What do you think of Minus8's cartoons?

What do you think of Minus8's cartoons?


Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-06-16-11-15.png (2034x1017, 1.13M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I wish he'd do more porn of the Pac man ghost girls.

He has good taste in music.
He should draw more shota porn.

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I like his animations but finding out he's a pedo made me not like

Based user.

There's literally nothing wrong with being a pedophile.


Who cares? He hasn’t hurt anyone.

Didn't that turn out to be a mistranslation about what country he lived in regarding what he drew, or am I thinking of someone else?

On his tumblr he mentioned that if given the chance (to fuck a young kid) he would if he knew he could get away with it.

Pretty sure you're thinking of someone else

Tell me what's wrong with being a pedophile then.

Still not hurting anybody.

If you were given the chance to steal a billion dollars without anyone finding out, you’d do it. Are you a thief?

The way he worded it was to his own detriment. His whole point was that if he could and if he had the means to not only get away with it but erase the trauma it causes on the kid, he'd do it. He then explains that there is no amount of money that can make up for such a terrible act, and that he'd feel terrible for it.
He basically says he would but will never act on it. Poor guy needs help and it's good that he acknowledges that he can't act upon these urges.

Huh. I must've gotten him mixed up with some other artist.


Fucking a kid would LITERALLY be hurting someone.

Go to /aco/

He still wants to fuck kids.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-10-18-14-11(1).png (2106x1217, 1.06M)

they suck lol

He wants to violate children.

And? I want to fuck fat black girls with massive tits and convince them to scream "MASSA YOU'RE MAKING ME SQUIRT" but I'm not raping and forcing them to do that.
There's no such thing as thought crimes (yet)

Let us out

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Technically he wants to violate oreo cookies, too. But I doubt he ever would.

>Hypersexuality Disorder
You mean what 95% of Yea Forums has?

Stealing two billion dollars would LITERALLY be thievery.


Prove it.
Tumblr witch hunters make shit up all the time.

Normally i would argue that drawings of little kids are non existant beings and fapping to them is whatever because he isnt harming anyone.
Then he said he wanted to harm kids in real life and i cant defend that.

You fuck young boys, user?

Horrible, ruined animal crossing fan art forever

No he fucking didn't, you illiterate jackass. He said he would do it if it wouldn't hurt anyone, but it would, and nothing could ever change that hurt it would cause.

No, but I fap to shota.

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oh look, an overzealous psychologist thinking they can diagnose and stigmatize someone they've never met before.

This made me really sad
Theres nothing more tragic than someone coping with tendencies that are evil and they hate themselves for.
Being molested is horrible, one of the worst things that can happen to someone. But the idea of someone who mentally is afraid of being a pedophile despite their tendency, and knows its horrible is really fucking tough too.
Reminds me of Sargent Hatred.

He literally did the opposite, though. The entire point of the post is that Minus8 sees sex in everything but has the self control to not go out and act on those urges.

>french kissing a baby
>literally trying to rape the baby
Ok, I know that this site is filled with faggots wanting to bang 14 year old characters but goddamint there must be a fucking line right?

>entire video is about a bunch of /ss/ obsessed tiddy monsters getting their teeth kicked in by Yoshi
>There has to be a line right?
You're right. That Yoshi would interfere in something as wholesome and pure as /ss/ is unacceptable.

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Dude, it's a fucking baby.

Exactly, it's a baby for fucking

>that's not the way a pedophile thinks
That's they way several pedophiles think, he said that what is holding him is not his morals but fear of punishiment. He said that if he was some rich playboy with influence and lawyers he would do it.

Minus should seek a fucking therapist,like right now, he's clearly sick yet he isolated himself from his family and refuses to make any friends what always make things worse, the guy had several mental breakdowns though the years.

Dude, it's a fucking drawing.

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You need help if that's what you honestly think.

You're not getting a (you) from me, kiddie diddler.

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>t. Tasteless bitch

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>denying the sanctity of /ss/ in any form
First, how dare you. Second, you'll find that there's a distinct lack of fucking in this video. Third, only Pirhana was being a perv; the other three girls just wanted to play around and be silly.

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Yes people don't joke on internet and always speak what's on their mind

>he said that what is holding him is not his morals but fear of punishiment
Pretty sure he said that the trauma caused to the child is what was holding him back, unless you got a direct quote.

>sanctity of /ss/
No such thing.

Great argument, fagtron.

and stay there you degenerate.

>T. Self Insert Stutter Bitch

>sanctity of /ss/
Probably would't have this view if you were raped by a woman as a kid.

>t. Too stupid to appreciate cute things

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>if you were raped by a woman as a kid.

I wish I was user.

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Yes, sure you do. You're not just saying that because you're a contrarian.

Shotas are only good if being completely anally destroyed by futas.

Oh so like that SSonic2 fag or whatever his name is

What has SSsonic2 done?

I'm not talking about 3D, user. I'm not into rape in my chinese finger puppets either, really. I just like /ss/ (and a lot of other things, but they aren't relevant to the discussion).

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>Oh so like that SSonic2 fag

Acceptable answer. Shota on shota is still the best tho.

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What hasn't he done?

I'm still trying to figure out how you go from typical anthro TnA to wanting to fuck characters like Plankton and Bloo.

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Goobma girl is a cute

jesus christ all you have to say is you have a fantasy, telling us you're a monster who hates himself doesn't make anyone feel bad for you

I thought that South Koreans had an excellent public education, this motherfucker english is even more broken than mine.

Rule 34: If it exists, there is porn of it. No exceptions.

People into /ss/ are self inserting their adult minds into the bodies of the shota. It’s more a sort of “I wish I had gotten over the sex hurdle younger with a hot mommy gf that doesn’t judge” than “young boys r hot”. You become the young boy because mature women who are larger than you without having wonky proportions is hot, and your fantasy youth removes the conventional dynamic of having a hot gf; she doesn’t expect anything out of you but your pleasure, so the metrics that would otherwise cause fierce competition for her are irrelevant.

At least that’s what I figure the deal is haha

After all his vanilla cute, sexy animations, seeing everyone who didn't know about the pedophile thing get disgusted by this is quite possibly one of the greatest heel turns in all of internet animation.
.t worked into a shoot by Minus8's promo

I looked him up because I didn't recognize the name, but it looks like he's just into anthro and hyper butts/breasts. As far as /d/ content goes, this is pretty mellow.

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Maybe he's just shitposting.

Between him and Vim I’m starting to think most of the huge ass crowds have never actually done anal

>t. filthy pedo
I have just the image for this, but I worry about it being too /pol/.

minus8 is just a discount noill

beep beep

Jesus, minus 8 needs therapy

Nothing wrong being a pedophile if he doesn't actually fuck anyone and doesn't display it in public. As long as he keeps it in his pants who gives a fuck.

>At least that’s what I figure the deal is
Yeah, pretty much.

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minus8 basically jonron'd himself

couldnt articulate his actual views clearly enough so people jumped on his ass

That ms paint image with the neckbeard stereotype? Yeah, I've seen it dozens of times. What if instead of reposting that image you tell me what's wrong with doing what mentions?

To be fair his actual views were still that he is unironically a pedophile

He should draw more Lucina/work more on ppppsuper.
More of leggy lamb would also be cool.

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>That ms paint image with the neckbeard stereotype?
No, it is a Pence meme
>What's wrong with child fucking freaks?
You really have to ask? It takes a special level of degenerate to want to even imagine having intercourse with a child.

The problem with therapy for this sort of thing is, there is no confidentiality with this kind of thing. The therapist, 9 times out of 10, will alert the police or a mental hospital, further running the life of the person trying to get help.

>learn that minus 8 did Kirby porn
>get excited as fuck because I love cute things getting wrecked
>remember that minus 8 usually does gijinka
>it's gijinka. Only gijinka.
Fuck I'm still mad about this. And it sucks because his artstyle is perfect for that kinda stuff. Though I will not lie, his human gooey is perfect, 10/10 would smash.

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So, no arguments other than you not liking it?

Yeah, I get where you're coming from, that's why he must seek an specialist and not some impressionable psychologist that just got just got out of school. Maybe a psychiatrist even. I just don't see something like this getting better on its own easily.

you can't police people's imagination, no matter how hard you try. If people want to express their fantasies, no matter what they be, without harming real people, no one has any right to stop them.
Drawings don't have rights, fantasies don't have rights

>there is no confidentiality with this kind of thing.
There literally is, Client confidentiality

That doesn't apply when the client says they may hurt people.

Was waiting for someone to post this
This should become a mandatory image on every minus8 thread along with

>dude you don't like CP?
No, I don't, and you need serious help.

>im a real psychologist

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True, but if you can't differentiate between imagination and the desire to bring that act to reality there is where it gets dangerous, I might want to have sex with dragons sure, but that doesn't mean I'll try to rape the next closest thing in real life to achieve it.

Not really, unless he's actually planning to hurt someone he didn't break any law so the therapist got no legal excuse for breach of confidentiality.

Motherfucker there is a big difference between fetish stuff and actual fucking rape. I can enjoy /ss/ without condoning actual pedophilia, yet somehow you people seem to think that drawn, stylized porn automatically means that people who enjoy /ss/ want to fuck a kid.

When did I mention CP, you retard?

That applies to every fetish, pedophilia included.

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duh, no one is going to disagree with that, the point is most people who feel this way AREN'T trying to rape kids, they know its wrong to engage in that behavior and keep it as a fantasy. But you seem to want to make it a crime to even think those thoughts let alone act on them.

you couldn't pay me to go to therapy holy shit

Irrelevant posts. Psychologists don't exist in Korea and sk especially would sooner execute a porn artist than help them

Yeah this. Don't trust psychologists. Ever.

SK sounds like a shit country

That's most people though, you think all the people wacking it to the twelve hundredth rape porno that came out in a month are all going to go out and rape someone? Or be raped for that matter.
Most people who actually abuse kids aren't even pedophiles anyway.

I honestly used to like his work, but upon learning about his pedophilia, it's impossible to look at it the same way anymore. Getting off to something made by someone who wants to fuck kids just feels wrong, regardless of what is featured in the work itself. I sincerely hope he gets the counseling he needs.

It's called worst Korea for a reason

Dude, ready the screencaps again, he is bordering on impotence, he is not talking about fantasy, he is talking about real life children, now I'm not saying he is a monster cause he admits he is wrong and I'm giving him the gift of the doubt, but he is clearly starting to blur lines between drawn lolis and the execution of the act. He needs help

I dunno, people eat up Bryan Singer's films all the time, and that queen bio got several oscar awards, and he actually committed the crime.

I'm not saying it's wrong. It is. But you can see how much people are willing to ignore someone's crimes to enjoy their stuff.

This thread needs a hero.

Please tell me that he didn't know what rape means.

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Doesn't matter. Until he does something or it can be proven he plans to do something they are just words. If anything Im impressed he has the balls to admit what he likes and how he feels about it.

>Psychologists don't exist in Korea
Psychologist exist in South Korea, they don't exist on North Korea though.

>If anything Im impressed he has the balls to admit what he likes and how he feels about it.
He's not a brave motherfucker, he was having a mental breakdown caused by his elder neighbor death, the old man lived completelly alone without family and friends so they only noticed his death a week after it happened. Minus8 was 30 years old and was completelly alone and without hope of getting a lover or friends anytime soon, so he started to panic and vent online.

I wouldn't be surprised if we find out someday that he was planning to kill himself at the time.

Dude, I'm saying he needs to get help, is that simple, I'm not saying he should be locked up somewhere or taken to the police, I'm saying he needs to straighten up his mind and for that professional help would be good. your logic of leaving people alone to act on their ideas makes absolutely and do something until there is nothing to be done makes no sense.

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was thinking about this post like 2 days ago out of the blue (i read it in the original thread) and here i see it again

sssonic2 retard

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Good image, Now change shota to Loli.

holy fucking shit
also the guy calling out is one to talk considering their url is slavetanaka and im pretty sure he's a teen at best

Do not besmirch the good name of SSsonic2

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how many times you can draw the same fucking ass?

You should try these bath salts.

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It's eh. Flash tweening kinda looks like shit. The only real saving grace is his ability to sync to music.

As for him personally, they are drawings, who cares.

He's been gone for a while now, did they finally catch him or did he off himself?


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What is that help supposed to be like, though?
Some sort of pavlovian conversion therapy?
Look at big boob lady, get pap-pap; look at little school girl, get zap-zap?

I've read about some anonymous treatment sessions in Germany, but elsewhere I doubt they'd respect the patient's privacy or give them anything more than expensive placebo pills.

Most people want his kind to just fucking die and stop making life more complicated.

Holy shit, this is hysterical. It's impossible to even pinpoint who's most in the wrong or at fault, it's just a cascade of increasingly poor choices of words that get worse as you read. Schadenfreude at its purest.

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>I'm a real psychologist
>my diagnosis is based off of a poorly worded online post and I've never talked to the subject in question

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>Yea Forums is suddenly more knowledgeable on the mental health than a psychologist
This is why no one takes this board seriously

Goomba girl is best girl.

Here’s your (you) you filthy degenerate

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>Minus should seek a fucking therapist,like right now,
no such thing exists in south korea you dunce.

next time dont lie about being a psychologist and people wont call you out for being a retard

that was actually quite disgusting

why was the first screen cap deleted. it technically didn't break the rules.

what did user post

Attached: Mordecai sees (You).gif (640x360, 1.25M)

Basically the same thing as

Attached: l-40440-first-i-nail-this-roof-then-i-nail-degenerates-like-you-on-a-cross.jpg (700x751, 25K)

Too bad all his males look like females.
Its not sexy when you trace a woman feature wise and call it a man.

Nigga how is that the same as raping a kid

I must agree, that is a bit of a false equivalency.

>this entire thread
Why are minus8 threads on Yea Forums so different from minus8 threads on Yea Forums? Instead of talking about the animations you keep fighting over whether pedophiles as minus8 should be punished or forced to go with a psychologist as if having certain thoughts was already illegal.
Seriously, why is Yea Forums full of pussies? On Yea Forums or in another board that wasn't /pol/ (and I'm sure even them would take it better than (You)) a post like would get replies like "based" or just keep joking with it.
Why you faggots have to take a shitty animation with catchy music so fucking seriously?

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>a post like would get replies like "based"
No, it woul not. Yea Forums has never really been pro pedo. At best there would be post of Pedo-bear or the to catch a predator guy. You know Pedo-bear was always meant to be used ironically, right ?

Yea Forums is for children, Yea Forums is for adults. Simple as.

>Why you faggots have to take a shitty animation with catchy music so fucking seriously?
Most people don't. What the people here DO take seriously are Minus-8's own confession.

>Why you faggots have to take a shitty animation with catchy music so fucking seriously?
are you kidding me, this is Yea Forums you fucking dumbass

Yea Forums is for children, Yea Forums is for manchildren*. Simple as.

Yea Forums as a whole is for manchildren but that's a discussion for another day

Sounds fishy, why the hell would he even said that? If it was some kind of leaked shit i'd understand, but this? Why would he shot himself this way?

Nah, slow boards like /out/ and /trv/ are for real adults. Mainstream hobbies are shit tho.


You alright, user.

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I guess you are missing the mention of ironic posting as well as the distinction between cartoon characters and actual kids -8 has said he would like to fuck.

He did nothing wrong.

>both of these retards are still active on tumblr
>on has "privilege checked" as a title on tumblr
>the other is a self described queer queen

>>Why are minus8 threads on Yea Forums so different from minus8 threads on Yea Forums?

Yea Forums is reddit+/pol/ Yea Forums is tumblr, that is all that here is to it.

>If you were given the chance to steal a billion dollars without anyone finding out, you’d do it.
You don't know me, you unironic faggot, unlike you, I have morals.

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Makes alright porn and cute little shorts, which also count as porn, pretty much created shygal and stuff, so barring his attraction to children, who he hopefully will never fuck, he's alright in my book, not to mention we know about it out of his own confession so he must feel that this is wrong to at least some degree

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10/10 would fug the thicc short stack doggy

There is therapists in South Korea, there is no therapists in North Korea.

Such a sensible response, I like you user

Yea Forums has dropped in quality over the years and it all started with the separation of /mlp/. Once they allowed for such a huge amount of moderation, tumblr immigrants and moral fags could slowly take over. I hate to say it but be need those ponyfags back.

You'll understand one day when you have kids.

>As long as he keeps it in his pants who gives a fuck.
If only normalfags were that sensible

Ironically or unironically?

No psychologist worth the paper his degree's printed on will claim to be able to diagnose people online.


I doubt it, his pictures are all hot young women and little boys, his fetishes are too specific, he can't ger horny to anything else.

>April 1st


Normally I'd say "day of the rope" or "day of the oven" but for you I'll give you a two for one special.

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It was alright until Piranha Plant stuck its tongue down Mario's throat.

More accurate version. I didn't believe "over animation" was a thing until I saw minus8.

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I liked it when he drew traps but all this CP recently is pretty gross, I don't like it.

>I rape.

Minus8 is a great artist and a fantastic example of how solid fundamentals can allow you to fuse even very simplistic designs with soul and personality.

It's a shame he's so emotionally volatile and self-loathing.

We had this exact same thread, several times in fact... so I'm suspecting that it's sjws

Attached: Nigga what.jpg (750x594, 69K)

Only the first time.

>just straight up believing someone who claims to be a psychologist on Yea Forums
Whereas you are why this entire site has gone to shit.

I too took psych 101. I actually passed unlike this guy.

That's about as ignorant as saying Mein Kampf is a shitty book simply because Hitler wrote it.

God tier

Great tier

Okay tier

Crap tier

Clone tier

Attached: freeform jazz 2.jpg (480x360, 24K)

The Yea Forumsntrarian is real

Wheres Plague, SLB and Shadman?

In the trash where they belong.

Maybe he thinks people should talk about this stuff. You know, the way people used to before news reporting became unironically like that Brass Eye special, before it was decided that some opinions and feelings were just not allowed, and it's better to just pretend these people don't exist (and when they do they're inhuman monsters) than try to understand them.

Like it or not, agree with it or not, pedos do exist and should be allowed to at least express their feelings and opinions like anyone else.

Uncalled for, sir

Does anybody have a link where minus8 admits he’s a pedo?

I don't really care about the rest of the ratings but
>crap tier
I'd hardly call him crap. His work has gotten significantly better in the few years he's been operating for, and if there's a gripe to be had with his animation, it's that he could do with less puppeteering.
He is completely wacko though if his twitter is anything to go by.

Does Shadman animate? I thought he just hosted Spaz's animations and did background crap for people.

>mention shit tier artist
>gets surprised they get called shit

This, I really enjoyed his Flapjack drawings.

can you guys get off the dumbfuck sauce and post some fucking shygals and other minus8 girls

Attached: Carl Template.png (790x1010, 53K)

Miss me with that tentacle shit

Black Villager a cute

Attached: Black twintail Villager by -8 (Animal Crossing) - 1.png (978x1407, 308K)

Attached: Showtime by minus8.jpg (2236x2495, 312K)

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>can't post my favorite pics because this is a blue board
>can't even post them on /aco/ because of the GR3

Ploxy is a wacko, but he's OUR wacko.

Attached: BROTHERS.png (1319x807, 1.8M)

Attached: Casual Peach by minus8.png (1144x1912, 622K)

Attached: 슈퍼 마리오 메이커 2 by minus8.png (1464x1670, 316K)

koopa is best mom.
goomba is cool aunt.

God I hate Yea Forums sometimes.

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I dont even know but heres a (you)

Shad is meme tier.

my nigga.

Consider deleting your existence

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Does wanting to self insert as baby Mario in a room alone with Piranha plant girl make me a pedophile?

Nope. Nobody in the thread has posted it. Definitely not twice.

He means the actual link and not a screencap.

No. The tumblr is dead and gone. All that remains are screencaps.

little late to the party, aren't you?

The moment people realize he's using templates.

Diaper tier


He streams drawing though. How can he use a template?

His cartoons are of good quality regardless of the fact that he's mentally unstable and a Korean deviant.
I'm not gonna pretend like the moral standing of anyone justifies biases against the quality of their work.

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Attached: average_pol_poster.jpg (960x960, 66K)

Fucking this. You'd have easier time trying to figure out someone's video game taste based on their postings in Yea Forums.

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What's happening in a minute's time?

cause sjws don't play video games all they do is talk about how they would ship two straight characters into fags

we really should at this point it would actually do some cleansing

>tfw I love Minus8 Gijinkas but I can't draw them myself without like a third of my followings (fuckers who list their pronouns, believe in socialism, etc) jumping and branding me a pedo
I dont mean his actual pedoshit, but shit like Shygals, etc.

>typing "minus8" on Pornhub's search engine will put you and your whole family on a watchlist
This is true.

The threads here are spammed by a small handful of reactionaries on Yea Forums who want to start protests against cartoon pedophilia by some weirdo from Korea. The minus8 threads on Yea Forums are made by people who want to jerk off to the big titty plant woman and goomba chick. Different boards have different people tending the fires.

that's a based from me

This is the stupidest armchair psychologist post I've seen yet

can you really not fucking read
>i dont want to fuck a cartoon, i want to fuck a real child


goomba-chan is cute!

Attached: goombachan.jpg (1024x294, 45K)

They're shotas. You've been fapping to little boys.

please do say this when you're in prison.

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user, why do you care about the 'quality' of something you refer to as, "shitty animation with catchy music". Just watch the video and leave if it bothers you so much.

>'quality of discussion'

it's a mental illness
however, it becomes a crime when you act upon those pedophilic urges

>mfw that short comic he made when he read a comment from an underage viewer of his smut
>He imagined the kid fapping to his smut while fapping himself
>Imagined fucking the kid in his boihole
In one hand, thatsprettyhot.jpg
On the other hand, I am reminded of the mental anguish he's gone through regarding his pedofilia.

Attached: Chopper okay.png (202x205, 17K)

Now we know.

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I said for you kids to get off the dumbfuck sauce

Taking vidya character requests, but must have sharp teeth
Females preferred.

woops, wrong thread lmao

where are Madoc, Zelsama, Tenzen, Robutts, BluetheBone (female artist) and DrewGardner?

Too late. Draw a koopa walking a Chain Chomp like a dog.

Attached: tumblr_ntmlbm2cIy1u5mmfyo1_1280.png (970x664, 161K)

Draw Ramlethal drinking a black coffee in a coffee house.

Attached: ggxrd-pantallazo-ramlethal-valentine-01.jpg (1280x720, 706K)

What are you, gay?

Why do you care so much about the opinions of beggars

pedo jannies

Any....... M8 Goomba-chan porn?

I think it's weird that a know LEGIT !like into real children! pedophile does public animations with lots of views

>any minus8 porn of...
the answer will almost always be yes

also nice quints

There's some pics and an animation.

Based, Have a (you).

Attached: 1539116189842.jpg (500x464, 28K)

Will always love his Ankha from Animal Crossing animation;

comedy gold

>Quint 8

If you break rules hard enough elsewhere, all of the posts by your IP get flagged for deletion.

a pervert

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