Rlly makes me ponder
Rlly makes me ponder
What matters is the love you cultivate for your species
>Don’t question authority
What if there is a Liberal in the White House?
Average people live average lives, no matter how hard they try.
Unless you have an IQ of at least 120, but more likely 130, or have brain problems that give you a unique insight not accessible to others, you are simply not capable of accomplishing anything exceptional outside of the mundane "I climbed a mountain" exceptional that doesn't really matter.
Average people don't do things like invent vaccines, or invent new technologies. At best they assist others to do those things in their positions as menial labour.
The most you can hope for as an average person is to win the popularity lottery and get famous for some mundane bullshit that's mediocre enough to be appealing and marketable. But that's not really anything worth being proud of. Actors and singers are rich and famous but nobody really respects them for it.
If you really want to be exceptional, go into politics. As shit as politics is, there is no other career that allows you to, potentially, make as much of a difference. You don't need to be President or anything, although obviously the higher up you get the more you can do. But like I said, don't bother trying unless you've got an IQ of at least 120 and good interpersonal skills. If you go a public service route you don't need as good interpersonal skills, but you will need to be smarter.
If you think politicians have an IQ anywhere near 120...
Or movie stars, or star athletes, or star musicians...
Saving this because of the salt. It's like these hacks think they're the first whistleblowers to draw a comic about what others "don't see"
The post makes it clear all of those are options for sub 120IQs.
Like yours.
>this much weight given to IQs
Brainlet detected
>how dare people not be famous or struggling ot be famous like me, social fame is all I care about, who need engineers and doctors we need online stars to exist ok
nothing's worse than a pretentious artist except and anti-intellectual pretentious artist
>always to somewhere safe and easy
I agree, you should go to the middle of a war-torn/poor city in a third world country and pray the natives won’t kill you.
Reminds me of the episode of Gumball when Gumball and Darwin are trying to figure out the purpose of living and a ghost tells them to live to the extreme over a boring life (said ghost had a very short life because of his extreme lifestyle)
>If you think politicians have an IQ anywhere near 120...
Exceptional ones do.
>Or movie stars, or star athletes, or star musicians...
Who cares about them?
IQ correlates strongly with performance. It's not the only thing that does, but you won't get anywhere without it.
Is there anything more pathetic than trying to trick yourself, and other people, into thinking that you're interesting?
Tell me does the person do? In my experience no job is average. No job is boring. What is he doing? What is life goal? People really seem to forget that what we do isn't the only thing that define us. What about family? Is this an american thing where they forget all about their family and just try to live life to the fullest?
Yes, trying to convince people on the internet that your nearly crippling autism has the side-effect of rendering you highly intelligent instead of just pedantic.
Being a nihilist.
Comics ITT that make you think deeply
>implying i'm trying to convince people that i'm smart because i'm autistic
I'm smart and autistic, but these were both caused by a third factor. Neither caused the other.
I'd be sorry to tell you this if I thought you had a chance of accepting it; you are just plain autistic.
But you go on thinking you are a super-smart guy here.
I have a 98th percentile IQ. In a room of 100 people, I would be the second smartest.
And i'd be the smartest.
I doubt that.
Heathcliffe struggles to remain grounded in a world of unending tragedy.
Every person who I've heard say something like this has untreated Narcissistic Personality Disorder and everyone laughs at them behind their back. I do too.
Nothing wrong with being a cog in the machine. Although only working a fourth of your time at work seems implausible.
I agree with OP,
I mean we all have to accept that jobs take away majority part of life into menial uninteresting labour.
No, I don't believe I have high IQ or that I am highly enlightened.
All I am saying is we should try to spend more time with our SO
or just travel the fucking world and live a life where you enjoyed every moment of it.
And not to live away like a sad fuck doing job.Now if doing a particular Job gets you high then do it(no drugs pls lol) .Do what you love basically.
TL DR: do what you like and don't give a fuck about anything else.
Also don't conform to the norms unless you enjoy it.
>armchair psychologist thinks people respect his """opinions"""
No one should respect something as mean spirited as laughing behind people's backs. I'm still going to do it. You're right about the armchair psychologist part.
Deep and profound.
You just made me realize that some of the tards on this site treat IQ like power level in a shonen anime
what's the point of learning another language if you aren't interested in other cultures?
I got forced to learn french in school and never had to use it so I simply forgot the language again
If you do not have a high IQ you will not succeed at cognitively demanding tasks.
Those are all the tasks that matter if you want to be exceptional.
But user I do get into politics
And then complain about black people
If you guys want to live an exciting life then you should jointhenavy
If you were so smart you wouldn't be here
This reads like a monologue from a shitty shonen
It's still true.