Marvel fags are digging out their own grave. If Captain Marvel succeed at box office...

Marvel fags are digging out their own grave. If Captain Marvel succeed at box office, it will mean Cap America and Iron Man will be replaced by Brie Larson and entire MCU will turn into shit. This is a historical moment which will define whether MCU turn into garbage Disney Star Wars or stay strong and able to go against DC.

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's true, Marvel is FINISHED (this time!).

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Its taking huge WOKE pills. No matter if they bring back Guardians or Stark or any other character. It will be like bringing back Luke in Star Wars episode 9. The franchise is never going to be the same after so much SJW bullshit.

who cares no one was interested in what comes after Endgame anyways, Carol being apart of it or not it was already obvious that she is the "new Captain America." the ONLY thing that matters is that she doesn't fuck up Endgame that's it.

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Oh no, are they gonna cancel Captain America 4 and the new Iron Man trilogy?

What if post-Endgame Marvel begins flopping due to fatigue like Solo likely did, and people are left wondering whether woke/broke took effect or if normies really are getting tired of the same old song and dance?

She won. You lost. Accept it.
You're real. She's not. Move on already.
This shit doesn't matter and you are wasting your life obsessing over it.

I'm so sincere rn I'mma even resist the urge to post a smug Carol face.

ur a nonce OP

>being this much of a brainlet
obviously it was decided years ago if they're going to pull back tony and caps involvement and they're not leaving it until A MONTH before the movie releases to see what to do with them in a movie that's already locked

So you are aware that MCU is basically dead or will slowly die out like Walking Dead craze?

No point in talking about any of these movies flopping until one does. Every single one people call it and every single time they're wrong.

>basically dead
>released the fourth highest grossing movie of all time last year

I havent seen a single Marvel movie. But im still mad far left politics infect this shit. Im more into video games and Star Wars but that was also screwed by same feminist agenda


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At least MCU marks Endgame as a great big event that can be the series finale, whereas Walking dead was stretched to tedium until Rick's "final episode", where they basically confirmed that TWD ain't going anytime soon.

Spoilers pt 2

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To be honest Iron Man, Captain America and possibly Thor were going to retire no matter what after End Game.That said if she comes on to the screen and the movie starts worshiping her without giving us a valid reason to be invested in her then I will be really disappointed. T'Challa was a better written character in Civil War then he was in his own movie so I hope the same applies to Danvers as well. Considering the writers on End Game wrote all three Captain Americas, Thor: The Dark World (Yikes!), Agent Carter (Meh), and Infinity War; I am going to give them the benefit of the doubt. Granted I haven't died by the time April finished I am sure I will be satisfied one way or another with the conclusion.

Look, it's already over. The plane already crashed into the mountain.

Cap and Tony are both dead after Endgame. Who is going to lead the Avengers?

If they had had the rights to Spider-Man from the start during Phase 1 then Peter would have had about 3 or 4 movies in, would have appeared in both Avengers films and all Iron Man films. Would have a way more established relationship with Stark and most importantly would be in his late 20's pushing 30 and a full grown man. If this had happened he would be ready to take over for Tony as the tech brains of the team.

If Carol had launched during Phase 1 and been played by an actual likable charismatic actress who didn't drag divisive identity politics into the franchise for no goddamn reason, and she was at this point an established, well known and respected character who could lead that the team knew then maybe she could take over for Steve.

As it is neither one of those things is going to happen. Peter can't take over for Tony because he's a child. Carol can't fill Caps boots because she's not established and Brie has zero presence or charisma.

It's a straight fucking disaster honestly and it probably means the end of the MCU for a lot of people, me included.

It was a hell of a ride.

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I just wish it could end on a good note with Endgame instead of sputtering along to an ugly death with Carol as the new face

The less she is in Endgame the better.

It's already a sad farewell to a franchise and characters a lot of us loved. Seeing her uncharacteristic wooden potato face on the screen is just going to be torture.

>It's a straight fucking disaster honestly and it probably means the end of the MCU for a lot of people, me included.
>It was a hell of a ride.


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>If Captain Marvel succeed at box office, it will mean Cap America and Iron Man will be replaced by Brie Larson
this seems plausible
>and entire MCU will turn into shit.
now that's just your unfounded thinking.

Its his new Concern Trolling Copypasta.
He's perfecting it in multiple threads.
We get the privilege of reading it and about how he's not going to see Captain Marvel all the way up to Endgame.

>it probably means
so you're not even sure, why should I believe you?

>the end of the MCU
very unlikely

>for a lot of people
highly unlikely

>me included.
and nothing of value was lost.

Just kill yourself already

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>We get the privilege of reading it and about how he's not going to see Captain Marvel all the way up to Endgame.

Oh I watched it. I watched the Russian cam-rip. It's up on all streaming sites. Pretty good quality for a day one as well. I just didn't want to give them any money. After seeing the movie I'm glad I didn't. Brie was just awful and the writing and pacing was really bad. It's not as bad as Thor 2 or Iron Man 2, but it still bottom tier MCU and really awful as an establishment of someone who they want to lead the franchise going forward. She has no charisma at all. Should have been like Biel or even Blunt, either one of them would have been way better.

And still, we just don't care about your unhappiness with it.
And your trolling style for the last half-dozen MCU films is pretty recognizable, fyi.

You have me mistaken for someone else, but that's fine. I'm also not trolling. A troll by definition is insincere. I meant every word I said.

She won?

What did she win?

Yes, we lost - we lost our chance of a decent Captain Marvel movie, our chance of a compelling character capable of carrying a few more movies, and possibly we lost the whole MCU after 'Endgame'.

Posting nasty threads for a week is not 'wasting your life obsessing over it'.

And defending this movie brands you as a shill or as very dumb.

Only soi boi marvelfags will remain

Not very.

Whether he's serious or not, he's right.

You're Concern Trolling simultaneously in at least 2 threads.
Again, you post here so often that your style of discourse is pretty recognizable.

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I'm serious. I meant every word of that.

>You're Concern Trolling simultaneously in at least 2 threads.

Oh yeah, that's me yes. That part is true. I'm not concern trolling though. I'm not trolling at all. I don't post here very often at all, I just read storytimes here, and this is probably the first time I've ever posted in threads here about the MCU. I have up until this point zero reason to complain about the MCU. I love the MCU! I've never said a negative thing about it before now. I even liked Age of Ultron.

>If Captain Marvel succeed at box office, it will mean Cap America and Iron Man will be replaced by Brie Larson and entire MCU will turn into shit.

>Oh noo! Not my Irownmhan and Cap-tan Amerewca!

You mcu fags are a joke

Well they are the heart of the Avengers.

The strong white male heart.

He's not an MCU fag. I'm not one to use someone's real name on Yea Forums, but I know who this guy is. Let's refer to him as (((Deebly Goncerned MCU Fan))).
He's a regular and then some.

Ignore that fool. He spends way too much time on here. Especially if he thinks he can identify users by their posting style

I'm not a regular and you can use the real name you have in your head if you want for sure because I'm not him. I really only post in Yea Forums. I just read stuff on Yea Forums, I'm trying to think the last time I even ever posted here. Maybe complaining about Zendaya? I don't think she should have been Mary Jane.

I mean this is part of the price if anonymity, sometimes people aren't who you think they are and sometimes people who you think you recognize are someone else.

Oh okay.

All I really ask is that you stop pretending to be a soured fan of the MCU.
I honestly don't care if you complain endlessly about Captain Marvel, but the inauthenticity of your love for the MCU is obvious and pathetic.

Do me that small favor and I'll leave you to it.

I agree and as a Marvel fan I won't pay to see it. I'll pirate it when there's a good torrent out.


Yes, you. The one screaming, "Brie Larson is toxic" and "Her movie is shit!" and other slurs I dare not mention. Tread lightly.

You are one. We are hundreds, thousands. Millions. You aren't just IN the minority; you ARE the minority.

I don't feel awkward or anxious going to watch Captain Marvel at least five times around others, and your words don't affect me. Many others, however, are coming out of their shells for the first time in their lives. This is the first time many are enjoying the beautiful movie that has been made for us - and it IS powerful. Incredibly so. DON'T ruin this for them. We Captain Marvel fans may have our differences, but we will not hesitate to come to the aid of our fellow fans, especially against someone who so virulently slurs that which has brought us all together.

Don't take this the wrong way. I don't hate you. I don't fear you.

I pity you.

I'm sorry that you feel this way towards us. I'm sorry that Captain Marvel and Brie are such a bane to your existence. And I'm sorry that you are missing out on such a wonderful experience. Mostly, though, I'm sorry that you feel the need to go around and publicly chastise and berate others. I'm sorry that, to ensure your own validity, you need to make others feel invalid. I'm sorry that your self-worth is so infinitesimally miniscule that you have to make others feel less-than-human, at least in your own denatured mind, just to feel whole. I am truly sorry that day-in and day-out you have to put up with your worthless, meaningless, Shakespearean tragedy of a life.

I ask you politely to cease your unnecessary cries for attention, and instead invite you to join our ranks. Stop watching porn and anime, go to cinema to watch Captain Marvel, and breathe in the splendour and the amazement of this movie, and then, maybe, just maybe, you'll see what you've been so hopelessly searching for this whole time.

But I am a soured fan of the MCU. Well I wouldn't say I'm full out soured yet, Endgame is my most anticipated movie of the year. I just feel like Endgame probably is really the Endgame. I'd be overjoyed to be wrong.

>the inauthenticity of your love for the MCU

I've seen every MCU film and loved most of them. The only ones I didn't like were Thor 2, Iron Man 2 and Captain Marvel. All three Avengers, Civil War, Winter Soldier, both GotG and Ragnarok are all top tier for me.

The Russian cam is up now on all torrent/streaming sites and it's A6:V6. Really solid for a day one cam.

The film isn't good enough to wait for an HD rip in my opinion. Even for free.

>Avengers gets named after her
>stops Thanos single-handedly.

Yeah.. I think she's the new face of the MCU. I can't wait to see her in Endgame trashing Thanos.. and the meltdown after that.

I mean, it's pretty obvious Endgame isn't going to be about the Avengers fighting Thanos, it's going to be about the Avengers undoing the snap. There will probably be a small fight with Thanos on his farm part way through but that won't be the climax of the movie and honestly reading between the lines by the climax Thanos is probably with them helping to undo the snap and probably sacrifices himself along with Tony and Steve.

He's not

Then I'm sorry for your crippling retardation

>He's not

I'm not serious, or I'm not right? Or I'm serious, but not right? Or not serious, but right?

Keep telling yourself that.
Cant teach the unwilling.
Enjoy your choice of existence.

You type like a faggot. Point is that even if you're serious, which you most likely aren't, you'd still be only spewing nonsense

>You type like a faggot.

What a rude young man.

>If Carol had launched during Phase 1 and been played by an actual likable charismatic actress who didn't drag divisive identity politics into the franchise for no goddamn reason, and she was at this point an established, well known and respected character who could lead that the team knew then maybe she could take over for Steve.

Honestly this. It would've worked better had Marvel made a film during early Phase 2 focusing on Mar-Vell coming to Earth, meeting Carol and defecting from the Kree and having a bunch of cosmic-based sequels as opposed to making the Guardians films. That way, you can still build up the cosmic side of the MCU, but also develop audience interest and investment in both Carol and Mar, and hype up Thanos by having him kill Mar-Vell/Cap sacrificing himself to stop one of Thanos' schemes, allowing Carol to take on the mantle of Captain Marvel and have her involvement in Endgame actually MEAN something. Instead, they decided to drop her film immediately before the big finale without any prior indication of her even being in the universe, so you lose all the prime opportunity to have that emotional impact when the climax comes.

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People will eventually stop caring about the Avengers once the X-Men and Fantastic Four join the MCU. The Disney-Fox deal will be finalized at the end of this month so we're getting much closer.

Have sex

Even better, if Cpt Marvel makes a massive profit despite the trolls and incels, it means THEY DONT NEED THE COMIC NERDS ANYMORE to bank the superhero movies.

Isnt it amazing how Marvel can finally get rid of the comic book fans that always got their backs? :D

I hope this is a troll post.
No, I KN0W it is.

>He's not

He is.

You slimy little worm, what is your endgame? Do you want to replace everything good with bland mediocrity? Do you want to turn all truth into lies?

Who could want that, and why? Who does it serve?

And do you think this could go on forever?

What are you really?

>Isnt it amazing how Marvel can finally get rid of the comic book fans

Yeah, the same way comics did!

brb buying 50 tickets to Captain Marvel

>MCU's about to die for the 10000 time
>Muh SW which was a total different shitstorm
>The Brie cheese monster
>Watch the russian cam rip please
>Posting nasty threads for a week is not 'wasting your life obsessing over it'.
My sides, it's like all in one thread. Also yes it's gonna slow down after Endgame no shit, with that in mind I hope stuff like Captain britong and Shang chi become hits, don't care what they keep doing with x men, and whatever's left except maybe Strange.

new copy pasta?

>far left politics
It's a fucking woman.
Ever seen one? There are about 3.5 billion.
For fuck's sake m8 get some bloody perspective in your life.

BASED and CAROLpilled

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Honestly, everyone who made such a big deal about this film is probably why it will do well in theaters. If there was no smear campaign, the campaign for the film wouldn't have grown, and then the film would have come and gone as average.

>You slimy little worm, what is your endgame? Do you want to replace everything good with bland mediocrity? Do you want to turn all truth into lies?

...are you people fucking serious?
Like. Do you people ACTUALLY post like this unironically?

sounds terrible. why can wonder woman succeed with a strong lead, but marvel cant shut up about men and overshadow their lead?

>The Brie cheese monster
>Captain britong
you are / m y g u y /

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Its your. Dumbfuck.

I'm on the side he's addressing and was under the assumption he's being purposefully ironic.
Either way he's screeching at the wind.

It's in every Captain Marvel thread from what I see, so yeah a new pasta

story lines
over arching epic tales of fantastic world building
all are slave to the waxing and waning of characters.
you need the low points to contrast with the higher ones.
hopefully this "lull" will encourage dc to kick their shit into gear.
but still this is all speculation.

I was a dedicated Yea Forumsmrade for years
I took a break and this is legit the first I'm hearing of Brie's "identity politics"
I heard people were pissed at her recently and asked someone who was more in-the-know; they said it was because they said RIP Stan in a candid selfie.

The vast, VAST majority do not know, do not care, and would probably call it stupid-ass shit if you enlightened them. You're investing way too much into something way too meaningless. Get over it. Or don't. Maybe you need this. Ain't my life.

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>I havent seen a single Marvel movie.
This is what I don't get, this dude here, like many others, obsessing over a movie in a franchise they don't even follow and shits up the board with ridiculous nonsense only because he remains obsessed with...
>Im more into video games and Star Wars
Exactly, SW and culture war BS from his videogames. Why is this allowed? Movie talk in this board is already tangentially related, so why would anyone with this mindset who isn't even informed from the comics be posting this in the comics and cartoons board?

It's dawned on them that they're gonna lose their lil "information war" after all and they're frantically scrabbling.

>with that in mind I hope stuff like Captain britong and Shang chi become hits
I'm actually kind of hyped over Captain Britain ever since I read it's a possibility, along with Black Knight:
The Excalibur team is one of the few I like from the X-Men and I feel this dynamics would be very attractive for most moviegoers by giving them charismatic characters going on fun adventures while avoiding the typical tropes associated with the mutants. No sentinels, no "whoops I annihilated a timeline", no Magneto flip-flopping again, etc.
Plus it would be interesting to see a change of focus from America to UK.
It seriously can't happen fast enough. Once you look at every single one of these threads under these optics, you realize crossboarders with an axe to grind are the ones keeping it alive, not regular Yea Forums posters.

"You people"?

Who do you mean by that, worm?

And yes, I was 100% sincere. A creeping disease is warping and twisting the stories I love, and shady characters are expressing their support for this infestation. I don't understand why and it bothers the hell out of me. I wonder how this is going to end, but I know it won't be good.

Imagine wasting 10 years of your life caring and watching a shitty movie franchise only to be cucked by lefty politics just before the finish line.

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> we lost our chance of a decent Captain Marvel movie
Not quite yet

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