/m/ here

/m/ here.
So...He wrote stuff like that.
I'm... worried.

Those 3 names on top I suppose it is character names since no way someone in real life would put Rainbow in a name.

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Oh fuck. I forgot the name.
Brian K. Vaughan

What the fuck are you talking about?

Brian wrote the first two volumes (which are kino), this is like the 4th.

no normal person would name their son "kamille" either AND YET

This is as retarded as saying Tomibo wrote Seed Destiny.

What was the canonical reason why the Velociraptor has a septum piercing?

>/m/ here
How is this relevant in any way?

Good, let Gundam die

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Her parents are hippies. Was there an actual reason for this thread?

Because Gundam live action will be done by Brian K. Vaughan.

Huh, interesting.
K. Vaughan can be a fantastic writer, dunno how good he'll be for a Gundam tho.

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I think it's a joke that in the future (where Old Lace is from) buying a dinosaur is no different than buying live stock

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/m/ = drugs lmao weed xdD , more weed music lmao xd , and more drugs wweed lmao , katy perry , and bad taste music

BKV works best in low power street level characters. Generally he's also at his best with stories with tightly defined beginning, middles and ends (actually just beginnings and ends, he's got a tendency to make bad filler in the middle).

He writes dialogue nicely and is good at writing quippy characters without falling into the Bendis/Wheddon trap of making EVERYONE a quippy character. I haven't kept up with his recent stuff but I heard he bought into the SJW stuff pretty hard about halfway through Saga (which I assume is still his most recent ongoing).

Y: The Last Man, The Hood MAX, and bits of Runaways are fantastic though.

Wow, that's so wrong on so many levels I'm having trouble figuring out where to start.

Yea Forums is the music board you retard

Oh no. This is 5 or 6.
Whedon wrote vol. 3.
4, I dunno who wrote it. Might have been Vaughan again.
5 is what's going on now: Marvel Comics presents Questionable Content with vague apocalyptic themes

Rainbow Rowell's will be v. 6.

No. /m/ is the "FUCK PRACTICALITY! IT IS COOL!" board ft. Tripfags.

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Oh ye, there were those Battleworld ones nobody cared about.

Vol 1 is all Vaughan.
Vol 2 starts with Vaughan and then Whedon takes over in issue 25. He only writes one arc before the title is cancelled.
Vol 3 has no Whedon, it's mostly written by Terry Moore (how random?). Christopher Yost writes an issue afterwards and the volume is wrapped up by Kathryn Immonen.
Vol 4 is the Secret Wars mini by Noelle Stevenson.
Vol 5 is the current run by Rowell.

Why are they all so hot?

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BKV is a hack.

cause Anka is gay. But for some reason, he actually made the women cute too

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No one talks about Ex Machina because of that downer ending but the ending is the best part.

Also heads up op BKV will 100% kill the most popular character. Every time.

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>volume 1 is good shit
>volume 2 is also good, but feels kind of directionless compared to volume 1
>volume 3 and 4 are shit
>volume 5 was something everyone was expecting to be a half-assed tie-in to the live action series meant to appeal to the hipster crowd, only for it to turn out pretty alright

>BKV will 100% kill the most popular character. Every time.
That works for Gundam

He just browses the most popular ig and tumblr profiles to get references for his character and costume designs
This ship was awfully forced, karolina was supposed to be better at handling her relationships, and nico...idk what happened in a-force. Did forcing her in an all women team turn her lesbian?

>he actually made the women cute too
To be fair there's more women Runaway then men

Nico jumps everyone though

I know but she never showed any interest in women

Karolina was on rebound and Nico just fucks whichever team member is the most emotionally available at any given time. Victor probably would have been next on the list if Karolina didn't work out.

Don't forget all the little team-up appearances in other books inbetween Vol2 and now, all of which are canon. Oh and then there's the two books which must not be named.

Yes she did, after her initial Karolina kiss she found she wanted it.

Honestly, I'd go further and say BKV is only good at beginnings. Stellar in fact. But in the middle he just meanders and at the end he just force quits everything that's still open, usually with a bit of drama on top.
Pretty sure he just writes whatever he finds interesting at the time without planning everything out at all.

Truth or Dare she said Karolina was the best kisser. When shit hits the fan, Nuco makes out with the closest person next to her.

Not before vol 5
How karolina and julie broke up felt a bit rushed to me and it would have been fun if one of the runaways (other than victor) still had some attachment to something outside of the group, but i guess rowels had a precise agenda because of the tv show
>truth or dare
That's because she didn't want to be in the middle of a contest between the boys, and calling k "best kisser" doesn't say much about what nico felt for her

In a garbage multi story filler issue where Karolina also makes Dick jokes. Does that mean she wants the D?

>How karolina and julie broke up felt a bit rushed to me

Rainbow obviously has ship preferences and reads fanfics. She's systematically touched on things from the previous run just to attempt to satiate people but yeah it's rushing it. She could have showed Karolina and Julie as a thing in some capacity before she had Julie come in, act like a whiny shit then break them up in a B story. The little 'Klara lives with the gays now' thing is another example. Nico's arm being fixed off screen because Magic Bishounen.

Karolina and Julie being a thing was already because some fans took a single line and ran across the world with it so "the Loners" guy decided to make Julie half gay and that means they had to hook up.

It's not entirely her fault a lot of this weird shit happened between runs that she has to account for like Avengers Academy/Undercover, Avengers AI and A force.

However she claims she's intentionally not seen the show. She's also said in different occasions that Victor is her favorite guy and she identifies as Gert. So take that as you will.

>there are people alive who don't like Runaways

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Old Lace is the best Runaways character. Prove me wrong.

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I am not a Gundam fan and this hurts me.

Good luck man,

Does anyone even debate this? Old Lace has always been best girl.

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She may not have seen the show, but it's not unusual for marvel to make the stories and characters in the comics as close as possible to the movies/tv shows versions.
Even though i don't think the ship between nico and k will make the story much worse hopefully, they were close friends anyway.

Idk why nobody ever made an entire arc about klara and her development, she had potential, her traumatic past and powers were interesting.

Another thing that i hated was how rowell handled chase, he wasn't a wholesome idiot with some form of innate mechanical intuition, he just had low self esteem, was ignorant/naive and didn't want to be a "nerd" like his parents but had an actual good intellect disguised as "street smarts"