If you could pick ANY Yea Forums character to be your bully

I think her virtues as a bully are fairly obvious, I await her torments and humiliations hungrilly

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I await her flexing so I can jerk to them

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If I'm going to have a bully it might as well be one who might have sex with me

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I'd love to see what her idea of bullying me would be.

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God I want her to throw me.

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unf this

I see this face everywhere. Who the heck is she and why do people hate the poster?

It's comic series where the joke is that her dad rapes her and she's traumatized and the rest of the family willfully ignores it, and that's every comic.

Clarissa from What Is Deep Fried. Give it a look and you'll get the gist of the reactions pretty quick I think.

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You get it. I'm glad someone else sees the humor in it.

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I prefer to be bullied by someone who knows how to do it properly

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She may push me around, but she isn't going to let anyone else push me around.

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>Ywn hear Batman's latex/leather suit rubbing together making noise while he begins to punish you/stomp you

Why live

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Just chop your dick off right now m80, you're obviously never going to need it

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>ywn walk down the school hallway as Kara slams your locker shut, calling you a dweeb
>her friends will never uncomfortably beg her to stop teasing you
>you will never have nights of conflicting feelings you have for your bully, masturbating to how close you were to her round butt when she had you in a head lock

I'm so fucked up

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no that's normal

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>ywn have Kara use her x-ray vision to make fun of your dick in front of the other girls
>ywn have Kara wrestle to the ground and make you say that you’re a wimp
>ywn have Kara lean in to kiss you, only to spit in your face instead

I suppose I could defeat her in arguments but physically she would have me hanging from the ass.

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>>ywn have Kara lean in to kiss you, only to spit in your face instead

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any would do

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You aren't defeating a dictator in an argument. They have shitloads of charisma by definition. You'll be sputtering and choking out your reasoned logical argument while she basically goes NUH-UH and makes fun of you and she'll be the one coming out of it looking smart and in charge.

I’d pick Jasmine, rich girl with a sassy mouth

You're right but...
Independent Anarchism is the true path.
In that case I prefer a well-made discussion to take the best points of both ideologies and break the balls of the world.

>Not picking Ariel

I'd bet this kid has never even seen a girl naked in real life before. Sounds like he's 13.

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What the fuck is wrong with those tits?

How so user?

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Only 1

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Probably Starfire, could physically bukly me in private while hising behind her cheerfulness in public

>Kara will never rape you
Why live brehs

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They are all non-characters without personality except Mulan and Jasmine

I like the idea of Mulan saying she’s more of a man than me before kneeing me in the balls

don't forget every teacher, cop, neighbor, and guidance counselor is completely retarded

Imagine if Kara ever found iut you jacked to her

>>you will never have nights of conflicting feelings you have for your bully, masturbating to how close you were to her round butt when she had you in a head lock
This may have happened to me.

This may have made me the man who I am today.

This may make me proud of being who I am.

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This was definitely to me with the hot girl I was partners in Gym Class with back in high school

I'd let her bully me if it lets her feel better about herself, fuck.

>"Be a man!"
>*kick in the balls*

>If you could pick ANY Yea Forums character to be your bully
>Ctrl + f
>no Wondy

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Wondy is no bully, she's too compassionate. She's the type to protect weak anons from bullies.

Calendar Man

Well I would kind of dig that... I just want a different Wonder____

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Compassionate and sweet in her public (and much of her private) persona, yes. But when she's alone with you, behind closed doors...

Yuck. Pedos should be gassed.

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I could go for her taking out he raggressions at Man’s world, but the ideal would being bullied by the entirety of Themysicra by her and the other Amazons

Hey, you entered the Thunderdome, so don't blame me if you aren't running Bartertown.

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Sexually? It's her idea of mean.

I could go for that. A mommy/bully fu

>being bullied by the entirety of Themysicra by her and the other Amazons

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>being bullied by the entirety of Themysicra

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She can probably hear you

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Imagine the teasing she’d do, sprea dit around school letting everyone know you’re masturbating to being bullied and isolating you even more, and making a target for the girls who used to feel sorry for you

Maybe she did, at light speed.

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That’s not bullying, that’s being murdered

Just the idea of being around hot fit naked amazon women who constantly humiliate you on the sole basis of being male and use you as a training dummy.

just imagine all the gangrapes and forced sexual groping/fondling

Forced to lie awake at night when the Amazons have sex with another, masturbating to it knowing you will be mocked in the morning. Forced to wear practically nothing as the Amazons sexualize you. Getting groped constantly in public as the Amazons giggle at you

>Independent Anarchism

...is there Kuvira x Zaheer porn?

Practically drowning in it

my lad.

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Murdered and having your soul eaten. Not my thing at all, actually.

>I suppose I could defeat her in arguments
How? She was right about literally everything.

I dunno, personally I prefer we just cut out the middleman and she just me entirely.

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