What if Norman never upgraded his broomstick to a glider? Think of all the iconic gobby moments that would be so much harder to take seriously.
What if Norman never upgraded his broomstick to a glider...
What if Mary Jane Watson wasn't a pro-abortion, pro-promiscuity, pro-sexual permissiveness, pro-equality cunt that seduced poor Harry and turned him to drugs and got Norman to return as Goblin and seduced Gerry Conway who killed off Gwen Stacy thus ending the Golden Age that could've lasted forever and prevented the onset of Black Spider-man, tumblr, SJW's, Bendis and Slott?
Fuck off
it was the Silver Age dingus. Kudos for a new argument for getting rid of MJ tho, normally you CG fucks are pro marriage.
>pro-equality cunt
So just full mask-off then, huh?
Wew lad.
Listen even if Mary Jane is a whore that doesn’t give you the right to talk to spider mans wife like that, show some respect
sexy goblin does not approve of broom stick. He needs his glider.
I agree, I like her, she's cool.
People would make fun of his dick riding a rocket powered butter churn
I guess it kind of fits more with the goblin theme. The fact that it's so ridiculous just highlights how silly a lot of Norman's shtick was. We just don't notice because we're used to it. He's wearing a goblin suit with pixie boots and short shorts. He fires sparkles out of his fingers for Christ's sake.
Trips wasted on bait.
Of course I'm pro marriage! Pro marriage with a wife, based on a real wife, with true wife values!
You okay user?
Do you find Jack-O-Lantern silly? Because it'd be more or less that
Jack-o-lantern's costume is cool though.
And I'm pretty sure he stands on his broom.
>spider mans wife
Member Doom's helicopter? I'm pushing for this board to remember it, goddammit. It was great
Remember how Ant-Man had a cannon he'd fire himself out of to get to places quicker?
What am I supposed to be seeing here?
That Aunt May was in on it from the beginning. Trying to tempt Peter with the Devil's Spawn. Doesn't everyone realize? Mary Jane, the marriage, Aunt May, Mephisto? They are all just faces of the same cage; the cage of Peter being separated from Gwen Stacy Parker, his one true wife!
god, why do some people try SO HARD for to push for stupid obscure shit to be well known? Fine.
How about the Thanoscopter that just said "Thanos" on the side?
How about that time Spider-Man had a sponsorship with a car dealer and had a dune buggy spider-car?
How about that time Peter got molested by Skip Westcott?
How about that time Captain America turned into an actual honest-to-God werewolf?
How about that time Frank Castle turned black and went to Chicago with Luke Cage?
Or what about the time Frank Castle turned into an angel?
How about the time Normie Osborn actually raped Gwen Stacy and had kids with her?
What about that one time Spider-Man saw Black Cat and Daredevil making out on a rooftop together and Spider-Man said this was his villainous origins?
Mary Jane? MJ? Marijuana! It all makes sense now!
I never knew that devils lettuce came in red!
I thought that he maintained mass when shrinking. Wouldn't that not work?
>How about that time Spider-Man had a sponsorship with a car dealer and had a dune buggy spider-car?
This isn't obscure, Spencer mentioned it recently. It was Corona Motors that wanted the car, but it was Carter & Lombardo that hired him.
Well yeah, but also comic books.
Recently Ant-Man shrunk down so small that he fell between the fabric of the universe and traveled the multiverse.
Huh, I didn't know Spencer mentioned it. ty
>she actually fucked Harry
This isnt real, right? OH NO NO NO NO
>How about the Thanoscopter that just said "Thanos" on the side?
That wasn't canon; that was a joke. Read more comics
>How about that time Spider-Man had a sponsorship with a car dealer and had a dune buggy spider-car?
Plenty of people know about that. They even made a joke about it in Spider-Verse
>How about the time Normie Osborn actually raped Gwen Stacy and had kids with her?
Ah yes, one of the most infamous Spider stories ever. "obscure."
>What about that one time Spider-Man saw Black Cat and Daredevil making out on a rooftop together and Spider-Man said this was his villainous origins?
Totally doesn't get posted all the time
Hell the buggy was in spider-verse for a hot moment. It’s kinda like ace the bat hound it’s an obscure reference but not that unknown amount the normies
well okay, what about the time Peter finally admitted to Aunt May that he dropped out of college and she got really mad at him, and then every time her cripple tenant would set up an appointment for Peter to talk with May, Hobgoblin or Puma would show up and fuck his shit?
>Stupid obscure shit
Doomcopter appeared in *one issue*, Doom's first appearance. It's the tip of obscure one and dones. A lot of yours are either memes or widely known.
Respect Doomcopter
She fucked Harry, Flash, and Ned. Then she aborted the babies. She's a child murderer! The symbol of the END of comics' decency.
How about the time Beyonder stuck MODOK in Galactus' ass and hired Deadpool to merc him?
MJ and Harry dated for a good while in Lee's run. Not surprising that a moron who uses stupid Yea Forums memes doesn't read comics.
You're just describing a random sublplot from DeFalco's run. What's your point?
okay what about that time when Galactus almost stepped on Spider-Man
or about that one time Spider-Man punched Hulk into orbit with the power cosmic
When are they gonna show the Thanos copter in the MCU?
I already mentioned Thanoscopter here
Not that user, but better. 6/10
>"Why don't you date my friend's niece? She's a nice girl!"
>"But Aunt May, I've already got a girlfriend!"
>"Forget her, I know what's best for you!"
Wow, Aunt May could come across as pretty insensitive back in the day. Did she hate Gwen or something? Did she ever meet Gwen?
Gwen wasn't his girlfriend at the time, he was talking about Betty Brant.
Gwen was a secondary villain/bully for her first ten or so appearances, very similar to Celia in The Question until Romita came aboard. And May did approve of Gwen, although they did have a big falling out when Gwen accused her of smothering Peter.
Gwen told her to fuck off being an overbearing maternal cunt and then Aunt May made plans with Otto to kill her. However, Mary Jane's plan came to fruition first via corrupting Harry and by extension Norman and then killing Gwen.
1) Peter wasn't talking about Gwen, he was talking about Betty. Peter wouldn't meet Gwen until college, shortly before meeting MJ.
2) If you read Lee's original run (and kind of any story set in the 50s/60s) it was a lot more normal to just "date around." Peter and Betty weren't THAT super serious, and May really liked to play matchmaker. Old women are kind of like that.
>Gwen was a secondary villain/bully for her first ten or so appearances, very similar to Celia in The Question until Romita came aboard
That's overselling it a bit. Gwen was definitely pretty cold to Peter, but she would often make comments along the lines of "maybe he's not so bad..." She was only mean to him because he kept blowing her off when she tried to talk to him (this was also true with Flash as well, a lot of people forget that.)
Also she only appeared in 5 issues drawn by Ditko and often without any lines.
That was a "What-if?" comic.
I see. Still, if it wasn't for us FINALLY seeing MJ, it wasn't too farfetched for Peter to react so negatively to Aunt May trying to set him up with a girl he'd never even met before, especially as she'd been using the worst kind of descriptors for her.
Even back then, saying someone has "a nice personality" is usually a sign that they're not conventionally attractive. Not only that, but the fact that she was the niece of that crotchety old cunt Anna was probably another warning sign for him.
If I were in Peter's shoes, I'd be making as many excuses as possible too.
>spider mans wife
Gwen was pretty hardcore as well
Impaling him on it would be more poignant. They had to add stupid blades to the movie goblin bat glider to make it look convincing.
Ideal wife gentlemen. Stan Lee knew it. Somehow that runt Conway pulled one over him, and probably hypnotized him with his 19-year old degeneracy to ship MJ with Peter instead. Truly, I believe that Gerry Conway, not Joe Quesada, is the REAL root of Marvel's problems! The problem to not treat women as they are: WIVES FOR BREEDING!
Mexico understands!
>Mexico understands
Good taste. Mexican Gwen Stacy was a god send, bless them beaner boys
>bless them beaner boys
>Coffee Bean
Oh my god, Trump is a monster! He's not locking himself in with us, he's locking us in with him!
That line was really badly formatted here. The implication is that we should be leaving for holy no-age-of-consent Mexico where we can find proper wives while over in America all the women are promiscuous or feminists.
>How about the time Normie Osborn actually raped Gwen Stacy and had kids with her?
Gwen put out because she wanted to, it was fully consensual cucking of Petey.
Lies, lies forced by the SJW editorial! She is Peter's true lovely wife and JMS just wanted us to go back to the past, to stop the evil that is Mary Jane!
Honestly Sins past would work as a spider-girl story after decades a new hero comes into maydays life with similar powers and they slowly learn about this new Stacy
Imagine getting this mad about 50 year old panels
>Frank Castle turned black
It made sense in context. Product of it's time more than anything else.
>Frank Castle turned into an angel
That, well.....Lets just forget that one.
You're really dedicated to this incel bit and I'm not sure why