Why does everyone seem to hate her?

She's the funnest character in the show.

Attached: april.jpg (1080x608, 47K)

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What the fuck is wrong with her body?

She was designed by committee, like everything else about this shitty series.

I think that's the fabric/material, user

Whatever, she's okay. Her exuberance fits in with the tone of the show.
The show at least reigns in the april screentime to 2003 levels instead of inserting april into everything like the 2012 and classic cartoon did.

No one likes a corporate boardroom decided race swap on a character.

Just trying to get the SJW cookies is no longer a recipe for success and it hasn’t been for a while now. The show is not doing well internally and the toys are not selling so, don’t expect this to last long

It's weird when the action figure actually looks nicer than the real design

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If they had a mutant iguana in the show who fought with guns, wore a pink bandana and didn't know how to read, would you say it's fine for them to call that character Donatello?

What do you think, they don't even watch it and hate her for a reason
She's black

Oh yeah what the fuck happened to that teleporting cat

She doesn't get nearly as much hate anymore, that kinda diminished once people saw that she wasn't some token Mary sue.

which is a shame since it probably has the best action scenes I've watched in a cartoon in a while and it always gets a good laugh outta me

You have shit humor, then. She's a very good example of annoying. The way she talks, what she says, etc. It's grating as fuck.

she's black

Because race change.

All so the showrunners can heartily pat themselves on the back for their enlightenment, and crow and crow about what good, progressive people they are. How it actually makes them genuinely superior to you. Plus it gives them a victim card to play if there is even the smallest criticism towards them, so they can write off even objective criticism as "Racist"

It's pride and egotism at it's most basic.

It's not that she's black I oppose. It's the RATIONALE behind such changes I have an issue with.

If they wanted to go for a black April, there were others in the show that would have been a way better April

Attached: tmnt.png (1920x1080, 1.56M)

Big yikes from me buddy

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It’s just moongirl/iron girl. Is this a stock character? Or are the people doing these shows THAT creatively bankrupt?

Started watching this show recently and she's alright if not a little boring (but maybe I haven't seen the right episodes yet)


Because she's April O Neil in name only. If they'dve called her something else and made her Baxter Stockman's kid, nobody would've complained.

Honestly the way this character is written she'd only work being black. White people simply do not act this way.

I like her. She is cute.
Also, I want to fuck her.

They're literally racist, don't try to make sense of it.

>All so the showrunners can heartily pat themselves on the back for their enlightenment, and crow and crow about what good, progressive people they are. How it actually makes them genuinely superior to you. Plus it gives them a victim card to play if there is even the smallest criticism towards them, so they can write off even objective criticism as "Racist"

Post them ever doing this

>She is cute.
Cutefags are the worst.

It just disgusts me that she's so unlike the April/s I know and love. If they gave her a new name and made her a new character I could accept her. April doesn't need to be in every turtles thing, they can meet other humans instead, just like the Transformers meet humans other than Spike Witwicky in different versions. But the fact that she is replacing April is not something I can get over.

That is part of it, but it's not 'I hate black characters'. It's 'I hate characters I'm fond of being radically changed for no reason'.

Good god this TMNT show is shit.

Simple, her design is shit. This would've been better.

Attached: 3f401f36cf7233e6f1bde0a99a077da1.jpg (1024x1216, 111K)

They got rid of the problem glasses.

>black nerd April
now I want giga nigga Casey to balance her out

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Not really. Is because she is ugly. I keeo seeing peoole saying that they wanted her to be the April.

April O'Nigger

why isnt she Irma?
also this show is niggtastic and I dont mean that in a racial way, they talk like urban thugs
they're from new york. they should, at worst, talk like goombahs
but they were raised by a polite sage japanese man, so..
then this version they make splinter into a fat retard like the Ancient One in the 2003 series

That was true of the original figures for the 2012 series
nothing wrong with a black april, original april was vaguely 80s-black
the problem is THIS. This.. creature.

She's not as bad as the trailers made her out to be, but she's really nothing special either. The show's much better when she isn't around anyway.

It's the glasses she needs different glasses

>they're from new york. they should, at worst, talk like goombahs

you haven't seen how New York is actually like, just watched movies, huh?

>That was true of the original figures for the 2012 series
Jesus, yeah. Those first few ones were so good that later on they had to remold them to look shittier to match the other ones.

It didn't make sense to me. The show was CGI, they could have looked that good.

That title goes to Donnie, but April is pretty fun, too. That purple jacket episode was great.

I've heard more from the creators of She-ra, than I have from the Rottmnt team as far as addressing fan complaints. And Yea Forums still has threads on She-ra.

Entire team seems to be full with nothing but Donnie lovers.
When is Raph gonna' get his love again?

Donnie's tech wizardry makes him a walking plot generator.
Not sure how much love Raph is going to get considering all the hints they're dropping about Leo becoming the leader.

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>PIZZA POINTS????!!!!!

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If people had that character and the supposed April side-by-side, I'd assume the one in your post is actually April, and the one that is to be Irma.

Keep your shitty pokemon memes on /vp/.

Black April or sidecut April?

Attached: tmnt.png (1920x1080, 907K)

there's never been an unattractive april.


Looks a lot worse than Rise turtles april

looks boring.

That's how all Hollywood works. Even if they don't actually outright SAY "We're better than you" the fact that they made an announcement at all pretty much implies it. There's plenty of evidence of productions releasing press statements. Star Trek Discovery released statements about how they made a character gay for "Diversity". This is just them bragging about how holy they are. If you are doing something because it's the objectively right thing to do, you NEVER make announcements bragging about it. You just do it, and take no credit.

Simon Pegg made an official announcement how he made Sulu gay to honor George Takei. Then when everyone balked at it, including Takei himself, Pegg got extremely butthurt and lashed out at his critics. If he was doing it because it was the objectively right thing to do, he would never have made the announcement. Because you don't do good things to be praised for it, and if you get criticized, you take your lumps like a man. No one is doing any of these things they are claiming are "good" out of any true good. It's just selfish self-aggrandizement.

They don't even HAVE to make a press announcement for April. The fact she was made black at all was solely to stroke their own ego

For me I think making a white character black says that they don't think a black character can have any merit unless they ride the coattails of an established white character.

That woulod be better.

Be even better if she was a new character and sold on her own merit.

Yeah. People haven't worn glasses like that since Eisenhower

but why should I believe you, retard user-kun?

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Doesn't mean the changes weren't still pride and ego motivated. The fact that any change at all exists of this nature is a clear sign of virtue signalling.

No, he's referring to the "Pizza point" offering thats clearly visible on the picture he's linked to.

He said absolutely nothing in regards to Pokemon.

She's just black Irma with Casey's personality and April only in name.

Historically any time any black person has said they've done something as a race, lot of WE WUZing happens in response

Because I'm not a retard. And I speak the truth.

Wasn't the point I was making at all, but okay...

This is April O'Niel right? The ESTABLISHED character April O'Niel? Who is a pale ginger? Who was established? Whose every previous iteration followed the same general personality and description? And is now black for no reason other than what I can assume is for Brownie points?
THAT April O'Niel?

Yup... Then you had people come out in droves while being ignorant and claiming she's always been back until they all got BTFO by evidence?

I'm just sayin, there's no winning. It's always something.
Remember the time Vixen got put on the Justice League and it got decried as forced divserity?

I like her just fine. She appears in the show less often than I expected, but I really don't mind that.

Attached: April Design.png (400x500, 69K)

>The show is not doing well internally
What? The ratings have picked up significantly and we know nothing about toy sales (if there even are toys yet), why are you lying?

it's not just his tech stuff, he gets the best lines as well. Like the surveillance camera gag

I can't wait for the sidecut meme to die, who the fuck decided that the "cancer patient" look was a good idea?

She’s the same character as the turtles: loud wacky fun-loving jackass

it trended when skrillex was still a thing but that was quite a few years ago. it should be out of fashion completely by now

ALL of the characters are themselves INO, that's the entire point. Leo's a cocktail jackass, Raphs a sweetheart, Donnie's a literal Chad, and Mikey isn't annoying.

And I can tell you don't even watch this show because Baxter is an actual kid now.

this. 2012 April is by far the worst April ever.

those glasses are unforgivably ugly

Like the 80's version?

Would have been an improvement desu

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i choose best april

Attached: cutie patootie april.png (500x500, 225K)

I don't like her for the same reason I don't like the 2012 April. I think April works better as an adult than as just another teen.

The picture is a shitty /vp/ meme of a faggot youtuber who photoshops his face in thumbnails to ridiculous proportions. Anything relating to Kanto is spammed with that picture and "KAAAAAAAANTOOOOOOO"

>Le quirky millennial girl
Yeah, I wonder.

it has nothing to do with her being black. its just an awful design
they just made half-assed weebshit

She has a baggy jacket with a tight elasticband at the bottom, causing it to cover up her boobs and creating sag at the bottom.

Why was this deleted?
So you're saying 3D good, 2D bad? Yeah, I'd imagine the new age of kids would prefer it because it doesn't look "outdated".

>there's never been an unattractive april.
*Blocks your path*

Attached: april-6.png (720x540, 385K)

>she's funny because she's black lol
uh ok

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how is that unattractive?

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Only good Nigger Nerd is the kid from Photon.

Whatever are you blathering on about? April was always white.

Why she look 30?

Why does Mikey look like a chick? I shouldn't want to fuck Mikey.

are you gay?

April works only when she is a bimbo

Attached: 01.jpg (1280x720, 394K)

She's peppy and annoying like Scrappy Doo.

You wrote all this text and none of it was evidence of the showrunners doing any of the things you said

how pathetic

April has always been a terrible forced character who largely doesn't work, but yes 2012 April is just horrible. A complete overpowered Not-Jean-Grey-From-X-Men Mary Sue.

>She's the funnest character in the show.
No, that’s splinter

That said, I like black April but at principle think she should’ve been an original character
The figure looks awful, she’s hotter with the glasses on

Go home Akabur.

This, I feel like if Black April was a whole new character and the real April still running around doing her own thing, there would a lot less bitching since people really like the animation especially the fight scene.

Still around. It appeared in one April episode

It’s a great show, I just fucking hate race swaps, I say that as someone who loves black April and thinks she’s hot.

I agree but that entire show is a good example of annoying and grating.

I don't like her design.

i also dont give much of a fuck about tmnt in general.