So the consensus from the majority of crittics I trust say its fine...

So the consensus from the majority of crittics I trust say its fine, but JUST fine and puts little effort into going "above and beyond". Its just a marvel product C level. Boring action, cliches that aren't done in a new or interesting way, and a character that isn't that interesting

I don't pay to see marvel movies or give a shit about capeshit culture but this back and forth crittic war shit is terrible

Also the fact that they are introducing this character to defeat thanos seems off.It would make more sense to have the characters you have been building for almost ten years defeat the villian everything has been building to, not the one who just joined. Like then she would feel like a Deus ex machina at that point.

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It’s about on par with Thor 1.

I would say Dark World, though both Thor movies still have a coherent straight forward plot.

have sex incel

>Tony realizes his father's weapons industry is bad and devotes himself to correcting things in the world
>Steve is a patriot and undergoes a military experiment so he could better protect his country and enforce justice
>Thor is a protector of the realm by birth and uses his godlike powers to fulfill his duties
>Peter lucks his way into spider powers but has to learn to be responsible and stand for good as his uncle would want
>T'challa inherits his position as the ruler and defender of his country and is willing to go to any lengths to do so
>Star-Lord has to overcome his learned mercenary urges and not fuck over everyone for personal gain despite not having powers since he's good at heart
>Strange has to leave his successful life behind in order to devote his life to defending the world against evil magic

>Carol lucks her way into superpowers and then fucks off to do her own thing

The biggest problem with her is that we never see her motivation, her drive, her principles, her conviction, in the movie she's just a random pilot and is never developed beyond that, we're expected to think she'll do the right thing because she's a woman, but she's never shown being dedicated to a noble cause beyond personal revenge. Undoing all of the achievements of fan-beloved characters built up over 10 years to give the spotlight to a self-insert non-character like this is story suicide.

Whats so incel about this exactly?

have sex incel

Don't bother. It's just a dumb carolfag. They aren't very intelligent

>Dark World

Oh come on user it can't possibly be that bad.

>>Steve is a patriot and undergoes a military experiment so he could better protect his country and enforce justice

There's literally no difference between him and Carol.

>>Carol lucks her way into superpowers and then fucks off to do her own thing
Okay, now you are just being purposely retarded. £She literally goes to stop a war. You have to b a special kind of moron to call it "do her own thing".

>fucks off to do her own thing

She took responsibility for the people the Kree fucked over and help them find a home. She didn’t just go to space to enjoy flying

Dark World is at least self-contained and can be ignored, Captain Marvel retroactively ruins some of the good aspects of the MCU


>Captain Marvel retroactively ruins some of the good aspects of the MCU
No, it doesn't.

aLso, Dark world is actually good. the only bad MCU movie is Civil War.

Yes it does. Reducing one of the most iconic elements of one of their most popular characters to a fucking a joke is a shitty, shitty retcon. Naming the team after a brand new character who is forced into the franchise's past is a shitty, shitty retcon. Like holy fuck. I really can not believe that Marvel apologism seriously has no rock bottom. Find an identity beyond the corporation that makes your favorite funnybooks, nerds.

Steve volunteered to be experimented on knowing all the potential risks just so he could go fight Nazis, he was a hero even before becoming Captain America, in contrast Carol didn't know shooting the energy core would give her powers or even that it would explode.

It might as well be personal vendetta over lying to her, not to mention all the amnesia and shapeshifting and memory alteration cast doubt on whether she's actually doing the right thing, there's no hard evidence for anything and she just kinda goes along with what she's told.

Yeah it does, it makes the universe feel ridiculously small, it makes Fury and SHIELD look silly and irrelevant, it ruins the Avengers legacy and mythos, it trivializes the Kree/Skrull conflict, introduces inconsistencies and makes the timeline confusing.

I’d say it’s slightly above Thor 2 and close to ragnorak but not quite there but with breathing distance of guardians 1 but also not as close

It’s generally a fine standard marvel movie with some messy bits, nothing really out of the ordinary

>It would make more sense to have the characters you have been building for almost ten years defeat the villian
But Iron Man doesn't have pussy power

The amount of damage control this movie's getting is unreal. Why are people so afraid to just say it's bad?

I consider that movie is on the same level as Aquaman.

>Yeah it does, it makes the universe feel ridiculously small,
No, it doens't.
>it makes Fury and SHIELD look silly and irrelevant
No, it doesn't.
> it ruins the Avengers legacy and mythos,
No, it doesn't.
> it trivializes the Kree/Skrull conflict,
It does the literal oppoite of it and actually establish it well in the MCU
>introduces inconsistencies and makes the timeline confusing.

>It might as well be personal vendetta
Now I know you a re a retard. Personal vendetta would be the destruction of the Krees.

>. Why are people so afraid to just say it's bad?
Because ti's actually good ? it's not great, but it's good. It's a classic super hero movie.

>No, it doens't.
Yeah it does.
>No, it doesn't.
Yeah it does.
>No, it doesn't.
Yeah it does.
>It does the literal oppoite of it and actually establish it well in the MCU

Oh yeah, because that's not tiresome at all. The same old bullshit we've had for the 12 years

It's hardly bad. You're just showing your own ignorance in regards to movies and npc:ness by trying to attach some ridiculous social commentary on this like the well trained dumb bitch you are.

I am rubber and you are glue

>Skrulls kill innocents
glossed over
>Carol kills dozens of Skrulls
glossed over
>Carol steals clothes and a motorbike
glossed over
>Carol causes unnecessary property damage to show off
glossed over
>Carol and Talos leave the science Skrull to die
glossed over
>Carol gets Doctor Lawson killed
glossed over

well that is her doing her own thing

I miss Mar-Vell.

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Dark World being the worst of the MCU is a meme. It is not a horrible movie, and I don't mean that as some sort of praise. It is technically competent but it is completely heartless and utterly boring. No one in any facet of production, from the director, to the actors, to the technical and effects artists, feels like they given even a single shit about the movie beyond executing their jobs adequately. It is the epitome of the producer-driven corporate assembly line shlock people love to criticize the MCU for.

Captain Marvel is similarly sterile, but is technically worse in my opinion due to it's uneven and poorly considered plot structure. I'll give it points for trying something different, but not enough to raise it above Dark World for me.

> No one in any facet of production, from the director, to the actors, to the technical and effects artists, feels like they given even a single shit about the movie beyond executing their jobs adequately.

Someone please post the concept art which got turned down that looked more like sci-fi Lord of the Rings compared to what we've got.

>being this desperate that you have to nitpick every little detail about some film


>Also the fact that they are introducing this character to defeat thanos seems off.It would make more sense to have the characters you have been building for almost ten years defeat the villian everything has been building to, not the one who just joined. Like then she would feel like a Deus ex machina at that point.
I think this is the part that's pissing off people the most.


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I'll make it very simple and clear...

>So the consensus from the majority of crittics I trust say its fine, but JUST fine and puts little effort into going "above and beyond". Its just a marvel product C level.

So it's on the same tier of Thor 1, Iron Man 2 and Black panther?

aside from the fact that if they had to do this at all it should have been Adam Warlock, which they specially stated they didn't want to do.

I actually liked Thor 1 because Kenneth Branagh made it feel all Shakespearean and grand, at least in the Asgard scenes. I doubt this movie's going to have any of that, though.

>White blonde woman uses military training to hunt down illegal aliens

How redpill is this movie?

>cap is a hero for wanting to fight the nazis and getting stuck in ice for a couple of decades because he can't fly a plane
>carol is a coward for running away to help refuges find a new home but giving Nicholas a pager to call her back if reality starts collapsing and they need a hero

I love Adam but he wouldn't have worked either, not without introducing Him much earlier. And people would just call him redundant with Vision around even though the circumstances of their creation are different. Plus Captain Mar-Vell beat Thanos in the first saga. It was Marv of course but there's at least some connection there.

Anyway at this point I just hope GOTGv3 is about the birth of Adam and him bonding with Gamora while also being manipulated by the Universal Church of Truth. We all know Thanos isn't making it out of Endgame alive or they wouldn't have done an homage to Farmer Thanos already.

It's not bad, it's just ok. The problem is that we are more than ten years into the MCU and "Just fine" doesn't cut it. Especially not as the lead-in movie to the climax of said decade long overreaching plot.

But you're right that people are afraid to say it's even "just ok". There's too much political bullshit and unfriendly social climate behind it.

>GOTGv3 is about the birth of Adam
Assuming it's ever made, and assuming they use Gunn's script, it wont.

I thought that was the point of the tease in v2? What else would it be about?

Gunn said it would be the last movie with the current roster, and as such be focused on the characters instead of being part or the start of some MCU wide plot. Warlock was a tease for what would come after it, in GoTG 4 or maybe in an Avengers movie.

But now that Gunn is out of the picture, whoever is in charge of GoTG3 might just say fuck it and go all out with the Warlock plot.

I was going to say it's about the same level as the Ant-Man, but act three put it below that. Way below Thor 2.


Look I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be.

Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch.

But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing.

Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh.

Captain Marvel has a simple-looking origin story presented and executed in a terrific manner. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids

Actually, it's bluepill as fuck.
The trailer shots are just a smokescreen, a mirage.

Fuck outta here with that copypasta.

>Expecting them to not play the movie as safe as possible before IW2 comes out
Of course it was going to be cookie cutter capeshit with no real soul. They didn't want to take a risk and have it blow up in their face for the conclusion of all of the movies they have released over the years.

Their biggest mistake was casting Brie Larson as CM. If they had just picked a pretty actress with a likable personality that kept her autism off social media, the movie would not have gotten nearly as much flak. Just give it the Supergirl treatment.

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Act 3 is actually still quite good.

Some "left-wing" critics here where i live are saying this sucks. "Regular" critics are saying this is bad too.

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>Reducing one of the most iconic elements of one of their most popular characters to a fucking a joke is a shitty, shitty retcon
It's not reduced
> Naming the team after a brand new character
IT's named after her plan and seeing she inspired the initiative, it make sense. and is not a retcon.

>Reducing one of the most iconic elements of one of their most popular characters to a fucking a joke is a shitty, shitty retcon. Naming the team after a brand new character who is forced into the franchise's past is a shitty, shitty retcon.
What happened?

>in contrast Carol didn't know shooting the energy core would give her powers or even that it would explode
Are you serious? She couldn't tell shooting an experimental engine fueled by mysterious energy could cause an explosion, after the engine's creator asked her to run away too? As if that would even matter considering the presence of an alien ready to shoot her at any moment? There was no scenario where Carol would come out of the situation alive, bar of course the unexpected effects of the explosion

Also Maria explained Carol agreed to take on the experiment knowing it was risky, because they trusted Lawson's words that it would be important to "end wars" and save lives. And also because it was her only opportunity to do accomplish anything meaningful since women at the time weren't allowed on proper missions, not too far off from Steve and his attempts to help the cause despite his physical limitations

First part:
Fury got his eye scratched by Goose, a flerken who is a cat-like alien.
Second part:
When naming the program, Fury got his inspiration from Carol's middle name "Avenger".

Thx, I'm definitely not going to see this movie.

Trust me. Save your money and spend it directly to Endgame (if you wish).

Aren't you that same stupid tranny slut that keeps saying "have sex" in every single Carol board?

You have to remember that American "left wing", just means "woke tumblr babies". Not actually left wing.

>middle name
Sure is retard in here.

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Fine. Codename or whatever. I'm not in the military.

>dark world is good
>Civil War is worse than the Incredible Hulk, Ant-Man and the Wasp and Iron Man 2.

I've always wondered, so I'm just going to come out and ask. You're obviously retarded but are you AWARE you're retarded or do you just feel normal?

>Captain America wants to stop Nazi's because he doesn't like bullies but is stopped because of serious health issues that would jeopardize other people in war
>Captain Marvel wants to bootlick for America so hard but America is a sexist pigsty that won't let her fly a plane to shoot sandniggers during Desert Storm
Seems legit.

most marvel movies these days are about the hero learning fuck all. what did spider man actually learn in his own movie? to buckle down and do exactly the same thing he was already doing

Fucking kek

Captain Marvel may not be the best superhero movie of all time.

Despite that, I'm going to watch it three times. Once with my family, once with my friends, and a third time on my own. Why? To offset the number of dumb Yea Forums posters unwilling to give a powerful female hero a chance.

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>Dark world is actually good

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Retard troll, there are tons of better powerful female heroes, gender has nothing to do with the quality of the film.

>Naming the team after a brand new character who is forced into the franchise's past is a shitty, shitty retcon.
t. somebody who doesn't know where the name came from in the comics
the new version is way cooler

In the comics they teamed up to stop Loki and then afterwards Wasp came up with the name. What does that have to do with anything?

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The thing is that "Avengers" is just a specific name, and the theme of avenge/revenge sounds almost ominous or tragic. Heck, now that i think about it that's how the first Punisher movie was localized in Italy, The Avenger, I'm assuming because he seeks revenge for his family's death and shit

The first Avengers movie tried to make sense of the name too with that "if we can't save earth at least we'll avenge it" line, again focusing on a dark implication that the Earth is fucked in order to do so

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Yeah pretty much.

Dude no. Carol is dull, Nick doesn't feel like a younger version of himself so much as a separate character, Hala and the Kree are underdeveloped, there's a lot to hate about the film that makes it FAR from a classic.

Plus Mar-Vell gets pissed on.

So what you're saying is you hate women.


Also changes her Kree colors to USAF colors so she went being from a Kree tool back to shilling for the USAF.

A fool and his money.

If it's a tranny, I can understand why they always have sex on the brain. It's how they identify themselves as. They literally cannot see a worldview that's not filtered through sex.

was he metooed by Wanda?

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How many times did you watch Wonder Woman, Battle Angel Alita? How about Peppermint? Atomic Blonde? The Wife?

I'm really intrigued by how this movie does going forward. Is it going to have big legs, or is it going to get the Batman vs Superman treatment and shoot its wad early, only to taper off significantly afterwards?

>but JUST fine

I wouldn't even say it was just fine. I was bored the entire time, the guy in the seat next to me fell asleep halfway through, and the kids two rows up were fucking around because they were bored, too.

It was just not a very good movie.

She went to gently fuck the Kree.

Yes, it's like a grab bag of things that worked in previous movies.

It tries to do ape shit but doesn't do a good job of it.
Even the soundtrack is "let's take nostalgic pop music like guardians" but it just doesn't work because of how blatant it is.

Was it just my theater or was this movie really, really dark, like the lighting was dark or weirdly backlit at all times? I was getting AVP2 flashbacks watching this thing.

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Cause it was just a soundtrack. The music is integral to GOTG, it's Quill's only connection to Earth and his mother. The Captain Marvel soundtrack was just "dude remember the 90s???" I couldn't have rolled my eyes harder when they played Come As You Are during the Supreme Intelligence shit and Just a Girl immediately after. Talk about on the nose.

I fucking know you Fer stop.