
Beyond that, i do funpost when its clear funposting is the only goal of a thread or a reply

În the atomized western society a man desperately wants to belong, to be a part of something bigger. So they pick any shit like a comic company, phone manufacturer or "political" party.

Get out of here kermit


I actually ocnsider myself somewhat of an MCU fan. Seen all of the movies (except for CarlManvers) in the theater, usually on opening day.

No intention of watching Manvers.

user pls ;-;
This whole """"controversy"""" has me really curious to see if its really as bad as people say it is
There's too many mixed and conflicting reviews (ignoring the overly negative and overly positive ones)

She's a crappy character who was backed over everyone else who deserved it. Literally the gay one or the black one would have been better choices. They choose the terrible one. Who's always been bad who's had 3 reboots in 5 years just to keep the name so DC won't get it back.

>Why can't Marvel and DC fans get along?

They used to, DC and Marvel used to be friendly rivalries with plenty of crossovers, but then Marvel got a massive stick up their ass and thought they were better than DC and went full on FUCK DC mode

>She's a crappy character who was backed over everyone else who deserved it
This is fair
I have ""faith"" that they will course correct these issues

This whole "controversy" has just made me uninterested in anything the movie has to offer.

I already know it's just an average, run-of-the-mill Marvel movie, and what makes the movies for me are the characters. Ant Man 2 was so-so, but Paul Rudd's Scott is just so adorable I liked it anyway. Dr. Strange was interesting for the take on a classic character.

This one? No thanks. Already seen the end-credits scene so there's absolutely nothing the movie can offer me except for explosions and CGI, and I can get that from other less-toxic movies.

I can respect that reasoning

The movie is amazing though and she's gonna win ANOTHER oscar for it. All the manufacturered outrage can't stop that

I don't watch cape movies - reading the capefags' pathetic reactions is much more fun.

I think it's worth getting worked up about, cause Jesus Christ is this board a mess.

My only real solace on this website these days is /m/ because their special brand of autism prevents most of this kind of crap.

Because capeshit fans are literal cattle.

If you really want to defend this data as if it means anything, you have to accept that Black Panther and Civil War are top-tier MCU.
User scores are notoriously shit and mean less than nothing.

Why would you shit up your data with even WORSE user data? IMDB user scores rank TDK #3.

Now you might think that's just an outlier because it's majorly popular, but look at what other shit is at the top of IMDB:
>10. Inception
>11. Fight Club
>16. The Matrix
>21. Into the Spider-verse
>22. Interstellar
>35. Infinity War
Now don't get me wrong, I like all of these movies. But Inception as the #10 movie OF ALL TIME?
It obviously skews towards a certain demographic, and there's a major recency bias.

It's just Tommy, shills and Ladderbros shitting threads up. Especially Ladderfags


Begone, Shil

We're at a point in time when we can safely speak of partisan entertainment.

>ANOTHER oscar
That's what's sad. I'm a huge fan of Black Panther. I wish I had left the theater all hyped and wishing it got oscars for it.

But it was underwhelming as fuck, including the visuals. They made Wakanda this weird mish-mash and made the more urban parts looking like a fucking ghetto, which makes no sense since it's such a well developed place. The soundtrack was forgettable.

our country is in the grip of an insane culture war by morons with nothing better to live for than piss each other off with opinions

My god, you people are dense. No wonder Yea Forums is such a pushover.

God I love IASIP

I do accept Civil War as top-tier MCU. That's in-line with my subjective opinion. I'd rank it as #2 or #3, right below #1 Winter Soldier.

BP I don't like, but I don't have to agree with the data. That's what being a statistician is about. You just take what the data gives you.

Fucking IMDB is a Nolanwank, it seems. Still, legit data is legit data.

>just cover your ears when you hear about the treason, the child concentration camps,

Don’t enter illegally the country and these things don’t happen

Tbh I just want that big crossover between all of 'em.

A child deserves to go through these things?

Nobody cares about your feelings. Don’t enter the country illegally and you get less problems.

So what if you and your family's lives were at risk and your only option is to leave the country quickly and quietly, you're telling me you would stay put and wait for whoever to come smashing in your door because you're short the monthly extortion?

here's an interesting one. Just a plot of 2 ratios (Critic RT vs User RT / Critic rating vs User rating).

1. Proportionally less critics usually like shit than users (duh, fucking snobs) EXCEPT for the two shilled movies.

2. Big mass in the middle is where critics' scores generally agree with popular opinion. Upper right is where critics ratings are waaay higher than peoples, lower left is where critics rate movies much lower than audiences. - Critics hate DCEU movies way more than audiences actually do.

This really does make me wonder just how many of these critics are in the pocket of BigDisney.

Attached: Critic to User ratio.jpg (1039x721, 55K)

More importantly, when are we finally getting Disney filed under the Sherman Antitrust Act?

Attached: PBF020-Skub.gif (900x300, 48K)

I believe that's stick's name is Joe Quesada---who for some reason isn't as reviled as Didio---despite being an even bigger prick, especially on the business side.

He's also made it abundantly clear that there is no chance of Amalgam comics will return while he's head at Marvel.

>Still, legit data is legit data
The mere existence of data doesn't make it legit or worthwhile though.

>who for some reason isn't as reviled as Didio
Currently not, because he's sort of out. Rest assured he's Marvel's DilDio and Yea Forums knows it.

I smell a mousecuck in this post

Attached: mousecuck.jpg (788x926, 92K)

I’m with this user.

I’ve been browsing Yea Forums for a decade now and I just can not take this company wars shit anymore.

It’s shitting up the board. I’d rather have this board flooded with MLP shit again. Nothing productive comes from it. At this point most of the time isn’t even civil discussions. Threads just immediately go into trolling each other for (you)’s.

No one can like anything or discuss certain things without someone trying to tell you why that thing sucks or why you’re a (insert /pol/ related insult) for actually said thing.

Too many fucking kids on this board, and when I say kids I mean under 25, who have nothing better too.

Neo-tribalism I suspect, both sides are stupid tho, Marvel and DC are like Pepsi and Cola of comic book/film industries

Blame Yea Forums and Yea Forums. The team fanatic mindset comes from those two.

It’s literally not illegal to present yourself at the border when you are seaking asylum to the United States.

How about wear your heart on your sleeve and be honest with yourself. You don’t give a shit about the families having to suffer what they are going through to try make their families safe.

You won’t because it would only make you realize how much you lack empathy. Do us a favor and kill yourself so you don’t procreate. That is, if any women on this earth would even consider spawning a child with you.