What is wrong with her?

What is wrong with her?


Attached: 006c4YZzly1g0nhp13epdj30x50intsg.jpg (1193x671, 113K)

I don't know how to get subtitles on this, I don't even know if this is Japanese or Korean.

Straight up Chinese man come on it's obvious from the very first 5 seconds

You only support how I don't understand this video as an amerimutt.

here's a clue, if it's ALL "kanji", then it's chinese

Chinese is such a disgusting language.

Winnie Pooh
Tiananmen square massacre
oppressive chinese government
Xi jinping winnie pooh dictator

Chinese characters tend to be more boxy and complicated
Korean characters have a fucking overabundance of circles
Japanese characters tend to be more simplified, like someone made a writing system out of apostrophes and commas

I don't know what 'kanji' means, try to be more like and try to teach someone.

1 - all white people look the same to bugs
2 - This clearly isn't Yea Forums material, could you please fuck off mate

Attached: Untitled.png (1366x768, 553K)

Attached: chinesecartoon.webm (1280x714, 2.56M)

>Poor little fox

she cute

She is pretty cute. Too bad about the language barrier.

it kinda feels like the author is trying to imitate Nichijous style of comedy.



C - more strokes than the rest
J - mostly curves, with spontaneously complex characters mixed in
K - mostly straight edges with circles

Wait, I thought anything that wasn't from japan was Yea Forums related, it's while this online animation about a buch of consonant letter done by a Korean Dweeb who died of allergy is allowed on Yea Forums

>I thought anything that wasn't from japan was Yea Forums related
It is. It's not like this is the first thread about chinese animation on Yea Forums. The user should take his own advise and fuck off.

>cartoons don’t belong on the cartoon board!!!
fuck off, idiot.

she's a shotacon.

Attached: 1544836544649.png (1920x1072, 1.47M)



Attached: Young girl playing with her pussy.jpg (570x567, 100K)


Fēi rén zāi

So how do romanizations usually work? Is it "fei ren zai", or something like "fei ren tsai"?

Also, can someone help explain to me the significance of 哉 ?

Bruh we're having a fucking nightmare learning Japanese, how do you fucking think we can even do Chinese?

Attached: 5ab18b5703a42.png (756x574, 86K)

At first I thought it means 摘, but I was wrong. 哉 is a particle use to express doubt
or for the lack of better words "feels". Kind of like 呢, or 嗎. Also, "zai" is romanization more often used in the mainland. Its kind like an expression "ah, bunch of monsters" or "nisemono- desu" or something like that.

If it sounds like someone with a heavy lisp talking while vomiting it's Chinese. What a disgusting sounding language holy shit.

Is this show, dare I say it, based?

>aren't these the heads from the mannequins from that store?
>they're all relatives of the nipple eye guy (probably, haven't watched it)
>muh whito pepperu's honor
>this insecure at the possibility of other races thinking you all look the same
Fucking retard

zai could be pronounced like jye
Isn't zai more like a sigh expression
The accents of mainland chinese are absolutely grating, especially when high pitched

Woah, she cute