ITT: Forgotten Gems

ITT: Forgotten Gems

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I still remember


This is a massively obsessed cartoon board, someone is going to know anything you throw out
They mean more in a overall sense

Harvey Birdman, even though it formed the backbone of a lot of this very site's early humor it seems like even Yea Forums's been forgetting about it to some degree, and the public at large has sure as fuck forgotten about it.

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this show wasn't very good, but i still kind of miss it

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Remembered by us? Sure
But this should be very well remembered as a Disney great when it struggles to be remembered

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i miss those late night shows that make you wonder if you're even awake anymore

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never saw it; saw a lot of Space Ghost C2C and didn't really get into it, so HB just sort of passed me by

I don't know why I mean I watched all of Assy McGee and Sealab 2021 because of Yea Forums

I remember there was a wii game for it

I very much still love and remember this show, just for how it deconstructed Hanna Barbera better then anyone

The weirdest thing about Frisky Dingo to me is that despite how absurd it is, it actually has a cohesive narrative through the series.

It's held up shockingly well, possibly because it was the basis for a lot of modern internet humor. I still laugh at episodes of it to this day, would highly recommend it.

yu yu hakusho is still one of the best things to grace toonami and early adult swim

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YYH is actually still pretty widely beloved in the anime community, and the Dark Tournament Arc is considered possibly the single greatest tournament arc in the history of shounen. Not really Yea Forums though.

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I thought YYH was a cult favorite. How well is it known by anime fans?


The perfect full original CGI series

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anyone remember stressed eric?

It's pretty well known past casual fans who just know the currently ongoing and super popular shows.

i'm probably the only one on the planet who remembers bob and margret

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I see people talk about Frisky Dingo sometimes. Even 12 Oz Mouse on occasion. But I never see ANYONE post about Stroker and Hoop. Or Axe Cop.

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I fucking loved this show.

Unfortunately, no one else did.

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I swear I watched this with uncensored fucks back in the day. Am I mistaken? What the hell was I watching?

>season 2 would've opened with them accidentally being sent to plant hell
What could have been.

I did, Fuck Comedy Center

Doesn't Ratigan still get included in a lot of Disney villain merch?

These shows were all so good. Good shit anons.

Yea Forums loved Ugly Americans when it was on then when it stopped it just vanished.

One of the storyboard artists was a Yea Forumsmrade so we had a special connection to it. It's a real shame it was quietly canceled because we waited for ages to know its fate.

why didn't we get a season 2?
i remember they did reruns pretty often for a show that wasn't one of the main stays

apparently, it was just too expensive to produce.

I laughed and cummed to this show so many times. I miss it.

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are there any newer shows that combine laughter with boners?

In my opinion? Ballmasterz.

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Superjail had a great first season and okay other seasons but I loved the shit out of it.

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One of the best season finales ever. That voice so fucking good!

Carr is voiced by Stick Stickley.

This was much better to look at, but R&M is pretty much this show done better.

What? The two aren't even alike.

I understand what he means. Kinda zany gross out stuff mixed with more internal realities of the human psyche. Humor in existentialism and shit.

UA had some stiff art that was really. R&M has better animation budget but the character designs are just "what if we made everyone in family guy thinner"


I loved this show. I sucks that it just disappeared.

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It does a lot of things that could happen in a live-action series - even something "serious" and contemporary to it - and would get a pass because real people are doing it, so it seems more naturalistic even though it's ridiculous.


best theme tune of all time

I'm American and I loved those shoes. I recently found Monkey Dust, though it's quite old. If you haven't seen it.

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at least we'll always have vegas

i remember this show but i only recognize the paedofinder general and mr hoppy from this pic.

the only other ones i remember are the terrorist guys and the man that would come home late and make up a story about where he was but then he'd admit to his wife he'd been trying to catch STDs

The most I've seen with him is one plush and the various pins every character gets. He's as heavily neglected as the film and its potential itself

im sure they took out the burlesque scene, huh?

best thing about the show?
no fucking mass teleporting for every hit or flying

shit, its so refreshing to see a fight on the damn GROUND. fuck you DBZ, not even TOP was good with its "can't fly" rule.

I like to call it Lost Wages!

That fucking ninja episode.

Wasn't axe cop written by a literal 5 year old?

I can't even remember if this was a gem, does anyone have any insight?

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milk chan was a mean little bitch but i remember her being pretty funny

Eh it was like modern Family guy usually a good joke or two every episode but otherwise pretty shit

That finale was kind of weird because he was orgasming on a giant baby antman.

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>characters appear in a video game just a few months ago

YYH unironically kept Shounen Jump alive by itself.

Surprisingly no, that's why Song of the South is banned entirely but you'll find the crows in Dumbo still. They won't cut their films, but they will prevent similar things in future uses of characters. If they ever revived this property it wouldn't have smoking for example
