Remember Leggy Lamb?

Remember Leggy Lamb?

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Beep beep Im a sheep.

yes but don't tell the mods

This is her now, feel old yet?

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being a toon sheep, would she shrink when it rained?

I remember.

>is a nigger
>doesn't cosplay as Barbara
Okay, I know she's not quite fat enough, but it would still make a better fit than Leggy.

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ohh mama! she should do some yoga but else.. ohh mama!

BEFORE that, ya dingus.

Remember Topsy?

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ay yo tho, I work in a call center and jsut got a call from someone with the last name Dingus tonight.

Guess some poor sap still has to carry on the dingus name

We all need more 50-60s style waifus in our lives.

i never forgot

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The poor soul.

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>nigger speak
>I work
Don't lie.

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I do, your very own government pays me, a very white guy with no other skills but customer service a very serviceable 14.25 an hour to take calls for them.

It's not Peni Parker el gtfo.

>ay yo is niggerspeak
Have you been in a coma since the 90s?
You're late to the game good buddy

Hell yeah

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_ ____ __ _EE_ ____ __EE_

No I actually don't.
What was she? You have 5 seconds before being purged.

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Fotm from 6 years ago

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life sucks ha ha. somebody kill me plox?

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I've never stopped wanting those lamb legs around my head.

Naked Leggy

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>No I actually don't.
>What was she?
Do you not Beep Beep, Motherfucker?

And on that note

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Now that is an animal that I would like to fuck.

Friendly reminder that there is a dedicated Leggy booru. and a pavita booru as well

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and leggy mareep?

6 years?

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I honestly miss her.

Attached: wuya(peggy) lamb.png (484x811, 10K)



Link plz

legolamb or leg-o-lamb
Apply a handful of braincells and then google it.

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Does anyone else remember when Lt. Vixen and Alopex were allowed to be posted on Yea Forums? Fun times. Then the fun times stopped. I remember when posting Renamon didn't land you in hot water. Post any anthro woman and you're done.

Though truth be told I DON'T miss Caturday shit. Same regurgitated pics by the same faggots in a never ending spam (no different from a Raven thread) based around the most uninspired laziest anthro animal ever created and frankly cats are SHIT animals. Don't feel sorry whenever I hear a cat dies or got killed by someone or a dog.

But I digress, I miss being able to post anthro girls on Yea Forums. Heh Yea Forums is better for posting anthro girls.

Yiff in hell, furfag

Hope you die of a painful disease you son of a cunt. Oh and your mother is a piece of shit for birthing you. Hope she gets mugged and killed in the middle of the mugging. And may her death be very slow and painful via knifing. And again die you son of a cunt.

Remember Grieve-Tan?

What's wrong with being a furfag?

I do, but didn't save any of it because multi-arms are not my fetish.


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What do the scissors represent?

>calls them scissors
>not shears
You know exactly what they represent you sly fucker.

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I want to yeet her feet??

Minus8 is a treasure

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I wish we expanded her universe more than it is currently.

this is a tiTHIS IS A TIME

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A cute

A true he-A TRUE HERO seeks neither fame or fortune...

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autism link?


>Beep. Beep. Similar Sheep.

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