Or Worst MCU Movie?
Worst MCU Movie?
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I haven't seen it yet but I doubt even with Brie's shitty acting it can't be worse than The Incredible Hulk or Thor 2.
Believe me
It's worst
>people like this less than Thor 2
yeah no, this is the problem with brigades and shit, a lack of any objectivity
OP is using Top Critics instead of the actual rating because she's a pathetic little bitch who can't handle the fact that she lost her own bullshit "war"
A feminist movie getting less than 80% is a really bad sign but I higly doubt is worse than Thor 2, Thor 2 is worse than Man of Steel and almost as bad as BvS.
Ok, retard.
You lost Yea Forums get the fuck over it
No. It's barely better than Thor 2 so it's not the worst but unless I really like Carol in Endgame I wont be seeing any sequels
Can't be worse than Thor 2 or Age of Ultron.
I quite enjoyed Captain Marvel.
If Kevin Feige held a gun to my head and told me I had to rewatch Captain Marvel or Thor: Dark World, I'd have to seriously think about it.
So did everyone else
79% for a Disney product may as well be like giving it a 5/10. You have to adjust for bribery and soi intake.
Cinemascore is the most useless shit. BvS is one of the most reviled Superhero film and that got a fucking B
Best MCU movie.
Actually, it's surprisingly the BEST MCU Film and 3rd BEST Marvel Film in general.
Oh nonononononono
I'll watch Cap Marvel over any DCEU movie any day.
So would everyone else with IQ over 50.
can you guys stop being gay please? ok
You accidentally added a 0 at the end.
This even Thor The Dark World has a A- in that page.
dab in captain fungus, how until brie makes her own company of Cheese Larson ?
I am confuse why does it seem like a lot of people hate it here? And what up with the people calling it SJW feminist movie?Are they complaining on principal like people who say Black Panther is bad?
No, really. The only good part about the movie was the initial tribute (and maybe some Fury scenes).
>77% audience score
Oh shit the audience liked this more than captain marvel!
>Are they complaining on principal like people who say Black Panther is bad?
Yes in fact it's mostly the same people doing it
>Insert epic cockpit line
the real funny story is how Dkeks wanna push the narrative that Cap Marvel is doing bad meanwhile WB ruined Justice League, their contract form for directors stipulate "must have directed a Marvel movie " and their cinematic universe crashed and burned.
That's the only reason people like the movie, so why can't it also be a valid reason to dislike the movie?
Even most of its good reviews admit flat out its bog standard, mediocre capeshit but they're bumping its score up because it gets the pussy pass
How many man protagonists movies have the MCU have before this fast woman one and people are complaining about the pussy pass?
It's less about the character and more the actress's comments and the attitude people have taken towards it. It's pretty much the Black Panther shit all over again, nobody will remember in a couple months.
What does Wonder Woman have anything to do with this?
I though we were discussing Captain Marvel??
She's a shit character who's entire thing is being better than everyone else because.
(Queen is referring to WW)
The retcons alone are enough to insure it's bottom 3 for me. Fuck that cat.
Sounds more like a the actress's being professional problem then a problem with how good the movie is?
Don't ask Dkeks for things like logic or reasoning because you will never get it
>Fuck that cat.
The cat not catgirl enough for me.
Movie quality doesn't really matter with this shit. It's all just politics. Black Panther was incredibly flawed and got Oscar nominations and awards. Infinity War didn't get shit.
It's partially about the character. Carol's bland as fuck and a character being bland as fuck makes the "Believe in yourself" arc they go through more obnoxious than anything else.
And it's not even a feminism thing because Snyder's Superman had the exact same problem with being a boring flying brick we're told to feel for via flashbacks when they could've just gotten get over themselves and solve the problems an hour ago
ok npc, enough barking like trained little bitch you are
It's basically Thor syndrome.
I think they CAPTAIN MARVEL is supposed to full of problems in the comics. I remember in MS MARVEL it shows how impractical her costume is.
It's arguably worse because at least Hemsworth had screen presence and charisma. His arc was different too; he was a smug jackass that needed to learn humility. It's a cliche and old as fuck plot but that just means it's been tested and fine tuned over the centuries.
CM is largely lacking in that screne presence and charisma, and what even is her arc?
>Carol's bland as fuck
Name your 3 top non-bland movie superheroes, discounting RDjr who is the gold standard.
She's no blander than First Avenger Cap, I'm not even sure what you were expecting.
>at least Hemsworth had screen presence and charisma
Hemsworth is carried through movies by Hiddleston and Hopkins as badly as Gadot was, and we both fucking know it.
This level of delusion is astounding.
The problem wasn't about a female hero dipshit, all of you just ignore Wonder Woman not catching this kind of flak because it doesn't fit your victimhood narrative
What makes people hate Captain Marvel is the desperate attempts by every corner of the internet to protect it from even the smallest criticism. Think about back when the trailer first dropped and people were commenting that Brie seemed really lifeless and wooden, and dozens of news outlets flipped their shit about women being told to smile: then flash forward to the release now where even the "professional, trusted, RT-Approved" critics are saying that Brie is really bland and lacking in charisma throughout the movie.
Nobody likes people that think their own shit doesn't stink, and that goes double for people who surround themselves with sycophants assuring them their shit smells great
This movie was being hectored by the same people who would go on to shit on it later, long before any sort of trailer dropped. We both know this.
>Name your 3 top non-bland movie superheroes,
Do the ninja turtles count as superheroes? Assuming they don't, I'd say Star-Lord, Blade, and Ragnarok era Thor. Maybe Blade, Bale Batman, and a Spider-man; just not sure which one I'd pick. Probably Spider-verse since its refreshed in memory.
Why are we talking about Gadot?
>The problem wasn't about a female hero dipshit, all of you just ignore Wonder Woman not catching this kind of flak because it doesn't fit your victimhood narrative
Alita too, apparently.
Just three? Ant-Man, Star-Lord, and Black Panther in his Civil War debut were all more charismatic. Before you call me sexist, I'm a huge fan of MCU Wasp.
In this movie she couldn't even deliver her lines properly, everything came out sarcastic and goofy sounding, while the other actor in each scene with her delivered theirs perfectly.
>Literally Thor 2 and AoU tier
To be fair, people had been upset with the direction the comics have taken Carol for 5 years, and this movie is really the culmination of all that
As a comicsfag, theres no way I'm going to go see this. I'll go see Shazam probably though.
Hell I'm probably wrong, but I said Aquaman would be a smash and it was.
This movie will do well probably, but I suspect not as well as Aquaman. This comes down to the fact that people actually like and or want to fuck Jason Momoa, whereas Brie looks incredibly average and isn't much of a draw.
That said, the outragefags are going to boost sales of this movie by not shutting the fuck up about it. Some people will go see it solely because they heard idiots bitching about it incel style.
TL;DR this movie is probably a 5/10 at best and a weird hill to die on
Why can't we?
All things considered, Wonder Woman is the movie most like Thor from a character perspective?
Do you need some sort of trigger-warning? If so I apologize.
I still see the movie and confused about why people called it SJW feminist movie. Do you know?
more than critics liked marvel....
People front-loaded a lot of their personal baggage on the movie. And by "people" I mean the SJW-Right who've spent a lot of time before the movie opened bickering with the SJW-Left over the movie's theoretical themes.
Nigger are you just throwing anything at the wall and seeing what sticks?
There's some similarities beween WW and Thor, yes, yes, in that they're both fantasy royalty and do a fish out of water thing when interacting with the world outside of their homeland.
And the thing is? That shit can be endearing! So good for them. It's still SOMETHING more than Captain Dull Surprise and her magical amnesia quest.
bet it would be 9/10 if white guys were allowed to review it, they love capeshit
oh well
We both know Carol's shit and, yes, it's mostly due to feminism.
I just don't understand why they made Carol so smug. It was totally unearned for the character. At least when Tony is smug, it makes sense because he's a self made billionaire. But with Carol, she was smug and it didn't really make sense to me.
t. hasn't seen the movie
She's no RDjr, but she's not boring in it at all. I wasn't expecting her to be Margot Robbie.
Comic Carol is shit just like Comic Iron Man; they are both only interesting when they are being Evil.
That's irrelevant to Movie Carol and Movie Stark.
Saw it. It was boring. Deal with ti.
>Comic Carol is shit just like Comic Iron Man; they are both only interesting when they are being Evil.
Or drunken fuck ups.
But Carol's not allowed to have flaws because she needs to be an icon.
i bet this faggot thinks they're so fucking funny.
>I just don't understand why they made Carol so smug
She spends 90% of the movie being uncertain about herself and calling up her "boss" on the phone for direction. She's a bit condescending to Fury, who's from a primitive backwater that doesn't even realize other worlds are a thing.
Fair criticism is fair, but she doesn't act particularly smug in this movie.
So answer the question.
What's Carol's arc?
>go see the movie and find out
No fuck you. Answer the question.
One of the better MCU movies, but it's still the same formulaic garbage they keep making.
>She spends 90% of the movie being uncertain about herself and calling up her "boss" on the phone for direction.
When you put it like that really is Man of Steel.
No wonder I hate it so much.
>One picture, that eternally BTFOs the /pol/ incel bandwagon
We all knew there was going to be some measure of obnoxious feminist horseshit and there was.
It's retarded blaming fans for being worried Marvel / Disney would inundate the movie in it, or have Carol be Rey 2.0
So two groups of people acting like idiots because of movie not out yet make one of them called it SJW feminist movie?So is like do not expect a argument between a communist and a Nazi to make good points or insights?
In Captain Marvel? Learning to trust her personal instincts over her training, and to realise she doesn't have to challenge men at being a "man" anymore.
That's pretty much her arc, the amnesia is just a plot convenience to keep her off-balance and keep some of the plot mysterious.
>Who am I
>Oh wait, I don't need an answer I'm super powerful
>Everyone says I was amazing so I must be
>But I also don't need other people(men)'s approval to be strong
>We all knew there was going to be some measure of obnoxious feminist horseshit
And an obnoxious amount of counter-feminist horseshit. Sadly Yea Forums is saturated with the latter, I don't hang out on Twatter or Facebook so I can't assess the former.
>irrelevant to movie Carol
1. We couldn't know that until recently 2. She was still an obnoxious and unlikable bitch . The moments of feminist pandering only enhanced those qualities.
the worst movie of the entire MCU is Doctor Strange.
it's full of squandered potential, has a weak villain, doesn't feel connected to the MCU and ironically, it's the most blatant example of a warm-up act.
it's also boring.
I'm torn between Dr. Strange and Antman being the worst. Neither are memorable.
>She was still an obnoxious and unlikable bitch
Wait, she WAS bland and wooden....
Are you just projecting your personal frustrations onto a movie actress?
Because I suspect you are.
Captain Marvel is the worst for the exact same reasons you mentioned.
>Captain Marvel is bland and unlikable
Just like the comic then.
Went in expecting shit so I left satisfied since it wasn't as bad as expected.
The villain twist was shitty and predictable but with so many people crying about the possible feminism ultra pandering cringe, I didn't see any of that.
No, she's obnoxious.
No wait, bland.
>Iron Man (2008)
7.9 of 10 (IMDb)
93% (Critic)/91% (User) (Rotten Tomatoes)
79 (Critic)/8.5 (User)
4 of 4 stars (Roger Ebert)
>The Incredible Hulk (2008)
6.8 of 10
2.5 of 4 stars
>Iron Man 2 (2010)
7 of 10
3 of 4 stars
>Thor (2011)
7 of 10
1.5 of 4 stars
>Captain America: The First Avenger (2011)
6.9 of 10
3 of 4 stars
>Marvel's The Avengers (2012)
8.1 of 10
3 of 4 stars
sure it is.
>Went in expecting shit
Do you seriously do this with movies?
So a woman.
>Iron Man 3 (2013)
7.2 of 10
2.5 of 4 stars (RogerEbert.com)
>Thor: The Dark World (2013)
7 of 10
2.5 of 4 stars
>Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
7.8 of 10
3.5 of 4 stars
>Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)
8.1 of 10
3 of 4 stars
>Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)
7.4 of 10
3 of 4 stars
>Ant-Man (2015)
7.3 of 10
3.5 of 4 stars
>is only mildly powerful
>removes shitty doodad off neck
>is most powerful being of the universe
Not him, there's at least a couple of layers to the matter. On one hand there's the more literal arc of "Vers" learning the lie behind her life and the wars she was basically brainwashed into fighting. On the more personal side with Carol there's the idea of not letting her shortcomings bring her down, which also kinda ties with her experience as Vers. The relationship with Yon-rogg is a good example of that, when they're training at the start Carol basically can't get over the superiority of his skills, they're supposed to fight hand-to-hand but as soon as she's losing she starts angrily threatening him with weapons. When they then confront again at the end she's kind of above the petty rage she felt before, Yon-rogg was trying to fix her into the ultimate cold-hearted warrior but she doesn't feel the need to beat those standards anymore - he may be the better martial artists and that's ok, he still has to fuck off to his planet even if Carol can't punch him as good as her like
>Captain America: Civil War (2016)
7.8 of 10
3 of 4 stars
>Doctor Strange (2016)
7.5 of 10
2.5 of 4 stars
>Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 (2017)
7.7 of 10
3 of 4 stars
>Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)
7.5 of 10
3 of 4 stars
>Thor: Ragnarok (2017)
7.9 of 10
3 of 4 stars
>Black Panther (2018)
7.3 of 10
4 of 4 stars
>Avengers: Infinity War (2018)
8.5 of 10
2.5 of 4 stars
>Ant-Man and the Wasp (2018)
7.1 of 10
3 of 4 stars
>Captain Marvel (2019)
6.8 of 10
2.5 of 4 stars
>So a woman.
Yes, you've struck upon the main problem.
Women are a thing.
Anyone who thinks this is worse than the first 2 thors and the later 2 iron men is mad
It's not anywhere near as bad. Men are allowed to be pissed over women being worked-up into frenzies of gynocentric hate by the government / media, only to have all those involved play innocent afterwards. Of course it breeds resentment. All the reasons they're being sold for being 'a minority' and 'downtrodden' are bullshit but we're told to swallow it all regardless.
Dark World is 6.2
There was someone who kept spreading around an image of spoiler texts that twisted things to make it look very SJW.
Not really. It's just that I don't care about the character and the trailer wasn't exciting. ignored all the dumb shit the actress said and all the pointless bickering from all sides and overall had a good time.
>Carol finds out her side of the conflict isn't as noble as she was led to believe.
>Carol struggles with lost memories and eventually finds her true origins
>Carol saves the day and continues the mission of a selfless hero taken too soon
Can a bitch not be bland and/or wooden? "Smug," some might say?
You like the Nazis don't you?
Brie has zero comedic timing.
You can't be obnoxious and bland at the same time, no.
>Everyone says I was amazing so I must be
Who even says that other than her one human friend and her kid? Starforce hated her, Yon-rogg was trying to turn her into a different person, the Supreme Intelligence bullied her for being a human that can't ride bikes, who was Carol getting unearned attention from?
None of those things are an arc.
She starts thinking she's a hero, she ends thinking she's a hero. Other anons did a better job at this than you.
Not enough to make the movie sound good, but still better.
My politics probably don't align with your own.
Out of ALL the MCU films it is objectively the worst one, yes.
If you take it as a standalone film with no affiliation to the rest of the MCU, it's mediocre at best.
That's ok, because Jackson is expected to be the comedy guy in this duo.
Hiddleston and RDJ are far more entertaining to watch than anyone in Captain Miscast.
Sure you can.
Just finished watching Captain Marvel. It certainly isn't my favorite Marvel movie (that is a tie between Ant-Man 1 and Doctor Strange) but this movie was exceptionally enjoyable. I'd say there was only one thing I didn't really care for about the movie and it's a minor nitpick in the grand scheme of things but I'd rate this film probably the same as I would the 1st two guardians movie like I would rate this movie slightly higher then Guardians 1
Ronan the Accursed is now 100% a fucking meme villain now he's an absolute joke between Marvel and then dying to the fucking dance off it's like Thanos's trained him wrong as a joke and Ronan had every intention of betraying Thanos later since he knew that Thanos did not care for the lives of the Kree Empire or anyone for that matter it's not like Thanos had any intention of helping to create any superior weaponry to fight back against the Skrull
Look, we gotta admit, that part where the skrull roars before combat then Carol does the same was kinda cute.
What does the national socialist party of 1940's Germany have to do with women being spoiled?
Dude, I saw this last night thinking I was walking into some total feminist shit bomb.
It had a few really stupid nods to feminism, and I can give the people who or negatively reviewing the movie that.
The couple that stick out to me were the way they portrayed her treatment in the military (“cockpit” was stupid), and that one dumb song that played during that fight scene – – you know what I’m talking about if you saw the movie LOL
Those ill timed “wooo hooos” during the final space battle seem in poor taste for what’s going on during the scene, but this isn’t the first movie I’ve seen make that stupid move.
Other than that, all the flaws were the ones you would find in any one of the rudimentary “take no risks“ Marvel origin story movies.
She was a bland character in this movie, but so was Thor in his first two movies. It just stood out more in this case because Jude Law and Samuel L Jackson don’t have the “carry this movie“ power that Anthony Hopkins and Tom Hiddleston had.
It wasn’t awful but it was very much by the numbers.
It certainly wasn’t the misandrist toxic feminist nightmare like the Internet was making me think it would be LOL
Just get whoever did Thor Ragnarok to do the follow ups LOL
Oh yes it could.
Americans are spoiled.
You are exactly as big a brat as the average American female. And moreso than the women of most other countries.
Your boo-hooing about this movie is clear proof of it.
>She starts thinking she's a hero, she ends thinking she's a hero
I mean, it's not the same thing if the first time she had the wrong idea of being a hero. Think of Thor and how he thought it was a good thing "as king of Asgard" to go smash the frost giants into obedience. He was Thor at the start and was Thor at the end, but there was still a change of perspectives and priorities
It IS a feminist sjw movie. The entire enemy of the movie isn't a person, it's an idea. An idea of fear that she's not good enough because men tell her that she isn't. And the big turning point of the movie was her realizing that no matter how many men told her no and tried to keep her down, she'd always get back up in defiance. The ending fight is supposed to be a "YASSS QUEEN!" moment where she kicks the evil white dude's ass, yet in reality she only proves his point. He asks her to prove that she's learned something over the past 6 years other than to rely on her powers as a crutch, and asks her to fight him 1 on 1 with no powers, just skills. She immediately shoots him in the chest with her hand cannon and says she has nothing to prove to him, thus proving him right. He spent the last 6 years trying to train her and help her improve but she disregards everything he tries to teach her because he's a man and what would men know? And when it comes time to prove that she can fight without her powers, she can't, and writes it off as "HURR YOUR JUST TRYING TO OPPRESS ME!" even though the dude genuinely cared about her and her well being.
Iron Man 3 was amazing, specially Tony’s character development learning to appreciate Pepper more instead of trying to buy her with gifts. He also relearned the basics “You’re a mechanic , build something!” Instead of hiding behind his money and armors. He went deep bottom and got up.
>Opening weekend will be double what Wonder Woman made
Idiots are still pointlessly shitting on this?
It's going to break a billion and all you dumbasses are gonna get BTFO
Whatever sings ya to sleep sugartits.
>Worst MCU Movie or Worst MCU Movie?
Actually it's fairly middle of the road for Marvel stuff. Better then all the Hulk movies, most of the Thor movies, better then Quiptron, and I'd put it about on par with the first Captain America movie. I wouldn't say it's excellent, but we've seen worse from the Marvel group. You're just to biased by your shit-bag politics to look at it honestly.
In fairness, same goes to everyone claiming Captain Marvel was the best Marvel movie as well.
Was she too op?
yes, and?
Massive budget action flicks don't take big risks, that's a stupid thing to do. Are Hobbs and Shaw supposed to come out as gay for one another?
No, because that would be stupidly risky. These are safe, entertaining movies because a fortune is riding on them.
The couple that stick out to me were the way they portrayed her treatment in the military (“cockpit” was stupid),
You honestly don't think women faced this kind of "friendly" harassment in the 80's-90's, in military units that didn't commonly accept women in that role?
>and that one dumb song that played during that fight scene
Yeah the No Doubt song was a bit corny, but Space Marvel is getting full of corny Dad Rock and Pop. It's no "Immigrant Song", that's for sure, but its not awful.
I didn't find her bland. Is that what you are when you don't quip all the time? Is there no middle-ground between Quipster and Bland?
>Just get whoever did Thor Ragnarok to do the follow ups LOL
So, pour more quips into it.
wrong. she starts out wanting to prove herself a true soldier but feels people like Yon-Rogg and the Supreme Intelligence are keeping her down. the reality is entirely different and very insidious.
by the end she gains a new purpose, to continue Mar-Vell's mission of peace and protect the earth, at the cost of leaving behind the family and friends she just got back.
thanks for demonstrating you didn't see the movie or you're just too dumb to understand what the movie is trying to tell you and would rather make stuff up.
>An idea of fear that she's not good enough because men
And what happens when it make a billion? They will still complain about it
>Are they complaining on principal like people who say Black Panther is bad?
Its EXACTLY the same neonazi incels on this board. They tried it with spamming negative "dont want to see it" posts on RT with Black Panther aswell. RT saw it, deleted it and BP turned out to be a good movie and made bombastic money.
Exactly the same neonazi incel crowd, that is now mad, that Bree Larson now said, that she would like to invite more people of colour and women as interviewers. The infants went instantly
>Better then all the Hulk movies
Way to set the bar low, user.
It would be nice if the people who have no intention of seeing this movie would piss off back to /tvpol/ instead of pouring their emotional damage onto Yea Forums, but here we are.
They'll have already been proven wrong about it failing so who cares? I mean they're already basically just pissing into the wind with this shit
I liked the movie. It was solid. There were interesting twists on Captain Marvel lore. I don’t think music was as well integrated as Ragnarok or GotG. I think the final space battle should’ve had more oomph. I hope they do Moonstone for the sequel.
It has Ant man 2 lvs of shit but with worst acting but also it has that kind of Cultural Archivement promo, this time for the wimins, so, as long as it hits 800M will great for the mouse, anyhow I'm out of the MCU at least untill the mutants.
Could someone translate this from retard for me?
>"you think you're the only superhero in the world?"
The first post-credits scene of the MCU makes more sense now that we know what Fury was talking about here.
>"I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Iniciative"
The fact that Carol was the inspiration for the iniciative's name was really nice since it was with Carol when Fury had his first experience with global threats.
Saw it this afternoon. It wasn't horrible, but it was pretty forgettable overall. HTTYD3 left a bigger impact on me.
Prepáč, som slovenčina
goodbye then, no one cares
I honestly got confused about the music because i read reviews that said they used it as much as GotG, but when did that happen, really? I only noticed two instances, when she met the Intelligence again near the end and when she fights Starforce, and i honestly thought the songs were fitting for the tone of the respective scenes
Prepáč, som slovenčina
Are you really comparing the impact of an origin film with the impact of the final film of a trilogy? Yikes.
I liked it more than anything the Russo brothers put out it's just behind Spider-Man, Gotg and Iron man for the best solo marvel movie
Was it worse than the other MCU movies?
Was it better than Thor: The Dark World, Iron Man 2, and or The Incredible Hulk.
I didn't say it was a great movie, just a lot better then the worst MCU movies if you look at it honestly.
>Let's spend a billion dollars seeing an okay Marvel movie! That'll teach those misogynistic posters on Yea Forums!
You'll sure show them what's for.
>I liked it more than anything the Russo brothers put out
I really can't trust anyone who likes this more than Winter Soldier
>certified fresh
Look I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.
Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.
But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.
Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.
Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids
the critics response is overwhelmingly positive. so why is a successful movie like Aquabro not certified fresh?
Why is Thor 2 considered the worst when Iron Man 3 buried that series? They still have zero plans to try again after that one.
60% is the minimum for fresh.
It's 79% with regular critics. Certified fresh should be for 80% or 85% not just 15 over rotten
About Thor 2 bad, yes.
>the critics response is overwhelmingly positive
79% with a 6.8 rating isn't overwhelming. It's got one of the lowest ratings of the MCU
Way to prove you never watched the film, dipshit.
You can go pirate a camrip right now for free and save yourself the $13 ticket.
The enemy of the film isn't the kree, or the skrull, or yogronn. It's the idea of oppression by men.
Forgettable is forgettable, does it really matter to you where it falls on the scale? Fine - of the movies I've seen in the last year I'd put it somewhere between Skyscraper and The Meg.
Nothing will ever come close to The Incredible Hulk, but it definitely felt like more of an Iron Man 2 or a Dark World. It's competently made, like there's very little I would say is outright BAD about it. It's just kind of a mediocre movie that doesn't leave a huge impression.
Certified is for 75% onwards
>All the desperate Marvel shills crying in this thread
How does it feel that even after deleting 90% of your reviews, you still only have a 52% audience score?
Probably because it was more forgettable. Iron Man 3 was a massive disappointment for me but that disappointment and the stupid politically correct twist did stick with me.
Captain Marvel is trying for worst though, definitely.
Are you forgetting your pills again?
The difference between CM and BP is that BP is actually good and memes and shitposting saying otherwise fell out as soon as it was released. It's not the same with CM because CM is actually a bad movie unlike BP which was great.
>It's the idea of oppression by men
It's not
you're so fucking bitter. holy shit.
>hallucinating this badly
You can put your dank meme away until Bazinga makes a billion dollars.
>deleting reviews by people who never say the movie, posted from before the movie was released
Why is this controversial?
And on that note- why the FUCK did take -this- long to happen in the first place?
Seriously- what the fuck do we benefit admitting fake reviews? Seriously.
>Nothing personnel kid
user I think you're projecting here.
Like, for reals.
It wasn't a lot better than the worst. I'm looking at it honestly and I see the worst main character, the most generic super powers in the MCU thus far, the weakest script/humor, the laziest attempt at a villain, the least intense climactic battle, and the weakest supporting cast of any MCU movie. Loki alone made Thor 1 and 2 better just like RDJ carried the Iron Mans and Paul Rudd/Michael Douglas/Evangeline Lilly did Ant-Man. There's no one carrying Captain Marvel.
This is also the first one that had absolutely nothing new in it. We've seen space battles in GotG, aliens coming to Earth in Thor, and a government being evil in Winter Soldier.
It may be better than Hulk but at least him being on the run and the final fight with Abom were more interesting than the plot of this movie.
How is him listing a few numbers being bitter. Your post was more bitter than his
No one now, ever, or will ever give a shit about your Rotten Tomatoes poll and the fact that you can't even pretend it's a flop is pathetic
>Everyone loves it!
>Uhh actually that's not true
No Thor was a Shakespeare character or a loveable oaf, Carol is a stoic badass who blows through anything in her way. It's actually nothing like the average marvel hero.
>I am confuse why does it seem like a lot of people hate it here?
because is a comic board and she is a shitty comic character that marvel tried to pump it up in a clearly way to catch SJW acceptance in a very artificial way.
so comics fans hate her and SJW audience love her.
"want to see" used to be a useless metric where fanboys would click on it, and pretty much every movie ran a 98% want to see score.
It was supposed to be "funny" to dab on Captain Marvel by giving it 10's of thousands of "don't wanna see it" votes, because this would "Kill the Mouse" who put girls into Star Wars and shit.
Now all they have left is spending their evenings posting endlessly about how they aren't going to see the movie or hate it because of narratives it really doesn't have.
Because there's no way to prove that and they could easily hit legit reviews since they were transparent about this at all
You know Hitler didn't just randomly say one day that he hated jews and the country just immediately went along with it and started rounding them up, right?
It started with a long, long campaign of dehumanizing jews, painting them as the enemy, blaming them for all of Germany's problems, convincing the public they were inherently wicked and evil, etc. It started with small things
Captain Marvel is such a no name, generic hero. Why didn't they go with She-Hulk? If I didn't know about Rogue's power set I would have never even heard of Captain Marvel. Shit was so bland and generic, thats why they killed her off in the first place.
I mean whats wrong with She-Hulk? Shes a lawyer, shes flirty, she has personality, she holds her own in a fight, she even has an abnormal body type, being super tall and muscular.
Captain marvel was such a corporate shitshow, it was a total cash grab based on marketing trends and catchy, meaningless slogans.
How much do you make per shitpost?
Who is Carol's biggest enemy throughout the film? Was it the Skrull, who turned out to be innocent refugees? Was it the Kree, who turned out to be the instigators of the war but also tried to train Carol and help her become a better person? Or was it her struggling with her newly regained memories, realizing that she was constantly told throughout life by men that she couldn't do something, and so she kept fighting out of defiance to prove that she could?
Yeah, turns out that the biggest problem for Carol was the last one. Even with her powers dampened, she was still better than all the skrull or kree, and had no issues fighting them. But the last one? Yeah, she was fighting those memories the entire fucking film until she "defeats" them by remembering that she always got back up out of defiance.
Or are you gunna argue otherwise because you never bothered to see or pirate the film?
This. Even at his most boring, Thor still had that charming fish-out-of-water aspect to him.
Yeah, there's really no way to fix these kind of things and assure "legit" reviews. The best platform i can think of right now for user reviews is Steam since it allows only people that own a game to add a review (and even that is still prone to derailing) - you can't do the same for a decentralized medium like movies
>Reviews Count: 43
So basically all the seething incel critics who already decided they hated it before seeing it.
I have not heard from a single person who has actually seen it that they didn't enjoy it.
>Was it the Kree
Of course it was, they were trying to fucking kill her
>but also tried to train Carol and help her become a better person?
WHAT. Kidnapping and brainwashing someone to be your lapdog counts as a good deed now?
>Or was it her struggling with her newly regained memories, realizing that she was constantly told throughout life by men that she couldn't do something
But that didn't happen
Samuel L Jackson alone, boosts this movie above Bore:the dark world
>I'm looking at it honestly and I see the worst main character
Easily "howling roid Hulk". Hulk isn't even a character, he's a modern Harryhausen monster.
>the most generic super powers in the MCU thus far,
First Avenger (improved in the sequels)
>the weakest script/humor,
script is Dark World, humor is Doctor Strange
>the laziest attempt at a villain
Ant-Man, literally yet another Iron Man villain
> the least intense climactic battle
Iron Man or Iron Man 2, take your pick
>and the weakest supporting cast of any MCU movie.
Hiddleston saves the first two Thor movies here (barely) but Homecoming is the populist choice here. For me it's Doctor Strange.
Ironically enough, she was not.
She's like a living battery of infinite energy or something, but they need really show her doing anything outstanding. She just flies in space and shoots down a couple of ships. You know, stuff that Thor or Dr. Strange could probably also do.
Want to see reviews never counted towards the audience score, dipshit. They bulk deleted 50k "troll" reviews posted from those who went and saw the early screenings on thursday, or from those overseas who got an earlier release date. They then only allowed people to post new reviews scoring it a 3/5 or better, even if they were bot votes with no comments and were manually approving anything below a 3/5 to deem if it were a "troll" review or not.
No it isn't
Well at least 13 out of the 43 people who saw the movie for RT didn't enjoy it. And some of them were women.
Is Hulk the main character though? Or is Banner.
still bitter
Her arc is not knowing what she's fighting for, constantly restraining herself and following orders. Then she finds who out who she is, something to fight for and stops trying to fit Yon-Rogg's mold and listens to her gut
I actually enjoyed her more than Thor despite that, her "get the fuck out of my way" style works here as it contrasts well with the her enemies who prefer indirect and subversive tactics.
Universal has the Hulk movie rights so they can't do She-Hulk unless they want to pay Universal.
>but they need really show her doing anything outstanding.
She literally punches through a Ronan-style cruiser lengthwise and detonates it.
And you apparently still have a sub 80 IQ
Yes. It's all American political bs
>When she says she doesn't have to prove things to anyone
>to a dead body who can't hear anything
I'm of the opinion that this script was written out of just catharsis rather than honest empowerment. The whole script felt like a cliche from someone filled with resentment.
It's a yes for Thor and a maybe for Dr. Strange.
>The first post-credits scene of the MCU makes more sense now that we know what Fury was talking about here.
Fuck off. There are at least two other characters this applied too well before Carol became a big retcon.
Thor from the first Avengers film could do most of what Carol did besides maybe flying through space that fast.
The movie isn't titled The Incredible Banner.
People don't buy tickets to see Mathew Broderick in a Godzilla movie.
I did not like it. Good action though.
>the score was sub 30%
>50k reviews purged
>Score is still sub 50%
>Spamming the same review over and over and over
>Brings it up to 53%
this is truly the sacred cow huh
A dead body?
Backing a socialist revolt that ended with the establishment of the Weimar Republic also didn't do them any favors.
Minn-Erva was a qt.
Ok, and Thor is easily the most powerful hero in the MCU up to this point.
isnt everybody review bombing this good and bad?
>they were trying to fucking kill her
After she went rogue.
>WHAT. Kidnapping and brainwashing someone to be your lapdog counts as a good deed now?
No, but she only lost her memories. They gave her a home, a team, and a sense of purpose. What they did was wrong, but they never abused her or harmed her.
>But that didn't happen
Except for all the times it did. Or will you ignore the go-kart race, the boot camp, the cockpit, and the piloting flashbacks? Will you also ignore the entire scene with the supreme intelligence where she's getting back up after being knocked down on the beach, on the bike, on the kart, at baseball, at boot camp, and back after the FTL jet crash?
That's a lot of flops.
The audience review has always been a a tug-of-war between SWJL and SJWR.
It's not even a metric for anything at this point except butthurt.
It's getting Streisanded hard, it wouldn't be catching half as much shit if every site wasn't so blatantly desperate to protect it lol
It's not the worst. Just got back from seeing it.
Brie's acting is fairly wooden for a good chunk of the movie though there are a few moments of life and character that'll hopefully get expanded on later on.
Really anyone ranking it between 4-6/10 is right. It's not that bad, not that good. Whether or not you lean more one way or the other will depend on how patient you are with the things everyone was expecting.
That's the funny part is that, realistically - the 1's and 10's all probably average each other out in the end.
It's a 6.
Yogg ron was still alive after she shot him in the chest, dude. She sends him back to tell the supreme intelligence that she was coming for them.
yhea tell this story to someone else moron, u just can't stand the fact that most people acutally ejoyed the movie
>Just get whoever did Thor Ragnarok to do the follow ups LOL
Pretty much this.
If CM has proved anything it is that without a good director, the Marvel Formula™ is just a mess.
James Gunn, Taika Waititi, Ryan Coogler, and the Russo brothers have shown us how to do it right.
The music in CM made it even more painful because they were trying to be James Gunn's GOTG, and it just demonstrated how inferior this films directors were.
I was expecting nonstop Grrrrl power and only got maybe 5 minutes of it.
Why does the marketing push the 'higher, further, faster' line so much? I'm pretty sure it was only said twice in a 5 second flashback.
and people already call that mary sue, despite her genociding a planet in the comics
I just saw the movie and I have a few questions.
Why was the cat some weird tentacle alien? Why was he on earth? Why was he in an underground SHIELD base? Did I miss something?
Why Mar-Vell had the cosmic cube? Didn't Howard Stark salvaged it from the sea back in the 40s? Wouldn't it be with SHIELD? Wouldn't SHIELD notice if something that important went missing?
Where was Captain Marvel during all other events in the MCU? I think they implied she went to fight the Kree Empire, but then where was she was Ronan the Accuser got his hands on a freaking infinity stone?
I think Marvel probably cares that it's making a shit ton of money (holy fuck, it's making a lot of money) than that /pol/ is brigading some sites.
The critic scores are also just fine to good for capeshit and the Cinemascore is A so literally every indicator that matters to them is good or great. If anything, /pol/ brigading just shows it's "buzzworthy."
Why did the Man of Steel marketing push Hope when it's only mentioned once humorously and the movie is really about an autistic man flying through buildings?
That's what you get for casting an actress whose biggest appearance prior to this was "forgettable chick opposite Tom Hiddleston in that other King Kong movie" as the lead in your superhero blockbuster.
user forgot to "fix" Cinemascore.
I expect them to do better with the Star Wars bombing this winter, as that franchise is the main source of their booty pain.
Brie was definetely the worst part of it. That woman has the emotional range of a potato.
So kidnapping a brainwashing people to fight your wars for you is doing nothing wrong?
Brie would have been so much better if her character were written around the snarky humor she had at a few parts in the film. The quip with her calling the one kree dude ugly, or when she was fighting the skrull and is all like, "Any of you know how to remove these things? No? Okay then." and does the little eyebrow raise. She has some genuinely good parts and they could have changed the script to play to brie's advantage, but they didn't. It's why she fell flat a lot of the time.
Nigger can you read? I said it was wrong, but I said that they didn't abuse or harm her. Don't try and cherry pick if you don't have an actual argument against the plot of the film.
I am really embarrassed to be a comic fan because of the behavior of the people against the Captain Marvel movie.
I have the ability to seperate an actors political and personal beliefs from the work they do in a movie, and it really is not hard to do that. The people that post hatred towards Captain Marvel, or Disney, or Star Wars, on Yea Forums, Youtube, Reddit or anywhere, are pathetic. I want nothing to do with them. They are people lost in their own world where they think they have some kind of purpose by spending day after day trying to lower a movie's Rotten Tomato score because they disagrree with the views of an actoer in the movie. Just stupid. Grow up and do something constructive with your time.
If you dislike a movie or an actor in the movie, DONT SEE IT. The most effective way to hate a movie is by not giving them your money. But the pathetic thing? Almost all of the people bitching about the CM movie are going to see it..... so they can keep doing the favorite thing they like to do: Complain.
Absolutely stupid. For this specific group of comic fans I am talking about, Bill Maher is absolutely right: they are complete losers.
She's playing an amnesiac which is part of it, in addition the writers should've decided what they really wanted Carol Danvers to be as a personality because the comic is all over the place.
What part particularly struck you as bad in her performance?
Genuinely curious.
Oh she is a mary sue. I don't think Carol had any flaws in the movie, everyone keeps talking about how awesome she is (except for the Kree, but they are manipulating her into not using her powers), even though she never does anything to actually deserve those compliments
The whole plot of the movie is that everyone is trying to keep her down because they are afraid of how strong she can be (can you see the subext message here?)
>After she went rogue.
Yes... "rogue" against the freaking villains
>No, but she only lost her memories. They gave her a home, a team, and a sense of purpose
She lost her memories in an attempt to ruin the day of an alien conqueror that was about to fucking kill her. They didn't bring her on Hala to do her a favour, they salvaged a weapon after their original mission failed
>Except for all the times it did. Or will you ignore the go-kart race, the boot camp, the cockpit, and the piloting flashbacks?
You're the one ignoring the flashbacks to write a fanfiction about male oppression. We absolutely see men ostracizing her, mainly the cockpit guy. But the montage was about Carol, her failings and her resilience to get back up. She fell while riding a bike, how is that related to men? She fell while climbing ropes, how's that related to men? She raced a mean kid, how was crashing related to men? Who the fuck ever mentions the patriarchy? If the whole sequence is about those pesky men why didn't the Intelligence push on that button instead of just arguing that her failures made her human and weak?
Like, Jesus, I'd me more patient now if you were ONLY arguing that Carol was fighting the patriarchy or whatever, but all these absurdities trying to sugarcoat the kree into dindus just tell me you're straight up retarded, and I'm not giving you the benefit of the doubt by replying anymore
>Captain Marvel on track to be the biggest opening of 2019
Yikes. Sorry DC.
the later
>everyone keeps talking about how awesome she "Everyone" being the best friend she supported in her career and personal struggles.
>everyone keeps talking about how awesome she is (except for the Kree
Well, who the heck everyone if the only people that already knew Carol at the start of the movie are Maria and the Kree?
The scene where Captain Marvel finds out she was fighting for the bad guys all along and Maria has to confort her was very bad. It felt like those "self-compliments" they tend to do on every Marvel comic these days.
I'm getting genuinely depressed how much people got tricked into thinking giving a multi billion dollar company money is some how contributing to their side of a culture war.
>gives Disney money they probably worked 5 hours to get for 2 hours of entertainment
>haha take that dc fans/incels/feminists/sjws/nazis
This may stun you, but people don't go to see Marvel Action Serials for political purposes.
Though they clearly whinge and downvote for them.
I think you'd be surprised by the amount of people who spend money just to own the libs/incels.
Don't cry for me, I'm already dead.
Good bait
Being an asshole doesn't prevent you from being a sue if the narrative then tries to forgive or justify your actions.
Actually I loved this part. As I hate it when the bad guy is all like "Ha, look at who made you who you are, without those powers you are nothing, if it wasn't for them you could never beat me!" and lures the hero into a powerless fist fight so that the bad guy has the advantage.
This to me, was reminiscent of Indy Jones/Batman or even the Three Muskateers. Where you have someone showing off their martial skill and prowess, only to be defeated by a gunshot, kick to the balls or a rope being cut that's attached to the area you're standing on.
Only in terms of this movie, not only was it funny, it was slightly poignant. She didn't have anything to prove to him.
Think about it this way, if there was a drawn out final fight scene without her powers, people would be complaining about how forced it was and that there was no reason for it to happen. It would most likely end with some sort of quip or line that people would complain about being cheesy as all hell and not in the good way.
With this, we get a sensible conclusion to a fight and then a nice line to end it with in seconds.
As lets face it, if any of us had powers and we were told to not use them to make it a fair fight, we absolutely would be blowing that person out of the sky instantly.
>giving a multi billion dollar company money is some how contributing to their side of a culture war.
Nigger, do you think people in freaking China are watching the movie for feminist purposes? Do you think us in European countries even care about your nonsensical right vs. left pissing contests? It's fucking capeshit
They could have worked the script to play to Brie's advantage but they didn't. Her having amnesia had nothing to do with it.
I felt she did have good bits here and there, but a lot of it just didn't fit. It felt kind of all over the place, and she mostly just seems kind of condescending the entire film. That's why I said originally it feels flat. They couldn't decide who they wanted the character to be so they just made her act like an ass.
China doesn't like ugly women
Friend of mine was really excited to see Captain Marvel, and convinced me to go on the condition that he paid for my ticket.
Just got back, and honestly it was probably the most boring piece of shit I've ever sat through. The action was terrible, the story was dull, and is seemed like the characters were actively defying me to engage with them. Literally the only character I gave even half a fat shit about was Talos.
All those people who have been saying that Brie Larson was miscast as Carol were spot-fucking-on. She was flat and incapable of delivering any sort of sincerity to the role. I couldn't buy her as a pilot let alone a cosmic-level hero, and all the scenes where they try desperately to make her seem intimidating fail horribly because she's a foot and a half shorter than the rest of the cast and built like she's made out of Nerf and Twizzlers.
>Somehow isn't abuse because they don't directly harm her themselves
Doing a great job buddy keep it up
>This thread
Holy shit are Marveldrones salty
the cat is just some alien monster. Mar-Vell probably brought Goose to Project Pegasus while she was woking there.
Howard Stark salvaged the cosmic cube in the 40's and stored it in Project Pegasus. Mar-Vell probably knew what it really was and stole it to create the hyperspace engine.
Carol was in space finding a new planet for the Skrull refugees. what she did between that and endgame might be explained in a sequel.
So why IS she called Captain Marvel? They didn't even do a forced title drop to explain it.
t. didn't watch the movie.
Because she's stronger than the entire rest of the marvel universe combined +1
That the movie is successful?
Cope harder
You must've missed the news, pal, CM is having the biggest MCU opening in China behind IW
Oh shit.
Is it 2009 again?
Fuck quips, I'm glad this movie was light on it
That part was fine, there was many worse "in your face" type of feminist messages.
Like when her brother tells her not to go too fast during the kart race and she ignores him, which in turns lead her to crash. Her brother was right and the movie played it like he was trying to hold her back or something.
Then in the same scene her father shows up, all angry and starts screaming at her, saying she's not fit for this and should give up.
That whole thing felt really forced.
The cat belonged to Mar-Vell so that's how it got to earth. She was working for the American Military so maybe they some how got her access to the tesseract. We don't know what Captain Marvel was doing during the other events of the MCU but she said the range of that signal she gave Fury was only a couple of galaxies. So wherever she was she was further away from earth than that (assuming Fury tried to call her during Avengers and Ultron which he probably did offscreen but there was no response). I imagine we'll find out where she was during Endgame.
Hulk isn't even bad.
Epic final confrontations for drama is better than those shitty meme moments though.
I didn't assume it was her cat, but it is really weird that the thing is still roaming an underground SHIELD base, 6 years after his owner died.
I don't know, man. I feel like losing the cosmic cube would put the whole of SHIELD in high alert, but Fury himself didn't even seen to know what it was.
You know, the Skrulls being good guys was what surprised me the most in this movie.
No and it would have felt forced here every thing he has ever told her had been a lie, blowing him away was in character.
It was mediocre. On par with Iron Man 2, where it's just filler until the next thing. My main problem is that when a character spends the whole movie discovering who they're meant to be, then we don't really get that character until the end.
imagine being this fucking gay
Is she not on record of saying she doesn't want whites to review her movie or something?
If IM2 is filler then what is IM3?
90's Fury wouldn't know what the Tesseract was before meeting Carol and the whole Mar-Vell situation. that's why years later he got Selvig to study it but Loki was possesing him at the time.
I don't see a problem with it since the review bombing was real.
imagine being this butthurt over a movie.
No see you're missing the point. For 6 years the dude had been trying to train her to learn how to fight without her powers and to beat him. But for 6 years she ignored everything he was trying to teach and always resorted to using her powers. We even see this right at the start of the film. She has the nightmare, wakes up Yogg, and asks him to fight. When she starts to lose, she gets pissed off and tries to attack him with powers and he tells her to calm down and to keep her head cool. She never listens or learns what he tries to teach.
So when he challenged her at the end of the movie to one final battle to see if betraying the Kree and removing her power dampener and regaining her memories had taught her anything, we see that she learned nothing. She just shoots him in the chest because she can't do anything without her powers.
>l-look at the audience score we bombed that proves everyone hates this soon to be billion dollar movie. C-come on look at it... why aren't you looking?
I know, but since this thing has been in pocession of SHIELD for almost 60 years and they know Red Skull tried to use it to nuke every major capital in the world, I assume they would be pretty damn concerned if it suddenly disappeared.
What would a realistic score be?
It disappeared after the sudden death of the scientist it was entrusted to. I'm sure Pegasus tried to look for it, but they also covered up the accident and clearly Fury and SHIELD weren't in on it
>get so butthurt you delete 90% of your reviews
>still cant get a good audience score
>I-I didn't care about the audience score anyways
Probably 65% maybe low 70s
Go read the actual audience reviews. It's filled with people coming back from the theater and saying the same shit the incels were.
Most of the positive reviews I've seen on social media are basically "YAASSS LESBIAN KWEEN INCELS ARE MAD THE AVENGERS ARE NAMED AFTER HER"
Not really any better than people going 0/10 it's shit.
How are they going about deleting these reviews anyway? Scummy thing to do but are the bombings caused by drive by register and rant accounts? Sounds like it so far.
For 6 years? A world ending device disappears and for six years they warned no one, specially not SHIELD. I don't know, this really feels like a stretch. I guess the writers jus assume everyone forgot about the continuity in that regard.
It was exposition on Stark's feelings post-Avengers 1 and explains his central motivation from 3 onward. We finally see that come to with Infinity War. He fails.
Yeah I didn't like the go-kart scene at all. She was told she was driving too fast and clearly had no idea how to actually race. She then proceeds to speed up and crash in to someone, sending her spiraling off the track and over the barrier, clearly with like a broken arm. And the guy, clearly upset, tells her she didn't belong out there. It's clear he knew this would happen and that he was concerned for her safety, and was beating himself up because he was scared and lashed out at her. And all she said was, "But you let him drive..." and it's like, yeah. No shit. Because he knew what he was doing.
The answer lies somewhere in the middle
There's also bots. When i was looking a few days ago there were a lot of comments along the line of
I have no idea why people would even bother with such a lousy method
The father reaction was out of place, I don't think any father would scold his daughter in that situation, they would first rush to her in worry that she got hurt. The scolding would only come really after, if at all.
But to be fair, they pointed out latter in the movie that her father was a dick. I guess even the writers noticed how forced the whole thing felt.
People are not born knowing how to go-kart or not.And go-kart are designed for kids , you can't broken arm if the place is following the law.
more like you're too hung up on this particular detail.
imagine getting a 79% on a test and being proud of yourself for it
Yeah, because we were talking about parts of the movie that made no sense. This was one of them.
We're all the bot reviews negative or positive? With Disney buying out whole theaters I'm doubtful.
Imagine getting a 65% and being proud
I think they said she hated her whole family. I assume the idea was to paint Carol as a misfit in general
Yeah you could tell the dad was a dick, but it's clear he was concerned. They just fade away right after showing the slightest glimpse of worry.
It wasn't the fault of the fair. It was hers. They had helmets on, and the carts do cap out at a max speed (assuming they were following safety regulations), but she decided to go full throttle and attempt to literally ram another racer off the road. She hits them at the wrong angle which causes her cart to flip over the barrier and crash in the dirt. She is then seen walking away with NO helmet on, covered in blood, holding her arm. Clearly Carol was more at fault here than anyone, but they pass it off as "B-but it was men telling me what I can't do!" as if she did nothing wrong by not wearing her helmet properly or trying to make someone crash on purpose because she was pissed off.
I thought captcha technology has evolved enough to put a stop to those.
>With Disney buying out whole theaters I'm doubtful.
Shit, that's something to take into account too. Making it so that only your movie is available for even a weak is a dirty move.
With a father like that, no wonder...
There's both positive and negative bots going at it, no telling how many actual people give enough of a shit.
>I'm of the opinion that this script was written out of just catharsis rather than honest empowerment. The whole script felt like a cliche from someone filled with resentment.
Those are the same thing in 2018+1
>Disney buying out whole theaters
Don't be stupid, come on, that alarmism amounted to nothing
Anyway I've only seen a handful, 2-3 negatives but at least one was positive
Makes perfect sense if it was a good father figure who just so happened to be on the other side of a conflict.
But he wasn't, he was a liar, a manipulator and used her as a tool, as a weapon. The dampener was to control her. Keeping her emotions and such in check was to stop her from remembering her memories and learning the truth.
This was all shown in the film, so it makes perfect sense why she would have that 'Fuck you!' moment.
Anyone have that Shazam/Captain Marvel distracted boyfriend meme?
>world ending device
tell me exactly how many people knew what it was from 1940 to the 90's
>but they pass it off as "B-but it was men telling me what I can't do!"
For how many posts will you repeat this bullshit
Howard Stark and Peggy Carter knew and they were founders of SHIELD, so I assume the entirety of SHIELD was aware of the Tesseract and what it could do.
I'd rather rewatch Doctor Strange or Ant-Man and The Wasp. I don't even think Inhumans or Iron Fist Season 1 were quite this bad.
It's going to make around 150-155 million, WW made 104, however, CM will MAYBE reach the total of 412 WW made in North America.
As many times as it takes, because it's exactly what happens. It's part of the douchebag oppressive males montage. Starts with her in the race and crashing, her getting stuck on the obstacle course and failing, and her starting a barfight because of the guy saying "you do know why they call it a cockpit, don't you?"
Have you not actually seen the movie, user? Not even a cam rip?
The military scene wasn't forced. It actually makes sense for guys in the military to be dicks to women in the early 80s.
The only bad scens in that regard where the go-kart and the biker cat calling her.
I saw it on Thursday and wrote what ended up being a six pages summary for curious anons
they didn't know that. Cap didn't even see the cube until he was on Red Skull's ship at the end of the movie and the cube was kept in Project Pegasus and they're not associated with S.H.I.E.L.D
Why did you cut off the right part?
Because dipshits like you are retarded enough to fall for your own bullshit
Are you new here?
Carol's dad was a shithead and the bar dude was harassing her. there's no subtext, it's just her memories flaring up.
Imagine you have two cakes, both of the same average quality.
Cake A is being sold as just a cake. You like it or you don't.
Cake B is being advertised as THE GREATEST CAKE EVER and something is wrong with you if you don't like it and this cake MEANS SO MUCH that it's a MILESTONE IN THE HISTORY OF CAKE MAKING.
we did it alt-right bros we hate women and minorities and cant be stopped
MCU only? any of the MCU ones except for Hawkeye and War Machine. Actually, scratch that. Rhodey has had some character development since he first appeared.
The thing they all have in common? Telling Carol what she can't do.
Fair point. Still, Stark studied it for decades after it was recovered, he knew what the thing was capable.
and you're the tard who gets cheesed off at that.
>Learning to trust her personal instincts over her training
>gut feelings over facts and knowledge
Yep. That's a female thing alright.
>doesn't feel connected to the MCU
you're the kind of "fan" that ruined these movies
At least Thor 2's final act was interesting, this movie couldn't even manage that...
>Cake B is being advertised as THE GREATEST CAKE EVER and something is wrong with you if you don't like it and this cake MEANS SO MUCH that it's a MILESTONE IN THE HISTORY OF CAKE MAKING.
you've clearly never been friends with cake enthusiasts because thats their opinion on every cake they like.and hell, that kind of energy is infectious. if it makes the cake taste better through sheer placebo, I'll go for a cake thats got some hype behind despite knowing deep down all cakes are the same.
all he knew is that was a power source, Mar-Vell included. only many, many years later Ultron discovered what it was.
CHADZAM is still better
>Carol finds out her side of the conflict isn't as noble as she was led to believe
Now if only SJWs were to learn the same lesson...
Fearless Leader is literally ignoring his Intelligence Agencies because he looked into fat kid's eyes and they fell in love.
Are you calling Trump a woman?
>I'm going to destroy all my suits and give up being iron man babe
It's filler period user.
Really now. He studied for decades and never crossed his mind this thing could be used for evil, or that Red Skull was using it to power his super weapons.
Well are you?
>a powerless fist fight so that the bad guy has the advantage
That's the whole greatness of this genre, you know. The hero triumphs despite being at a disadvantage. Either because of heart, or persistence, or thinking outside the box, 4-dimensional chess, etc.
Hell, just look at Hela's defeat in Thor Ragnarok.
But nah, that's not the "female" way apparently.
Except the whole part of her already ignoring her training from start to end of the film. Her instinct, which she always acts on, is to immediately use her powers to solve every problem first.
>if any of us had powers and we were told to not use them to make it a fair fight, we absolutely would be blowing that person out of the sky instantly.
Are you that much of a pussy? At the very least you fight, and THEN use your powers if you're losing.
Even the much-vaunted SJW-icon Black Panther took fucking herbs to lose his powers when fighting.
niggers > women
We can't have character growth in Captain Marvel. What a silly concept. She has to be amazing from start to finish, otherwise it's sexist and anyone who disagrees is an incel who needs to go have sex.
How so?
Who the fuck would be proud of barely getting a passing grade?
>ignoring her training
she never does that. she was always reporting to Yon-Rogg and hunting Skrulls until she discovered the truth about her past.
You dipshits would or did your tiny retard brains forget about Aquaman and his 65%? Or how about Alita which barely has 60?
Playing to your own strengths is what smart people do.
Thor tried to beat Hela head-on more than once. He only tried subterfuge (Loki's actually) because it was pretty clear show owned him on every level.
If Thor had been able to lightning-smite her into oblivion he wouldn't have hesitated.
The Kree had filled her head with nonsense, and nerfed her abilities down overall. She was at the point of being able to punch through starships fully released, he wasn't going to be able to fight her anyway at that point.
Fuck Rotten Tomatoes
The anti-Disney crowd and DCfriends have no stable metric for anything anymore.
It used to be Oscars til last month.
Now it's just endless goalpost shifting.
If you morons hate rotten tomatoes so much why do you keep pointing to and using its audience score?
The whole point was her power came from her emotions which they constantly told her not to use, her supreme power comes from her humanity.
Black Panther took herbs in a challenge to see WHO would become Black Panther, it's a ritual to become King. It's not some person who has manipulated you for six years and denied you your whole identity while being on a genocidal mission to wipe out an entire race.
When a person like that asks for a fair fight, absolutely not. If you can beat them, just beat them and call it a day.
>found out he lied to her for years
>shot a defenseless Skrull and held her friends at gunpoint
>tried to brainwash her
>set an entire space armada after her
yes, Carol totally should indulge Yon-Rogg after all he did.
You say that like I think either Aquaman or Alita were good. Being just as shitty as other shit still makes you shit.
Or have your burglar girlfriend shoot them with missiles, that works too.
Fighting fair isn't the feminist way, especially if at a self caused disadvantage. They tried training her in hand to hand combat for over six years but instead of improving she always tried to lean on her powers whenever she failed. It's the first thing the movie shows us.
What a great message to send to kids. You don't need to better yourself if you can cheat.
So you are just here to to chant "shitsux, shitsux, shitsux" at us?
Fine, here you go sport.
>See this thread
>Enter in Rotten Tomatoes
>See this
It’s better than either Ant-Man or any of the DCEU, I’ll at least say that much. It has some pacing problems but also some really awesome moments
This. The great moments outweigh the few awkward or wtf moments in the movie.
There were only maybe 3 moments in the movie that took me out of it.
I thought that was what you were doing. Oh fuck, did I interrupt another argument? Sometimes I hate that everyone has the exact same name.
Don't forget that carol only learned of all of that shit within like a 24 hour period. Prior to that, she had 6 good years with these people being none the wiser. She still chose to prove him right, even though she said "I have nothing to prove to you."
Yes, Captain Marvel, in 2 days of release, has 25% more user ratings than Aquaman. You are reading that right.
Totally not being review bombed.
You realize everything in the "DChad" section isn't a part of DC, right? Oh who am I kidding OF COURSE you don't
They chose the wrong Marvel.
>Totally not being review bombed.
Both sides are doing it. It's a complete shit show
>I saw this last night thinking I was walking into some total feminist shit bomb.
Why did you see it then?
Yes, but only one of them are spamming Yea Forums with threads about it.
>currently at a 79% rating
>smashing the box office
There's literally a psychological phenomenon that dissuades people from admitting they paid money for a shit product when asked about it.
>drumpf relies on his feminine intuition telling him to listen to kushner and assfuck the country with immigrants
Does that psychologic phenomena compel them to leave great reviews for it online too?
Did you learn nothing from last December? RT is irrelevant
Nah, it's the blandest, I couldn't even get pissed off at it like I did with Thor 2. I really felt nothing for it.
Last Jedi did well in the box office. It was still a godawful film that split the fanbase and killed sales of future movies.
What else happens in the future?
Does the OP score?
Solo bombed in case you missed it.
>more user reviews in two days than infinity war had in one year
ah yes very organic response and not from you autistic retards at all
Everyone knows that had absolutely nothing to do with TLJ
Maybe if Episode 9 bombs people might think you have a point but we all know that won't happen
Yes, Venom was better. Christ, even Green Lantern was more faithful.
You said movie(s) plural.
Did you misspeak?
And what's the psychological phenomenon that encourages people to hate on a movie they haven't seen?
Is it really that hard for you guys to accept this movie is bad without screaming about Yea Forums?
"Disney Raped Muh Star Wars"
Since I've seen it, yeah.
I had a pretty good time with it.
I don't have an issue with you not enjoying it, you seem happiest that way.
>Everyone knows that had absolutely nothing to do with TLJ
This better be bait
>Everyone knows that had absolutely nothing to do with TLJ
The Star Wars franchise has shaken off shitty movies in the past user.
The core fanbase is practically mentally retarded for it. (nothing personal).
Since people want to make it a partisan issue, absolutely. They will want to take sides.
See, this is the SJW mentality: Reject reality, construct your own narrative, anyone that sees things differently has the problem.
As per the usual, opinions > facts
It's not. The fact is it was a result of poor timing because Disney wanted Mary Poppins to be their December release. People were more than happy with one Star Wars movie a year but one less than 6 months later was just too much
wait so they are comparing a multi-day gross to one single day gross? Did they just go full retard?
It's perfectly rational to hate on a movie with an average score of 65, audience score of 52%, a movie that's getting thrown in right before the final act of a movie series going 10+ years that's also throwing in a deus ex machina to solve the crisis.
Then I guess you retards are SJWs because Captain Marvel isn't failing
No, they are comparing a Thur-Fri to a Thur-Fri.
No they aren't where did you get that idea?
This post is so idiotically wrong that I don't even know where to start with it.
maybe you never read a captain marvel comic book before. and with captain marvel I mean the original one, not this faker.
went to watch it for 8 bucks
felt like the movie played around Captain marvel but like everyone else was out preforming her acting 100% even the skrull played better then her.
and all around her did make the movie enjoyable.
she was like so deadset on something almost robotic
It's funny because Trump would absolutely roll with being a 6'2" billionaire bimbo. He'd probably get re-elected honestly.
>also throwing in a deus ex machina to solve the crisis.
That's Stormbringer, the Uru Hammer Axe that can defy reality altering Infinity Stones "becuz dwarves".
You think opening sales are the only things that matter? Seriously?
You're right, the movie has sold well, your point? After this response and the quality of the film, Marvel's going to be doing a little rethinking.
Do I really need to explain this shit to you?
You mean the thing that didn't work? Do you even know the definition of deus ex machina?
In other words, it annoys you and you don't know how to respond. Cute!
>After this response
"This time, they will be forced to take Yea Forums seriously!"
No, they really won't. You cannot bully an incredibly successful media franchise with transparently faked audience scoring.
It DID work, Thor just used it badly. Thanos even points this out.
>After this response and the quality of the film
You mean the overwhelming praise? Or are you talking about your friend Robbie?
>Everyone knows that had absolutely nothing to do with TLJ
Yeah that's true. It's because nobody gives a fuck about Han Solo. One of the least popular films in the franchise. If they wanted to make money they should have made a Weekend at Watto's
People cared about Harrison Ford, not Han Solo.
that's aquaman and the giant monster stopping the atlantean-crab people war that just started a few minutes ago.
That monster was referenced earlier and stopping Orm's war was a big part of the plot. Shit like this happens in movies all the time. SO I don't know why it's bothering you and that faggot you replied to so much
They could scream about /pol/.
>Her arc is not knowing what she's fighting for, constantly restraining herself and following orders. Then she finds who out who she is, something to fight for and stops trying to fit Yon-Rogg's mold and listens to her gut
Huh. So she's Elsa?
Did they seriousrly turn Mar-vell into an old ass lady?
If you paid attention at all in the past three years you'd have known they were going to do this.
I just hoped they wouldn't.
she looks like Hillary, I'm not even joking
You really think this Carol would have listened to a white male?
remember when Loki, Gamora and Star-Lord went for the head? that's a set-up.
when Aquaman takes the giant monster to a place that just happens to be in the middle of a war AND stops it? that's a deus ex
>almost back up to 50k reviews
>just barely over 50%
Even positive-bombing the score can't save this train wreck.
>when Aquaman takes the giant monster to a place that just happens to be in the middle of a war AND stops it? that's a deus ex
It's no different than Thor arriving with Stormbreaker.
this would be the case if Eitri didn't mention that Stormbreaker could open the bifrost.
Well she listened to Nirvana though! That's 90's right!? They had to put "Come as you are" in that scene where she mentally battles the Supreme Intelligence.
Only if she was in an accident in 1989... (six years before 1995) she never could have heard the song before, since Nevermind didn't come out till 1991!
And let's end the credits with a Courtney Love song too! Awesome!
Oh the Axe can open the bifrost. That's convenient
They used to use a sword to do it.
The Ultra Instinct moment was pretty funny and forced, feminism sure rocks
Should have saved Binary for the sequel.
Assuming they're lucky enough to get one.
Dr. Strange probably became more popular after Infinity War than he was after his own movie, so maybe the Russo treatment will make her a better character than this movie did.
Sorry user, there are some things that just can't be fixed.
Didn't Rotten Tomatoes and Disney manipulate the audience score?
Somebody did. Review purges and upvote bots.
Not as bad as thor 2, but her acting is like a plank and makes her worse than Incredible Hulk.
That goes to Iron Man 4 featuring Spider-Boy
Other way around. They purged the downvote bots that were coming in in droves as soon as the score opened.
It turns out that RT is now just straight up deleting negative reviews. I saw a comment someone made about their review being deleted, and looked through and noticed mine was no longer posted either. And now the audience score is in the 50s. I think it's safe to say RT has no credibility whatsoever. First hiding the "not interested" score but keeping the inflated "want to see" score visable, and now straight up censoring people's rating scores.
You haven't seen the literal bot accounts that were copy-pasting word-for-word the same positive review not long ago?
The "I am an automated comment" or whatever script was at least posting some negative score reviews. I know because I personally flagged a couple.
>he does it for free
Hang on, there are people that still haven't realized RT is deleting reviews and comments? It's the only way they can manage to keep the audience score above a 50.
The worst? Eh, doubt that.
If you asked me if I wanted to rewatch CM or Thor Dark World? I'd say I'd watch CM again.
Also both Antman films were pretty shit tier. Absolutely nothing memorable about either.
I thought we were against bot accounts spamming duplicate reviews. Make up your mind.
Can you still see the average rating scores? I thought they got rid of those.
Is there some secret?
It shouldn't be so hard to understand that there are legitimate reasons for people to not like the movie. Politics poison everything, and I've just about had it with this polarized "with us or against us" mindset.
>he thinks the movies bad because of politics
Surface level thinking at best
Hey user, I was talking to user recently and we both agree that user needs to stop talking to user.
Gets confusing, doesn't it?
I only made one comment on one account and my score rating was removed, so I can attest to the fact that they are just deleting negative reviews indescriminantly.
That does sound like something user would say, that faggot.
It didn't have anything that made it special through direction.
Other director's works in the franchise does show in their respective films.
I may not like it but it shows.
This one was just really bland while trying to ape Gunn.
It's okay to not like things, but don't ruin the enjoyment of people who liked it.
How long ago did you make your account?
>maybe you never read a captain marvel comic book before. and with captain marvel I mean the original one, not this faker.
Are you referring to Mar-Vell, a character who was killed off back in the 70s and has basically never been relevant since? Or are you referring to the DC character Shazam who used to be called Captain Marvel but otherwise is an entirely unrelated character owned by a completely different company? Are you an old man upset about his favorite character being killed in the Carter administration, or a fake geek boy?
It was Men in Black with Samuel L Jackson as K and Brie Larson as J but around 20 minutes of Terminator 2, several scenes from Terminator 2 that weren't like a funny reference but literally scenes from Terminator 2. Then we had a plot from Guardians of the galaxy. It was an entertaining film but it doesn't have anything to do with Avengers or the MCU. This film was made up of parts from other films.
I loved that cat but it was stolen from DC comics, the character was a red lantern that was a cat, really a cat.
>Surface level thinking at best
Pot, meet Kettle.
I didn't mean the movie was bad BECAUSE of politics. All this political bullshit is just getting in the way. The problems with the movie don't actually have a whole lot to do with politics, but people keep trying to make it a political issue. Politics are distracting everyone from the actual problems with the film. You don't have to be alt-right to think Brie Larsen's performance is wooden, and you don't have to be an SJW to think the fight scenes are cool.
Why do I have to explain this? You people are crazy!
I just got back from the movie. Not the worst, but definitely in the lower tier. I thought Nick Fury kept his eye and was using it for the scanner. That's what happened in Winter Soldier. Now I'm to believe he actually did lose his eye?
Dark World at least had a couple of memorable scenes like the attack on Asgard and the end fight with all the portal jumping. I saw Marvel yesterday and even now I'm struggling to think of anything that really stuck with me.
I enjoyed basically everything in the first 2/3rds a with Sam Jackson. The buddycop elements were pretty entertaining.
Yeah, it makes no sense that Coulson was bringing in glass eyes, if the ruined eye is still in the socket.
I've had it for 11 years, but what does that even matter? I just went through and checked some of the 5 star reviewers and a lot of them have only rated Captain Marvel, or Captain Marvel and The Last Jedi, so clearly there are people making new accounts to vote on the movie. Why are they only removing negative reviews?
I think the implication since he doesn't pick an eye is that he decides to keep the dead one. Frankly I was pissed they showed the eye thing, I would have preferred it was another "oh my eye's fine" joke.
I really enjoy the dynamic between Scott, Pym, and Hope in the Ant-Man movies and Loki in the Thor movies. There's no one in CM that owns their role like those characters do for me, Mendelsohn is in makeup, SLJ is just automatically in love with Carol and doesn't challenge her like I expected Fury to do, and Jude Law is underused.
This is levels of Pleb that shouldn't be possible.
He was killed off in the 80s and has had several mini-series devoted to his history, has appeared in so many flashbacks about the history of cosmic Marvel it's ridiculous that he's arguably been more relevant than the core Avengers were prior to the MCU, inspired several legacy characters and his son Genis had a series that is now a cult classic.
But Cavill's Supes does have a personality and he's not a smug. He's not smiling much because he's curious about his actual identity throughout the film rather than being unnecessarily angry all the time like Carol in CM.
Antman is the epitome of bad mahvel quirky dialogue. Both movies were complete garbage.
>Why are they only removing negative reviews?
That can't be true, they purged a bunch of reviews in the beginning, and the score actually went down. There's probably bots on both sides.
I feel the same way about SLJ and Brie's buddy cop elements, felt like they were trying way too hard to make these characters friends and likable and wasnt natural in the slightest.
If you pay attention I was responding to the fact that both are lost and need to find themselves and their character arc is just weak "be true to yourself" epiphany after flashbacking super hard and asking everyone else what to do.
I love how they tried to make the look like friends in promo conferences. I even saw some comments (probably paid) on how they will have a good chemistry.
To me, I dont think the chemistry was the issue, really.
It was the context of it. Super secret agent man magically trusts person. He has no basis to assume she is telling the truth with "I cant be skrull, I has lasers".
Like their 2nd scene together, they're just sitting in a bar asking each other random questions about their lives, the script can't even think of a natural way for them to become friends.
He's a military guy experiencing an extraterrestrial threat for the first time and the first time he sees her he's smiling and warm like he knows everything about her, it's just so fucking forced. Pym fucking hated Scott for a good while before he proved himself, and there are countless examples like that in the other films.
honestly I would re-watch man of steel over this in a heartbeat
age of ultron at least has some fun character interaction
then you're a drooling mongoloid
What the hell is there to even rewatch CM for. The action scenes are short as fuck with little going on and never show her getting challenged. There's no climactic fight and no great acting performance like all the other bad movies had.
forgetting this hard about:
>u looking for my dad?
>hope u don't catch him
Wow, they also deleted my reviews on Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, and TFA I gave a good review.
Sure they did
They absolutely did. They no longer show in my list of movies I've rated.
prove it then
Your very request is dubious, because any proof I present would just be shrugged off as shopped or faked.
how convenient for your retarded ass.
He's right, you sound like a butthurt fag, fuck off.
Was it just me, or did her friend look like a totally different actress when they met in the "present"?
If it wasn't for Iron Man 2 it would be the worst. It came close but didn't quite top that. It's still terrible though.
Plebs won't even know GoTG before it hits the screen. What would you expect from them talking about Mar-Veil being irrelevant, when he was an antagonist in Cancerverse, which is also the series that send off Star Lord and Richard Rider before the inevitable reboot trashy version.
Do they even know Noh-Varr?
>and his son Genis had a series that is now a cult classic
Let'sssss not get carried away, now.
And the Avengers got pushed a little bit before the MCU, one reason the cosmic renaissance worked was because it wasn't in the spotlight getting the shit "star" writers.