Can we bring back Karla...

Can we bring back Karla, have her take over Carol's old black costume and Warbird name so we can have an attractive sex-positive anti-heroine again? Since there's no realistic way to Carol back in a leotard between disney/marvel's prudishness towards female role models and more damaging the decent success of that movie with her covered up costume.

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Can you get laid?

The adult female form doesn't stop being attractive in art & entertainment after you have sex you fucking retard.

But wait? Karla is way better as Moonstone than Ms Marvel.

Isn't there a Shi'ar Warbird?

Can you?

Can you hug your dad?

If Captain Marvel really takes off as a character I wouldn't be surprised to see them bring back the Warbird name but I highly doubt they'd bring back the black costume.

They let black cat and domino still be serxy. Let Karla wear sexy costume as antiheroine for god's sake.

Does anybody care?

It's easier to make a new moonstone villain whole cloth than to make a new heroine to assume the classic carol costume out of nothing.

>wanting a Hulk villain to jut Cosplay as Carol
Naw son, she’s way hotter as Moonstone or Meteorite

It's really odd to hear Karla referred to as just "Hulk villain".

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This is the new Marvel comics

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Forget that, Disney don't allow women wearing this costumes anymore.
But it allows explicit violence and naked men in Marvel comics
This may come back if Disney gets rid of Marvel comics rights

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She cosplayed as Carol for Dark Avengers and was arguably better than the original

I don’t mean that she’s JUST a hulk villain, but before she cosplayed as Carol so Norman could jerk off to her she was a member of hulk’s villains gallery.
Yeah, but that was also Karla at her worst too, I’d much rather have her be a great Moonstone/Meteorite than a just okay Carol.

Why is disney so fucking prudish?

And why are Black Cat and Domino still allowed to have cleavage and we still get classic costumes on variant covers?

Man, 3 years ago was a long time

Why does a female character have to be scantily clad in order to be sex-positive?

Are you a prude who has a problem with women in leotards or something?

I don't like leotards personally but I'm not a prude, I just think they look retarded. I'd rather see a woman be literally naked then wear a leotard. You didn't really answer my question though

They don’t, but comics are a mostly visual form of entertainment, and the simplest way to show that a female character is sexual is by having them dress provocatively. But really it’s dependent on the character, someone like black cat will cover up most of her body as to not be seen, but leave some cleavage out so that if she IS caught she has a good chance to distract them. Someone like She-Hulk on the other hand doesn’t have to worry much about protecting her skin from conventional weapons, so she flaunts her skin about, almost mocking the street level goons lucky enough to run into her.