Holy f*ck Disney colluded with Rotten Tomatoes, YouTube and other sites to push their mediocre SJW comic movie.
>Tens of thousands of Negative audience reviews getting purged on multiple websites, replaced with positive ones
Holy f*ck Disney colluded with Rotten Tomatoes, YouTube and other sites to push their mediocre SJW comic movie.
>Tens of thousands of Negative audience reviews getting purged on multiple websites, replaced with positive ones
have sex
I'll make it very simple and clear: Captain Marvel is really worth a watch. It's just entertaining and visually impressive, exactly what it was meant to be. Just keep this in mind that it's an origin story so don't go looking for an overstuffed complex story. It's just a fun action movie that introduces us to a new superhero Captain Marvel, played brilliantly by Brie Larson. I became an instant fan watching her in this action heroine avatar, something she manages to pull off with ease. Watch her in the action sequences and there's no way you can't be impressed. Viewers were literally cheering for some of the most heroic moments in the film. Samuel L Jackson as Nick Fury is as awesome as always, it's just that his character feels even better and refined than what we've seen. Jude Law is also quite good, and so are Ben Mendelsohn and Lashana Lynch. But the one character that ultimately steals the show is Goose, the cat. Some of the sequences involving her are so hilarious that it was really difficult to stop laughing. Visual effects are excellent, and the IMAX 3D viewing just elevated them. And since it's most importantly an action movie, every single action sequence it delivers is impressive, especially the train sequence. I would call it one of the major highlights of the movie. Cinematography in certain portions is really impressive. Humor, like any other MCU movie, is top notch and really manages to make you laugh. The directors have done a great job with the characterization of Captain Marvel, and that is what makes everything in the film seem so good. The pace is brisk, gore is minimal to no, and there's nothing unsuitable for kids. I'd definitely recommend watching Captain Marvel to anyone who likes superheroes or is simply a fan of action movies. You'll love it if you want to be entertained. It also does answer some much-asked questions, and that should be the reason enough for you to stay instead of walking away. Can't wait to watch Avengers: Endgame now!
mmm that's some good pasta
Choose sex
Wait....this is pasta from those RT 5 star...
Ahh yes Disney are colluding with a site owned by..... Warner Brothers to make their film look better.
Yes, you. The one screaming, "Brie Larson is toxic" and "Her movie is shit!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.
You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.
I don't feel awkward or anxious going to watch Captain Marvel at least five times around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful movie that has been made for us - and it IS powerful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Captain Marvel fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow fans, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.
Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.
I pity you.
I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that Captain Marvel and Brie are such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.
I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Stop watching porn and anime, go to cinema to watch Captain Marvel, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of this movie, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time..
This is legitimately hilarious
can you go cry on Yea Forums instead of infesting this board constantly with this shit? It's getting annoying fast
>have sex
Larson is the epitome of white trash.
The best thing you can do is tell shitposters that they're trolling you. They'll stop, and definitely not post more.
"Brie Larson is mad,lol.
Brie Larson is Cancer.
No she isn't. She's an idiot and useless as a human being, but white trash is far different.
I fucking hate every single one of you /pol/ and tumblr brigaders
Are you willing to pay my prostitute fees?
what is the original
Don't know why you're surprised. Every website ism just an advertising platform now.
It’s own by Fandango which in part belongs to WB. It’s a ticket selling website and they need the studios and theaters happy
0.05 cents has been deposited in your account.
What exactly do you want?
How DARE they not flood their sites with fake bullshit!
I love watching these particular events evolved. Every time, the right makes up a fake narrative that they repeat and repeat until they themselves start to believe it, and then they start reporting on it as though it actually has a foundation in reality and can be sourced. Incredible.
And people actually defend this move instead of the fascist mechanism it is.
But hey! Long live the mouse!
Holy fuck they didn't collude with anyone you delusional turdwagon. The movie is fine. Stop feeding into outrage culture.
Does having sex with a man counts? I prefer them better over women.
>Brie Larson is toxic
She is.
Fuck disney
>I prefer them better over women.
But that's rape.
>$98 million first weekend
>double WW's opening
It's time to stop pretending that you guys are relevant.
If it pisses you off. Why stop?
You seem to be reading annoyance from that post when in reality there is only amusement.
>sales equals quality
Go suck corporate cock somewhere else.
There are people who are so pathetic and friendless they have nothing better to do with their time then go on a Japanese imageboard and rant about how "muh right-wing boogeyman" doesn't have the same tastes and opinions as them in comics and cartoons. They do it for hours, scouring the catalogue for any possible thread where someone is calling out a failed writing trope or lazy artwork, so that they can swoop in and post a three word "trollpost" to "own the fascists." For days, they will wake up, walk to their computer, and open up their browser in a mechanical, ritualistic fashion because this is their life now, the only thing that makes them feel like they understand the world's fundamental truths, as events in reality continue to defy their expectations and they grow ever more frustrated at their lack of control. It has become an obligation to them, a pseudo-religious duty to mock, demean, and dismiss anonymous Internet users they will never know, never meet, and never realize are trolling them right back. They will do it for as long as they leech off their roommates WiFi, because this is their hill to die on.
And they do it for free.
Hilary lost, move on
>Now Captain Marvel of course is the first SJW MCU movie
Citations needed. For real.
Are you really frothing at your mouth from old lady Mar-Vell and the cockpit line?
Nobody's saying that. Just that you have no ability to make any kind of real difference.
Who looks at user scores on any website? It's always just a matter of spamming.
Go spam your YouTube channel on /pol/ or Yea Forums you faggot. Fuck off.
...You realize that even if your numbers are true, which we doubt strongly, we remember that the "negative audience reviews" started long, LONG before the movie even was screened, right?
Those DESERVED to be purged and if you have any ounce of honesty in you, you know it.
Have sex incels
>the right
I tought it weas the russisn? Did I miss some memo who's to blame this time?
far-right russian incel bots
She literally said that she doesn't want the white male dollar, that white men's opinions do not matter and that they should not watch movies that weren't made for them.