Say something nice to Satina

Attached: Capture.png (238x292, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:

No. Instead I'll post new art I found on Twitter.

Attached: D1JHDNBXgAAXPml.jpg (1237x1406, 94K)

>ask for water when you just want to eat glass
What if he'd just gotten a plastic or paper cup? Who uses a glass at the office water cooler?

Attached: D1ImhJ_X0AA02qS.png (512x512, 66K)

Attached: D1F5cN9WkAA-cDF.jpg (1920x1080, 122K)

I want to caress her tail

Attached: D1Eor8rVsAAxbEV.jpg (1781x2048, 1010K)

Attached: D1BwEbpWoAAqmk5.jpg (982x1042, 112K)

where's the Hellboy/Satina friendship art?

Lucia is so fucking hot holy shit.

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>Dave tamed that pussy

Attached: DwM9YNvUwAUNxJ2.jpg (1646x1390, 168K)

How did he impregnate her?

Vivziepop on suicide watch

Attached: OH NO NO NO.jpg (1000x563, 333K)

>How did he impregnate her?

Have you ever seen The Descent?

Attached: 1544051178900.jpg (1410x1675, 215K)

Attached: 1321315.png (554x299, 50K)

Attached: 1551458030205.png (794x448, 411K)

It's water flavored glass.

The real question is where does he work where the water coolers are bring-your-own-glass

Good finds, thanks. I'll post a few older pieces from previous threads.

Attached: 1545044802040.png (1324x904, 472K)

>The real question is where does he work where the water coolers are bring-your-own-glass

Corporate America is cheap as shit, man.

Attached: 1544048376375.png (1024x1054, 328K)

Satina is an adorable soul sucking monster

Attached: 1545091903233.jpg (624x600, 85K)

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Attached: 1545119077089.png (949x932, 545K)

Say something nice or she gets the boot.

Attached: Capture.png (1200x1112, 606K)

Attached: 92033169c9db8474.png (572x652, 185K)

Why are all femdemon characters voiced to sound like some generic bitch over and over again?

Attached: Dx3CtEhXcAAB6dd.jpg (1200x664, 175K)

I'd rather give her a kiss.

Attached: 1545516125779.png (960x900, 254K)

I meant to post this, jesus dick.

Attached: hmI.gif (250x251, 1018K)

Attached: DtqtOjIX4AABbzj.jpg (1200x675, 91K)

It's the Circle of Hell!

Attached: 1551912218419.gif (480x270, 2.13M)

Attached: 1545031858094.jpg (760x866, 59K)

That horn is about to go right through his foot.

That's best case scenario. Worst case he actually hurts her and she hulks out Beast of Revelations style.

Attached: D1Ak2cHX4AAbnuK.png (1408x2000, 58K)

This is true. My japanese animes have taught me that half demons are always way stronger than regular demons.


Attached: Untitled5.jpg (1542x1075, 113K)

Delete this.

Attached: Sesshoumaru.jpg (225x350, 46K)

I love this artist. Wish I could post the fangs one.

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>but before the kid, she was all...

Attached: 1551986608110.jpg (733x918, 120K)

I think Dave should have been at home, at night, asleep at his desk with his computer. Then it would have made sense why Satina was supposed to be in bed and why he had a glass cup.

Satina is a demon of the night who must sleep during the day because sunlight burns, hence why Dave was at work when she was in bed and Lucia called him?

Either that or Dave works night shift, I dunno.

Attached: D0LsEDKWwAg326P.png (1213x1481, 51K)

honk honk

Attached: 155211634259305889.png (680x680, 8K)

She and her mom are equally fuckable.

Attached: DT2LIF-U8AAVVxK.jpg (500x530, 34K)

>When he hitting the clit like a speedbag

Other way around. It's the demons that work night shifts.

T. The average Satina fan, even though they’ll try as hard as they can to claim innocence and wholesomeness are their reasons

He's right you know.

Attached: 1545070284300.jpg (720x7680, 911K)

Go to bed Vivzie

I won't try to claim innocence. Does that make me better or worse?

Attached: 1545516992635.png (1925x1487, 716K)

That makes you honest and I can appreciate and respect that.

I guess it depends on tastes, but the demon cougar is where it's at.

Attached: 1544146738515.jpg (906x1080, 157K)

We all lean slightly one way or the other. I know where I stand.

Attached: 1551526580651.jpg (1024x1408, 293K)

Where's the love for Dave?

Attached: 1545604224178.png (1113x889, 225K)

He knows what he did.

Attached: Dt_1zFJWwAAD78W.jpg (1600x1200, 127K)

>He knows what he did.
The fine as fuck Queen of Hell?

Attached: 1551914453253.jpg (1747x1245, 216K)

Oh my!

Attached: 1545020873136.jpg (680x667, 74K)

Is a woman automatically a cougar after a kid? I always thought it happened after a woman reaches a certain age and still looked. I used to work with a late 30s or early 40s woman who was smoking hot.

Attached: 1545092275938.png (539x706, 296K)

Cougars are generally just considered "older women who are single". I'm not sure what the threshold is for "older". Probably late 30s or further.

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Lucia is cool and all, but I hope that Satina gets more central focus in the next short.

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Attached: 1545378680896.png (1223x732, 1.36M)

>What is this stupid clothes?! And why should I tie my neck with this dumb thing? It chokes me!

Attached: Dyljm6VV4AAt_Ao.jpg (1200x1800, 125K)

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Muh heart wants Satina.
But muh dick wants Lucia.

Perhaps you can appreciate the predicament I am in.

Attached: 1544353624708.png (2000x1700, 932K)

I can indeed, but my heart and dick are of one mind on both of them.

Attached: 1545535492898.png (670x652, 632K)

I hope next short is just Dave and Satina bonding since they had zero interaction in the first one

Why would you try to deny being a pedophile on Yea Forums of all places?

That sounds good. I'd also like to see more characters introduced. Other denizens of Hell, or other humans. As long as it somehow revolves around Satina. Expand the world a bit.

Attached: 1551831986659.jpg (1318x1620, 198K)

That's not a predicament. That's fatherhood in a nutshell.

That didn't necessarily seem like a denial. Just a random insult I think.

Whoa there, buddy. Link that off site someplace. I'd delete that if you don't want a 3 day vacation.

lol nice

So when’s she going to heaven?

I want to shove broken glass into her mouth. You know, because she likes the way it tastes.

The first time I saw this pic, I thought it was an alternative design where Satina walks on her hands. I kind of wish that was the case.

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Attached: 1545088892816.webm (1280x720, 535K)

It has to be wet first.
Very nice, especially with the movement of the tail.

Attached: D1FjYt1WoAEcMi1.jpg (845x643, 37K)

There was a pic of teenage Satina with huge tits that I never saw again after the very first thread

When she visits grandpa at his office.

Attached: Lucifer16.jpg (401x401, 58K)

I don't know about huge tits but I have this from a few threads ago.

Attached: 1551486526504.jpg (1575x2537, 262K)

All previous Satina threads should still be on fireden. If you really want it bad enough you could search for Satina and comb through threads, starting with the last page. That's what I'd do.

Attached: 1551687719037.jpg (900x726, 334K)

Attached: 1545471923183.jpg (1507x1053, 130K)

I found it on Fireden. It's not even great or anything but it was the very first lewd... I feel like it's historical or something and yet no one saved it.

Attached: sat.jpg (1000x1000, 307K)

Well I'll save it now. Nice catch, thanks user.

Attached: 1545036788446.png (512x545, 21K)

Attached: 1551475166288.jpg (1097x2248, 220K)

How is she a cougar when she sounds like 23 in the short?

Attached: 54c.jpg (680x669, 43K)

Someone post the better version of this

She has a hot mom.

A lot of works went into making that design, why is so rare to see this kind of sheets now a days?

Attached: whatinthehellishappening.gif (480x270, 166K)

In case of Satina, because both Satina and her mother is voiced by the creator of the short and she might be a cartoonist, but she isn't a voice actor. It's a small personal project. Dave is voiced by her boyfriend.

Artists are lazy

Porn of mom when

I want some cute dave lewds. We need more good dad characters who aren’t retards or downtrodden depressed cucks




think he keeps fit or has something of a schlubby dad bod?

i bet he's in between, kinda average wagie-in-his-early-30s build. doesnt get a lot of excerise but he isnt a fatass either

I think it'd be funny if Satina's extended family was comprised of parodies of other pop culture demons
>Uncle/Aunt Diablo
>Cousins Dante and Vergil
>Uncle Hellboy

Attached: Diablo 3.jpg (1215x1800, 346K)



Attached: D1OV7tHX0AEp_00.jpg (2048x2048, 283K)

Double Date between Charlie/Doomguy and Lucia/Dave when

Attached: Charlie and Satania.png (745x1157, 168K)

why is this shit so big in here

next frame is lucia stomping the fuck out of charlie and lighting a cigarette after

>Young creator shows promise and Yea Forums wants them to succeed given the shit state of the industry
>Cute daughterfu to protect
>Funny premise that has a lot of creative potential Yea Forums likes to create scenarios around
Take your pick

Hot demon milf, probably.

Attached: 1546319008599.png (351x296, 186K)

Attached: ea0.png (680x680, 53K)

She's adorable and pure and deserves better because all of you will hate both her and Hannah the moment it becomes popular and deny ever liking it in the first place.

I only hate artists who let popularity go to their head and the work suffers as a result.

this desu
hannah seems like the type who genuinely loves her craft and won't let it go to her head. hell she published a youtube short that hit 900k views in 1 week and has barely talked about it outside of retweeting some fan art.
i have faith in her

She has a knowyourmeme entry now

what doesn't


Holy shit niggers which one of you hacked youtube? I honestly expected this to be a below 10k views thing only the handful of speds on Yea Forums would watch

It's just how stuff goes viral thanks to youtube and social media. Remember kids; be smart about what you post online, because it's NEVER going away

shes so cute. fuck.

Attached: (27).gif (749x1041, 74K)

>97,339 Like
>Only 857 Dislikes
Hannah has something going on here, here's to more toons.

Attached: 1484236822010.jpg (294x273, 12K)

New colors

Attached: Hellboy and Satania.jpg (1373x1234, 1005K)

Attached: 1544159605988.gif (560x516, 222K)

I would like to see more of this down below.

Yurifags will burn in hell

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Attached: 1545458321817.png (1925x1487, 317K)

Attached: kek.jpg (2245x1305, 312K)

she wanted to see her dad.

I'm so glad someone saved this weird fucked up version.

Vivienne went to SVA...

>Listen, kid.
>You’re gonna get older and sh-
>that is uh,
>Is really gonna start hitting the fan.
>People are gonna start coming out the woodworks telling you about stuff you’re supposed to do.
>That you gotta leave everything behind to step up and do something maybe you don’t want to.
>And I’m not talking about homework or chores. Those are different.
>These people...they’ll say they want what’s best for you, or the world. But it’s all a lie. Some will be honest about that.
>They want what’s best for them.
>And all of them will tell you that you don’t have a choice in the matter.
>Don’t listen to them.
>They’re wrong.
>It doesn’t matter how big and heavy things get. In the end, nobody decides what happens with you but you.
>Remember that.

Attached: A2447EAE-7EF7-41A0-BC6B-E1E3A3BAB316.jpg (1280x719, 82K)

i didnt make it just saved it

I dunno how new this is, but it's new to me. Thanks.

Attached: 1544350362768.png (850x831, 702K)

>think you’re bullshittin’
>it actually went viral
Hot damn. Good for her, I hope she and fans stick with it.

She retweets fanart no matter how lewd (of Lucia) all the time, so she seems to be aware of what her fanbase wants.

Attached: 1545393495560.png (672x770, 144K)

Hot damn I didn't notice, that's pretty fucking good for your very first finished thing, she might be getting job offers sooner rather than later

Also there's a goddamn Know Your Meme entry with pages of comments, did the YT algorithm pick it up or did it spread some other way? I really didn't think it would blow up like this but I guess even beyond Yea Forums's daughteru inclinations the design and idea is just fundamentally appealing to people

reminder that there are different variations of Lucia in each continent
this lucia is just north american satan

i meant countries

Attached: wait no.png (640x351, 42K)

Hell probably has different circles, and a lot of supervisors that are required to deal with the large influx of soul traffic across the planet. I'd like to think Dave met Lucia in a near death experience/drunken car crash while Lucia herself was drunk at the time. Imagine that, dead, still drunk, and wandering into the domain of a hell lord on a bender.
>"You don't look like the guy in the catalog.....meh"

british hell is just london

>American Hell

Dave's job already looks like he's living in American Hell.

Lucia's domain is actually just the top floor of the office building.

That could be the joke/parallel between Dave and Lucia. He has a shitty desk job, Lucia has a shitty supervisor position that's basically a desk job

British hell is just london though

>Say something nice
Are we at that stage for these threads, now?

What's with the obsession with Vivzie?

console wars are fun

so Lucia is just one of a race of royal demons or that means that they are other Demon kings somewhere else.

Attached: 3_Kings.jpg (1280x960, 534K)

Yea Forums has always hated her for the sparkledog stuff and now that she’s been widely revealed as a serial plagarist and also aggressively trying to get people to take her seriously the hateboner among some anons has only intensified

Do you mean in comparison to Satanina, or just the Hazbin Hotel threads in general? But I'll try to answer your question:

You see Yea Forums's fascination with Vizie and Hazbin Hotel is for several reasons; inconsistent animation quality, deviantart designs recycled, associated voice actors Vizie somehow got, a lot of footage being shown before release, and simply taking forever just to crank the end product out. Naturally when someone comes around with their Hell related art project, and has managed to do more with far less, Yea Forums is going to compare the two

Its funny to imagine that a shitty, overrated, and overcooked project that has a whole crew of people paid in "exposure" and a creator with an ego bigger than her hips could get blown the fuck out by a single person with a comparatively more basic project doing it for the love of the craft. Classic David and Goliath stuff

The animator did her best voicing two characters

She is the cutest little hellspawn.

Attached: Satina.jpg (1839x2580, 526K)

>daughteru to protect
I want to protect Satina.
I also want to innocently, non-sexually sandwich my dick between her thighs.

>now that she’s been widely revealed as a serial plagarist
Wait what? When did this happen?

>No cutelewd Satinas
That's no fun.

Again, you're confusing the people who have been having fun in these threads the whole time with a mass influx of new people that would be contrarian no matter what if this ever really took off. Yea Forums isn't a hivemind and we're not the anons you want to be mad at.

Attached: 2bc.jpg (680x513, 70K)

I really like this one.

Getting Moral Orel vibes from this one

Attached: cartoons-watching-slide-HP2W-videoSixteenByNineJumbo1600.jpg (1600x900, 335K)

The lines are verbatim from The Fairly Odd Parents

It's a gag from Fairly OddParents


>It's a parent teacher conference episode
>Dave convinces Lucia to go
>She has to demonically possess a poor woman and pose as a normal mom and actually enter the small building
>Try to act normal, but it's hard given that the host's eyes keep bleeding, projectile vomit every 2 mins, and Lucia is being careless with the body to crash test dummy degrees.


>"Who want's pizza~?"

Attached: Dante Son of Sparda.png (733x991, 727K)

Kings, Dukes, Princes and Presidents. Haven't you read the Lesser Key of Solomon? Dave was a warlock in college.

Attached: ae76c4a304de00a027aeafa4a1ca9d03.jpg (500x613, 81K)

I've been in the HH threads myself and the discussion in them are basically identical to this one, what with the speculation and talking about crossovers.
I get the hate for Vivzie herself but I don't see the stigmatism for HH anons when they're basically the same as one the people in these threads

See the difference between HH and Satania threads is that the former's only enjoyment is crossovers/Doomposting whereas the latter is more thinking of potential fun things the concept can be taken.

People love to turn things into ideological conflicts these days. Try not to let it get to you too much. The second you take it personal, it's like blood in the water. I hadn't even heard of Hazbin Hotel before Satina threads. Anons can keep their manufactured rivalry; I'm here for cute Satina art (and porn if I'm lucky)

kek this sounds hilarious

>Key of Solomon

Attached: trashman is here.png (180x191, 50K)

If you like HH the best thing you can do in these threads is say so and ignore the people who want to try and pick a fight over it. Or even better, draw crossover art. Some fun OC beats blind hate and negativity every time.

Got a problem with Ars Goetia, kamisama?

Satina's going to run HH out of town and there's nothing you can do about it

Attached: 1482772196296.png (604x562, 107K)

>Uncle Dante taking Satina out for pizza and strawberry sundaes on his motorcycle

Attached: 382.png (850x700, 607K)

You didn't hear it from me, but I've heard more people in Burbank talk about Satina and seriously consider propositioning the creator than I have for Hazbin Hotel. It unironically is going to kill Vivzie's chances of getting her hell show greenlit.

>Cool Uncle Dante
>Evil Uncle HIM
>Big Bro Cousin Hellboy
>Hedonistic Lazy Uncle Beelzebub
Side characters like these would be neat.

If I were an executive, I'd just get both of them and make them work together on a double feature show, grim and evil style.

Attached: 1548199388439.gif (448x344, 1.6M)

Based Hellbro.

>the sexually confused uncle Astaroth episode
>is character arc end with him becoming Ishtar once again

Attached: Astaroth.jpg (1816x2592, 406K)

Heh. Dunno if you made this, but it's good.

Speaking of Grim and Evil
What country's Hell would Nergal rule over?

Attached: Nergal.jpg (220x215, 9K)

You should meet your cousin, Hellboy. He has an eye out for you and will give his heart to protect you from other evil things.

My uncle also works at Nintendo.

Daigle doesn't even graduate for another two years.

Fuck dude, I don’t care if you’re joking or not but the way I see it is vivzies animations struggle to get over 500k views in a month when she’s got a million subs and Hannah’s short is getting a million in a little more than a week. If she keeps up the pace she might have a legitimate chance at blowing HH out of the water

So the same thing, like I said
We had this exact conversation too

Somewhat ironically, Jamaica

Damn doom guy has made a lot of firends,,,,

Attached: 1437865935833.gif (350x204, 650K)

Fack off pedophile.

Love you too, user

Attached: 1549355350139.jpg (320x240, 18K)

Can't hear you over Satina's seductive cuteness.

Attached: SatinaSkirt.jpg (499x769, 97K)

I don't have the picture because I really don't care about her or the drama surrounding but there's a big chart that shows that tons of her designs are stolen from other people on DeviantArt

Attached: 1527710753744.png (881x1422, 1.53M)

I saw one at least twice as big as that

Attached: REALSHIT.png (908x595, 739K)

This is too adorable. The sweetness is killing me.

Attached: SatinaComf.jpg (593x385, 66K)

Thought these were O'Reilly covers for a second

dam would be cool to see it the other was the only chart i could find after googling for like 40 seconds

lmao holy fucking titshits thats literally not even subtle. jesus fuck why does anyone like this slimy bitch??? also every one of her redesigns looks like utter pink pastel trash

>Cousins Dante and Vergil
does this mean that Lucia is Sparda's sister

Lucia please come back to me!!!! Why you want small dick human manlet?

Attached: c07e2230b61411f2a0f069058643ec76.png (622x622, 1M)

Why not?

>This fuck face got cucked by Dave

Sure. Sparda is the former King of American Hell. Lucia got promoted from Grand High Archdutchess because he was too soft hearted. And also dead.

Attached: Sparda.png (272x500, 199K)

>Human Male x Female non-human
Fucking trash like usual. I want to know what demon got cucked.

Is she also related to Big Gay Satan?

Attached: DsSh6hIVsAEHwzy.jpg (600x849, 72K)

>Would fap to lucia
>Realize she unironically fucked some cringy basedboy faggot
I just wanted wholesome demon x demon. Not this gay self insert shit

>Not this gay self insert shit
A woman made this
The setup is for comedy

its almost like...its supposed to be's comedic irony...

>demon x demon
Plebest taste

Human on monster is the only real option

Wouldn't Sparda be Japan's devil?

>Human X Monster
Literally normalfag tier shit.

When it happens the other way around a unicorn dies.

Attached: Lily Darkness.jpg (656x900, 171K)

I want to have angry sex with Lucia

I thought Japan's devil was Nobunaga Oda.

Attached: Nobunaga.gif (500x280, 786K)

>"......How many siblings do you have, Lucia"
>"6,606 and counting. Dad keeps trying to spawn The Anti-Christ, we're all disappointments."
>"Well they all look the part."
>"Dave, they're demons. If I gave a shit about racism, you'd be guilty of it. OH! See that one with the ridiculous horns? Total pussy. Compensating for a small dick. Cried like a bitch when he didn't get that dead unicorn for his 800th birthday."

>"People" here think this shit is funny
Get some taste.

Why can’t janitors delet fast enough

Attached: 1545564896989.jpg (2008x1923, 332K)

sandpaper vagina

You're no fun at all.

Attached: SatinaUnamused.jpg (573x539, 78K)

Satina kinda looks like Impmon from digimon. Either that or dracky from dragob quest series.

gave me an idea

Attached: satino.jpg (1532x1671, 205K)

FemDave has that frumpy hotness that makes you think you got a chance, but then you see the baby daddy.

>Satino's fangs are on the bottom instead of the top
It's the little things.

Attached: 1545034150988.png (456x508, 9K)

where's the rest bitch

Lucio's too

Attached: 1551916431157.jpg (571x436, 43K)

Would Lucio have hoof-kicked FemDave in this version of the short, though? Can't have slapstick violence with women and all that.

>male!lucia fucks a human woman
>she can take it bc he has a demonic microdick and she makes him feel like a man the way no demon lady can

>Male monsters are dicklets
>Male humans have giant cocks
Cringe and trash. FemDave is small so she probably feels like a tight cocksleeve.

not all male monsters, just him. its funny. lucia is tsundere and territorial of dave so why wouldnt her male counterpart be the same?

Tuff Puppy broke new ground in that department

I don't see why not. It's still goofy cartoon violence against a clingy spouse. Goils ain't immune to cartoon slapstick. As long as you don't follow up with her in traction "Mad Love" style it should be fine.

Attached: 43I3.gif (372x284, 542K)

more of this please

>lucia is tsundere and territorial of dave
I like this. Dave goes on blind dates with hot demon girls but Lucia keeps 'saving' him from their soul devouring cockthirst.

Attached: F1271.gif (600x480, 138K)

Lucia having bottled up affection for Dave is canon, at least according to some of the art from Hannah's twitter account, like this one:

More like used to be the American devil but died.

Attached: 1545094033613.gif (600x338, 798K)

exactly. i fuckin love the dynamic, its so much better than the jerry/beth shit people were worried about earlier. she still likes him but hates to admit it. i just hope its got more depth than he was a good lay, give me that sweet fluff

That's great, but it's the "Yea Forums" branding at the very end that really puts it over the top.

I wish I were the artist. I'd be doodling subtly suggestive Satina pics all the time.

Attached: SatinaPray.jpg (687x781, 141K)

>You look like you put the 'D' in devil

>y-you too

So what demon powers should Satina have (and probably be unaware of)? There was a funny greentext several threads back about her accidentally hypnotizing a bunch of people with her gaze and turning the town into a horde of followers.

Attached: 1545071359521.jpg (443x519, 48K)

>who is Satina chasing?

Attached: 1552173602481.png (1080x909, 393K)

theres room for more than one hell show
besides i doubt satina would take place predominantly in hell if satina is gona live with dave

Templar neighbor's squire/kid

Attached: 1545582047402.png (897x938, 211K)

A little baby pigeon.

Attached: Shrignold.png (538x537, 227K)

Best uncle ever.
>muh heart when Satina calls him Unkie Rama

It's gonna take more than a shoe to hurt Satina. This should do it.

Attached: 1545069803284.jpg (708x850, 50K)

Attached: 1545118032784.png (1173x1113, 135K)

Basically this. I'm just joining in on the bullshit tribalism for Satina but in reality Hasbin looks ok and if it turns out to be good then that's great.


Why didn't anyone go to Satina's birthday party?

Attached: 1545093477955.jpg (931x1061, 71K)

Attached: 1551471991986.jpg (715x658, 102K)

she didnt address the invitations properly and used rainbow sparkle stickers as stamps

One good (You) deserves another.

Attached: 1551664302084.webm (1022x574, 2.37M)

Attached: satina attempt.png (478x423, 7K)

Because she accidentally burned down the school. For the fourth time.

You're trying. I'll give you that.

Excellent, more OC. Saving it.

Attached: 1545569076972.png (600x600, 14K)

>Hellboy [spolier]dies and goes to hell[/spoiler]
>knowing he'll never see the world he left behind becomes even more depressed than ever
>tells Satina about how it the right thing to do, but it feels like it wasnt worth it at times
>Satina hugs him and says it's okay and that she's his friend and that hopefully she can help him find new friends and start a new life here
>Hellboy sighs and says "Yeah? Sounds like a nice thought."

Attached: 1546411938249.jpg (2449x1632, 383K)

Truth. I prefer Satina, but dragon milf is acceptable too

Attached: 1551481594699.webm (916x900, 606K)

These threads always boil down to war or waifuism. Violence or sex, pick your poison.

You mean unfuckable

Attached: 1546719366517.gif (400x400, 2.31M)

Attached: 1551926520902.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

good now draw davette getting assrammed by demon cock

If we get that before we get Dave knee-deep in colossal demon pussy, I'll be very disappointed in this community.

I've already gotten a few doity pictures of Satina (and technically Satina x Satino smut) so I'll always love this community.

>satina has a big think
>realizes she merely has to kill her daddy so he'll join her in hell for an eternity of playtime
O-oh jeez

Attached: AHHHH.png (594x545, 657K)

>Lucia tells Satina "no, you can't kill your father" because she doesn't want to spend an eternity with Dave around any sooner than she has to

Problem solved.

Attached: 1551459927849.jpg (1323x639, 119K)

Being able to make this scenario cute and lighthearted comedy despite the heinous dark concept would be a mark of true genius.

Len go to bed

An entire short of Satina trying and failing to kill Dave, and he's completely oblivious until near the end, when Satina drops all pretense and decides to straight up murder him (rather than go back to the underworld all by herself) and that's when Lucia steps in


Attached: 1528310321843.png (1200x1168, 276K)

Banner when

its 7:24pm

But who would put such a delightfully devilish idea as getting her father killed to spend more time with him in her sweet, innocent little head?

Attached: HIM.gif (450x339, 967K)

shes a demon. she knows dead people go to hell. she can figure it out

HIM would be Lucia's evil vizier

Surely you could use a larger screencap?

Attached: 001.png (1807x1013, 1.63M)

>female character
>created by a woman
>female character is fuckin stacked

Nice to know some female creators out there aren't terrified of big tits on their characters.

Attached: 002.png (1811x1016, 1.66M)

only self-hating feminists are afraid of making their characters attractive

Russian hell would be Russia, but minus the vodka.

I want more male lucia pics please.

>dick so small you can't see it even when he's naked

Attached: smug.png (530x618, 471K)

"Hey flying girl, can I join the beating?"

Attached: Ban.png (1288x729, 986K)

>weeb shit

He probably has a cloacal slit

does that mean Lucia has a cloaca too

She even animated a slight boob jiggle in that deleted scene. Hannah seems down with lewdness.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1486x1070, 112K)

That would make sense I guess

Reminder that she has a porn twitter

Attached: 1381676270614.jpg (560x560, 115K)

Attached: Du9WqW_X0AEiKng.jpg (644x579, 52K)

I don't know what I was expecting

>1st grade dance
Does this actually happen?

i dont know exactly what shes doing with these little shitposts but im getting quite a chuckle out of their absurdity

Attached: wut.jpg (1200x985, 109K)

Oh you and your weird animal genitalia. Cloaca this, fortune cookie that. I'll take a good old vagina any day.

That's the only pic on there I found genuinely fappable.

>throwing in actual lewd in between the shitposts

Attached: DmgHCGEW4AE5Oi9.jpg (2000x1716, 268K)

Well, this one is clearly supposed to be her and her bf based on how she normally draws the two of them, so that’s something

Attached: 1379292436831.jpg (1252x485, 180K)

>Reminder that she has a porn twitter

You and I define "porn" differently.

Attached: D0jnBsCW0AAJcyH.jpg (1873x939, 138K)

how would lucia look in the moonlight carrying a sword?

>not real porn
wow imagine that

Attached: steam.jpg (469x454, 26K)

This shit is really funny. I hope she's never pressured into losing her sense of humor in order to fit in with the easily offended LA animation crowd.

Look, if I know the internet right, there's at least one person out there getting a rise from this.

And that person is me

Attached: 1535612173651.jpg (1080x1064, 172K)

I think she's funny.

She already looks like the Great Red Dragon from Revelations, why would she need a sword?

th- that don't make sense, she can still have a sword, it would look badass.

She's a demon, she physically doesn't need a sword

Well it's not like she can't have one. I'm starting to see his side of things.

I wonder what she could kill with it.

Okay fine here, you better not make me go through all that trouble aga-

Attached: sord.jpg (425x409, 10K)

I want a chunky blade that's double edged

Attached: sord2.jpg (640x405, 60K)

oh wait I get the joke... XD

>people who can get off to big titty anime girls: do you realize how lucky you are? You can scroll on twitter and find content in like .05 seconds. You better appreciate that, you ungrateful pieces of shit
As a fan of...much, much more slender figured, diminutive girls...I sympathize.


Attached: 1551511935536.jpg (864x486, 45K)

Well I guess it's time to fix that, aint it? Let's make more art of demon girls (that look like actual demons)


Attached: 1551377262826.webm (898x652, 2.83M)

this face : >XD makes it look like it's laughing really hard and losing it's breath

Too heckin cute

That's really cool but also kill it with fire.

Attached: XDWvLj8.png (635x358, 453K)

stupid user, water type is resistant to fire

Attached: 1551378268292.webm (1280x720, 2.22M)


>Well I guess it's time to fix that, aint it?
>Let's make more art of demon girls (that look like actual demons)
O-oh. That's what you meant. Yeah.

Attached: SatinaSad.jpg (461x685, 88K)

troubled trips

what is that

Attached: 1549066841538.jpg (604x451, 51K)

Lolis. You can just say lolis.

Super cute

i dare u 2 fap to it

I have been demanding such lewds for a while now, user.

Attached: Untitled3.jpg (1590x1076, 119K)

Be easier if you would just let her shrink herself instead of making him a squirming human dildo.

Attached: devilkiss.png (806x741, 193K)

Apparently it's something called a Hyperiid Amphipod Cystisoma.

Challenge accepted.

Oh man, that's great.

awww this is so damn cute

Friggin cute. Is the kiss burning her cheek? Wow, that's hot

Loving these tsundere Lucia pieces.

Yeahhh that's what I meant.

Alright, done. Not the easiest fap, but imagining the feeling of all those little feet caressing my dick helped.

Well done user. I salute your resolve and creativity.

Attached: 1498682746923.png (640x478, 431K)

why do
I feel
like kissing
all of you?


with my
demon lips?

Satina's positivity and cuteness is infectious. Like the pox.

I shall be a demoness and my name will be Sally, call me pretty.

c'mere, sweetheart

Attached: tumblr_inline_oxy5g2MM0q1s5xodv_1280.jpg (876x493, 75K)

Because anons are all secretly ideally attractive and cute except (You) reading this


Okay pretty, but I thought your name was Sally.

Attached: images.jpg (96x110, 5K)

ur hot

I can't think, be patient with me.

I can't tell if this thread is underage or drunk

God I hope it's both

Attached: Hilda.jpg (1174x641, 76K)

We need pictures! Pictures of drunk Satina!

This is me, am I pretty?

Attached: pic 1.jpg (344x344, 11K)

Scene explains this image:
>legally appointed observer is present to examine whether or not she’s capable/desirable as a parent
>has to show affection to her child or else lose’s her because cartoon legal reasons

pretty mouth I want to gag it with my dick

thank you sweety

I hate tsundere on principle for constant, poor execution and over saturation but the idea that she’s doing this on purpose to avoid being under the thrall, even emotionally, of a sexual tyrannosaurus is amazing to me.

Well you remind me of a female Hexxus, so fuuuck yeah

Attached: giphy.gif (250x161, 962K)

I always blushed when I saw him in Ferngully

I am a warrior and very buff demoness btw.

I don't worry about cliches and oversaturation. Either something is done well or it's not, case by case. I haven't seen quite enough of this to feel strongly either way if I'm being honest. But her potentially being worried about showing affection for whatever reason could be a neat angle, I agree.

cmere sweety, shad sally needs a good smooch, imma thirsty demon

No way fag

Attached: 1552089457944.png (651x798, 714K)

Don't go too overboard with the RP, guy. Keep it brief and pithy.

what did he got for her ?

Attached: an advocado.png (920x731, 186K)

ok I will. (btw I'm femanon)

>somewhere in the world there is a French demon queen who is a femme fatale and has a sultry widowmaker/duchess accent

An undead hamster from the pet cemetery/indian burial ground, past the spooky old mill and the old abandoned insane asylum

go to fucking bed Len

This is great. I love how Lucia is giving Dave this hateful look, but she's wearing the hat and playing along anyway. She's the Wueen of American Hell; if she didn't WANT to put up with this shit, she wouldn't. But she does, so we know she really loves it.

Her cartoon was good.

Attached: riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.gif (450x254, 983K)

Lemme point you towards the nightmare threads over yonder:

Might be in your alley.
Not a fan of the OP image for once but it’s consistent shit there.

thats not fucking me i'm not that retarded.

Attached: bruh.jpg (1457x1044, 94K)

Someone should edit this so it looks like Lucia with Dave in the background

Attached: EA3F859C-43DE-4014-A00C-ACA07898F48B.jpg (600x600, 40K)

you're right, I'm that retarded tho.

Whatever you say.
Go finish your furry cartoon already.

ok thanks, btw is it possible to make art with sally and lucia in the pic?

The illusion of a happy family.

You really put the dummy in dummy thick


This reminds me of a pencil sharpener I have that's literally a panda bear with a huge hole in its ass

I don't understand her cleavage.

Centipedes? In her vagina?

Then move in for a closer inspection.

its more likely than you think.

god why

Great, more cancer...

go to bed vivzie

actually she cannot get cancer, that is anatomically incorrect of demons to get that stuff.

It's canon that Lucia knows Death personally. Death would give Satina a sword for her birthday.

Attached: F1947.jpg (780x1901, 435K)

redraw with satina as child and dave as mother when

These are all the pieces in this thread that I'd never seen before. I know some of them were harvested from Twitter and a few were made for this very thread. Regardless, I feel this thread has been very fruitful. Thank you.

and if anyone decides to draw sally, can you give her huge horns and thick tail and make hers have big muscles? thank you if u do

Thanks for linking to all the new stuff posted. It's useful since I've been collecting fanart for this.

I get the feeling Dave is easygoing enough that he'd probably be more like
>You're giving a sword to a X year old?
>She's a demon
>Oh right, okay then. Have fun sweetie, don't cut anyone that isn't immortal

I like the one where she holding a glass of drink

I'm ready to drink shots with lucia, she a cool gurrl.

If you're the artist, you nailed it. Love the look on Lucia's fact, but also that adorable sign on the pike. 10\10.

Well this thread went to shit

See you in a few days

Attached: 1543697133508.jpg (297x296, 84K)

Yeah it got a little weird didn't it?

it got a little wild

weird and wild is fun.


it ain’t from round here

when? these are great, its rare to get this much oc and people seem to be having a good time

If you skip the cringey roleplaying and enjoy the art deliveries, it isn't so horrible.

I say space it out at least a week, maybe two, especially if there's no new official content in the meantime. Spamming threads too often invites whiny trolling and cancer in equal measure.

“Either betray some people or sell a bunch of dudes some bad loans. Depends what map you read. Lust is waaaay higher up than nine. Like, first or second.”

drink with me boys?

Attached: shadsally the demoness.png (864x727, 185K)

It's probably to visually establish Lucia as female since little else would.

Why are you trying to shill this crummy deviantart reject here

because I wanna have fun

no shaming me for wanting to add another character to the mix because I think it would be fun and also cool.

I thought about that when I requested it. Ninth sounded cooler than second, being that it's the final circle, and I wanted to be slightly more subtle about my desire to see someone fuck Satina.

Maybe I should have said second. It does have some alliteration to it.

>this fuckwit thinks they can just add a shit tier bait OC to satina's canon

The most fun idea I've seen presented for a short thus far. Fund it!

I second this guy, please kill yourself

You're a dumbass for thinking I wanna add it to canon, I'm just having fun.

She reminds me of the COME ON IN HERRRE painting by Strongsad

Attached: jibblies.png (938x972, 113K)

I can see a bright future ahead of the fandom, my young friend.

Lucia would make a good Trogdor. She just needs the single beefy arm.

Retired to Portland with his life partner to run a small business selling artisanal alpaca cheese gift sets.

Posting the remainder of art I haven't seen posted yet because fuck it why not

Attached: 1545021995733.jpg (1806x1658, 406K)

Attached: 1545092173137.jpg (2048x2048, 801K)

Attached: 1545093415072.jpg (2048x1596, 600K)

Yeah I guess I should probably put more effort in her looks...

Attached: 1545606729764.png (1568x1035, 447K)

Not where I was getting at

Attached: 1546414619292.jpg (2449x1632, 227K)

Attached: 1548522312034.jpg (1449x1342, 144K)

Attached: 1548522374510.jpg (2292x1108, 252K)

Oh... thank you very much, I hope the fandom gets well too.

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Attached: 1548532306326.jpg (2048x1542, 410K)

Ninth circle does sound better.
I’m Just being a pedant for the purpose of a shitpost.

Funny thing, my very first thought was seventh circle, but that has certain brutal implications I thought it best to avoid. Ryona and such.

Attached: SatinaMad.jpg (461x807, 99K)

Lucia is hot when she's angry.

Attached: 1551973284457.jpg (1200x656, 174K)

I think this is official art. Satina is still cute.

>dave goes to heaven instead

I would dat Lucia.

Why would you say such a thing?

Attached: SatinaCry.jpg (351x765, 72K)

should lucia have more muscle and be more curvey?

The uneven horns are a nice touch with the more detailed style

Someone draw Satina with Impmon from digimon.

Her curves are fine, but I'd be cool with beefier biceps.

Attached: Untitled4.jpg (1489x1077, 117K)

Dave fucked a demon queen before even marrying her
Definitely hellbound

Still waiting for the short where Satina stumbles into becoming the revered idol of a Satanic cult.

Attached: 1551974712400.gif (450x266, 2.97M)

Cute but I would fucking pull my pistol and mag dump that fucking abomination of creation.

Attached: k attempts to baby sit and does the only logical thing.jpg (730x623, 69K)

I think she's best the way she is, for the most part. It fits with the artstyle of the rest of the short and deviating too far would probably seem out of place.
But I'm all for a potential detail shot a la where she's built like an amazonian goddess and striking a dramatic pose after beating down an upstart demoness that tried to horn in on Dave

>"If you disagree with me you're X"
Whole lot of cancer brewing already

Are you fuckers really this involved with a SINGLE couple minute animation?

Attached: 1527702161408.png (341x334, 107K)

It's for his own good. Someone else might use him until he breaks, leaving Satina a bastard. Or so Lucia says.

Attached: F1251.jpg (550x750, 84K)

Yes. I'm a sucker for cute character designs. I've been this on board since long before the actual short came out, and at this point I'm just amazed they actually delivered.

Attached: 1545035257404.jpg (748x868, 118K)

>Are you fuckers really this involved with a SINGLE couple minute animation?


Attached: 3652.png (852x925, 650K)

Headcanon: REJECTED

Attached: L39LqS9.jpg (700x327, 16K)

Peace was never an option

Attached: smug luce.jpg (1183x488, 103K)

Because some of us have the ability to see beyond the rough "SINGLE couple minute animation" to what it could become.

It is one student doing a finals project. Do not fucking expect anything more then a once every 2 year video.

She might have not thought it much when she started, but she's clearly been encouraged by the positive reaction and has stated more will come

Slowly perhaps, but what youtube animator doesn't

Attached: trtrtrtrt.png (537x656, 281K)

Fingers cross. Hopefully Allah is merciful and we won't hear from this shit again.

Goddamn it you people have poor taste.

fuck off, Vivzie

Hopefully you'll find a reason to appreciate it, so you can join us in enjoying this instead of being annoyed by differing tastes.

>Satina's face

Attached: Caterkiller.png (869x759, 612K)

She's just fucking retarded and thinks that to eat a glass, you need to have water in it.

Attached: Dmx4MA0UYAER5Ea.jpg (971x546, 56K)


Stop calling everyone you don't like Vivzie

Attached: 13419732518146.jpg (155x293, 24K)

yeesh what a thread. I'm just holding out in hopes that one artist delivers the lewds

Same but it's not been all bad in the meantime. Doubt we're talking about the same lewds though.

From this dude

if only I could get sally in that art style...

In that case hell yeah. This guy too ,

Attached: 1547122372140.png (424x743, 185K)

Holy shit I love these threads.

Attached: 1522587298_boner of the year.jpg (401x333, 116K)

Doomguy holding Charlie holding Satania holding Satina when?

he did good on lucia

That's really good. Where did you get it?

Attached: 46754.png (308x398, 70K)

Huggably soft.

I want Unkie Rama to be the "head always off camera parental figure" with just his coattails and his huge fuckin' fist hanging whenever Satina comes to him for advice. like cow and chicken or something.

Please make this semi-cannon, hannah. you could even hide him in dark shadows like a generic demon lord.

Attached: 940fc111a5185f94cd388e4d3108a5f4.jpg (445x661, 51K)

Forgive me for my autism but
>tells her to pull and not to squeeze

Ravioli, ravioli, don't lewd the demon loli.

Please lewd the demon cougar.

Attached: Untitled2.jpg (1483x1077, 115K)

The Hellboy stuff in these threads always comes off as way too sappy and sober to actually include in a wacky cartoon comedy setting. The parody of The Professional was amusing as a one off, but dragging it out would be super hammy.

>503 posts

We're auto saging again. It was fun while it lasted.

hello, agent /k/omrade

Fettuccini, linguini, demon loli gets the weenie.

spaghetti spaghetti is the pic of sally and lucia ready?

he just has to be in an episode where mom and dad cant be assed to ask either for advice and has no one else to turn to. she could be like "bye, imma go see unkie for abit" and walks out without being noticed.
i just want one genuine, heartfelt advice moment, perhaps for a season finale. not a recurring character.

I'd like to squeeze Satina


Sounds like something Vivzie would say.

lets make another thread after this one.

Please don't.

Who would win in a fight, Lucia or the King of HECK?

Are you the same person that keeps trying to roleplay with their OC?

well yes, but I stopped because I realized it was stupid to do... what's your point faggot?

what? did my comment make you cry? why you take this long to respond?

No good would come from making back to back threads for something like this, with so little official content to discuss. Better to wait a while and return when there's actual news, or a lot of new fanmade content to share. Otherwise the discussion will become a lot more cancerous and/or negative. That will give these threads a bad reputation that will poison future attempts at discussion, even when there's something new to discuss.

I'm assuming your awkwardness is genuine and you aren't simply trolling. In which case you might wanna lurk more in general.

Actually more like I was tired out of my mind and felt like doing what ever that felt good.

I'm not just sitting here refreshing the thread waiting to reply to you. Don't be a spaz.

But in that case, I said I would stop, sorry.

Yeah, just wait until some new fanart builds up or Hannah does another one of those animation tests. Don't spam the IP or anons will get annoyed.