So now that the dust has settled (mostly,) thoughts on this character?

So now that the dust has settled (mostly,) thoughts on this character?

Attached: nigglypuff.png (282x339, 56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

She was good drawfag bait for a while. After that was over, she lost all worth to me. NuPPG is a choking void and she is a symptom of the decay.

I like the premise of Bliss, in a Protoman sort of way, but the actual execution of her is lacking; like most of the new PPG.

Still don't know why this particular color scheme became popular. It was horrible back in the day, and it's horrible now.

Attached: owfuckmyeyes.png (320x240, 37K)

We lost Bunny for this.

Complete cancer.

That wasn't really a creative choice, though. It was just what monitors could display at one time.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x300, 21K)

literally poochie

Not as bad as feared, but it didn't matter whether she was a good or bad idea, she was stuck in a bad show that drowns everything in it. The awfulness of the script and the cheapness of the execution overwhelmed everything.

Bleedmans OC was better than this.

WHY is the overall question

I mean more that people are opting to use these horrible clashing colors that look like they're attempting to emulate CGA. I've seen it popping up more and more in various art and character designs despite how terrible it looks. Why would anyone actively choose to put these colors together?

>rebellious first creation of the kindly, fatherly scientist that created the hero(es)

She's Proto Man. She's literally Proto Man.

and we are the dead.

The hair and black skin is bad enough but together with those fucking stilts just pushed this beyond comically bad.

Murder everyone involved

Everything about nu ppg is bad. Especially this

Mediocre-at-best character that felt unnatural and was way too hyped.
What else can be said?

>thoughts on this character?
I think I'd like to bend this leggy slut over a table rip her leggings down and split those delicious quivering jigglecheeks in twain with a furious, unrelenting twat pounding and churn her frothy sopping power puff pocket until her uterus looks like oatmeal.

It was literally Poochie but unironic.

>enlongated legs
>normal torso
>snowflake hair

Attached: 1542422279611.jpg (811x559, 45K)

She is kinda hot.

Absolutely worthless, and not only because it pushes SJ. Even the 4th PPG stuff in the original was cancerous

DeviantART sparkledog-tier

You shut your whore mouth, plebian. Not our fault you don’t know Color Theory.

this color scheme looks fine, the character's design in the OP is just bad

She's a literal poochie played completely straight, with a giant ass.

They felt the need to give the black powerpuff girl a gigantic booty.

Just raised more questions of why the professor spent so much time growing little girls in his basement.

Attached: 1513631779664.png (300x300, 12K)

At least Belle is fleshed out, this purple wearing blue haired bitch made me cringe my way out

Her backstory was fine. The idea that she was an unstable prototype of the girls as we know them is tried and true story trope and by itself is a good foundation. Really if they wanted to her be done well the creators should have foreshadowed her arrival in the show in advance (of course her existence was an after thought as a publicity stunt so foreshadowing something like that wasn't possible) with maybe allusions to her like maybe Bubbles having an encounter with her just out of frame or something.

However that said the big issue with her is her design. Really she should 1, Look older with better proportions and not by just simply having longer hair/legs and 2. She should look imperfect in some fashion. Maybe give her different clothes, make her colour scheme bland/boring in a similar vein to that white ppg oc from the bleedman comic or maybe give her some wounds, scars just anything that doesn't make her look like an oc circa 2006.

Frankly they would of been better off bringing back the rowdyruff boys or even making the Powerpunk girls canon.

Does nuPPG even exist anymore?

according to the wiki it's still got at least about 15 episodes left, unless it gets renewed for another season or something

Belle isn't his OC... It was the OG advertisement for the PPG/whoop ass girls. He just gave her a fake name and fan personality. Like that one horseshow guy who got c&d'd to death.

its a little strange that they would go for the unnatural hair color when all the ppg have normal hair. even bunny had brown hair

Is that a fucking dwarf elephant at the top of her head?How the flying fuck did she het it?

Bunny will always be better.

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>The first PPG which was ruled out as a mistake is the only black one


NuPPG is ass and this character and her entire concept and purpose were ass, but the one thing I just can't understand is how anyone on the team thought this was a good design. From the 10 meter legs to the horrendous color scheme, how could anyone approve this?

I don't have a problem with black characters, I have a problem with black characters that are obviously there because of the politics the creator or creators have.
Fuck that. That sick tokenism is actual racism.

>Really if they wanted to her be done well the creators should have foreshadowed her arrival in the show in advance

how could it been done, assuming the 2016 show wasnt ass?

Attached: Tell me now - Is there a man among you here.png (702x736, 172K)

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What's with the "she has a big ass" meme?

This remains the only reason I care she exists. The lewds were good shit, and we even had some cool drawfags doing stripteases. It was fucking awesome.

>space cop

top tier waifu, ruined the other PPG for me.

Attached: 1543739735956.png (500x682, 575K)

Pretty much this. Those were fun threads.

Attached: Bliss Dress.png (800x1200, 258K)

Attached: 1550297908366.png (960x960, 1.3M)

>even outta sync got in on the bliss bandwagon
What a time to be alive.

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Attached: 1527617002570.png (1080x1080, 1.05M)

Its a stuffed animal possesed by HIM.

Okay, it’s established Bliss is a shit character in the eyes of many from what I see here and is only good for fapping.

Just what are everyone’s thoughts on pic related?

Attached: F8CF5A45-A7F5-452A-B9AE-17C008B4847F.png (350x219, 89K)

It's like someone saw that parody pic "how to draw a tumblr character" but then thought it was a serious guide to character creation and ran with it.

He seemed interesting and like an actual threat in his first episode.
Got became more dumbed down and less threatening with subsequent episodes.
What a shame.

I haven't seen any episodes of this show but he seems to be the only decent new character design in it.

This. He was actually somewhat interesting and then they gave him some goofy backstory.

improved Bliss

Attached: bliss_isn_t_blessed_by_vampiremeerkat-dbo4ovu.jpg (800x1772, 588K)

Attached: the_fact_is_that_bliss_is_wasted_opportunatay_by_vampiremeerkat-dbon696.jpg (800x8926, 2.38M)

Very nice! Very Rick and Morty! Upvote!

again, whats with the "big ass" memes

and the memes?

Probably because she's black and has longer than normal legs

This is actually pretty cute. Could stand to be a little bit less heavy, but not a bad starting point.

She's got wide as fuck hips.
Wide hips usually lead to a big butt.
A backstory that doesn't even make sense.
It seems like his story occurred around 10 years ago when he was a kid.
Which couldn't have happened considering the girls are only 5 years old, and Bliss is proof that they do indeed age.

Nah. Bliss is bad but not at this high level.

Her name shouldve just been "Bliss"

Attached: Im_not_pretending_daddy_didnt_fuck_me.jpg (1280x720, 116K)


She's black.

Attached: Bliss1.jpg (857x1000, 156K)

You couldn't pay a deviantart/furaffinity cave dweller to shit out an OC as bad as this one.

Non-canon OC from that weird fan-cartoon version of PPG that nobody liked, to be rightfully relegated to the trash and forgotten.

NuPPG is actually the worst reboot of any property I've ever seen. Everything was exceedingly poorly done, and there are no positives. Not even Bliss, you waifufags.


She's literally the only one of the PPGs that has hips twice the width of her torso. Her design has a clearly disproportional emphasis on her lower body and specifically her long ass legs.
Notice here how Bliss has much smaller head and arms compared to the other girls.


>The PPG who also have powers and can fly didnt budge one inch to stop her from flying away


Attached: 1388467412291.png (2658x2298, 808K)

Bubbles was probably still recovering from the internal hemorrhage she appears to receive in the explosion panel.

She comes back in the new episode soon. What would you use Buggly for, Yea Forums?

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-10-00h14m52s504.png (1280x720, 376K)

>She comes back in the new episode soon.
They are still making this shit?

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this reboot really clicks with me

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You enjoy hideous character design?

Attached: Cheap Modern Animation.jpg (935x526, 160K)

Where are these from?

The most nightmarish pits of Hell.

Design: lazy, uninspired, it wouldnt shock me if it was the first fucking idea they came up with.
Backstory:absolute shit, i can expect better writing in a fucking fanfiction, i would be absolutley embarrased to have my name on that fucking travisty of shit story telling.

They already had bunny

I cant belive everyones forgot best squirrel bullet.

Attached: 2018-11-20 22.54.22-2.jpg (1920x1080, 628K)


oh yeah, keep it coming.

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the goofy kindergarten bump that's supposed to be Bliss' hips protruding from the wrong side make it look like she's sporting a boner.

this is probably show canon and I am okay with this.

you suck

Attached: 1552133311823.png (600x177, 93K)

because you are a castrated tranny that prefer teaching evil men to like obese women than do any effort on your body and adult should.

Ironically, I found donutsteel puff more engaging than the rest of the shitshow of a cast, and she was actually the only thing about nuPPG I cared to research.

You know what? Every character should have been replaced with OCs. Would have made for a MUCH more refreshing show, one that isn't tied to all the same characters in the original and doesn't force the audience to endure the utter destruction of their favorite characters.

I wish I was joking about any of this.

Attached: pr1547084981673.gif (800x600, 1.3M)

imagine these fucks doing a wander over yonder reboot

Sucking is just an impulse caused by a chemichal in the brain.

Green Wing in her prime.

Attached: 2017-03-15 22.14.14.png (1920x1080, 981K)

look at her hips, user

they're fucking massive compared to the other powerpuffs

>let's take the PPG design but give it grossly wide hips and stilt-legs

Exactly who thought this was a good idea?

It's like blatantly "special snowflake sparkledog" material. It's something I'd expect to see on DA, not on a nationally-airing cartoon.

Attached: 1667226173066.png (299x449, 140K)

Attached: excuseme.png (1280x988, 344K)

Horrible design mixed with some Deviantart art tier backstory

why the fuck they don't spellcheck


Attached: 2019MAR10_blisstina_doodle.jpg (848x1200, 158K)

Anyone else turned on at the thought of Bliss having an aggressive Elektra complex?

my brethren

I can't speak to the character but that show was G A R B A G E. Like, they missed the mark by a mile and then some.

Attached: 1521303709079.png (482x570, 255K)

Her proportions look dumb and her back story sounds like something out of a bad fanfiction.


Now see, this art style makes her design look better.

She's not black she's cinnamon and brown sugar.

NuPPG is a bad fanfiction.

Because it fixes her anatomy and mellows out her colors. I'm surprised at how well it works on the Proff though.


This is her currently.

Attached: 2017-03-15 22.16.03.png (1920x1080, 1.24M)

I like to imagine that instead of being PPG protoman, Bliss was a custom waifu the professor made when he decided the girls needed a mother. Would it have been better than what we got?

Attached: Bliss6.png (500x666, 271K)

Wow, she actually looks kinda decent here.

There's nothing inherently wrong with Bliss' design.
What makes it a problem is her design as a Powerpuff Girl OC.

If Bliss were to get a PPG Z variant she'd be unstoppable.

i tried to fix her awful proportions

Attached: poopoo peepee.png (297x354, 61K)

I thought they could've at least give her a different color scheme.
Since Bunny has purple and Bullet has orange I figured yellow would fit right in with the other girls' colors.
Plus for a story point it could make Princess jealous for having the fourth Powerpuff take both her color and her "deserved" spot on the team.

Also how the fuck do you draw a Powerpuff?

Attached: bliss.png (1474x928, 293K)

I think its pretty funny that the first one the Professor made was brown, and his new and improved creations came out white. Or were they meant to be brown too, and their accidental creation made them white?

>I have a problem with black characters that are obviously there because of the politics the creator or creators have
She's just a donutsteel with a ton of angst and tragedy. She doesn't actually inject the show with any race or gender politics.
>I don't have a problem with black characters
Ehhh you might.

it's kinda like... y'kno...?

Attached: Hey What.png (473x673, 192K)

Bliss can be token Mary Sue fanfic insert character...but poor sweet innocent Bunny can fuck off and be kept in the attic...amiright?

Attached: Screen-Shot-2016-10-17-at-5.40.22-PM-1476740432.png (800x608, 328K)

>also here's our own character with big hips
i just don't get it

I liked the lewds

hips are not for sexual.
only breasts and cleavage.

>Ovaries are less sexual than breasts

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I guess a 4th, older Power Puff could be interesting, but they went the dumbest way of establishing her. The dumb, talking tiny elephant plot thread is stupid. Her dumb wide hips look weird as hell with her design. And her big blue hair looks try hard. Like all the other girls have natural hair colors, why does Bliss have this neon blue hair.
A terrible execution of a subpar idea.

Attached: 1505975555422.png (1608x1448, 848K)

This is like a "I don't understand good character design" collage.

>She's got wide as fuck hips.
>Wide hips usually lead to a big butt.

Attached: Bliss02.jpg (1295x734, 112K)

I'm pretty sure that they use the first draft of every single thing they do based on how the show looks.

Does she call him "daddy"?

personally I feel Bliss would work best if we took her hair color and made it her eye and dress color instead, but that's partly because I'm a fan of the idea of Princess eventually managing to actually achieve her dream of becoming a proper Powerpuff Girl and thus her colors should be left available

I actually have a big kinda autistic headcanon for this attached pic

Attached: New PPG & RRB V2.png (3270x1018, 548K)

And the gyrations from them would make her create a seismic event and a point blank atomic event on your dick.

>Also how the fuck do you draw a Powerpuff?
if you mean an older one, I'd borrow from this set of storyboards for an earlier version of the Teen Puffs scene from City of Clipsville

Attached: PPG Storyboard.jpg (2355x1276, 306K)

Holy shit, Buttercup's shoes. Girl must fuck like...8 dudes a day.

Why didn’t they just rip from the teenage ppg design from the old show? Or do they want every character to look as ugly as possible?

Go ahead and explain how Bliss is better than Belle.

Into the hall of flawed sisters she goes.

Attached: Power Bluffs2.png (718x1023, 347K)

>Why didn’t they just rip from the teenage ppg design from the old show? Or do they want every character to look as ugly as possible?
honestly I have a feeling they didn't even know about City of Clipsville, also reminds me of how annoyed I got when NuPPG did an episode about the girls wanting to be older and they went with the extremely tired gag of "aging method was flawed so they ended up elderly"* instead of anything actually interesting

*has that bit EVER been done well, pretty much every example I've seen of it has been a humorless waste of time

these VAs are fucking terrible

well current Bubbles is at the very least better than any attempt Tara Strong has made at Bubbles since around 2002

What IS good character design?

Attached: Bliss blushing.png (1903x1063, 1.02M)

that is legit frightening.

Her first appearance was the last time I watched an episode of nuPPG. As for the show itself, at least it's been fun drawing material. I'm used to the PPG's new look, I like their version of Princess Morbucks, and some females are pretty thick.

Attached: Bootycup.png (480x600, 88K)

assuming that's your art, you do pretty good stuff

It is. I was around during the Bliss threads too. It was fun seeing people draw lewds of her.

They write the comic too.

Attached: rum_away_with_me.jpg (690x564, 122K)

>It is. I was around during the Bliss threads too. It was fun seeing people draw lewds of her.
fun times, think you might be open to a request or two?

What did you have in mind?

>What did you have in mind?
two requests, first something simple that off the top of my head I haven't seen anyone do yet even though it seems like an obvious thing to do, render Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup as teenagers in the style of Bliss

second request, draw Princess as a proper Powerpuff Girl(so with the eyes and other features/lack of features the main trio and Bliss have)*, both at the main trio's canon age and at Bliss's age

*this is another one is surprisingly rare. this Toongrowner pic is one of the only examples of the idea I've managed to find

Attached: the_birth_of_the_powerpuff_princess_by_toongrowner-d9jfwpo.png (923x1424, 623K)

I can try the second idea, I'll see what I can do.

Like Bianca Bikini for one.

Attached: tumblr_o5hwhtPiQl1u7sbwuo1_raw.png (960x1800, 796K)

Good example.

Attached: Bianca Bikini.png (650x1100, 232K)

Attached: PPG Princess.png (800x800, 145K)

Yep! Plus, Princess Bluebell and even DupliKate got a great body herself. I also noticed Green Wing in her prime haven't been drawn much.

Attached: DupliKate.png (576x972, 159K)

Ayy, those threads were pretty damn fun.

Attached: oh no.png (406x398, 114K)

very cute, hope you eventually tackle my other request as well


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That's a cute Buttercup.

Also her plump booty

Attached: 4th_powerpuff_girl_s_full_design_by_blucloudzz-dbmotvw.png (900x974, 349K)

Attached: Green Wing.jpg (2054x2048, 271K)

Only if yandere and rape.

Bluebell looked thick underneath her dress.

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